The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 311-312

Chapter 311-312

311: Zhn

None of them could figure it out and their current situation didnt allow them to think about it.

All the mysterious voice said before disappearing was, It is simple. You will know soon enough.

They couldnt hear anything else from the old man nor could they feel his presence. Was he still in the castle somewhere or. . . ? Had he ever been in the castle? Had he projected his voice from somewhere else.?

Is the person still there?

Thats it? He didnt even say what we were supposed to do!

Liana asked group in general, What should we do now?

Boss Hart thought about it before speaking. Lets rest for a while. Didnt the guy say he wanted us to do something for him? We should be safe, at least until he tells us what it is.

An old man in a magic robe agreed with Hart. Yes, thats true. Theres no use worrying about it for now. Everyone should relax and wait to see what this person is playing at.

No one knew who the old magician was, but he had the aura of a master, so none of them thought he was a simple person.

The twenty of them sat in the middle of the lobby waiting until night fell, but the owner of the voice didnt reappear.

Why dont we all choose individual rooms to rest in? Its no use waiting like this. Boss Hart suggested.

Since their abilities were sealed, their bodies were ordinary again. An entire day of worry and fear had been exhausting. They would have slept already if they werent afraid that the voices owner would kill them at any time.

A worried looking female magician disagreed. Go into a room? No, lets not. Its better if we stay together. That mysterious person might come back and pick us off one by one. Whatll we do then?

A lot of people agreed with her. It was too dangerous to rest separately. Better to stick together.

Feng Wu leaned against Ming Xis shoulder. Her eyes kept drooping. She wanted to sleep. She had a regularly scheduled naptime. She slept early too, so considering how late it was, she was quite sleepy.

If you want to sleep, just lean on me for a while. Ill wake you if anything happens. Ming Xi saw how tired she looked so he felt her forehead. He was a bit worried about her.

Hm. Feng Wu nodded and immediately closed her eyes to sleep.

Ming Xi couldnt help but silently laugh at how easily she slept, even in such a tense atmosphere. She had a strong, steady heart.

If the rest of you are tired, go and sleep. Ill take watch duty. As their senior, of course Ming Xi would take care of his juniors.

No, lets stand on guard together. Jier and Ink can rest. Leo was a second-year student and the only other senior in the group other than Ming Xi. He felt he should bear some of the burden as well. He didnt want to leave the responsibility to Ming Xi alone.

There were twenty of them in the lobby, but they were all strangers to each other. Night watch was an important job, so each group assigned their own person. Once that was done everyone was finally at ease resting, but no one went to rest in any of the beds in the rooms.

The old castle was too strange. It was too dangerous to rest separately; no one was fool enough to do so.

Hey Zhn! Wake up! Wake up!

Feng Wu opened her eyes to find a cute, freckled, baby-faced girl in front of her. She was probably no older than fifteen. Who are you? Feng Wu asked, dazed and confused.

Feng Wu found herself on a bed underneath a quilt in a room with simple but tasteful decorations. She had never seen the room or the girl before.

Zhn, are you still asleep? Im Annai. Now hurry, the teacher just told us to assemble. Were about to arrive at Songwei island. We have to pack up to leave. The girl claiming to be Annai wrinkled her nose helplessly at her friend.

Im not Zhn, Im. . .  Feng Wu wanted to correct the girl. Her name was Feng Wu. Before that it was Tian Lan. She had never been this Zhn person before.

Feng Wu heard a voice that was both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. It wasnt the old voice her teammates heard in the castle.

Little girl, listen to my words. The game is beginning. Remember to stay alive. Stay alive until the end and find the truth.

What did that mean? Feng Wu didnt understand. Where was Senior Ming Xi and Jier? Where was everyone? She wanted to think about everything that had happened, but Annai wouldnt give her time.

Annai lifted the quilt up and pulled Feng Wu out of bed. Quickly wash. Ill pack.

Annai dragged Feng Wu up to the deck after Feng Wu washed and dressed. There were a lot of people on deck.

Were finally here. My body is so wobbly after staying on the boat for so long.

I see it! There it is! Songwei island!

Thats great news. I dont have to kill myself with sleep meds anymore!

Why did you need pills?

Dont bother with that guy. He gets seasick every time he gets on a boat. Now he finally gets to get off.

Ha! Serves him right!

Yeah! Totally deserved it!

Feng Wu stood to the side watching the group bicker. What was going on and why was she with them? Perhaps because the girl she played was like this normally, so no one thought it was odd.

Zhn, look. Thats Songwei island over there. Isnt it pretty? Annai asked as she looked at the island off in the distance. Her eyes were full of joy.

Feng Wu saw a pretty island when she followed Annais gaze. It was verdant and lush with overflowing green. It looked like a good place to play and vacation.

Alright, weve arrived. Everyone, disembark. There were two strong teachers, one male swordmaster and one female magician with the group.

