The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 409-410: Strange Spirit Body, Catching Sight of Something

Chapter 409-410: Strange Spirit Body, Catching Sight of Something

409: Strange Spirit Body

There were only those few entries in the notebook. It didnt look like the person who wrote it had been in the city long enough to write much.

They were able to infer some things from the entries however. The people who came to the city eventually turned into the czars most hated person, his uncle. It wasnt just their appearance that changed, but most likely their sense of identity also changed. In essence, their previous memories were erased and they became someone else entirely.

It wasnt different from dying.

Finding these things arent helping us locate the exit. Yifu was discouraged.

Everyones mood overall was bad.

Did everyone search carefully? Palaces tend to have secret rooms. Maybe the exit is in one these rooms? Zi Cheng offered after thinking it over.

I searched very carefully; I practically dug up the floor. There were a few hidden rooms, but none had the exit. Olifuman said.

It was about leaving the city. Who wouldnt search as diligently as they could? The other people werent fools and had already considered the possibility of a secret room in the palace. Many of them came from powerful families, so the concept of a hidden room wasnt unusual to them. There was no way they would have missed it in their search.

But they had searched everywhere in the palace and couldnt find the exit, so perhaps it wasnt in the palace?

It was possible it was so somewhere else in the city. If it was, it would significantly increase their scope and would be much more time consuming.

The ancient city was strange so it was unwise to stay in it for too long, but unfortunately, they had no other choice.

Wait, theres a place we havent looked. Ming Xi said suddenly.

Thats right! There is one place we havent checked. Caesar quickly picked up on Ming Xis train of thought.

The garden! both said in unison.

Suddenly, everyone realized it was true. They had completely overlooked the garden. They all rushed over to the garden.

As everyone did so, the king spoke to Feng Wu.

Xiao Wu, theres a spirit watching you from the corner over there. I already sent someone to contact her. She says she has something to tell you and would like to speak to you alone.

Feng Wu agreed after thinking it over. She looked at the group rushing to the garden. She didnt tell Ming Xi, but instead followed behind the king to find the spirit that wanted to talk to her.

The spirit was a strange thing to see. It was the first time Feng Wu had seen such an entity.

The transformation was clearly incomplete. Her face was split with one side being male and the other side being female, even the hair was two different colors. It was a scary image to behold.

But Feng Wu was not frightened, just surprised.

Youre here. Can you see us? I heard from someone that you can see us. I didnt believe it. I still cant believe it! You can really see us! The strange woman cried so hard. It should have been a pitiful image, but with her, it turned into an image from a horror movie.

Dont cry. Feng Wu didnt like people crying in front of her. Master had said crying never solved anything. Crying was just a way to avoid something and the strong never avoided.

Feng Wu, who had striven to be a strong and powerful person since childhood, never liked other crying children.

Who are you? Youre different from them. Rui Baby flew around the girl.

My name is Small Jade and my family and I have lived in the desert for generations. It wasnt until the czar unified the desert people and created the desert city that I wanted come here to find a job. I was just an ordinary girl. I never expected the city to be like this. My thoughts are completely different, and now I wont ever get to see my parents again. Thinking about it made Small Jade cry even more.

Feng Wu wasnt good with comforting people and this strange girl seemed possessed by some kind of weeping god she cried so much!

Feng Wu stared. This girl had to be very weak if she cried so much.

Why do you look different from those others? Rui Baby was curious.

If you can see us, then you must know all of us look identical. Do you know about the kings curse?

Some. . .  Feng Wu told her the story she heard from Ming Xi.

What you know isnt the full story; it isnt entirely correct.

Not correct? Rui Baby asked.

It isnt the people who are cursed, but the city itself. Once you enter, you begin to change into that person. Were trapped here by the king. Until the transformation is complete, no one is allowed to leave. Her weeping intensified.

Rui Babys expression changed and his eyes got big. What do you mean by the people who enter will become like those people? It includes Xiao Wu and the others?

The woman nodded timidly. Yes. Including you. The only way to stop it is to kill the one who made the curse, the king.

White Lotus transformed into a tiny snake and climbed up Feng Wus shoulder. He starred hard at the spirit. You want us to kill the czar?

Yes, please help us. We have no other options. If he is not killed, then all of us will remain imprisoned here forever. We cant leave and must keep bearing this face! The woman begged softly.

Hold it right there! You still havent told us why youre different from the others. Youve just been rambling on and on about other stuff. White Lotus kept his cold gaze on her and successfully forced her gulp down her tears.

I. . .  the reason Im different from the others is because I died before my transformation completed. The kings two most loyal servants sealed all of us inside the city after he died. We were trapped as funerary objects, forced to remain in here forever.

At that time, I was only partially changed, so thats why I look the way I look now.

410: Catching Sight of Something

Are there any others like you? Rui Baby asked suddenly.

No, there isnt. Why? She looked at Rui Baby in confusion.

Rui Baby didnt reply. There was a bit of mockery in his eyes as he looked away.

She told them how the other spirits rejected and bullied her because she looked different from them. It was a hard life and she desperately hoped someone could save them all, the people who had been killed by the czar.

