The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 325-326: What Was the Truth?; Secrets

Chapter 325-326: What Was the Truth?; Secrets

325: What Was the Truth?

Airon, who had fainted from being drugged earlier, woke up just as Jier and Ming Xi were about to give up.

Airon was smart. He thought he might be the next victim, so he had taken precautions. Earlier, he had taken medicine to help fight off different kinds of anesthetics.

He had ultimately fallen asleep, but he was only unconscious for a short period of time. He had woken up as Ming Xi was questioning Chamai, so he guessed what had happened and that Chamai was the killer.

Chamai! It was you?! Why would you do this?! How would Airon be able to figure it out if even Ming Xi and Jier couldnt?

Do I have to remind you? Six months ago, Songwei island. Chamais eyes were full of bitterness as he sneered.

Youre a resident of Songwei island?! Airon was shocked to discover that Chamai was an original inhabitant of the island.

Thats right. You guessed it. Now youre all going to die from the curse! Anyone who recklessly touched my clans treasure will die by gods will! Promptly after saying these words, Chamai bit into a pill and poisoned himself to death.

Even though he was dead, the illusion was still intact.

Speak, what did Chamai mean just now?! Ming Xi asked. The facts were more troublesome than they thought. Chamais last words were too ambiguous. They couldnt understand it, but an insider like Airon would surely know. Didnt his face pale at the mention of the island? There was definitely a secret here!

I dont know what hes talking about. Ill go and inform the teacher about Chamais death. Airon didnt want to talk about it, so he used a convenient excuse to exit.

Jier stopped him. If you dont want to die, youll talk about it. Its best to cooperate. You avoided death today, but you may not be so lucky next time.

Airon took two steps back. The murderer, Chamai, is dead. How is there going to be a next time?

Jier gave him a look. Really? You really think so? Who said Chamai acted alone? If he didnt have accomplices, do you think hed be that quick to commit suicide?

Chamai had died too easily, with total calmness in his eyes. He didnt beg for mercy, or brag or explain anything. He just took the poison and died. That was it. There was no unwillingness at all.

He had to have accomplices. It wouldnt make sense otherwise. He must have known his accomplices would see things through to the end. He knew that, and had died peacefully with his faith in them.

Airon stared out blankly for a moment. His face did not look good.

Talk, whats going on. Ming Xi demanded again.

Airon took a deep breath. He knew he wouldnt be allowed to leave unless he told them the truth.

Have a seat. This will take a while. Airon motioned for Jier and Ming Xi to follow him to the sofa.

After sitting down, Airon sighed. He knew he wouldnt be able to keep the secret hidden any longer. He would have to break his agreement with the others.

It all started six months ago. . . 

At that time Yanaimo had taken some friends on holiday to Songwei island. There were several villages, both large and small, on the island. The residents lived and worked peacefully in harmony with each other. The island didnt have a strong protector, but it never suffered any disasters. It was like it was protected by a god.

The residents would never have thought a bunch of students on holiday would bring disaster.

Although Songwei island was beautiful, it didnt have any minerals, so some people werent willing to stay. However the scenic island did attract a lot of tourists. Someone clever built a hotel, and as the only hotel on the island, business was very profitable for the owner.

The hotel was run by a kind uncle with the help of his wife and daughter. They lived a happy life.

Naturally Airon and the rest of the kids stayed at the hotel. One night, Yanaimo and another girl were heading to the bathroom when they overheard an amazing conversation.

The daughter was being naughty and had taken a map from the her dads secret hiding spot. The map showed the way to the key to Poseidons tomb, the god emperor of the sea.

The owner told his daughter never to take the map out again, lest it get lost.

The kids never expected Songwei island would have such a big mystery, that it was protecting a key to a tomb. The news made Yanaimos heart beat fast. She was the kind to always get what she wanted, so she asked the owner for the map.

She told him to name his price, but of course the owner refused. Upon his refusal, the two sides fought. The twelve students were the only ones in the hotel that day; there werent any other guests. The owner tried desperately to protect the map, but Yanaimo wasnt allowing it. He and his family were ordinary people, so they didnt stand a chance and Yanaimo easily took it.

She didnt want the matter to spread, so she killed the owner and his family.

With the owner and his family dead, the girls excitedly took the map to find the key. They entered the cave where the key was hidden, but couldnt go any farther after accidentally stepping on a restriction.

What they didnt know was that the owners daughter was still alive. She managed to get herself out of the hotel and to a village. There she asked for help after explaining what had happened.

The villagers were furious. For generations, the people of Songwei island had protected the secret of the key. Not many people knew about it and the map changed hands every three years for safekeeping. Unexpectedly something happened to the hotel owner while the map was kept there.

326: Secrets

The five villages joined forces and sent thousands of people after Yanaimo and her group. As a result, her group was ambushed as they left the cave. The villagers nearly succeeded in killing them.

