The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 417-418: The Three Annoying People; The End of the God’s Tomb

Chapter 417-418: The Three Annoying People; The End of the God’s Tomb

417: The Three Annoying People

Miltys luck was pretty good. She sailed the boat around looking for her fianc and actually found him washed up on a desert island.

Hed been there for several days together with Yanran, and after all that time together, he was certain he was in love with her. She was kind-hearted and delicate.

The two of them were lucky, having found the abandoned residence of an ancient magician. They found many precious magic books and several magic items that werent available in the current era. Oleen gave everything to Yanran and only kept a few items that he needed for himself.

Neither of them said anything about what they had found to Milty and Milty never suspected her fianc was hiding anything from her.

Her efforts to find him hadnt moved Oleen in the slightest, after all, how could he be moved by a fiance he had no affection for? The only one in his thoughts was Yanran.

Milty sensed the change in his feelings, so she her attitude became worse and she was much more aggressive towards Yanran, who she suspected had stolen the man she loved.

There was a lot of pent up animosity between them by the time they reached Jier.

Can the two of you stop arguing! People cant sleep! Jier was holding Little Bun while yawning.

Since the three of them returned, all they did was quarrel. They were so loud it was annoying!

If it werent for the fact that they all went to the same school, Jier would have already roasted them to cinders.

Wu. . .  Im sorry Jier. Im sorry. . . wu, wu. Yanrans eyes were red from crying. She didnt have any special feelings for Oleen so the whole situation was hard for her.

Oleen was a great guy, but it wasnt enough for her to like him, however she was always ambiguous regarding his overtures to her. Despite this, he was still good to her. Of course, Milty was not happy and gave her a hard time whenever possible.

Yanran felt like she was suffering unjustly. She obviously hadnt done anything wrong, so why was she being treated like this?

Yanran, who had been a pampered princess wherever she went, was unused to the hostile treatment and was unable to adapt to the situation where people were making her life difficult.

The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became.

Stop crying already. Ever since the three of you got back, none of us has had a good nights rest. Seriously, what the hell are you trying to do here?! Ink tossed his jacket over his shoulder and left.

Hey. . .  Leo sighed. He felt powerless over the current noisy situation.

Milty, what are you doing to me? Why do you keep troubling Yanran? Yanran is so kind, how can you bear to hurt her like this? Youre such a vicious woman. When we get back, I will immediately formalize the break of our engagement!

Oleen was distressed as he looked at Yanran. He couldnt stand his beloved being troubled by a woman like Milty. When he returned, he really would break the engagement with Milty and get together with Yanran.

Yanran was aggrieved as she stood to the side and cried.

Break the engagement with me?! Do you think its that easy? This engagement was decided by both our families. Its not something you can break just because you want to. Milty sneered though there was a chill in her heart. She had tried her best to get Oleen more influence ever since they got engaged. His excellent standing today was a direct result of her efforts.

It could be argued that if it wasnt for the engagement, no matter how talented he was, he would have been doomed to pushed down. It could be argued that if it wasnt for the engagement, no matter how talented he was, he was doomed to be pushed dow. There was no way his family could have had access to her family influence to bolster their own standing as they did today.

Unexpectedly, for another woman, he would ignore all she had done for him, and to actually say he would break their engagement.

Break the engagement? Dream on! She, Milty, was not the kind of woman who went running to man at the wave of a hat.

You should give up, just give it up. Im willing to give up anything for Yanrans sake. Oleen didnt hesitate to speak and the look on his face was full of affection.

He was really willing to do it for Yanran!

Miltys face paled. She never expected her fianc to be so ruthless to her.

Jier sighed. Everyone, return to your rooms; theres nothing else to talk about here. If anyone dares be noisy, you better believe I will toss you off the ship. He had had enough of their drama and just wanted to get some sleep!

Even Xiao Yes**Little Bun** little head was dipping.

After giving the trio his warning, Jier carried Little Bun back to the cabin to rest. The trio didnt make a sound after that and the rest of the guys on deck were finally able to get some rest.

After a good nights sleep, Jier was in a good mood. He freshened up, then took Little Bun to get some breakfast, but a terrified scream rang out before he entered the cabin.

Now what?! Jier was losing his patience. He grabbed a food packet then rushed to the deck to see what was going on.

Milty lay in a pool of blood on the deck while Oleen stood not too far away with a staff in his hand. It was easy to figure out what had happened since there was still magic residue floating around Oleens staff.

Damn it! Are you all going to die if you dont make a fuss?! Ink and Leo came running out. Ink couldnt help but send a greeting to his ancestors when he saw the scene.

Oleens face was pale because he knew he had made a huge blunder, but it didnt stop him from standing by Yanrans side, who was obviously on the brink of tears.

If you want to come, then come at me, but dont hurt Yanran! Oleen shouted at Jier and Leo. He looked at them like they were two unreasonable villains dead set on hurting his poor beloved.

Jier wanted to split Oleens head open; did the guy have grass for brains? He handed Little Bun to Little White**Nanny kangaroo** and asked her to take Little Bun for some breakfast. He, Ink, and Leo would stay to figure out what happened.

