The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 363, 364, 365, 366

Chapter 363, 364, 365, 366

363: Forward

While the scene everyone saw was black, Feng Wu saw red. She knew these were evil spirits. They formed in places were a massive amount of people died miserably.

The only other place she had seen so many evil spirits was in the little town near the realm battlegrounds. The danger level of the place shocked Feng Wu.

She blinked and grab Zos retreating hand. Dont let go. Its dangerous here.

He was too weak, so she needed to protect him.

Zo replied with a small, Oh, a bit embarrassed. Hed never held hands with a girl before, despite living two lifetimes. He had remained a bachelor and dedicated his life to academics in the previous life, having never gotten over Elizas death.

A girls hand was very soft, he realized, much different from a boys hand.

Zo wasnt conceited enough to think Feng Wu reached out to him because she was interested in him. He knew who he was. He respected the strong and he knew Feng Wu was strong.

Someone took out a magic orb to light the way as it got darker the farther they moved forward. There were many kinds of magic items that could provide light. A few people had taken several out, so the once dark stairway was lit with light.

There was a thick layer of dust on the steps and occasionally they had to clear cobwebs out of the way before they could continue forward. They couldnt see the end but they could see walls enclosing both sides of the staircase. It was just wide enough to allow the forty of them to walk down in pairs.

They walked for half an hour before reaching the last steps.

Why are there so many dead bodies?!

Isnt this the tomb of the Sea god? Who are these guys?!

Everyone, be careful. Theres something wrong with this place.

Their guards went up. There were no records of the Sea gods tomb ever being opened before, so it was impossible for human remains to be inside. There had to be something unusual about the skeletons.

The bones themselves were sparkling clean and pure white. Such clean bones were rare to find. In fact you could say they were impossible to find. It gave everyone the chills and left them feeling uneasy.

Its gone! The stairs are gone! yelled someone in panic.

As expected, when everyone turned to look, the staircase behind them had disappeared. Only the stone wall remained.

How. . .  how can this be? someone questioned. The person touched the wall with his hands, as if to confirm it was real and not an illusion.

Someone else took a deep breath and said, Theres no way back. We have to keep moving forward.

They began moving forward again after coming to terms with their situation. The passageway now was much wider than the stairway and they were able to walk three abreast without a problem, but just like the stairs, it was covered in a thick layer of dust. Every step they took left a clear footprint.

They broke through the spiderwebs in front of them and moved forward slowly. The unknown dangers ahead put everyone on high alert.

Drip. . .  drip. . .  drip. . . . The clear sounds of water dripping in the silent passageway made them even more uncomfortable. The unease spread in their hearts. After swallowing their saliva, they continued moving forward carefully.

Theres water up ahead. We must be nearing the end of the passage. Someone whispered to his companion.

In such a quiet environment, there wasnt a difference between talking normally or whispering quietly. The sound entered everyones hearing, no matter if they wanted to hear or not.

Dont let your guard down. I have a feeling the real danger is coming soon, replied the companion with a serious look.

The other man made a sound of assent. He wouldnt drop his guard in such a place, not unless he wanted to never make it out alive.

No one else said anything, but everyone felt the same sense of impending danger. The farther they went, the stronger their anxieties became. No one dared stop though. It was like there was a voice telling them they mustnt stop, mustnt stop, otherwise they would die. So the group continued forward with heavy steps. They were cautious. Even when a ray of light appeared ahead of them, no one dared run toward it alone.

They kept walking onward, getting closer and closer to the opening where the light shone through, until they finally reached it.

Zos heart jumped out of his throat so he took Feng Wus hand in his own sweating one. It was the bane of the weak, being unable to protect ones self.

Feng Wu seemed to feel something. She stretched out her hand and patted Zos head. Dont be afraid, Ill protect you. Back when she was a child, when she was afraid or uneasy, Master would comfort her by patting her on the head.

Zo stared dazedly at Feng Wu. Was she soothing him?

After standing in front of the opening for several minutes, someone finally threw caution to the wind and bit the bullet. Lets go. Go and take a look.

Yes, theres nothing for it. We have to go in. Someone sighed. There was no other way.

They readied their weapons in preparation for their last stand. But just as they were ready to go forward, a voice sounded from behind.

What is this? How can I be in such an inauspicious place?

They turned their heads to the sound of the voice. What they saw was a beast, a tiny teacup sized puppy looking around himself with wide eyes.

He was a skinny thing with barely any meat on him. His body was uniformly brown but for the tiny piece of egg shell stuck on his head. All in all, he was certainly a unique looking. . . 

364: Babys Debut

Cute Baby! Feng Wu was surprised to see him because he managed to get out of her space ring on his own. This kind of thing had never happened before. The poopy colored guy was the ancient rui beast Feng Wu got at auction.

