The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 383, 384, 385, 386

Chapter 383, 384, 385, 386

383: Bisis Death (Drafted 2/6)

Zo didnt expect to meet the group again so soon.

Feng Wu raised a brow when she saw Bisi. Suddenly, she leapt forward, and all anyone could see was an after image moving toward Bisi. By the time Bisi realized anything was wrong, a sword had pierced through her chest.

Shed been cut before she could even register the pain.

Master said not to give anyone who tried to kill you a second chance. Once the other party has tried to kill you, there was no going back. You should not stay your hand, otherwise a single act of kindness will bring you infinite regret.

Feng Wu was obedient if nothing else. Bisi had tried to kill her, and even Zo had been endangered. Angry, Feng Wu readily followed through with her masters teachings. Bad guys had to die.

Feng Wu had always felt this bad guy in particular hadnt liked her, hated her even. Shed felt Bisis killing intent on her more than once. And after the tightrope incident, Feng Wu was determined to kill Bisi first chance she got. Kill the bad guy and dont give them another chance to attack.

Feng Wus sudden action stunned Zo. The group was also stunned; they thought Feng Wu and Zo had died at the cliff. They were alive after falling from such a high place? Wow!

Everyone stopped in their tracks. They stared at the girl they all thought had died.

You. . .  youre not dead! Bisis eyes went wide with disbelief. Maybe the sight of Feng Wu shocked her so hard she couldn't feel pain. She could feel her strength waning though, and she knew if she didnt get aid soon, she would be in trouble.

Bad person! Feng Wu yanked out her small sword.

Bisi fell to the ground from the now intense pain. No. . .  impossible. . .  you cant be alive. . .  After saying her last words, Bisi finally stopped breathing.

The two of you are still alive. We thought for sure you were buried at the bottom of the cliff!

None of them felt sad for Bisi. They were all strangers who had come together for the same purpose inside the tomb. Which of them had the spare time to care about some strangers death?

Besides, she was the one who did the plotting first. Since those she plotted against survived, it was only natural they would act against her.

The world was like that. If you are strong, you kill others. If you are weak, others will kill you.

We were lucky. There was a pool at the bottom of the cliff. Zo stepped up to answer before Feng Wu could speak.

All the curious people surrounded Zo and began peppering him with questions. He tried his best to answer what he could. What he couldnt answer, he either lied or gave a vague reply.

Their enthusiasm waned after half an hour and they remembered where they were and what they were doing.

Everyone got busy digging herbs and picking fruits. The people who were quarreling before being interrupted went back to quarreling again. The scene turned chaotic.

Zo shook his head. These guys were kind of slow when it came to brains.

Feng Wu, do you see anything youre interested in? The herbs here are really expensive. Pick a few, so even if you dont use them yourself, you can sell them for money later.

The garden herbs were precious, but Zo had no interest in them. He was born into a major family; these kinds of good things, he was used to them. But that didnt stop him from sneaking a few herbs into his storage ring though.

There was so many, why fight over one specific one? Instead of fighting, why not just pick more?

Valuable?! Feng Wus eyes brightened. Money equaled food, so more money meant more food! Thinking about the fragrant meat buns, chicken legs and other roasted meats, Feng Wu joined in the fray.

Zo was busy digging hard.

The spirits were confused.

Why are they so excited about these herbs?

Even if theyre ten thousand years old, theyre still not that amazing.

The ancient times was the golden age of pharmacy in part because of the strong relationship between magical elements. Herbs grew quickly; so it didnt matter how precious something was, because it was so quick to grow.

The spirits just didnt understand the current commotion.

Ten thousand years was the lifespan limit for herbs. They would rot and decompose into the soil if they werent harvested by then. Few herbs survived that long, so those that did were precious varieties.

The spirits watched in confusion as the adventurers picked flowers and herbs in their kings garden, and fighting for something that, in their eyes, wasnt worth it. They had to have woken up wrong; otherwise how could they witness such a scene?

Two hours later after the commotion finally died down, there wasnt a single blade of grass left. Everything had been divvied up by the adventurers.

The spirits were angry. The benefactor was one thing, but who the hell were these guys?! Why take away the plants and fruits in the imperial garden?

Thats right. The valuable items everyone was fighting over were only ornamental things in the eyes of the spirits. It was understandable; none of it were considered precious in ancient times.

The spirits were angry at the destruction of their kings garden. They wanted to teach the humans a lesson. Fortunately, the king was generous and persuaded them otherwise.

They were all dead so none of it was useful to them anymore. It was just some flowers and plants anyway. The king really didnt care.

The spirits looked at him with admiration and reverence. The king was so open minded, forgiving even these rude humans, the benefactor excepting of course.

Spirits: Our king is so impressive!

384: Which Way Out? (Drafted 2/6)

The group moved forward after dividing everything up.

