The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 447-448: Inside the Room; Gu Parasite

Chapter 447-448: Inside the Room; Gu Parasite

447: Inside the Room

Feng Wu staggered a few steps but didnt fall down. She got a better look at the room after regaining her balance.

It was clear the room was used for nefarious deeds. Several people, presumable women based on the length of their hair and the clothes they wore, were tied to wooden stakes. They were dried, bloodless husks, nearly completely mummified.

It was easy to imagine they must have suffered and before dying. Their eyes exuded panic and despair and their mouths were open wide.

Feng Wu could tell they were all maids from the counts house based on their clothes. She thought about the news from the old lady, about how there were a lot of girls missing. They were girls from inconsequential backgrounds who no one gave much thought to. Coupled with the countesss deliberate cover up, few would know the truth. Most people would just assume the girls had returned home after getting a small reward from the countess for their services.

Anyone clever enough to piece the puzzle together would be too smart to say anything about it. The difference in their identities would make them too fearful of the consequences.

Aside from the corpses, there was a chair draped in leather. Feng Wu looked at the dead girls and their spirits that hovered nearby. She walked toward them.

Their faces were full of desperation.

Go! The countess is not a good person! She will kill you!

Get out of here! Run away!

Leave as fast as you can!

Feng Wu could hear their voices clearly as they tried to persuade her to run away. They knew it was useless, that only a necromancer could see or hear them, but they still tried anyway.

They were just small, weak spirits. They werent aggressive or powerful so they couldnt reveal the countesss true face.

Feng Wu was about to speak when the door opened. The sound didnt come from behind her, but from in front of her.

There was a secret door inside the stone wall. Feng Wu could see a staircase behind it as a beautiful woman stepped through the door and into the room. It looked like the staircase led directly to the fifth floor.

Mrs. Alante. Feng Wu instantly recognized the woman was the countess.

Tonight, the countess departed from her usual dignified dress. Instead she contrasted her pale skin with an all red dress and bold, sultry makeup. There was a big difference between her normal dignified look and the look she had now.

Alante slowly walked in and sat down on the chair.

So beautiful and such excellent complexion. But most importantly, the amount of life energy you have is tremendous. Absolutely fascinating! Alante licked her lips as she looked at Feng Wu. She looked at Feng Wu like Feng Wu was something delicious to enjoy.

You want to drink my blood? Feng Wu didnt scream in fear or ask for mercy.

It was such an unexpected reaction that Alante quickly realized something was amiss.

Very clever. It seems you have realized my intention. Alante giggled.

Why did you drink their blood? Feng Wu could see how thick the blood qi was around the countess. Ordinary people would not have been able to feel it, even magicians were unlikely to sense anything wrong. It was only because Feng Wus eyes were unique that she detected anything at all.

Feng Wu suspected the countess wasnt human based on their first encounter. It was just like the old lady said, the countess wasnt human.

It wasnt possible for a human, even a murderous one, to have such a bloody aura. Feng Wu didnt know much about the spirit body, but she knew someone who did. Should she call Lydia over to take a look? Come to think of it, she hadnt seen Lydia in a while.

If it werent for Mrs. Alante, Feng Wu would have forgotten all about the contract she had with Lydia.

It seems I let a little mouse in this time. Did that old lady send you to investigate me? The old thing still hasnt given up? After checking so many times, I would have thought shed give up. Didnt think shed get smarter and send someone as bait to lure me out.

The only person the countess could think of who would do something like this was the old lady. Damn her. If it werent for the fact the old lady was Nigusus mother, she would have killed her ages ago.

The countess secretly hated the old lady. The happier she and Nigusu were in their own little world, the more she was disliked by her mother-in-law. The old lady even found someone to investigate her, but fortunately she noticed and was able to keep her secret.

The old lady refused to give up and kept sending more people. She could send as many people as she wanted, but Alante wasnt going to let anyone who discovered her secret leave alive, so this maid had to die.

That old thing, so what if she finds out? Im the only one Nigusu loves now. Does she think Nigusu still even cares about her? Alante sneered dismissively as she thought about her mother-in-law.

Feng Wu didnt have any interest in the grudge between the countess and the old lady. Are you not human? Feng Wu tilted her head as she thought about it. She couldnt figure what the countess was.

Of course Im human. Alante snorted coldly.

She was human, but not completely human. She didnt hesitate to become a demon in exchange for beauty and strength.

All right, little girl, no more nonsense talk. Since you found out something you shouldnt have, Im going to have to kill you now! With a loud shout, Alantes fingers sprouted sharp, deadly, black fingernails.

Die and go to hell! Alante snapped her hands out inhumanly fast.

Feng Wu blocked with her sword, but Alantes nails were so strong, they left dents on the blade.

448: Gu Parasite

Alante used the same attack with such high speed that her motions were a blur. Feng Wu would have had her heart carved out if she was any slower.

