The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 461-462: Trade Your Alpaca with Me; I’ll Teach You to Be Decent

Chapter 461-462: Trade Your Alpaca with Me; I’ll Teach You to Be Decent

461: Trade Your Alpaca with Me

Ai Lin, who had been frustrated with all the setbacks she experienced, had been feeling better when she saw even Zi Cheng could fail. She wasnt as worked up about things anymore and she didnt try to cozy up to Jier either. She and Jier could be considered passing acquaintances in the magic division.

Ai Lin had lived in the world long enough that she lost some of her initial foolishness. She used to think about how to change her fate every day so she wouldnt be used and destroyed by the heroine. As a result, most of her interactions with people involved how best she could use them for her purpose. When she sat down and really thought about it, she realized what she was doing wasnt right.

It was the old putting yourself in someone elses shoes sentiment. Other people may not appreciate your heartfelt sincerity if they couldn't tell where you stood because you were too secretive. Whether you had a hidden motive or not for befriending someone didn't matter.

It was easy for Zi Cheng to make friends using a favorability rating system that allowed her to hide her true feelings from those she interacted with. The system helped people believe in her sincerity. Ai Lin didnt have the advantage of such a cheat system, so if she wanted to make real friends, she couldnt be a fraud and a cheat.

After some self-introspection, Ai Lin changed a lot and became less utilitarian in her way of thinking. It was a good change.

She knew Jier wasnt an easy person to get close to, so that Feng Wu was on such good terms with him meant she couldnt be an ordinary or simple person, after all, what kind of ordinary, simple person would be able to handle Jier?

As she watched Feng Wu approach, she wondered if she should say hello. Well whatever, Feng Wu was someone she knew. She should speak up.

Xiao Wu, what a surprise to see you. Ai Lin took the initiative to say hello after thinking about it.

Oh, hello. Someone she knew. This person was strong too.

Your ___ is really good. Did you get it from a chest? Ai Lin was very taken by the ___.

This is an alpaca beast. Feng Wu looked at Ai Lin seriously as she corrected the mistake.

The corners of Ai Lins mouth twitched. Wasnt a ___ an alpaca? What was the difference?

Well an alpaca is an alpaca. Theyre all the same anyway. Ai Lin wasnt going to bother quibbling over the minor detail. Was this what you got from a chest? Im jealous.

Ai Lin wasnt being polite, she really was jealous. How much less troublesome would it be to have a mount to ride? And it was a ___ to boot. It barely left any imprints in the snow even. It truly was a divine beast!

No, I met Flower on the rode. Feng Wu didnt hide the matter, but she didnt give any details either.

You met on the rode?! Ai Lin exclaimed in surprise. Meeting one on the rode. What kind of ridiculous luck was this? Wasnt this what a female protagonist would get?

Feng Wu nodded.

You are so lucky. Ai Lin could only say it enviously. How was she not as lucky as Feng Wu?

A voice interrupted them. Not too far away, a man and a woman were walking toward them. The man was tall and had an extraordinary appearance. The woman was delicate and an exquisite beauty with a face that others could only envy. She looked weak but had a sweet temperament that made you want to take care of her.

Ai Lin only needed a glance to see the girl was a green tea white lotus.

Feng Wu didnt feel anything particular. Jier had told her it didnt matter what anyone else did, she just needed to mind her own business.

Once the two newcomers reached them, the woman looked enviously at the alpaca Feng Wu was sitting on. Love nearly flowed out of her eyes.

She would use a very familiar tactic: force a low sale which she would then turn around and sell at huge profit.

Hey you two, hand the alpaca over right now, otherwise dont blame this senior for being rude.

The guy was obviously one of the womans suitors. It looked like they were both fifth years.

Feng Wu didnt know them. Ai Lin knew about them, but had never dealt with them personally.

The guy was a well-known powerhouse in the upper grades and though he didnt make the cut into the top ten, he was eleventh in his class. The woman was even more famous. Considered the flower of the fifth year, she was sought after by many suitors. Her weak appearance and mysterious eyes captivated many of the tough guys.

This guy in particular had to be the flowers top person, and as the eleventh seat in the fifth year, he was going to grab what the flower wanted.

Feng Wus things shouldnt be easy to steal though. Ai Lin had been with Feng Wu on a few different occasions, and she knew Feng Wu was a puzzle. If all the bites she sent Feng Wus way about transmigration and reborning into a world hadnt been ignored, she really would have thought Feng Wu was a transmigrated person like she was.

Flower is my friend and I wont give her to you. Feng Wu refused with a serious face.

Those who wanted to steal her friend were all bad people. In the past, the hunters under the mountain had nearly killed her good friend, Mi. Mi was lucky and managed to run away. She had said the people under the mountain were terrible and had wanted to eat them.

Feng Wu felt the two people in front of her were the kind of bad people that would eat Mi and her friends, so she looked at them with a weary eye. If they dared grab Flower, she would hit them. As her master said, always hit back hard.

Junior classmate, I like this alpaca very much. Can I trade a bag of water for it? Please trade with me. I will definitely treat it well, pleaded the flower of the fifth year pitifully.

That pitiful look, it was designed to make Feng Wu look like a villain if Feng Wu didnt agree with her.

A bag of water?! Ai Lin complained so much in her heart. This girl wanted to trade a bag of water for an alpaca? Where did she think they were, in a desert?! The least scarce thing on the snow mountain was water. The fifth-year flower had to know this. To use water as a trade. . .  What a black hearted white lotus. And her skill of pretending to be weak and kind was almost on par with the heroine.

No, I wont trade. Flower is a friend. I wont trade a friend. Feng Wus small brow wrinkled. She already said she wouldnt trade; these two people were annoying.