Shed been calling him Cute Baby from the start, but come to find out, his name really was Cute Baby. He had regained his normal appearance after she used Xiao Chun to purify the demonic energy surrounding him.

Is that your pet? Zo asked. The little guy did not look cute to him.

But wait. Puppy-like appearance with eggshell cap. . .  wasnt this the rui beast Zi Cheng was supposed to get? And it already hatched. How fast!

He remembered Zi Chengs friend saying the rui beast needed an entire year of incubation to hatch. How did it end up hatching so fast when Feng Wu got it?

Did she have special hatching techniques?!

The Feng Wu who is suspected of having special hatching skills: . . . 

In fact, Zi Cheng knew the egg wasnt an egg that needed to be hatched, but a rui beast that had returned to its nascent form because of a severe injury.

Ruis were born covered with a thick layer of energy miasma that acted like a protective eggshell against the outside world. They would leave the protected stage once they got older, but returned to it whenever they were in mortal danger.

In the previous iteration, Zi Cheng had used her points to buy a bottle of Advanced Purification liquid. The medicine not only purified the demonic miasma, it also wiped out the ruis memory. So in a sense Zi Cheng killed the original rui. She then formed a contract with the newly born rui without much effort.

The newly born rui was loyal to her because it had been born from a pill inside her system. The idea of resisting or revolting never entered its mind.

Zi Cheng didnt share this with anyone, not even those shed reached 100% favorability with. It was her biggest secret; even the male protagonist didnt know. He never suspected and just assumed she had some kind of powerful specialization.

Rui Baby had been sleeping in Feng Wus ring since hed been healed. He slept for three days only to awake in such a rotten and inauspicious place.

He was upset! How could she bring him to such a place without his permission?!

Youre a pet! Your whole familys a pet! Rui Baby blew up when he heard that. He would have stood up if the eggshell hadnt been covering his head.

Dont make trouble. Feng Wu touched the eggshell on his head. The little guy immediately rubbed up against her hand, comforted.

Zo stared in amazement at the scene. He was certain the rui beast from his world wasnt close to anyone other than Zi Cheng. That rui was also pretty stupid; this one was a tsundere. Were they really the same beast?

Well of course they werent the same.

Hey now. I only slept for three days. Why did you came to this kind of place, so much miasma, even the path is cloudy. How many are going to die? Did you enter a demon grave?! Rui Baby looked at Feng Wu in disappointment for not living up to expectations.

This is a gods tomb. Feng Wu corrected him.

How does this look like the tomb of any god?! Ive seen plenty of god tombs!

This is a gods tomb. Its the innate god the Sea emperor, said Zo.

That guy?! Whyd you come into his tomb for? That guys notorious for being petty. Any other gods tomb, and you can probably make it to the second or third level alive. But that guy? He wont leave any opportunities for anyone to grab his treasures. No wonder this place is so thick with miasma. Its totally that guys style. Rui Baby nodded upon realizing the truth.

What is that?

A pug?

A pug? Is there such a beast?

If were talking about pugs, then theyre common enough for people to raise at home as pets to look after the house.

Wow, your pug can fly. And he even has an eggshell on his head!

I dont think thats a pug. I think its an egg pug.

Whats an egg pug?

Could it be a hybrid between a pug and an egg?!

Shoot, no way! This is the first time Ive seen this kind of crossbreed!

The crowd pointed excitedly at the puppy-like creature with the eggshell on its head.

This little guy can talk, so his level cant be low.

Nah, thats no big deal. Just use a little bit of spiritual potion and any pet can talk, never mind a beast.

Thats true.

Zo: Have you all forgotten something?

You fish lip mortals. Rui Baby had a proud look as he snorted disdainfully at the group of humans, the display meant to show he was a bigshot who knew a bunch of god-level beasts. He was far more knowledgeable than any human.

Never mind all that. We still have to get inside.

They were there to find treasure, not gossip about some baby-bird-dog-egg thing. Priorities! The group remembered they were trying to get into the cave up ahead.

Right! We were about to enter that cave.

Almost forgot, were here for business. Good thing you reminded me! Thanks!

Others also thanked the guy for his reminder. This didnt necessarily make the guy happy though. Reminder? He just didnt think he could beat the big boss inside on his own. Otherwise why would he bother reminding them?!

After getting their act together, everyone moved forward into the cave to scout out the situation.

Feng Wu held Zos hand while on her head a pug-egg used her hair as a nest. . . 

365: Two Roads

Baby Rui was quite satisfied with the nest hed made out of Feng Wus hair. Her hair was very soft and comfortable. He wouldnt rule out the possibility of living there in the future.