She was a pitiful thing, having died miserably and still not at peace even in death.

Feng Wu agreed to take her to the others so they could find a way to kill the czar and save all of the dead.

The group in the garden, who were desperately looking for a way out, finally noticed Feng Wu wasnt with them. Ming Xi was the first to notice. It never occurred to him she could have run off on her own, so when he noticed she wasnt there, his first thought was that something had happened to her. He was so anxious that he organized everyone to search for her.

He was shouting Feng Wus name as soon as he entered the hall. Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu! Ming Xi was blaming himself to death. Hed never forgive himself if his momentary negligence caused her harm.

Her name rang out all across the palace as everyone yelled out her name trying to find her.

Are you looking for me? Feng Wu didnt know how worried Ming Xi was after leaving without saying anything.

As soon as she made a peep, Ming Xi zoomed in on her and rushed over. He took her in his arms and checked her to make sure she was OK. Then he checked again. Then again just to be sure.

He was so relieved.

Where have you been?! How could you run around like that?! Ming Xi was worried and angry at the same time so his voice was stern and his face serious.

It made Feng Wu blink. She was taken aback and felt quite wronged in her heart. But Ming Xi was angry and she didnt dare argue with him, all she dared do was tug at his finger pitifully.

Ming Xi couldnt stay angry in the face of such a pitiful expression. He sighed and softened his tone. Do you know, you shouldnt do this kind of thing again? If you have to leave, next time make sure you tell me.

Once she saw Ming Xi was no longer mad at her, Feng Wus eyes curved in a smile and she obediently promised to listen in the future.

Xiao Wu, where did you go just now? Do you know how worried everyone was? You cant just run off on your own like that. Zi Cheng waited until Ming Xi and Feng Wu were done with their reunion before voicing her own worry and disapproval. She had already sent Yifu to tell everyone that they had found Feng Wu.

In fact, she was quite surprised Feng Wu ranked so highly in Ming Xis heart. She expected him to care about Feng Wu, but he was without a doubt, from a prestigious and powerful family. Would his family accept someone like Feng Wu, someone who already had a child?

The school said Feng Wus baby came about because of a fruit called the Motherhood fruit, but the fruit itself was incredibly rare, not to mention the instances of successful pregnancy and delivery were even rarer still. Did Feng Wu really eat the fruit by mistake? She wasnt convinced.

Zi Cheng had already marked Feng Wus relationship with Ming Xi as doomed from the start.

Yes. Feng Wu replied simply. She wasnt interested in talking to Zi Cheng, but Jier had told her it was impolite to ignore someone who was talking to you, so she replied out of courtesy.

But Jier ignored other people often, so did that mean he was impolite?

Feng Wu couldnt figure it out, but she was obedient. So as long as someone talked to her and they werent being malicious, she would always respond, even if it was just a single word answer.

It turns out Feng Wu was OK. You made us worry, but its good that you are OK.

In the future please do not run around. This place is unsafe.

So many people disappeared from our team before. I feared Miss Feng Wu had also disappeared. Im glad to know youre all right.

Those looking for Feng Wu slowly returned and expressed their concern for her.

Feng Wus reply was brief and to the point, generally just a, Yes, Im OK.

Once that was all said and done, people finally came around to asking her where she had gone.

In order to let them understand and see Small Jade, Feng Wu gave them the spirit eye drops. The king and Rui Baby had agreed to her doing this after thinking about it for a few minutes. The imperial spirits couldnt be kept hidden all the time. Plus it would be more convenient to speak with Feng Wu and they would save time by not needing explain things more than once.


The drops were very effective, just one drop and their entire vision changed and they saw things they otherwise never would have been able to see. Suddenly a creature, that was neither male nor female, appeared in front of their eyes. Behind Feng Wu were even more apparitions. There was a press of translucent people wearing ancient aristocratic clothing and ancient war armor. It was obvious from a glance that they were not normal people.

These. . . these. . . 


Many of the people were frightened and could barely form coherent words. No one suddenly confronted by a group of undead spirits would have behaved any better. The thought that so many spirits had been moving around them was weird, to say the least.

Ming Xi looked at Feng Wu with understanding. He had had his suspicions because she would stare out in a daze and talk to herself, so though he was surprised at the sight of the spirits, he wasnt scared.

Feng Wu proceeded to tell everyone about the king and his retinue as well as about Small Jade. The unbelievable tale amazed and surprised everyone. They were disgusted upon finding out the truth behind the sea gods tomb and so they agreed to help Small Jade defeat the czar.

The czar was half-human half demon, so he was cruel by nature and a horrible person in life; he was much different from the king and his retinue who were traveling with Feng Wu.

Wait, theres one thing that doesnt make sense. Isnt the czar already dead? Why do you need our help to kill him? It didnt make sense to Fang Li.

The czar had been dead for thousands of years, but Small Jade talked about him as though he was still alive.

Fang Li wasnt the only one confused, the others were just as puzzled. The dead czar, like the king, should have been creating an endless stream of evil qi to protect the sea gods tomb.

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