The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 303-304

Chapter 303-304

303: The Sea Emperors Tomb

Dont you want to go the emperors tomb? He was an emperor you know. Wont you regret not taking a look? The girl didnt expect to find someone who wouldnt be tempted.

Young Miss, can you tell us whats going on with the tomb? Jier asked with a friendly smile.

The girl didnt expect the handsome boy would take the initative to talk to her.

You dont have to be so formal, just call me Margaret. The girl pointed to herself while blushing a little.

The sip of wine Ink had in his mouth squirted out a little when he heard this. Girl, when did you get so familiar with Jier? Ive been sitting here this whole time and didnt notice.

Jier and the girl were oblivious to the slander coming from Inks heart. Jier easily called the girl by her given name.

Well then Margaret, can you tell us a little about the tomb of the sea emperor? Anyone who knew Jier, knew how short his tempered was, so the fact that he was being so patient meant he was up to something. They just had to wait.

Ink knew Jier was interested in the tomb. He was also interested; he just hadnt said anything out loud.

Do you remember the sudden storm, the crazy thunder and lightning, we had a few days ago, the tsunami from the underwater volcano? asked Margaret.

Of course. I dont think anyone who lived through it will ever forget. Jier smiled charmingly at her.

The place Im talking about is the where the sea emperor is buried. It was well hidden and protected by an enchantment circle. We ordinary humans would never have found it, but the crazy underwater activity we had a few days ago broke the enchantment and exposed the tomb.

The masters of Biluo islands were the first to notice it. They had wanted to enter it the moment they found it, but even though the circle enchantment hiding it was destroyed, the entrance itself is still sealed.

The masters had no choice but to advertise the tombs existence and hope theyd be able to attract powerful masters who could open the tomb.

My brother and I heard about it, so thats why we got on the boat with Boss Hart to go to Biluo. If youre not busy, why not stay and explore the tomb together? Wont it be interesting?! Margaret said with a smile.

Turns out we didnt know something so big had happened. Jier touched his chin in thought. Unexpectedly, it had something to do with them.

The tomb appeared because of their fight with the demon lord commander. Being purified by Xiao Chun released the commanders sealed emotions and things went out of control. The storm happened and the sea went crazy.

Although the storm died for some unknown reason, no one would have expected an emperors tomb would be brought to the surface.

Feng Wu continued to eat her meal quietly. She had no interest in the tomb.

The banquet ended a little later after their chat with Margaret and the group met up in Ming Xis room.

How about it Senior Ming Xi, doesn't this tomb sound really interesting? Ink spoke up excitedly.

A sea emperors tomb was the equivalent to a gods tomb. Exploring one was a rare opportunity, so it would be a shame to miss out on it.

Leo was also super interested in it. They hadnt encountered anything exciting on their mission (he didnt get to be a part of the adventure on Demon Wind island), and now an emperors tomb was dangling in front of him. It would be a too much of a missed opportunity not to go.

The emperor of the sea is a natural born god, so his tomb wont be easy to enter. Im afraid you wont survive if you enter. Ming Xi said after thinking for a moment.

Senior Ming Xi, you can take us there, then everyone can take care of themselves once were inside. No one will blame anyone if they encounter misfortune. Jier was always interested in excitement, so he tried to persuade Ming Xi.

Jier is right. Once we go inside, whether its life or death, we wont blame senior. Leo and Ink both tried to persuade Ming Xi as well.

No, this is dangerous. Weve already completed our mission. Theres no reason to do anything extra. No one is allowed to bring this topic up again. Ming Xi was firm.

Other that Feng Wu, everyones face was crestfallen.

Ming Xi didnt care; he kept a benign expression on his face. Meanwhile changes were happening in the maritime world.

The tomb got a lot of interest as news of it spread all the way to the continent. The flight arrays and docks were a buzz with activity as masters made their way to Biluo. There was a huge boom in the transportation industry because of it.

Ming Xi and the others didnt know as it took a full ten days to reach Biluo. They didnt see Hart again after that first day. But that didnt affect them and they went about their business.

Life on the boat was a bit boring though. Whenever Feng Wu was free, she would bring Little Bun out on the deck so he could practice walking.

Little Bun was getting better at walking. Now that he was no longer just a crawling baby, he loved to explore. Little White[notes] had to run around following him everywhere on the boat.

A shrill shriek erupted out on the fifth day at sea.

A twenty-something year old female mage in a red robe was chasing Little Bun. She had ruddy, blemished skin, probably from all her days spent at sea. Despite this, she was still a mid-tier beauty.

She was currently staring at Little Bun, her face pale and her eyes spitting fire, as though she was staring at her fathers murderer. She held a black staff as she chased after Little Bun while using a column of water to attack him relentlessly.