They were greeted by a middle-aged, well-dressed man as they disembarked one at a time.

312: Jier is Now a Woman

Miss, it must have been a hard voyage, said the well-dressed gentleman.

Send people to help everyone with their belongings after you greet them properly. Have the rooms been prepared? The girls eyes were full of haughty, pride as she asked her butler the question.

Please rest assured Miss; it has been arranged.

Lead the way then. Everyone is tired after such a long journey. It took over a month. The island Father purchased is too far, complained the girl quietly.

The butler sent people to help with everyones luggage. Feng Wu and Annai trailed behind the group at the end, while everyone else clustered around the girl.

Yanaimos family is so rich. Her father bought her such a beautiful island just so she could use it to celebrate her birthday. Its a totally different life. When am I gonna have such a good island for my own personal use? whispered a young girl not too far ahead of Feng Wu.

To that, an envious voice replied, Keep dreaming. Youre forgetting who Yanaimos parents are. They have businesses in a bunch of countries. Plus her mom is the eldest Bohai princess. Its not just about being rich, her pedigree is amazing too.

Yanaimo had the most wealth and prestige in her class.

They were only on the island because she had invited them to play there for vacation.

Annai whispered into Feng Wus ear. Zhn, try not to be alone too often. Yanaimo inviting you here, she must have bad intentions. Shes never liked you, but youre clever, so make sure you dont give her the opportunity. OK?

Did this message mean the enviable Yanaimo had a bad relationship with Zhn?

I will be careful.

Yanaimo is too much. She targeted you just because Airon said a few words to you. Shes been troubling you again and again. I heard that this vacation trip to Songwei island, the teacher knew you guys didnt get along and werent going to let you come, but Yanaimo asked for you specifically by name, saying that she didnt have any bad intentions toward you. . .  I dont believe it though.

Annai had been whispering to Feng Wu for a while, but the only reaction she got was some eye widening. It made her wonder.

Zhn, are you OK? Youve been really quiet.

Normally Zhn would have had a lot to say about it, so it was strange to Annai that Zhn was so quiet.

Im OK. I dont want to talk.

Annai decided not to say anything else and just quietly enjoy the beautiful scenery with Feng Wu.

Yanaimos family had built the castle on the highest point of the island. It had to have cost a lot of money, considering how big and luxurious it was.

Feng Wu was stunned by the sight of the castle. Wasnt it the same castle as the ancient castle on the island of death? Except for the appearance in age, both castles were exactly the same.

Once she entered the main lobby, she knew it was the same castle they were trapped in.

Why was this happening?

Feng Wu wasnt smart enough to figure everything out. Were the two islands the same? What happened? Why did Songwei island turn out the way it did? Feng Wu had a lot of questions, but no one to answer the questions for her.

The butler sent people to help the party to their individual rooms. There were plenty of choices so each person would get their own private room.

The room assigned to Feng Wu was the most out of the way and obscure one, but she didnt have any opinions about it and didnt ask any questions.

The maid had been prepared to answer questions, so it threw her off to not be questioned.

Feng Wu entered the room and had planned on sorting out her thoughts when a knock sounded on her door. She opened the door suspiciously. Outside was the maid from earlier.


Xiao Wu? The maid asked tentatively in a pleasant voice.

Who are you? Feng Wu was taken aback. How did this maid know her real name?!

It is you! The little maid was excited as she tugged Feng Wu into the room by the hands. Then she closed the doors.

Feng Wu wasnt sure so she asked, Are you Jier?

How can you tell?! Jier had transformed so much that even he couldnt recognize himself. His eyes widened in disbelief. Feng Wu still recognized him! That was just incredible!

Feng Wu explained, You pull my hand the same way. And your eyes widen the same.

Jiers appearance had changed, but his mannerisms were still the same. Feng Wu had had a good impression of the maid when the maid first approached her. It was an unconscious sense of affection, so she didnt doubt the maids identity.

Wow, we must be really good friends, that you can recognize me even in. . .  this, and with a loud thump, he sat down violently on Feng Wus bed. He kept touching his hair and his face, obviously still unused to his new identity.

Feng Wu looked in the mirror. How did you recognize me? Her appearance had completely changed. Zhn was a silver-haired beauty; the two looked nothing alike.

Your temperament is easy to recognize. I had my suspicions so I came to test it out. And it really is you. Jier sighed in relief at his good luck at having found Feng Wu so soon.

He didnt know what identities everyone else was assigned, so he was still searching. It would be fun to see if anyone else had also changed genders. It would be too unfair if he was the only one.

Why are we here? Feng Wu knew Jier was smart. Whenever she had a problem, she would ask someone smarter than she was.

Jier shrugged. I dont know. Later that night, I just suddenly felt really sleepy and fell asleep. When I woke up, I was like this. Jier gestured to himself. It took me half an hour to get used to it.

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