The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 299-300

Chapter 299-300

299: Arriving at Sanye Island

The team was in a predicament without a boat. Luckily it wasnt for too long, after all there was Feng Wu.

Feng Wus circle of friends had always included plants and beasts. With her help, they were able to find a turtle monster nearby that was willing to take them to Sanye island.

With Feng Wu on their team, their problems were easily solved. Yanran, Oleen and Zi Cheng werent as fortunate.

First Yanran and Oleen. After being washed out to sea, they were sucked in by a whirl pool that spontaneously erupted from the sea floor. Who knows where they ended up after that.

Zi Cheng was luckier, she had a system after all. She had walked into her system space when no one was looking and had completely escaped the disaster. She used a lot of potions to restore her magic and heal her injuries.

System, what is the situation outside? Zi Cheng hadnt left her space since entering it initially. She never expected the demon commander to be so terrifyingly powerful.

Host, it is calm, came the robotic reply.

Zi Cheng breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this. The scene of the ground splitting, the tsunami, and the violent wind, was terrible. It had made her scalp tingle.

The encounter could be chalked up to a loss a heavy one. She failed to get either of the things she wanted. The phoenix was taken by Ming Xi while the sword was taken by the demon commander. Her points, that were so hard to earn, were nearly depleted. It was painful to think about.

Well forget it, she needed to reunite with the people on her team and complete her mission. What was important was to pay attention to the feelings of those around her while doing the mission so that her points would increase.

Ming Xi and the others sat on top of the turtle as they sailed on the calm sea. There was a rainbow in the sky and seabirds flew overhead. Everything seemed incredibly peaceful now that the storm had passed.

The gentle breeze and calm waves were very soothing and sleep inducing. Feng Wu was soon asleep with her head against Ming Xis arm.

Ming Xi sat motionless as he let Feng Wu use him as a pillow. He would gently adjust her head back into a comfortable position whenever she slipped off.

Jier was humming lazily to himself was completely at ease.

They finally spotted the clover shaped Sanye island after sailing for seven days.

There was no official ruler of Sanye island. There was a castle in the middle of the island that was built by an old sword master. Although the master was the strongest on the island, he did not rule it. He was not responsible for the welfare of the inhabitants, nor did they pay him any taxes.

The two parties had always minded their own business and kept to themselves.

The island had a speical product called the tri-colored pearl, which could be found inside the tri-colored clam. As the name suggested the clam and pearl had three colors.

Many aristocrat ladies enjoyed jewelry made from the pearl, so jewelers were willing to pay divers to harvest the pearls. The rarity of the clams made the pearls hard to find. On top of that, the clams attacked, so divers could be injured if they werent careful.

It was hard work, so divers could sell a single pearl for a few dozen gold coins. The jewelers who processed the pearls then turned around and sold each pearl for hundreds, or even thousands, of gold coins. The price was high so the business was lucrative.

Ming Xis group wasnt assigned to gather the tri-colored pearls though. Their assignment was to gather ten tri-colored flowers, which only grew on Sanye island near tri-colored clams. The tri-colored flower was an underwater flower you see.

The group hadnt wanted to delay their mission so they had split up with Ink, Leo, and Milty responsible for finding the flowers, while Ming Xi, Jier, and Feng Wu would rescue Yanran and Oleen.

Unfortunately, neither group had accomplished their goals. Yanran and Oleen were still lost and the flowers had not been harvested.

It wasnt a difficult task, as long as they wanted to find the flower, theyd find it. However, they only managed to pick three flowers after several hours searching.

The flowers were used to dye fabric. Any fabric dyed in the flower would produce three colors. These types of fabrics were rare and had to be seen to truly be appreciated, however those on the continent preferred monochromatic colors. They accented their clothes, such as the collar or cuff, in different colors, but the main outfit itself was generally a solid color.

Because of this the tri-colored flowers werent as prized as the tri-colored clams were for their pearls. The flowers werent of interest; even the locals didnt bother to pick them when they came upon them. This meant the flowers werent hard to find. Yet despite this, the group had found only three in ten days. It was too inefficient!

Ming Xi was asking about the flowers, but Milty was unhappy when she heard Oleen hadnt returned.

Senior Ming Xi, you didnt bring Oleen back with you? Didnt you go to get him? she asked.

300: Tri-colored Flower

Her eyes were filled with hatred as she spoke to Ming Xi. It was like she hated him more than anything else.

Thats nonsense. We spent so much time trying to sneak onto the island to find your damn fianc and that stinking Yanran girl. After all the risks we took, who the hell are you to talk to Senior Ming Xi like that?! Jier glared at Milty. This girl was incredibly annoying. Granted he was also a little spoiled himself, but at least he knew right from wrong.

