The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 319-320 Ming Xi’s Reasoning, The Reappearance of the Mysterious Man

Chapter 319-320 Ming Xi’s Reasoning, The Reappearance of the Mysterious Man

319: Ming Xis Reasoning

They met for two hours before everyone finally adjourned to their respective rooms to rest.

Feng Wu returned to her room. Soon after Jier and the other guys rushed over as well. The outside meeting was over, but now they needed their own meeting.

What that Airon guy said was reasonable. Jier rexplained Airons reasoning to the rest of the group.

Ming Xi thought for a moment before saying, There is some good logic in it, but its not without flaws.

Whats wrong with his reasoning? Leo, who had become a middle-aged manservant, asked.

Ink and Feng Wu sat on the stool waiting for Jier and Ming Xi to speak. They knew who the brains of the group were.

Ming Xi thought deeply while Jier thought in a more straightforward manner. For this kind of insidious, sneaky situation, Ming Xi was undoubtedly the better person for the job. If anyone could see through the subterfuge, it would be Ming Xi.

Senior, please share. Did you figure something out? Ink really wanted to know.

I did. Ming Xi smiled and nodded. His demeanor was still regal even if his new appearance was plain and unremarkable. Airon said the culprit wasnt strong, but I disagree. Everyone must have wondered this at least once. Why, when everyone else died, was Xiao Wu the only one who survived?

Yeah, why? The inquisitive group asked eagerly.

Its because the person let Xiao Wu live. I dont think it was calculation error. The person killed so many people without making a single mistake. Yet despite this, Xiao Wu lived. The only explanation is the culprit wanted Xiao Wu to live.

But why? Why would the person spare Xiao Wu after killing so many others? Jier couldnt help but guess. Is there a connection between the body Xiao Wu is in and the culprit, so the person couldnt bear to kill her?

Ink and Leo nodded along. It made sense. Feng Wu blinked her big eyes in curiosity at Ming Xi.

Ming Xi shook his head. It wasnt for such a basic reason.

Then why? What other reason could there be? Then Ink was inspired. Could it because the culprit has a crush on the original Zhn, so couldnt bear to kill her?!

Ming Xi gave Ink a look. It seemed to say: you think too much.

He wanted Xiao Wu to live so there would be someone to give an eye witness account. Ming Xi stopped stalling and gave it to them straight.

A testimony! Jier suddenly understood what Ming Xi was trying to say. You mean the culprit made such a crude attempt on Xiao Wus life just so Xiao Wu would live to give an account of what happened. It would lead us to discover the drug.

What?! How scheming! Man! Ink would never have thought of that. He was amazed at the trickery.

Truly formidable. Leo thought out loud.

No, think about the people outside. That Airon guy has a bit of brains, but the rest, who knows how long it would have taken them to figure the medicine. And if Airon ignored the clues, wouldnt the culprits plan have been wasted? Ink had been around the people in the group for days. With the exception of the killer, who was hidden deep, he had everyone else figured out.

He didnt think anyone in the group would have been clever enough to connect the clues together. Even that Airon guy was only clever about small things.

It wouldnt have been wasted effort. If Airon hadnt thought of it on his own, the culprit would have reminded him at the right time. Jier didnt believe the murderer would let his efforts go to waste.

Exactly. Ming Xi agreed. If anyones discovered anything, please share. We can discuss it together.

Ink and Leo glanced at each other before shaking their heads no in embarrassment. They had tried their best, but came up with nothing. The castle was so big and they couldnt use their abilities. You could imagine how difficult it was to find any clues.

They couldnt risk asking any of the other people for help and inadvertently invite an enemy in.

I found something. Unexpectedly, it was Feng Wu who had discovered something. She looked at Ming Xi earnestly.

Xiao Wu, what did you find?!

They were all curious. How did she have the time to find any clues? She had been confined to bed for so many days. Even when she had healed, she mostly just stayed in her room. The times she did go out, it was always with a group of people. When did she find the opportunity to look for any clues?

Feng Wu stood up and went to the dresser. She opened one of the drawers and motioned for the others to come over.

They walked over and looked inside. There were some cosmetics for girls, but that was it. What was so unusual about the items?

Feng Wu reached inside and brought out a powder jar.

Is there something special about that powder? Jier took the jar from Feng Wu and inspected it. He turned it around a few times in his hand before opening and looking inside. He failed to find anything strange though.

Look here. This mark. Feng Wu pointed to a flower and butterfly logo on the bottom of the jar.

Isnt this just a normal design for girl cosmetics? Girls like flowers and butterflies. Ink was indifferent to the logo design.

Even Ming Xi, who was very perceptive, didnt notice anything strange.

This flower/butterfly logo was used for a line of cosmetics from one hundred years ago. It hasnt been around since. The people who make it are no longer around, so this powder hasnt been made in a long time. Feng Wu relayed the information with a blank face.

You mean this brand hasnt been sold since a hundred years ago?! Ink was surprised to learn that.

Its possible someone from Yanaimos family had it specially made. Leo explained.

There were cases like this before. Once there was a family of wine makers who were massacred. It was a complete bloodbath. No one thought it was possible to buy or taste the wine again since the method to make the wine was lost forever.

Turned out the heir escaped and was still making the wine. However, he didnt sell it, but was making it exclusively for one person. The flower/butterfly brand may have survived in the same way.

