The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 467-468: Day and Night in the Desert; Algernon and His Sister

Chapter 467-468: Day and Night in the Desert; Algernon and His Sister

467: Day and Night in the Desert

The sun scorched painfully on a persons body and left a tingling sensation all over.

Ink and Feng Wu walked slowly in the desert. It was a huge space and they walked for a long time without finding water or shelter. Eventually Ink made some shade using his cloak and some framing.

The sun is too fierce.

They drank some water as they sat together resting away from the blazing sun.

Ink wiped the sweat from his forehead as he looked at the sun that could dry a person to a husk. Most of the things they got from the previous area were thick, heavy furs and cloaks, none of which were suitable for such desert heat and would result in heat stroke for anyone desperate enough to wear them. But not having proper cover meant getting sunburned. In fact, both Ink and Feng Wu had arms full of blisters from the heat. How much worse would things get?

It hurts. Feng Wu wet a kerchief with some water, then placed it on her face. The tingling immediately faded with the cool contact.

We have to find something to cover our bodies. If we keep going like this, its only going to get worse. Ink sighed in resignation.

Sunburn like this wouldnt have bothered them normally, but now that they were ordinary people, it was incapacitating. Such a bright sun in their faces was incredibly uncomfortable.

The clothes we have are too thick.

They didnt have anything suitable to wear as all their clothes were geared for cold weather.

Its OK. One of the chests I opened had two cotton filled coats. If we take out the cotton batting, we can use them like summer jackets. They just needed something to block out the sun; it didnt matter if it wasnt pretty.

They immediately got to dismantling the heavy coats, peeling away all the heavy cotton batting and only leaving the outer shell fabric. Though it was still thicker than a summer coat, it was an improvement.

They covered their bodies from head to toe with clothes and dressed their burns with ointment.

Ink had been very lucky. Every chest he found had been filled with clothes, shoes, hats, medicine all useful things. He had opened many chests and never encountered a single trap. Even Feng Wu wasnt as lucky.

They were much more comfortable now that they were covered and protected from the sun. Sister Alpaca didnt have any issues. She was a monster with thick flesh and skin.

It was hot, but Ink still recommended rationing their water. The desert was vast, and they didnt know when they would come upon a water source to refill their water. He was afraid theyd die of dehydration if they didnt start rationing.

Jier would definitely laugh to death at him. And that. . .  was definitely not something Ink was willing to take.

Ink planned a strict water consumption plan for them so they wouldnt die of thirst.

The temperature reached between 102-122F (30-40C) in the day, but once night fell, the temperature dropped to 14F (10C). Fortunately they had kept their winter clothes, so they came in handy.

The temperature dip wasnt the only danger at night; there was also danger from nocturnal beasts that came out once the sun set.

The contestants could hear the sounds of magical beasts running rampant across the desert. It made their heads numb and their hearts tremble. They were just ordinary people; how were they going to survive a night with beasts roaming wild?!

The participants secretly cursed out the instructors in their hearts. Why make things so difficult?!

Those planning to rush at night and rest during the day, had to rethink their plan. They would have to be foolish to try to rush out with so many wild beasts about.

Feng Wu and Ink didnt dare take out their tents, and instead rested in between a pile of rocks. They wrapped up in fur cloaks to stay warm and took turns being on look out.

They heard many wolves howling, but managed to pass through their first night without incident.

In the morning, Ink and Feng Wu switched to their lighter clothes and went on their way. The temperature was once again high enough to roast.

It didnt matter if it was roasted fish or dried food, on such a hot day, nothing had any taste. But not eating would mean not having energy to leave the desert.

Feng Wu and Ink ate a few random things, then after a short nap, they began moving again.

It was too dangerous at night, so they had to hurry on in the day even if the sun was bright and made things unbearably hot.

Feng Wu and Ink saw another group of people two hours later. It was a team of five that obviously knew each other, otherwise they wouldnt have formed an alliance in an individual competition.

The five people looked wretched with their heavy winter clothes. Even though they were sweating profusely from the heat, they didnt want to take their winter clothes off and bare their flesh to the sun. They were surprised for a moment when they saw Feng Wu and Ink.

One of the two girls in the group was very interested in Feng Wus Alpaca. Her eyes had not strayed from the alpaca since they met.

They bumped into each other walking the same path, but neither party wanted to start anything, so they kept to themselves.

Feng Wu and Ink werent going to start trouble; they were more interested in hurrying out of the desert.

Both teams rushed forward silently not communicating with each other at all, that was until the one girl eyeing the alpaca pulled the tall guy in her group aside and whispered something in his ear.

The guy looked thoughtful for a moment before approaching Ink and Feng Wu.

I want to borrow your mount; can you lend it to us? My sister cant walk anymore and really needs to rest. Ill return it right after.

The guy looked serious and quite imposing. It was obvious from a glance he was some kind of big shot at school.

If your sister is tired, she should find a place to rest. We wont lend our alpaca out.

