The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 355, 356, 357, 358

Chapter 355, 356, 357, 358

355: Entrance

Everyone wanted to jump into the vortex and be in the best position to get the treasures inside the tomb.

Just jump over. Feng Wu actually made a face as she said it.

What was so hard about it? Just jumping over would be easy. Jier and the others were really dumb today.

Jier, who didnt know he was being looked down upon by Feng Wu, nodded his head in agreement.

Although it was a good idea, would it be so easy to execute? The people on the other boats would surely try to do something. In fact, just a moment ago, someone got knocked out with a stick on another boat for doing the exact thing Feng Wu suggested.

The ships around the tomb were staffed with hired hand and adventurers from big families. Those who wanted to get to the tomb were already in the central area. The ships on the outer perimeter were there for one reason: to keep competition away. They were there to keep those coming up behind from approaching.

So although jumping over was certainly an option, it would be an option that required a good amount of strength. Weak jumpers would be beaten and pushed out into the water.

Look at all those other people trying to do that. They get knocked over by the people on the boat. Are you sure you want to try jumping over? Margaret asked cautiously.

Jier was confident. What do they matter? If youre beaten, then it just proves youre weak. I and Xiao Wu will be fine.

Margaret was speechless. What he said was true.

Enough talk, dont worry about it. Lets just go over together. Jier didnt want to spend any more time talking about it.

Hold on. Ming Xi reached over and grabbed Jier before he could jump. Jier, Leo, Ink, the three of you stay behind.

What?! No way. Senior Ming Xi, I want to go. You know how difficult it was to even get here? This may be the only time I'll get to go into a gods tomb! How can you bear to not let me go?! After all the ups and downs, now he was being told he couldnt go? Ink was heartbroken.

Senior Ming Xi, why wont you let us go? Leo was disappointed as well.

I protest! I can understand why you wouldnt want those two to go, they suck, but why cant I go? Jier felt he was pretty strong. Why did he have to stay behind like a kid?

Jier, thats too much! Senior Leo and I arent that weak. Why would you make it sound like wed be a hindrance?! Ink stopped talking. If he could beat Jier up, he would, but he knew he couldnt.

Even Leo, who was normally well-mannered, glared at Jier.

Margaret and Matheson: Jier, youre so hateful.

Jier, youre a fire magician and we dont know how strong the suppression for fire magic will be inside the tomb. Its too risky for you to go down. Ink and Leo, currently your abilities are not suitable. If you want to enter the tomb, youll have to improve your strength.

Ming Xi valued their safety over all else. The tomb would be full of dangers and unsuitable for them. Jiers abilities would surely be suppressed while Leo and Ink, though geniuses in their own right, were still too weak to take on the tomb. Ming Xi wasnt sure he could bring them out if he brought them in. These were the factors he based his decision on.

Ming Xi was the captain, so even if they didnt want to listen, they had to obey.

Wait. Senior Ming Xi. What about those two? How come they get to go? Jier was still dissatisfied as he pointed to Margaret and Matheson. Why were those two weak chickens allowed to go when he couldnt? He was big shot you know...

Margaret was pleased she and Matheson werent forced to stay behind.

Ming Xi gave Jier a queer look. Jier suddenly felt like he had asked... a very stupid question.

They are not a part of our team. Its not up to me to decide whether they should go or not.

Margaret made triumphant face at Jier. It was true! Ming Xi couldnt tell them what to do.

Jier ground his teeth. Dont think that just because youre a woman I wont fight you. Just wait till were alone!

Of course, Margaret didnt pay any attention to the murderous light in Jiers eyes. She was in too good a mood. Instead she simply waved bye to the three guys forced to stay behind before jumping away after Ming Xi and the others.

Jier, Leo, and Ink were left behind with Little Bun. Feng Wu had originally put Little Bun in her ring, but since the guys were staying behind, they would be able to babysit. Little Bun resented being inside the ring, so this worked out well.

The three guys became reluctant dads, but fortunately Little Bun wasnt the crying kind of child, so their job was easy.

In the meantime, the others followed Ming Xi from boat to boat. The jumped easily toward the vortex. It wasnt that no one tried to stop them; it was just that they were too strong. By the time anyone thought to swat at them, they were gone and on their way to another boat. Their speed was daunting!

After finally jumping into the vortex, they emerged in front of a magnificent palace made entirely of crystals. It sparkled and glittered in a tempting way that made people just want to dive right in.

The gate to the entrance was incredibly high, so high it made people feel like it was built for giants. Carved into the gates were two identical sea horses. Legend had it that these two sea monsters were used to pull the Sea emperors chariot. They returned to the spirit world after the god died, but their spirits remained in the engraving.