How strange! Do you guys think the place is cleaner? A somewhat short guy commented. He looked left and right suspiciously as he spoke. He was trying to see if he was hallucinating. The place was definitely full of dust and cobwebs when they entered. Where did all of it go? Wasnt the place cleaner?

Yeah, I feel the same way. The speaker reached out and swiped his hand across the ground, and sure enough, it came away clean. There wasnt a speck of dust! Was it really a sealed tomb, untrodden for ten thousand years?

No. Theres definitely something wrong with this place. Were in danger. Everyone be careful!

Yeah, that makes sense. Everyone, take care with your surroundings! nodded someone seriously.

Feng Wu bit her lip and remained silent as she watched the maids diligently clean the tomb.

The spirits rolled their eyes. These guys thought too much!

The maids kept working, making everything spotless.

The continually clean tomb frightened the adventurers. The passage was just unbelievably clean! They had to be on guard!

Ten minutes later and still nothing happened, but no one dared relax, fearing they would die the moment they did. They came upon a stone room twenty minutes later. Try as they might, they couldnt budge the door.

This is Dragon Breaking stone. Once sealed, it cant be unsealed. Maybe the sea gods body is inside?

No way the main tomb would be that easy to find.

I agree. Think about it, aside from the two corpses we encountered, there was just the cliff. There werent any other dangers. Do you think the main burial room for someone like the sea god would be that easy to get to?

The calm analysis made sense. No matter how you looked at it, it was too easy.

I dont know if anyones noticed, but there were a lot of people who entered the sea gods tomb. Why are we the only ones here? Where did everyone else go? This time it was the female magician who spoke up. It was the third time she voluntarily voiced an opinion. She gave off the impression of a strong quiet beauty, but because she rarely spoke, it was easy to forget she was there. When she did speak, it was insightful and straight to the heart of the matter.

Of course she wasnt the only one who noticed. It was just that everyone had been so anxious to get to the treasure room, they hadnt thought much of it. In fact, the less people there were around them, the better their odds of getting more treasures for themselves.

I think its weird too. Weve been here for so long, but we havent seen anyone else. Arent we in the same place?

Most people thought along the same lines. They had originally assumed everyone was in the same place, just different positions on the map. Perhaps they would meet if they kept moving, but from the first to the second level, they hadnt met anyone else outside their relatively small group.

Maybe this place is really big. I suspect where ever we are, its not the real sea gods tomb. This is probably another trial space. The sea god probably wants us to pass more of the trials he left behind, and only those who pass will get the inheritance, while the losers will likely die. Until all the trials are passed, were trapped here.

Zo looked at the woman in surprise. He had to admit, she was smart. She didnt know about the tombs of human kings inside, but she was able to deduce something was wrong.

Her reasoning was all wrong, but despite not knowing the circumstances, she was still able to guess that the secret to the tomb was that it was a multidimensional space.

Except for Feng Wu and Zo, everyone was dismayed upon hearing her words. Most of them felt what she said was true.

Of course there were those who stubbornly refused to believe it. They believed their current location was the area of the sea gods burial room. As for all those others who werent there, well 80% died in the corridor they first met.

These guys were brainless, but being able to survive as long as they had, they certainly werent weak.

This place is inaccessible. Dont tell me we have to find some other path forward!

Look for what? There is no other path to take. Even if this place isnt the sea gods burial room, the key for progressing to the next level has to be inside. The man who spoke had a gloomy expression as he banged the door vigorously.

They finally found the chamber they thought was the sea gods burial room only to realize it probably wasnt it. But the biggest issue was the sealing material used for the chamber. Being broken dragon stone meant they wouldnt be able to enter it using the usual means.

Lets look around. Maybe theres a switch or something.

It was a good idea. Unwilling to give up, they banged all over the walls hoping to find some kind of mechanism that would open the stone doorway.

Is there really a mechanism? Feng Wu whispered to the king.

No. The king replied back with certainty.

To keep thieving tomb raiders out, the kings trusted aides had put down the Dragon Breaking stone from the inside. Once laid out, the door wasnt likely to be opened again.

The two materials, the door and the Dragon Breaking stone, were very difficult to break. The door was hefty, weighing over a thousand catties, while the Dragon Breaking stone was made out of very unusual extraterrestrial sand and ten-thousand-year-old cold stone. Unless a holy-level artifact was used, the door was unlikely to break.

Dont worry Xiao Wu, the way out is definitely not through His Highnesss room. If there is an exit, theres only one place it can be.

385: Two-Winged Fire and Ice Serpent (Drafted 2/12)

A soldier in armor loudly proclaimed after stepping forward. His voice had been as loud as thunder, but luckily no one else could hear, otherwise they would have been forced to cover their ears.