Ink knew how much Feng Wu loved her new alpaca friend, so naturally he refused.

468: Algernon and His Sister

Besides, Flower had an interesting temperament. It wouldnt let anyone ride it other than Feng Wu.

You guys, were all classmates. Our bosss sister just wants to borrow your mount for a bit; well give it back right after. Why be so stingy? The other guys in the group called out after hearing what Ink said.

Flower isnt a mount; flower is a friend. You dont lend out friends. Feng Wu replied back seriously.

Its obviously just an alpaca; its not a friend! If you dont want to lend it, just say it straight. Dont give such outrageous excuses. The bosss younger sister spoke out in a weird tone.

Feng Wu did not like her tone and thought the girl was annoying. She turned her head away and ignored them after that.

The girl couldnt find trouble even if she wanted to. She hummed indignantly but didnt try to rush out and make trouble for Feng Wu.

You two, if youre willing to lend the alpaca today, once the game is over and we leave the arena, Ill owe you a favor and if you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me and Ill help you. Their boss was reasonable and didnt start a fight just because he didnt get his way.

As the seventh seat, his swordsmanship skills were excellent and only a few people in the fourth year could beat him. He was born into a big family and was well educated at an early age. At the same time, he wasnt like those other aristocrats who used privilege to bully other people.

He was known as a good sort and was very popular at school. There were people who wanted to follow him, which was why there were two guys calling him boss now.

A favor?! Ink didnt expect the fourth year, seventh seat to make such an offer. The guy was famous at school so Ink knew who he was. He had never heard anything bad about him.

Feng Wu didnt know the boss, nor would she have recognized any other possible school celebrities even if they stood in front of her. The one person she knew was Ming Xi.

Though Ink was surprised at the offer, he stood his ground. This kind of favor would have been tempting to most other people. Having a senior look out for you made life a lot easier, and there wouldnt be any fear of being bullied.

But Ink knew Feng Wu didnt need such benefits. Ming Xi was a sixth year and on top of the student pyramid. Feng Wu, who was under Ming Xis care, certainly did not need the protection of a fourth year, tenth seat.

The guy was surprised to be rejected again, but he didnt start a fight and rob two second-years.

His younger sister, Pamela, was still upset though. She wanted to say something, but kept her mouth closed when she saw her the look in her brothers eyes.

She was normally stubborn and willful, but she knew proper order. Her brother had told her their performance in the game would be broadcast live for the school to see. She knew her brother would never forgive her if she dared to display her temper in front of the entire school.

Their family clan was really big. If it werent for her gift and her brothers position as tenth seat, it would have been impossible for them to have the valued position they had in the family. She didnt dare provoke her brother.

He normally appeared gentle and courteous in public, but he was no joke when provoked. Pamela thought about the consequences of his anger and obediently shut up. It was clear from her face she hadnt given up though.

The only other girl in the group of five looked at Feng Wu. She opened her mouth a few times, but ultimately didnt say anything.

They were strangers and Pamela wanted their mount; it was better not to say hello.

After rushing all day, both teams found a place to rest before the sun set. They werent as lucky this time and had to pitch their tents because they couldnt find a ready made shelter.

Feng Wu and Ink set up one tent and took turns being on watch. Flower wanted to join Feng Wu when it was Feng Wus turn, but Feng Wu resisted the idea.

The Sister Alpaca had been walking with them all day and Feng Wu wanted her to get some rest.

Melis, what did you get for us? Its so unpalatable. Cant you find something else? Pamela spit out a few times to get rid of the dry, hard bread in her mouth. Then she drank half a bag of water to get rid of the dry feeling.

Im sorry Pamela, I got this out of a chest. Although it doesnt taste good, it is still edible. Melis was used to Pamelas temper so she talked softly and gave her a look of regret.

You can keep such a tasteless thing for yourself. Pamela threw the brown bread at Meliss face in disgust, before pulling some jerky out of storage and eating that with relish.

Im sorry, Pamela is still young and has been spoiled since she was little. Please dont take it to heart. Algernon apologized.

Melis clenched her fist discreetly then released them. She casually said, Its OK, Pamela is just impatient. Im not offended.

Pamela put the jerky back in her storage space after Melis left the tent. Brother, why did you apologize to her? She didnt deserve it! Pamela didnt hide her disdain for Melis at all.

Melis was a second-year sword division student. Her performance wasnt bad, but she had a poor background. She always kept a low profile in the dorms. Of the four girls in their suite, two were in the same division and had known each other since they were children. They hugged and greeted each other warmly the moment they entered the dorm and worked to suppress both Pamela and Melis in an effort to take over the suite. Obviously, Pamela wouldnt let them succeed. She reluctantly united with Melis and thwarted them at every turn.

If it werent for Meliss usefulness, Pamela wouldnt have bothered having her hang around.

I told you a long time ago, dont underestimate people. This Melis girl, even though she comes from low birth, success is within her grasp. She might prove useful in the future. Algernon smiled slightly, his eyes distant.

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