No one could enter without the key.

Island Lord, Master Caesar, please open the door soon! An elder standing to the side encouraged them.

The others were also impatient to enter.

Suddenly Caesar shouted out. My friend, if that you are here, please reveal yourself. He spoke in the direction Ming Xis direction.

Of course this made everyone turn in that direction. People in that direction began to unconsciously move away as people stared at them. Slowly Ming Xs group was revealed.

356: Opening the Sea Gods Tomb

Friends, please join us in opening this tomb. Caesar looked at Ming Xi and the others as he cupped his hand in greeting.

Please. Ming Xi softly said.

The three men, Ming Xi, LeWuji, and Caesar, each pressed their respective keys into the grooves beside the gate.

The originally immovable gate shook violently before creaking horrendously. A full torturous five minutes later a deep corridor finally appeared beyond the gates. Dazzling white light shown from luminescent pearls hanging from the walls. They illuminated the palace and made it feel like the middle of the day.

Its finally all the way open! Its open! Everyone inside!

That one eager shout of excitement was like a switch. A bunch of adventurers and smaller families rushed in to be the first. This was good for the major families; the more that rushed in, the better as cannon fodder.

Xiao Cheng, lets go in. Look how many have already rushed out in front of us. Yifu looked anxiously at the gates that people were flooding through.

Jasmine was anxious too, but she kept it under control when she saw how many major families were there.

Dont worry. Lets wait for a bit. Zi Cheng spoke gently and smiled benignly. It was like the tomb held no allure for her whatsoever.

Yifu stopped urging her and waited obediently.

The major families didnt move until those in front had nearly all cleared out. Once the major families entered, Zi Cheng and Caesars group slowly and leisurely walked through the gates.

They were followed by LeWujis group.

Feng Wu and Ming Xi walked slowly down the corridor. The length felt never ending. Even those who had walked ahead had not reached the end.

Ai Lin, Zo, and Eliza were walking together as a group. Both Zo and Eliza had extraordinary identities so they had bodyguards around them for protection. Neither Ai Lin nor Zo could convince Eliza not to go exploring the tomb.

The expedition inside the Sea emperors tomb would be incredibly dangerous as the Sea emperor was an unfriendly god. Ai Lin knew there were endless hidden dangers, so unless she wanted to die, she had to be careful.

She knew, from having read the book, that Zi Cheng overcame many dangerous situations, with the Sea emperors tomb being one of the most dangerous.

Ai Lin and Zo had formed an alliance against Zi Cheng three days ago. She told Zo about all the dangers inside the tomb, and in exchange Zo told her how Zi Chengs selfishness shattered the world one hundred years later.

Ai Lin didnt know Zi Chengs possession of the five elemental hearts would destroy the world. Didnt Zi Cheng know what she was doing? It was impossible for not to know. Her favorability system would have surely told her. But despite knowing, she still took all the hearts didnt she?

The heroine was indeed a truly selfish and heartless person. She had already become a god by then, so things like the five elemental hearts were useless to her. She only took them so she could sell them to her system for more points.

Zo knew about the favorability system from Ai Lin. He understood why all of Zi Chengs friends, no matter what scumbags they were, were all willing to live and die for her, never hesitating to betray anyone and anything for her.

He had wondered if his brother had been controlled by her ability; now he was certain of it.

Ai Lin was happy to share everything she knew about Zi Cheng, but despite the alliance, she was unwilling to share the details of her own personal advantages with Zo.

Zo wasnt the kind of person to ask a persons secrets. As long as both parties had the same purpose and the other party didnt become hostile, he wouldnt pry.

Ai Lin wondered if Zo also had any unnatural advantages, but she didnt ask. She hadnt told him hers, so she wasnt going to ask him his.

They had agreed Zo would use the heart of water after they found it. Zo wanted the heart but he only wanted to use it to change his body. He would return it immediately afterwards, unlike Zi Cheng, who didnt care if she destroyed the world by keeping it.

Zi Cheng had no clue the two of them had teamed up against her, however these things had nothing to do with Feng Wu. She held her short sword in one hand and Ming Xis hand in the other. Ming Xi, Feng Wu, Margaret, and Matheson continued following the crowd in front of them.

They didnt encounter any danger.

The only trouble was the overly long corridor. Half an hour later and it still showed no signs of terminating. How much longer would it go on for?

How long is the hall going to go on for?! complained a man up ahead.

How is anyone going to know? Just keep walking. The man next to him tried to ease his companions anxiety.

Where does this even lead to? It doesnt feel like theres an ending.

Others were also complaining, but no matter what they said, the corridor ahead kept continuing.

They walked on for another two hours. None of the thousands of people up ahead had yet made it out. The longer they walked, the more anxious people became.