This belonged to Zhn. A lot of the other girls have this kind of powder too. I asked them and they said the powder was a business the Yanaimo family owned. Yanaimo gave some to everyone.

320: The Reappearance of the Mysterious Man

As the girl with most prestige in class, Yanaimo wasnt just rich and powerful, she was also classy. As long as you didnt get in her way, she was willing to share some of her wealth with you. The little crumbs she threw out was more than enough for most people.

Take the flower/butterfly line. A single jar cost one hundred gold. It wasnt something ordinary people could afford, but Yanaimo willing to give it away for free.

Considering her familys business, its not surprising they were able to find the descendent of the flower/butterfly line. Jier leaned in closer to sniff the powder. He didnt like it.

Yanaimo is from the Gaodon clan. I read it in a book. They were a direct-family line that owned the flower/butterfly brand. One hundred years ago the entire clan was wiped out. No one survived. It was a big tragedy in the maritime world.

Feng Wu had read a lot of books and one of the books she read was called The Fantastical Stories of the Maritime World. It was a compilation of stories, one of which happened to be about the Gaodun clan.

How the Gaodun clan was completely wiped out was still a mystery even today. No one knew a thing.

There may be something useful in The Fantastical Stories of the Maritime World. The book said the patriarch of the Gaodun family spent a lot of money to celebrate the birthday of his only child. He especially purchased a beautiful island and gave it to her as a birthday present.

The island was called Songwei. His daughters name was Yanaimo Gaodun.

The others were reeling from the information dump. They understood what she was saying; it was just that it was unbelievable. The disbelief showed in their eyes.

Who could stay calm after hearing such a story? A hundred years ago. They were in the past. Only a god could do something like that no way could another human do it.

So then, did a god trap them on the island? But that was impossible. They werent so stupid as to believe a god would be bored enough to do something like this.

Besides, gods didnt generally come to the human world. The three realms had created the Three Realms Peace Treaty after the war ten thousand years ago. No god had set foot in human territory since then.

On the other hand, demons, for selfish and sinister reasons, did sneak into the human world. The Star Marshall division of the temple caught many of them.

Were really one hundred years in the past? Ink found it hard to believe.

Impossible. Only the god in charge of time, the God of Time, can do that. The other gods cant reverse time. Leo interjected.

The whole thing was incredible. No sensible person would believe it.

Ming Xi shared his guess. I suspect we may have entered an illusion. Everything here is a reenactment of what happened one hundred years ago.

Illusion?! Both Ink and Leo were surprised. Why hadnt they thought of this? If it was an illusion, then everything made sense.

Ive known something was wrong with this place for a long time now. I cant open my seal. Theoretically there isnt a power in this world that can restrict a god seal, but my connection to the seal completely disappeared when we got here. Jier knew something was wrong from the first morning they arrived on the island. The inability to connect with his power drove him up the wall.

The same is true for me. I could not hear the voices of the flowers and plants or the voices of the small animals. Feng Wu spoke sadly.

The same is true for me as well. Theres no life in this place. Everything feels artificial the sun, the moon. Even the people are fake. They should be memories created by someone.

As the prince and future ruler of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom, Ming Xis strength was beyond doubt. Then there was his god bloodline. Logically speaking, even if his strength was somehow sealed, the power of his blood shouldnt have disappeared. But on this island, it had. He would be a fool to not realize something was wrong.

Indeed, Ming Xi had known they were in an illusion, in a world shaped by memories, for quite some time. There were few people who had the ability to do something like this. He couldnt phantom who it was or even what their intentions were.

Ming Xi was only able to figure it out after Feng Wu shared what she knew. Even though he didnt know who the mysterious person was, he could guess what the other person wanted.

Fuck! This mysterious person is that good at illusion creation?! Ink almost bowed in respect to the person for their abilities. It was awesome. Compared to that, their own skills were crap.

If we want to know what this person wants, well have to ask. Ming Xi raised his voice. I know youve been watching us. Please show yourself. A sudden smile appeared on Ming Xis face as he spun around.

The others got excited upon hearing his words. What?! The mysterious guy had been watching them the whole time?!

The three boys looked around the room, but they didnt see anything.

Suddenly the elderly voice sounded out. Sure enough, I didnt choose wrong. Looks like I got the right people this time.

Who are you? Why did you trap us here? What is your relationship with the people on the island and the events from a hundred years ago? Ming Xi asked the questions in quick succession.

The voice was strange. They couldnt figure out where it was coming from because it felt like it was being spoken directly into their ears.

Such capable youngsters. I dont believe you will let me down. Go and find the truth. Only then will you be able to leave.

Not just us, but all of us. Ming Xis smile was refreshing. Even if he was in a different body, his mannerism still shown through.

The mysterious voice was taken aback. He did not expect this young man to have already figured that part out.

Indeed, I did not misjudge. Now that you have come to that revelation, I wont hide it. There is something hidden on this island. If you can find it, all of us[notes]can leave. But if you cant find it, then you will remain on this island forever. None of you will ever return to the real world again.

And with that, the mysterious voice disappeared. There was no further response no matter what Jier and the others shouted.

You can stop shouting. Hes gone. Ming Xi walked to the table and poured himself a glass of water.

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