With this woman though, as soon as anything had to do with her fianc, her IQ plummeted and she became a complete lunatic.

Youre all in it together. You deliberately left Oleen behind. Otherwise how could the three of you come back while Oleen has disappeared? Why was there an accident at all? As the team captain, shouldnt Senior Ming Xi have protected him?!

Milty wasnt listening. She couldnt breathe when she thought about Oleen drifting out there lost in such strong waves. She had loved him since she was a child and had fully intended to marry him.

Ming Xi only gave Milty a glance. If you believe I am at fault, then feel free to report me to the teachers when we return to campus. If you are correct, then I am willing to accept the punishment.

Bad person. Feng Wu stared at Milty while holding Little bun in her arms. She could feel the malice directed at Ming Xi. It was obvious it wasnt Ming Xis fault, but this crazy woman was still blaming him for it. What a bad person. . . 

Due to her limited vocabulary, bad person was the harshest denouncement Feng Wu could give someone.

Bad. . . bad person, repeated Little Bun. He loved his mother the most. Upon feeling the anger emanating from her, he turned his head and cursed at Milty, despite not know what the words meant.

Feng Wu kissed her son in admiration and praise. He was such a smart boy!

Jier, Ink, Ming Xi: Is it really OK to teach him this way?

Milty was like a mad dog, ready to bite at any provocation. What right do you have to accuse me of anything? If it werent for you, my Oleen would never have had an accident!

Whats Xiao Wu got to do with this? Ink couldnt remain silent. Xiao Wu was his friend. He wasnt going to just stand there and let this madwoman spout nonsense.

Milty was blunt. She was too weak. Senior Ming Xi must have been distracted with having to protect her, so it was impossible for him to rescue Oleen.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was what happened. She shot Feng Wu a hate filled glare.

Cant reason with her. Jier said. If it werent for Xiao Wu, we would have all died in that underground temple. Your precious Oleen wouldnt just be missing; hed be dead.

Humph! Milty didnt believe it.

Ming Xi stopped bothering with Milty. The girl was obviously delirious. He was more concerned about completing the task than engaging in a verbal fight with her. Lets go to the beach and look for the tri-colored flowers.

No! No! None of you are leaving! yelled Milty madly as she ran to the entrance of the cave. She blocked the entrance, refusing to let them leave unless they found her fianc.

Fortunately they were the only ones in the cave. The villagers who lived in the nearby caves had already returned to their homes, so it didnt matter how loud they were.

What the hell do you want us to do? Jier had already lost his patience with the crazy woman.

I want you to find Oleen. I dont think hes dead. He must be somewhere, just waiting for us to save him. You have to go and bring him back!

The sea is vast. Where do you want us to look? Ming Xi frowned. Jier wasnt the only one getting impatient.

I dont know! Just find him! If you cant find him, then dont bother coming back!

She acted like it was a given they would do anything for her fianc.

Ink couldnt take it anymore. This girl was usually normal, but she got crazy whenever it came to her fianc. You really couldnt judge people by appearances. If you want to find him that badly, go and find him yourself. We wont stop you.

Oleen was in the wrong for leaving the team without permission. As captain, I have done enough for him. I wont let him influence the outcome of the team. They had gone and tried to rescue him once already, there wasnt going to be a second time.

No one mentioned Yanran. They knew Milty only cared about Oleen.

Milty didnt get sympathy no matter how much she ranted or begged. They ignored her and went looking for the tri-colored flower. Milty could go and do whatever she liked for all they cared.

The group walked to the beach, heading toward a large village. Ink and the others had already become acquainted with the people, so they exchanged greetings amiably.

The tri-colored flower bloomed in the sea. They would have to go diving if they wanted to find any. Everyone created a water barrier, but because it was made out of magic, they were under a time limit. Their magic would only last three hours, tops.

Since there was Little Bun to think about, Feng Wu stayed behind to take care of him. They could have left him with the nanny beast, Little White, but it made the group uneasy to leave Little Bun and Little White alone.

So, while Feng Wu stayed behind, Ming Xi, Jier, Ink and Leo jumped into the sea to search for the flower. There werent any large sea monsters in the area around the island, but there were many types of peculiar fishes. These fishes swam around them happily.

Before Ming Xis group came to the island, Ink and Leo and taken turns diving. This method was inefficient. That was why they had only found three flowers in all that time.

But now with everyone back together, they were able split up and dive at the same time.

Leo finally felt some optimism about completing the mission. He had been the most stressed in the group. Ming Xi had asked him to take care of the mission and the other team members. He took his responsibilities seriously and he hadnt wanted to disappoint Ming Xi, but his teammates were pig members and it made the mission really difficult to complete.

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