How would Feng Wu react if she knew his thoughts?

Rui Baby stayed on Feng Wus head and expressed interest in the brightly lit cave up ahead. He kept staring cutely at the entrance.

Feng Wu pulled Zo behind the large group and entered the cave cautiously after everyone else.

Those tense and on alert thought a big boss would ambush them right away. They didnt expect to only find a large luminous, white crystal. It was beautiful and had been what was giving off all the light.

They were relived to not find any dangerous creatures hidden anywhere after inspecting the cave. Two walls made of crystals created divergent pathways inside the cave. It wasnt clear what was inside.

They looked at each other, not sure which one to take. It could be a life or death decision. It was possible the paths simply held different dangers. If so, then the wrong choice meant remaining in the tomb for life.

The others werent sure which path to take, but for Feng Wu, both paths were filled with evil spirits and red haze. The evil spirits in the tomb were several levels higher than those found outside. It wasnt that she had become more versed in the undead. Most of what she knew came from Lydia. Lydia would be perfect in a place like the tomb. But Feng Wu wasnt able to summon Lydia no matter how hard she tried.

Though both tunnel paths were full of blood, one was also filled with death. It was clearly a dead end and anyone who entered wasnt going to survive.

This one. Feng Wu pointed to the tunnel path that had no death aura with a serious expression.

Little girl, why that one? You have to give a reason first. A male sword user touched his nose and asked. Choosing would be difficult.

Yes! Why should we listen to you? asked a female magician with a sneer. She, another female magician, and Feng Wu were the only females to survive. Both female magicians had chosen to fly over.

Among the three, Feng Wu was the only sword user. There were few female sword users to begin with and the others had died earlier on. This left Feng Wu as the only sword user left in their group.

Though there were only three of women in the group, they were not close. It was the first time the other magicians had even spoken.

You will die if you walk the other way. Feng Wu saw strong malice emanating from the woman who had spoken up. It made Feng Wu tilt her head and wonder why the other woman was so strange. Why did she look like that?

The magician couldnt answer the questions in Feng Wus mind; she just kept on sneering. The other female magician watched the interaction between them, but she didnt interfere.

There are so many of us, and no one knows which way to take, but you, a little girl can tell? The first womans voice was full of sarcasm and disdain.

Whether you believe it or not is your business. Feng Wu only shared for everyones benefit. If you think shes wrong, you can take the other path. No ones going to stop you. Zos eyes turned cold at the woman and he spoke fearlessly to her.

You. . .  the woman was extremely angry. Even a waste dare speak nonsense in front me! You must be looking for death!

She chanted a spell and quickly formed two white balls that flashed lightning in her hands. Mercilessly, she threw them at Zo.

The crowd didnt expect her to try to really do that. Ice magic, a mutation of water magic, was stronger than water magic. There were few ice magicians on the mainland. Compared to the other five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, the number of ice magicians barely registered. Though they were few and far in between, they were, without exception, always geniuses from powerful families. Naturally they were highly valued.

Zo didnt expect the woman to be so unreasonable as to kill directly. He was just an ordinary person so it was impossible for him to dodge. Luckily though, since his family was forever worried about his safety, they loaded him with defensive items. Even his clothes had layers of protective arrays. So as long as he didnt encounter a master who was too powerful, odds were high he would be fine.

Just as Zo was about to withstand the blow, Feng Wus sword flashed out, and in the blink of an eye, sliced the powerful balls straight in half. Bits of icicles and crushed ice fell to the ground.

A hint of resentment flashed in the womans eyes when she saw how quickly and easily Feng Wu dealt with her attack. She raised her staff and chanted another spell, each word coming faster than the one before it. A line of icicles successfully formed in the air and cut a path toward Feng Wu and Zo with murderous intent.

Feng Wu pulled Zo to the side and avoided the first wave of attack. The small sword in her hand moved gracefully, sounding like water flowing through the air. Green energy condensed at the tip of her sword. The Spring Wind sword technique wasnt just graceful and elegant, it was also astonishingly powerful.

The light continued to flicker on the tip of her sword. Using Spring Wind, Feng Wu easily kept the icicles from getting close. Feng Wu brought her internal qi out and shattered all the ice.

Upon seeing this, the woman wanted to launch another even more powerful attack, but Feng Wu did not give her the chance. . . 

366: Ill Help You So Lets Find It Together

Using an elegant air step no one had seen before, Feng Wu was in front of the woman in an instant. The woman barely registered Feng Wus movement before she was knocked back by the swords hilt.

Ah! The blow to her stomach made her feel as though her organs were shattering painfully. It made her spit out a thick blob of blood. A trace of fear showed in her eyes afterwards.