357: Yabos Vengeance

What is going on? Why can't I get out?

Is this an illusion?

Questions, of one type of another, appeared in their minds. But no one had an answer. . . 

Feng Wu obediently followed Ming Xi as she turned a deaf ear to the complaints around her. She had been following him without a word the entire time.

Margaret and Mathesons feelings were completely different. Theyd been feeling suffocated for a long time. It was so boring; they wanted to vent!

Ming Xi knew something was wrong. He wasnt an irritable person and yet he was feeling irritable. He had been able to forcefully adjust his mental state, but those around him didnt have the same concentration abilities.

They could only feel the continued futility mount in their hearts.

Cant you go any faster?!

Huh?! Where the hell do you want me to hurry to?!

What?! How dare you talk to me that way?! I guess you dont want to live!

Huh! I think youre the one who doesnt want to live!

Oh hoho! You are looking for death! Draw your sword!

Im not afraid of you! Eat my blade!

Such a trivial matter was worth fighting to the death over?

Ridiculous scenes like this began multiplying. It didnt matter who, whether it was an adventurer traveling solo, or the children of families, every one of them were wearing hostility on their faces.

It was such a small matter, but it somehow turned into a life and death situation.

Zi Cheng covertly took an emotion balancing pill that she recently exchanged from her system into her mouth, while not too far away, Yifu and Jasmine were engaged in an argument with another adventurer.

Magic spells flashed and sword blades clashed everywhere down the length of the corridor.

Everyone, be careful. Theres something not right with this place! Ming Xi bit his tongue to stay alert. He looked over to see how Feng Wu was doing. Her eyes were clear and she had her normal blank expression. It didnt look like the place had any effect on her.

Margaret and Matheson, on the other hand, did not look well. There were clearly angry over something, but unlike the others in the corridor, they didnt look like they were going to act violent any time soon.

It didnt look like they could hold on for long though. Ming Xi wanted to take everyone away from the crowd, but unfortunately, he missed his chance to withdraw.

Those to the side of them were about to attack.

Go to hell!

Someone yelled just before lunging forward to stab Feng Wu in the heart.

Feng Wu had been calm and unaffected the entire time, so it was easy for her to feel the murderous intention from behind her. She easily sidestepped and halted the sword between two fingers.

Doubt flashed in her eyes when she saw that the person looked familiar.

Who are you? And why do you want to kill me?

What a dumb question! Because of your interference, we lost the key to the gods tomb in the battlegrounds. It was your fault my Yiduo clan suffered. I have to kill you to avenge those that died!

The furious man was Yabo of the Yiduo clan. He had been one of the first people to learn about the gods tomb in the battlegrounds, but he was caught by the Inferno mercenary group and loss the key before he could pass it on to the clan. They lost a significant advantage because of it!

He didnt think about how dangerous the tomb was, that even if Feng Wus group hadnt interfered, it was unlikely he and his group would have gotten anything good from it.

Yabo stared hatefully at Feng Wu but didnt engage Ming Xi. The reason of course was simple. Ming Xi had a mysterious aura so it would be difficult to provoke him, On the other hand, Feng Wu looked easy to bully. Yabo was weak, so Feng Wu made for a better first target. He intended to work his way up, kill the weak first, then target the strong.

Even Zi Cheng and Ai Lin were on his hit list. The girls didnt know both the Lianye and Yiduo clan had spotted them the moment they approached the tomb. The two families had worked it out already. They would separate the kids one by one, break them up. If they couldnt kill the blond-haired boy, then they would kill his friends, and hurt his feelings. Who knows? If they were lucky, one of the girls could even be his sweetheart.

Its a shame they would be disappointed.

Ming Xi sent Yabo flying with a hard kick to the stomach.

You only dare target girls. Despicable! Ming Xi had a smile on his face, but his voice was cold enough to freeze bone.

Everyone! Don't be complacent. Come out! Lets all work together! Yabo yelled. Yabo gave up on a sneak attack and switched to a full frontal one.

Margaret and Matheson: What does this have to do with us?

They were unlucky and were guilty by association. Now they were also targeted by Yabos group.

Yabos yell brought out thirty sword masters in sword master uniform. They were all thugs Yabo had recruited. He had had to hire them out of his own pocket because the person leading the expedition for the Yiduo clan was the second elder. And the second elder was not one to use family resources for personnel vendettas.

Yabo had to get revenge on his own. He had spent a lot of money, but it would be worth it to kill Ming Xi and his group. The crushing defeat in his heart would finally be erased. If he could vent his anger, then the money spent was worth it.