Feng Wu frowned she didnt expect Alantes nails to be so strong.

In the meantime, Rui Baby had successfully delivered Feng Wus message to Pei Qing while Feng Wu and the countess were fighting.

Wind and Pei Qing went to help Feng Wu while Rain went to the fifth floor to find out what was going on with the count.

There were many maids guarding the fifth floor, but they were ordinary people so they were no match against a sword user like Rain. She didnt have any problems knocking them out.

After she knocked everyone unconscious, she walked to the master bedroom and opened the door.

A scrawny man lay on a bed in the center of the room. His eyes were bruised black and blue and his body was best described as withered.

Fuck! Too vicious!

Rain had a special ability from her mother, and because of it, she easily saw what was afflicting the promising young count.

Count Nigusu was caught in a long lost evil gu seduction spell.

Rain didnt know how the count ended up being caught in one, but it was one which was extremely unusual. In fact, the seduction spell that bound him wasnt a pure seduction spell. It was clear he wasnt the only source of sustenance for the gu, that there was an external source feeding it as well.

Seduction spells powered by external forces were far more harmful to the body so that was why Nigusu looked on the brink of death.

This kind of seduction spell needed one male and one female gu. The female gu rejuvenated its host, making the host appear beautiful and attractive. Men would fall in love with her easily. The male gu made its host love the female gu host beyond reason with single-minded devotion. He would not have to ability to deny her anything.

A female gu like this could help a woman get the man she wanted. But ultimately it was the wrong way to go about doing it.

Once the two worms have helped their hosts consummate their love physically, the male gu will absorb the life force of the male host until there is none left and the male host dies. Once that happens, the male gu will burrow out of the hosts body in search of the next host.

It was a rare spell. Long ago, there was a woman who couldnt get the affection of the man she loved so she turned to seduction arts. She had lousy talent and failed to get any advanced arts so she didnt progress far. Finally, out of desperation, she used two gu worms.

She snuck the male one into the mans meal then took the female one herself.

It worked just as the woman expected. The man fell madly in love with her and would have done anything for her. Eventually she began to feel physically uneasy. The gu worm gave her a beautiful face but she needed to feed it the blood of young, beautiful woman to maintain it, otherwise she would lose her prettiness.

In order to keep her appearance, she began murdering women in the area for their blood. Things went well and she thought she would be happily in love forever, but things took an unexpected turn. Her lovers body began to weaken and his vitality dissipated as the days wore on. She tried everything she knew to prevent his decline, but nothing worked and he eventually died.

In the end she died a martyr for her love. It was a sad story that managed to popularize the the refinement technique for the gu worms.

Rain couldn't imagine anyone still knew how to refine the worms. It had been a over a thousand years since the worms were extinct.

Using gu worms for seduction was an evil art. Those who understood true seduction arts would never use a technique that left such undesirable side effects. For example, Chibas Holy Maiden, a well-known practitioner of seduction arts, held the title of Most Beautiful Woman in the World.

Gossip was, any man who saw her, would involuntarily fall in love with her. As for other women, even if they didnt fall in love with her, they certainly would not hate her or feel any sense of jealousy toward her. As long as they met her face to face, it was impossible for them to control their hearts and not be moved by her beauty.

This was the embodiment of a master of seduction arts. She would never use a gu, which had unsavory side effects, to force someone to love her.

Those who used the gu had to continually kill people to feed it, otherwise the worm would eat them to death instead. It wasnt an easy way to die.

Because the worm did so much harm to both parties, only the truly desperate used the technique.

After sighing at the madness of it all, Rain tried to think of a way to save the count.

In reality, Rain misunderstood. Alante didnt know her change was related to the worm, then by the time she did learn about it, it was far too late to stop. Besides, she wouldn't shed any tears over dying if it meant getting the man she loved.

As long as Nigusu belonged solely to her for eternity, she was willing to give up everything. Even if it meant dying, what did it matter? As long as they were together, she didnt care what happened to her.

Alante never considered whether Nigusu, who was controlled by the worm, would be willing to die with her.

How to save him. . .  Rain was uncertain how to go about doing it. Her uncertainty made her anxious. In the end, she decided to have the old lady come over first, they could figure it out together afterwards.

She was about to leave when a breeze blew the curtains. Rain immediately raised her sword and yelled out, Whos out there?

A pink haired girl stood on the balcony. She had a very pretty dainty little peach imprint on her forehead between her brows. The flower seemed to light up her whole face and made anyone looking at her feel reenergized.

You go downstairs first; Ill save him. Her smile was like a playful spring breeze.

You havent said you are. I dont know if you were sent by that crazy woman, Alante. Rain did not sheath her sword.

Theres no time to explain. The more time we waste, the more helpless his situation will be. Believe that I am a friend of Feng Wu. Im not a bad person. Now please leave first. I must save him now.

The girl was Spring Envoy, Scarlet, one of the four Holy Envoys from Star Marshall hall.

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