The guy shouted. How dare you not cherish the blessing given you! Instead of doing things the easy way, you want to do things the hard way. Even if you are a member of our Sword division, I cant allow it to pass! How dare a mole insult his goddess!

W Xiu, dont be like that. This junior just cant bear to part with her pet is all. Dont scare her. The fifth-year flower said with an expression like she was pretending to be strong even though she was being wronged.

462: Ill Teach You to Be Decent

What the hell?! This girl had the audacity to take that kind of expression in front of two second-year juniors?! Ai Lin looked at the white lotus closely. There were a lot of skilled people!

Shamei, dont bother talking to them. These two guys clearly dont know how to behave. Let me, a senior, teach them. W Xiu said as he smiled at them threateningly with his sword raised.

When he rushed at Feng Wu, the little white lotus named Shamei actually gave a panicked cry of surprise before giving the guy named W Xiu a worried look, then she looked to Feng Wu with an overwhelmed expression. She appeared completely at a loss.

But Ai Lin didnt have time to watch her act. She and Feng Wu were together in their eyes, so she would be next to suffer if anything happened to Feng Wu.

She couldnt act alone anymore and had to firmly stand with Feng Wu. Together, they would teach the pair of scumbags a lesson.

Ai Lin was fast to respond. She pulled her sword out of her space storage, intending to help Feng Wu.

The scene that unfolded told her she was overthinking. No one needed her help.

All she saw was Feng Wu lightly jumping off her mount onto the snow. But here was the thing, there were no footprints!

Everyone else was intent on watching to see if Feng Wu would be killed soon so no one else noticed this incredible feat other than Ai Lin.

The guys sword was so threatening, Ai Lin could feel the weapons qi across her face.

Feng Wu didnt block his attack; she just kicked him right in the stomach. W Xiu saw her aim, but he didnt care. How much force could a little girls kick have? It looked like it was just for show. The girl couldnt use any magic or qi, so he wasnt scared at all. With all this flashing in his mind, he didnt even bother blocking.

But the moment the kick made impact, W Xiu slid out in the snow a full 6.5 feet (2meters) before stopping.

Ah! Shamei screamed in fright. Even a blind man could see the shock in her eyes. She never dreamed a powerful person like W Xiu would be kicked so far out by a little girl from a junior class. It was unbelievable. She was so surprised, she forgot to check on W Xiu.

Feng Wu calmly pulled her foot back and looked at W Xiu, who was lying on the ground moaning. Werent you going to teach me how to a be a decent human being?

She was puzzled. Why did he attack her in order to teach her? Could his sword art have held the answers to being decent?

She had grown up learning the truth of being a decent human being from her master. This guy didnt have any rules and he wasnt even a master; he was not qualified to teach her! He was a bad guy that would definitely not be able to find anyone willing to be his disciple and learn the art of being a decent human being from him.

W Xiu was so angry, he nearly coughed up blood. Was this girl mocking him?!

He never dreamed a girl in the lower classes could be so strong. The power of her kick nearly shattered his organs. What kind of crazy strength was this?!

Ai Lins mouth had dropped wide at the scene. So much power. A guy over a hundred pounds was sent flying by a kick from a little girl. Girl, do you have the strength of a bull or something?!

Stinking girl! I was careless just now. Come at me again! W Xiu got up from the ground and dusted the snow of his body. He looked at Feng Wu with angry and unwilling eyes.

Feng Wu tilted her head, confusion tinted her eyes. I already have a master. You cant teach me how to be a decent human being. You should find your own disciple.

She said it so seriously, it was hard to tell if she was being sarcastic. Her face was blank and hard to read.

W Xiu nearly vomited blood again. Damn girl! Wasnt it just that I accidentally let you kick me? What are you so proud of? Just wait, once we go back outside, itll only take me a few minutes to teach you a lesson!

He was about to say some words, but didnt get a chance. He never expected Feng Wu, this stinking girl, wouldnt play according to the rules. She had gotten on her alpaca beast and left! What the hell was she doing running off so fast! He wasnt done talking to her yet!

Chase an alpaca with human legs? It would be impossible!

Ai Lin wasnt stupid. She scampered out of there before Shamei and W Xiu came to their senses.

Shamei felt bad about the alpaca she lost. She must get it next time. . . 

Feng Wu didnt know what the two people thrown off by her behavior were thinking. She kept on riding her alpaca beast freely and easily through of the mountain and accidentally made it through to the front of the pack.

She had moved, passing one person after another, until she ended up in the lead. A few tried to take her alpaca from her, but after seeing her terrifying speed and strange powers, most backed away from the idea.

Little Sister, you are too savage!

Feng Wu didnt see too many people. The mountain was vast and there were many routes to the top, so there were plenty of people who did not cross paths with Feng Wu.

As night fell, Feng Wu met another friend.

Xiao Wu! What kind of coincidence was this? Ink couldnt believe they were meeting so soon on such a large arena map.

Ink! Feng Wu blinked twice upon meeting a friend.

Images flashed from time to time on the halo screen. Some showed people competing for chests while others showed people forming temporary alliances. It was the third day into the challenge and those lucky enough to meet friends had already met and formed alliances. Some unlucky ones had to fight alone, having not encountered any friends.

Shamei had no idea the screen had displayed their confrontation. The boys watching the show were ashamed of the whole affair.

Going ahead and trying to steal someone other people's stuff is normal, but to try and fail, arent you losing face for the fifth years? lamented a boy in the fifth year.

Yeah, I know. W Xiu usually just does what he wants, but today he actually lost to a second year. Seriously, cant even beat a second-year girl. Im embarrassed to say hes our eleventh seat. Now lets see what he can crow about in the future.

Yeah, hes usually so arrogant, but in the end, he couldnt even beat a second year and he has the nerve to claim the eleventh seat.

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