Where is it? Feng Wu blinked cutely with eyes full of curiosity.

Over there? The soldier pointed to a bare wall.

Feng Wu looked in the direction he pointed, but all she saw was a stone wall. There? But theres nothing there

There is. Theres a secret door. I should know; I was in charge of building it. A secret door was made when the tomb was originally designed. There is a two-winged serpent behind it. The serpent can attack with both fire and ice the perfect candidate for protecting a tomb! Haha!

We especially brought in an extra powerful demon serpent too! Just see how those tomb raiders will suffer, just when they think theyve found a way out. Dare even rob our kings tomb, itll be a pitiful death for them!

The more the soldier spoke, the more excited he became. It was obvious he really hated tomb raiders.

The other spirits: Are you sure you know what youre talking about?

Feng Wu, who had involuntarily been robbing the tomb: . . . 

The group of adventurers found the secret door just as the soldier finished talking. It really was there, and it really did open.

Finally! Found the way out! shouted somebody.

Everyone was excited except for Feng Wu and the group of spirits.

Theres a fire and ice serpent in there. Are you sure the way out is through there?

Even if there is a way out that way, I dont think they can get out. Its been so long. Dont you think the serpent would have evolved into a god serpent by now? One spirit said.

What? Be a god? How can it be that simple? With the restrictions in the tomb, its absolutely impossible. The soldier patted his chest with confidence.

They wouldnt have put the serpent there to guard if it was going to run off part way through.

Xiao Wu, listen to me, you have to run behind the serpent. Theres a path to the underground somewhere in there. You can probably escape if you get to it. The general told Feng Wu loudly.

Feng Wu nodded, indicating shed heard.

Whats wrong? Zo was concerned. Feng Wu had been talking quietly to herself the entire time. Hed never seen her like this, so he was rather worried.

Im OK.

Why are you even asking? I told you to just follow Xiao Wu once youre inside. Its even more dangerous than the encounter with the two corpses. Rui Baby saw Zo was still uncertain, so he said it like that to end the matter.

More dangerous than the corpses? What level of danger was this? He knew how powerful the two corpses were, so if it was even more dangerous inside, why were they going in? Zo was shameless; he asked anyway. Then we are still going in?

Rui Babys eyes practically had the words stupid fish written in them as he looked at Zo. Yes!

Excellent. The single word reply was neat and tidy.

Feng Wu and Zo followed the group into the stone room. Instead of a sarcophagus, what they saw was confusing.

A chubby, black serpent was coiled up asleep on top of a rock in the middle of a pool of water. It made purring sounds as it slept while bubbles were pop popping out of its nose.

Flanking the serpent on either side were two rare fruit trees, one blue, the other red. It was obvious the trees were extraordinarily strong red and water elementals.

The fruits were tempting, but the adventurers were hesitant because of the serpent. The black one looked powerful, so they didnt want to rush into a battle with it.

There were already some in the group who recognized the serpent for what it was a precious holy beast from ancient times, a two-winged fire and ice serpent. These types of serpents had had a reputation for being powerful attackers in the past. The reputation made them highly coveted as fighters by the demon race.

Many demons were even sent to subjugate the serpents at one point. The battle was horrible for the serpents, only ten survived. The ten serpents that survived went into hiding inside the spiritual realm, never to be seen by human eyes again. Needless to say, they were incredibly rare.

The people who recognized that the serpent was a, two-winged fire and ice serpent, were very nervous. According to legend, they were one of the strongest holy beasts. Would they survive the battle if they fought against it?

Given a choice between life or fruit, they chose life.

Fuck! Thats the guardian you chose for the tomb?! You must be kidding. Hes probably still drinking from his mothers teats!

You put in an egg, and it finally hatched after ten thousand years!

No, no, no! I dont think general would be that unreliable.

Well I mean think about it, maybe the snake gave birth to a baby snake out of boredom?

OK then where did the mother go?

The spirits got into heated debate after they saw the serpent. Because they were used to people not being able to see them, they didnt bother watching their volume. They spoke as loudly as they wanted without fear of being heard.

A pity they forgot, just because humans couldnt see them, didnt mean beasts couldnt either.

Awakened by the loud talking, the serpent was very unhappy and so let out a jet stream of fire. The fire was extraordinary in that it was difficult to extinguish and was as hot as erupting volcanic magma.

Such a terrifying attack right out the gate. At least open your eyes first! This is not the way of a normal routine!

The people quickly separated into two groups, with each moving to one side, even as they complained in their hearts about the serpents unreasonable behavior. At the same time, Feng Wu pulled Zo to the side and dodged out of the flames way.

Fuck! Spit out fire just because youre annoyed?!

Everyone, be careful! This guy is very powerful!

After dodging, everyone raised their swords and staffs in preparation for battle.