Little White grabbed Little Bun and ran away. The little guy was showing off his pearly whites as he laughed, not aware it was a life-or-death situation. He just thought someone was playing with him.

304: Little Bun Gets in Trouble

The crew on deck were frowning as they watched the scene in disgust. How could a woman be so heavy handed with a child?

They were watching out for Little Buns safety. It wasnt like they were unwilling step in, they just never expected someone would hurt such a small guy, so when it did happen and they moved to stop it, it was already too late.

Most on board had killed before and were accustomed to blood and death, but those they killed were all enemies. They were uncomfortable watching a small child die in front of their eyes. How could they turn a blind eye and let it happen?

Just when the little guy looked like he was about to get hit, a white light flashed and surrounded both him and the kangaroo nanny. The water attack hit the shield harmlessly.

Everyone was relieved the little guy had escaped death. They were afraid the woman would physically grab the little guy, so one by one, the surrounding observers stepped up and put Little Bun behind them.

Hey. Whats the matter with you woman? Are you even human? How can you shoot at a child like that? yelled out one guard.

Yeah! Ive never seen such a vicious woman. Woman are pure poison.

Hey! If you want to scold her fine. But dont lump all of us together. A female mercenary glared at the man angrily.

Ah! Sorry girl. I was caught up in the mood. The man scratched his head in embarrassment.

Forget it! Ill forgive you this time, but I wont be so forgiving next time! The female mercenary wasnt an unforgiving kind of person.

The other people werent paying attention to their dispute. One by one they pointed fingers at the magician.

That woman is too cruel!

To not let even a child off the hook. Shes just not human!

Yeah, I thought she looked like a bad sort when I saw her get on the boat, said another guy trying to sound like he knew all along.

Oh please, drop it. As if you knew. Only talking about it after the fact, hmph! The others didnt buy it. They quickly booed him.

Meanwhile, the magicians face went from white, to red to green.

Two of the magicians friend rushed forward. Sorry, sorry, everyone. Our friend is a little short-tempered. She didnt mean it. We apologize on her behalf.

They had wanted to stop her, but they were too slow. They were only able to breathe a sigh of relief after they saw that the little guy was unharmed. With him unharmed, they were able to step in and quell everyones anger.

What are you apologizing to us for? We werent the ones attacked and we're not this childs relative.

In fact if you really want to apologize, I saw the childs parent playing cards inside the cabin.

Is anyone going to call her over? Anyone?

Someone already did.

The crew and mercenaries ignored the magician and her two friends as they talked with each other.

Just then Feng Wu, Ming Xi and friends could be seen rushing out of the cabin. They ran very fast. Feng Wu was even faster with her air steps. She reached Little Bun in an instant.

Mom! Mom! Little Bun looked at his mother. He stretched out his arms demanding a hug.

Feng Wu picked up Little Bun and checked to make sure he had no injuries before handing him back to Little White.

It was her, that woman over there. She was the one chasing after the child. If this magical beast hadnt blocked it, Im afraid the child would have suffered ill-fortune.

The bystanders immediately started complaining about the magicians black heart.

The magician had quite a reputation on the ship. Her name was Mofei and among the adventurers present, her strength was pretty good. She was only in her twenties so she could be considered a genius by all rights. But because of this, she was narrow minded, arrogant and full of self-importance.

She was rather unpopular as no one on the ship liked her.

And now she did such an outrageous thing in front of everyone, so other than her teammates, no one stepped up to defend her. The others on the ship were happy to see her suffer, so complaints about her came one after the other.

Her reputation was turning as black as soot, but she didnt think it was her fault. It was just inferior people being jealous and trying to make a fool of her.

Thats enough from all of you! yelled Mofei. Then she turned to look at Feng Wu.

You werent watching your child! Do you know what that despicable pervert did, huh?! He went and peeped at me when I was bathing! Just remembering the scene made Mofei want to kill the kid.

What did Little Bun do to be labelled a pervert? Well, since he graduated from all fours to two legs, he had been busy running around all over the ship, and indeed something finally happened one day.

He broke into the ladies bathroom.

It just so happened that Mofei was the only one in the bath. Of course, it would not have been an issue if a small child snuck in, but Mofei had a powerful shortcoming: she had a flat chest. Feng Wu had a little bump, but this girl was as flat as a board.

She usually wore robes that covered her figure in such a way that people couldnt detect her flat chest. She picked her bath times according to when it wouldnt be in use by anyone else, but this time Little Bun managed to sneak in.

After seeing her body, Little Bun squatted his little booty down and said, Flat. . . flat. . . flat. . . 

It was devastating.

Mofei saw red; she wanted to kill the little guy. She dressed as fast as she could and chased after Little Bun. When she got her hands on him. . . 

Of course she couldnt actually tell it like that, so she simplified it by saying Little Bun had peeked at her while she was bathing.

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