His original plan didnt involve killing all of them immediately, but since things had devolved the way they had, he didnt mind accelerating things. He would just kill all of them in one swoop!

Kill them! A group of bloodthirsty men rushed at Ming Xis group.

Feng Wu drew her sword and easily blocked an attack to her chest. She kicked the man so hard he flew into the person behind him and made that guy puke up his dinner from the night before.

358: Feng Wu and Zo

Ming Xi had his own sword as well. It was a silvery sword with mysterious engravings on the blade. He used it to quickly dispatch the two men who rushed at him.

He was no holy savior. He had no qualms killing those intent on harming him, nor did he give them any mercy.

Margaret and Matheson werent doing too bad themselves. One was a magician and the other a sword master, with one responsible for defense and the other for offense. They quickly killed three of the thugs.

Feng Wu was just as merciless, stabbing to death anyone who attacked her. If she didnt kill them, they would keep attacking, so it was easiest to just finish them in one blow. They would be annoying otherwise.

Margaret and Matheson walked over to Yabo after killing the last of the thugs.

Ill fight you to the death! He raised his sword; the thought of running away never crossed his mind. Of course he rushed toward Margaret and not Matheson. Was he just sexist? Did you he think women were easier?

Margaret tossed a seed at him. It grew quickly into a sturdy vine that bound him up until he suffocated to death.

All done! Margaret clapped her hands.

Thats strange. Where did Ming Xi and Feng Wu go? Matheson looked around but couldnt find them. They had just been fighting side by side, but now it was like they had disappeared into thin air. When did they leave? How did neither he nor Margaret notice?!

Neither Ming Xi nor Feng Wu would abandon their companions, so where could they have gone?

What about everyone else?! Theyre all gone too!

They didnt wonder for too long. Soon enough red light surrounded them and they also disappeared.

Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh...

Feng Wu could hear the sounds of the waves crashing. When she opened her eyes, what she saw wasnt the corridor but a wide expansive ocean. How odd. The last she remembered, she was killing a bunch of people who were attacking her, when a light suddenly surrounded her body and brought her here. It was an isolated island.

There were many other people not too far from her who had arrived before she did. It was a mystery how they ended up on the island. They had their guards up, after all anyone in the tomb was an enemy who couldnt be trusted.

Suddenly a voice like a spring breeze asked Feng Wu, Miss, can I go with you?

Feng Wu turned around to find a thin guy standing beside her. Going by standards on the continent, he wouldnt be considered handsome, but he wasnt ugly either. You could say he was worth a second look with his delicate and pretty appearance. He had a smooth voice and his eyes were clear. Those were two bonus points in his favor. Overall, he wasnt bad looking.

Feng Wu stared at him for three seconds before concluding that he wasnt annoying.

Feng Wus intuition was exceptionally good. She could tell when someone was good or bad. In his case, he didnt feel either good or bad.

OK. Feng Wu nodded easily.

This threw the young guy for a loop. He never expected her to agree so readily, so he had come prepared with all sorts of reasons for her to take him along. Now he felt silly for overthinking things.

It wasnt just him, the others hanging around not too far from them were also surprised. Everyone expected her to disagree. The guy didnt look strong, so there was no advantage to teaming up and spending the energy to protect him. He was obviously weak. Besides, there was no telling when you could get stabbed in the back. Who would form an alliance with a stranger and increase their odds of that?

But this girl agreed, and she agreed super easily. Was she nave or just stupid? They were confused.

Thank you. Zo sincerely thanked her after being slightly dazed.

Zo had originally been protected by people from his house, but they disappeared one by one during the melee.

Zo had been observing the entire time. He found that once a person killed nine people, a red light would surround them and they would get teleported away. He was able to kill nine people with Ai Lins help, so that was how he ended up on the island.

But because he was teleported out, he didnt know what happened to Eliza and Ai Lin. Zo was worried about Eliza, but he knew if she was with Ai Lin, she would be fine. Ai Lin was a world traveler, so she had to have some means. Eliza was a rich princess, so she had plenty of good items on her body, including things like destruction scrolls. She would have no problem killing nine people.

Among them, the only problematic person was him. It was depressing to think about, but the feeling faded away after a few seconds. He had lived over a hundred years so this was nothing to languish over.

Feng Wu smiled crookedly. Youre not annoying, so you dont have to thank me.

Zo chuckled. He had originally wanted to team up with her because she was friends with the young moon emperor. Anyone who could become his friend, would not be a treacherous person.

He somewhat admired her. There was no way, given her strength, that she couldnt see through him. It would have been obvious that he was an ordinary person without magic or martial qi. Yet she agreed so easily, and all because she didnt find him annoying.

She was very transparent. He was a simple person himself, so he liked dealing with people like her.

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