386: I Want to Be Your Friend

The rare tiny, two-winged fire and ice serpent in front of them was familiar with his own lineage. His mother was a famous beauty in the two-winged fire and ice serpent clan and had run to the human realm after getting into an argument with his grandmother. His mother had left intending to vent her frustration and relax, but was instead captured by humans and sealed away inside a tomb, never to see the light of day again.

Though life in the tomb was quiet, it was also incredibly boring, and for a lively and vivacious beast, this was unbearable. His mother simply could not take it. So after using her essence to self-fertilize and give birth to him, she passed away from exhaustion.

He lived an easy, boring life without any pressure after being born. He ate and slept all day long because no one ever came into the tomb.

The little serpent saw nothing wrong with this. It was good to eat and sleep without interruption.

But at the same time, he did hope someone would venture in. If someone good came in, then he could form an equal contract with them, and through that contract he would be able to leave.

Today, when he opened his eyes, he actually saw humans. The humans looked just like the ones he saw in his inherited memory. These were weak though!

The memory he got from his mother clearly showed powerful humans.

The group of adventurers had no idea they were being looked down on by the serpent.

Hey humans! What are you doing here? An unexpectedly small voice came from the serpent. It sounded like a young child of five or six.

The sound of movement had made him open his eyes. When he did, he saw the group of humans standing on high alert not too far away. Near them he actually saw one of the people who captured his mother. But the person didnt look like he had a physical body. From his inherited memory, he knew humans without physical bodies were dead. They were souls of the dead basically.

The person was already dead, so he wasnt inclined to rush up and avenge his mother, instead he lazily looked at them out of curiosity.

Im sorry, we didnt mean to come in and disturb you. We were trying to find a way out.

Seeing that a holy-level serpent was not attacking, the group tried not to provoke it further. They werent interested in dying!

A swordmaster took the initiative and stepped forward to speak on everyones behalf. The serpent seemed reasonable.

Out? You guys think you can get out of here? If there was a way out, Id have left ages ago! His voice was cute but his words made people want to beat him up.

You mean theres no way out of here?!

No. . .  no. There must be a way out.

No, I dont believe it. This is such a big tomb; there has to be a way out!

Some who were already emotionally unstable yelled out.

Haha. Dont even think about it. If there was a way out, Id have left already. Otherwise, whod want to stay in this inauspicious place?

With a flick of its tail, two fruits, one red and one blue, fell onto the serpents coiled body.

Ka. . .  ka. It only took a few mouthfuls for the fruits to be completely devoured.

The people stared at the serpent with envy and jealousy. Was a beast doing better than humans nowadays? Had the serpent been eating spirit fruits all day? Look at how practied that was.

They too wanted to eat the fruits three meals a day. But unfortunately, it could only be a dream.

May we take a look inside here? Zo stepped forward politely, being neither humble or arrogant.

Theres nothing in here. Are you sure you want to come in? The fire and ice serpent felt that maybe these humans had nothing better to do. There was clearly nothing to be had, but they still wanted to rush in anyway.

Would that be alright? A swordsman agreed when he heard Zo speak. Anyways, they still hadnt searched the entire room; it was too soon to give up.

Go ahead if you want. The serpent said nonchalantly.

Everyone was happy to resolve things without fighting. Heavens knew, they didnt want to make extra trouble.

No one noticed Feng Wus eyes shining bright when the serpent began talking. Since entering the tomb, she hadnt encountered a single blade of grass or a single tree with a sense of consciousness. She wasnt able to sense their emotions, but now, in here, she finally met a talking beast.

Feng Wu made a decision. She went straight to the pool after everyone said goodbye to the fairly friendly serpent. Her eyes were bright with joy as she stared at him.

Feng Wu! Zo was anxious, but he didnt dare move closer. The serpent wasnt attacking yet, but if he moved forward, it might construe the movement as hostile and attack Feng Wu. In which case, not only would he not bring her back, but hed be putting her in even greater danger.

Fuck! That girl is amazing!

What is she trying to do? Dont get us involved here!

Even the two-winged fire and ice serpent, she dare approach. She must be looking for death.

I cant tell. Does the girl want to go head to head with the serpent?

Everyone, lets just go. Let her be stupid by herself. Dont let her drag us to death along with her. The man speaking was angry and it was obvious from a glance he had a bad temper.

How can she be so bold?! Dont get us involved.

They were talking a lot because they were afraid they would have to fight against the two-winged fire and ice dragon because of Feng Wu. It was unacceptable theyd have to fight such an awesome creature if they could avoid it.

Hello, my name is Feng Wu. My friends call me Xiao Wu. If possible, can we be friends? She looked at the two-winged fire and ice serpent nervously because she was worried she would be rejected.

Her eyes showed persistence, and she had been serious when she spoke.

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