Feng Wu! Are you all right?! Zo looked worriedly at Feng Wu after she finished her fight.

Why are you asking her? Isnt the one injured the other. . .  The people enjoying the show thought.

Feng Wu shook her head, letting him know she was OK. The little baby sitting atop her head hadnt been disturbed at all, having laid in her hair since the start of the fight.

Rui Baby looked at the woman on the ground in disdain. Geeze. The woman was really ugly. Rui Baby was going to have to wash his eyes out later. The sight of her was polluting his vision.

Rui beasts were different from other beasts. Beauty and ugliness werent based on outward physical appearance it was what was on the inside that made a persons appearance. Those with ugly hearts but beautiful bodies appeared as ugly monsters to them.

The opposite was also true. A person with a beautiful heart but an ugly physical appearance could look average in their eyes.

Those who were beautiful, both inside and outside, were elevated to gods in seconds.

So in the eyes of this rui, Feng Wu was an incredibly beautiful person. Rui Baby had never met anyone so beautiful in all his years.

Im OK. Feng Wu said.

Lets go then. Zo noticed the others were looking at them strangely. He took Feng Wus hand and led her toward the tunnel path shed chosen earlier.

The people left behind watched as Feng Wu and Zo walked into the tunnel. It made them pause. Should they follow?

Indecision was a bad disease to have. One brother hesitated for a moment, but finally walked down the path after Feng Wu and Zo.

Since the same path was picked by three people, the rest of the group decided to follow along as well. They could end up picking the wrong path if they chose themselves, so going with the majority was a safer option.

Feng Wu had said they would die if they picked the other path. They had no idea if what she said was true or not, but the most credible thing to do was to put your money were your mouth was, and she had already taken the first steps herself. She picked the path she said wasnt deadly.

What she said had some effect on the group, and so they followed behind Feng Wu and Zo.

There was a herd mentality and few wanted to go the other way. Even the woman beaten by Feng Wu didnt pick the other tunnel pathway. Everyone had picked this path. If she chose the other one, she would be going it alone.

Walking alone would be too dangerous. Even if she wanted to kill Feng Wu right away, she wouldnt gamble and take the path no one took.

Feng Wu and Zo didnt know this. They kept walking carefully through the crystal-walled tunnel.

There was a lot of light in the tunnel because of all the crystals so Feng Wu put her light away. It was a winding passage filled with silence so it was hard to tell how long it was or where it led to. They just kept walking and didnt see any of the people following behind them.

Feng Wu, Im sorry I dragged you down this path. He felt uncomfortable as he remembered how the woman had attacked him earlier. The strong will want to kill the weak. They didnt need a reason either. It was a sorrow the weak had to live with. If Feng Wu hadnt stopped the woman, he doubted anyone would have stood up for him.

Why did you come here? Senior Ming Xi said it was a dangerous place. He hadnt even let Jier come, so why did Zo come?

Feng Wu looked closely at Zo but she couldnt figure it out.

I want to find something, something that will change my destiny. It would change the worlds destiny as well.

What is it? If it was anyone else, she wouldnt have asked further, but she didnt understand, and her habit was to ask for clarification if she didnt understand. She didnt think about the question causing the other person embarrassment or anything like that.

As for Zo, he wouldnt have answered had it been anyone else who asked, but this was Feng Wu, so he couldnt help but answer.

The Heart of Water. Its also called the Heart of Water Elemental. Its a treasure that takes tens of thousands of years, maybe even longer, to form from condensed water element. My bodys been poor since I was little. I have innate ability for water magic, but my ability is too low for me to become a water magician. I have no ability to be a sword user either.

I heard the Heart of Water might be hidden inside the tomb, so thats why I came. Only when I find it will my water talent improve and I can become a water magician.

The Heart of Water? Feng Wu thought for a while. She remembered reading about the five elemental hearts. They were rare treasures, not seen in a thousand years. They were on par with divine treasures.

Ill help you find it. Feng Wu understood Zo wasnt healthy and he needed the Heart of Water to get better, that it would make him stronger.

Master said the world belonged to the strong. If you werent strong enough, then you could become cannon fodder at any time. But what was cannon fodder? Her master hadnt made it clear.

Although she didnt know what a cannon fodder was, she knew she didnt want Zo to be one. It had to be pitiful to be one. This was the conclusion she came to based on her masters expression whenever he mentioned it.

Thank you Feng Wu. Zo was sincerely thankful. They hadnt known each other long, but she had been very kind to him. He was really worried about scumbags taking advantage of her.

They talked as they walked and thirty minutes later they came upon a stone gate three meters high by three meters wide with ten identical murals on either side. The paintings were of the same person in different settings. It was a man of obvious high standing. . . 

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