Oleen kept saying it had nothing to do with Yanran, and that it was entirely his fault.

They only figured out what happened after Yanran broke down in tears and explained the matter clearly.

418: The End of the Gods Tomb

The guys finally understood. What happened was this.

Yanran had got up early and wanted to make breakfast for everyone. Unexpectedly, Milty had also awoken early, and the two of them met. Naturally, they quarreled.

Yanran didnt insult Milty back, she tried hard to explain that she harbored no romantic feelings for Oleen and that she would never get in between the two of them.

Well, Milty didnt believe her and the quarrel became more intense.

This got Oleens attention and he went to take a look. The sight of Milty abusing his sweetheart made him lose his mind for a moment, and he ruthlessly used magic to attack Milty from behind. He didnt hold back. It was only after he saw Milty laying in a pool of blood unconscious that he realized hed created a disaster.

It didnt bear mentioning, if Milty died because of him, her family would never let him go. Then there was the fact that students at Xingguang Holy academy werent allowed to hurt each other. Grave injuries would be dealt with seriously; there was even the risk of expulsion.

After he calmed down, even though he didnt like Milty, he prayed she would live. As long as she lived, everything would be fine. He knew how much she loved him, so she would definitely forgive him and not allow anyone in her family to seek vengeance, nor would she allow the school to punish him.

Yanran never thought Oleen would hurt Milty so badly. She was one of the main characters in the disaster, so she was scared to death. She could only imagine what would become of her reputation if Milty died and news of it reached school. Oleen had done her a disservice. She did not want her reputation, something she had worked hard for, be ruined by him.

Alright, you two, leave first. Oleen, well discuss your affairs after Milty wakes up. Jier had no sympathy for Oleen. The guy willingly attacked his fiance, a woman who helped him tremendously, for another woman he only just met. How ungrateful.

Leo and Ink felt the same way. The three of them made Oleen and Yanran leave then they used life potions to heal Milty's injury. They were using high quality potions, so they managed to save her life.

Oleen went to see Milty in private after she finally woke up. Who knows what he said to her, but at the end of it all, Milty agreed not to pursue recourse for his attack.

Oleen was relieved to hear it. He didnt bother with Milty again after that, and spent all his time chasing after Yanran.

For her part, Milty didnt go after Yanran and make a fuss, instead she was unusually quiet and well-behaved. This was a relief to Oleen and Yanran, but Jier thought it was strange and a harbinger for trouble ahead.

Jier didnt worry about it though; it wasnt his business. As long as they didnt quarrel with other people, he really didnt care, although at times like this, he did miss Ming Xi.

If Ming Xi had been there, he wouldnt have had to deal with the stupids at all. Leo and Oleen were both second years, so it wasnt a given Leo would be able to make them listen. Jier was in an even worse position; he was only a first year!

Senior Ming Xi, Xiao Wu hurry and come back! When you do, dont get too sour about having to watch a sadomasochistic love triangle play out in front of you. . . 

Ming Xi and Xiao Wu, who were being called back by Jier, had been traveling through one kings tomb after another.

Feng Wu was lucky and hadnt encountered another imperial tomb as dangerous as the czars. In the past few days, she had sent a lot of souls to reincarnate, including all the different kings she rescued and various spirits she met along the way. That wasnt to say the tombs were good places to be; it was just that their clear requirements were simpler.

Feng Wus trip was relaxing because she had Xiao Chun, the first king with all his attendants, and several new spirit additions to keep her company. Other people had it much harder. For them, it was a desperate fight for survival every time they fell into a new map.

There were either corpses to battle or layers upon layers of secret doors and traps to find and survive. Any carelessness resulted in death.

One day, Feng Wu was teleported to an island inside a palace made of crystals. The island was surrounded by crystal blue water and had many intriguing plants that werent found in the outside world. The palace itself was also blue and had a shiny luster that was both mysterious and beautiful.

This was the sea gods burial chambers no doubt.

Those gathered there eyed each other cautiously. They were the ones who had survived to the end.

The sea gods artifacts and his godhead were the two most important treasures.

People with incredible aptitude could coalesce a godhead themselves, but few had that talent.

So for these guys, the only way to become a god was to get the godhead and hope to successfully integrate with it. However, it took time to integrate with a godhead; it wasnt something that could be done in a day or two.

Many of the adventurers came specifically for the sea gods godhead. His was a natural godhead, so it was much more powerful than a godhead acquired through talent. Successful integration meant the lucky person would become the new sea god, and their time on earth thereafter would be wonderful.

No one would have been able to survive to the end if they were weak. Everyone was an enemy; even friends in good standing couldnt be trusted. Ordinary people just wouldnt be able to resist the temptation of a godhead.

Feng Wu! Youre still alive! Zo brought Plum**His maid.** and his butler over to Feng Wu. He had a genuine smile when he saw Feng Wu. He had been worried about this friend of his who had taken cared of him. Fortunately, all the people he cared about were unhurt.

Eliza was fine. Feng Wu was fine. Both Plum and his butler were alive and well. As for his eldest brother, Caesar, he wasnt worried at all. It was impossible for his brother to have an accident, not with his luck and abilities.

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