But fortunately, Yanaimos father loved her dearly. He spent a fortune to invite two masters to protect her.

Between the two masters, one was good with using poison while the other was good with the sword. But they werent good people. After discovering the incident, they went in and massacred nearly all the villagers before escorting Yanaimo and her group out safely.

Yanaimo and her group kept silent about the map and the key. Even Yanaimos parents didnt know about it.

In order to return to the island, Yanaimo acted spoiled and asked for the island as a birthday present. It was easy for her parents to get an unprotected island.

They didnt understand why their precious daughter wanted such a small island, beautiful as it was. It had no minerals or other natural resources, but they loved their daughter and saw no reason to deny her, so they purchased the island for her.

Yanaimo remembered how the villagers had chased and tried to kill her, and she wasnt one to let go of grudges. She bribed murderous criminals to massacre all the villagers partly for revenge and partly because she was afraid they would leak the information about the map and key.

Yanaimo didnt leave anyone alive.

She came back to the island this time in order to pick up the map and the key. From there, she would get the inheritance and rank among the top powerhouses.

So you were here to get the treasure, why did you bring so many other people with you? Wouldnt it make more sense to involve as few people as possible? What kind of trouble were they courting, bringing so many other people on the trip?

Jier didnt believe Yanaimo and her group would do something so stupid. The more people they had, the higher the odds of information leaking.

This... Airon looked between Jier and Ming Xi awkwardly.

Was there a reason you brought so many people with you to the island? Ming Xi saw the look and immediately guessed things were more complicated.

Spit it out! Jier was losing his patience. He hated these kinds of half-baked revelations. Just get to the point already.

OK, Ill talk, but keep it secret. If it gets out, things will get really complicated. Airon still had the audacity to threaten them.

Yanaimo was the one who proposed bringing everyone here. In fact weve been to this island twice more since the first time, so this is technically our third time, but the restrictions were too hard for us to break through. Yanaimo looked up several books on the matter and finally settled on a blood-sacrifice ritual.

Blood sacrifice! Oh a womans heart is vicious! Jier and Ming Xi exchanged glances. Neither had expected this. It turned out their earlier hypotheses were wrong.

A blood sacrifice was a demonic ritual that allowed a person to borrow a demons power temporarily and forcefully break a seal. However, it was a cruel ritual that killed those sacrificed by draining them completely of blood.

To be able to do this to her own classmates, Yanaimo was something else.

So you guys were the ones who committed all the murders? Dont bother denying it. Theres no way Yanaimo would let you off the hook and let you do nothing while enjoying the benefits of the treasure!

The woman was too vicious to let anyone take advantage of her.

Airon smiled. The twelve of us promised we would work together, but we didnt kill the others directly. We knocked them unconscious with drugs and then we dragged them to the forbidden place so we could perform the blood sacrifice. But something happened before we could act. . . 

You mean, before you did it, someone else beat you to it. Then this person continued to kill the sacrifices, thus ruining your plan. Ming Xis eyes were dark.

Airon nodded. Yes. He could see that the maid and guard in front of him were not ordinary people.

Yanaimo wouldnt have sacrificed a master, so she would not have chosen any masters to come to the island. He didnt know why these two had mixed in with them, so he had to proceed one step at a time.

I understand. Ming Xis eyes were now clear. All the dots were finally connected. Now they just needed the answers to a few more questions.

Let me ask you. Of the twelve people who know the secret of Songwei island, how many are still alive? They would definitely be on the list to be killed.

All dead, except for myself and Yanaimo. At first, I thought she was the one doing the killing, so I went and had a fight with her.

She denied it and I believed her, but we still parted on bad terms. It wasnt until I saw Chamai today that I knew for certain she didnt have anything to do with it.

Honestly, he would have preferred it if Yanaimo had been the culprit. Dealing with a known enemy was easier than dealing with an unknown one. The latter was the worse kind to deal with as it wore on, not just the mind, but the heart as well.

Only two out of twelve people survived?

It looked like the murderers wanted to save Yanaimo for last. Her sweetheart would definitely go before her. Otherwise she would miss out on the torture of losing her beloved.

Jier and Ming Xi helped call people over after they got all their questions answered.

The others were in an uproar upon finding out Chamai had tried to kill Airon. None of them could imagine the warm and talkative boy as a killer. They carried his body to the center of the lobby.

Everyone was called over in part because they wanted to observe everyones expressions. Chamais accomplices had to be in the crowd.

Its Chamai! I cant believe it! Doesnt he admire Yanaimo? Why would he do such a thing?!

Great! Now that weve got the murderer, we dont have to be worried anymore!

That guy is horrible! What kind of vendetta did he have with us that he would treat us like this?!

Man! I always knew he wasnt a good person!

Yeah! Yeah! He was a hateful jerk! Why couldn't I kill him? Two of my sisters died because of him!

Those still living talked as they glared at Chamais corpse. They were full of hate and vitriol, wishing they could take his body out and whip it.

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