The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 415: Experiment [2] – Terrorizing Capability

Chapter 415: Experiment [2] – Terrorizing Capability

Min Hong wanted to test his ability to terrorize someone mentally, and he didn't want anyone disturbing him, as Daniel's voice echoed out;

"The first one was a badass move, but this one would be much more fun to watch!"

Min Hong grinned at that statement as he tapped into the Primus Dao and activated its divine ability

Min Hong's eyes went golden green as he prepared the 'Nightmare Aberration' divine ability

Min Hong wrapped the Oblivion Dao energy around his body as he completely vanished from every single one of Pirate Chan's senses, including his Spirit Sense, which if one compared to the like of Min Hong's was tragically low

[After all, we are talking about someone who's Spirit Sense was strong enough to make him briefly visit the Divine Realm]


'Where did he go!?'

A tinge of fear surfaced within Pirate Chan's mind as he tried to find Min Hong who had abruptly vanished like he never even existed to being with

But that was not all, he was feeling totally cut off from sending any type of mental transmission to his partner and boss; something he found extremely eerie, as he broke out in cold sweat with increasing fear level

Min Hon who was standing right beside Pirate Chan the whole time simply moved His lips extremely close to his  ears and whispered softly;

"Looking for me?"


Pirate Chan almost jumped out of his skin in fear when he heard someone speak into his ears at such close range

He quickly looked around but couldn't find anyone in the area

He even went as far as spreading out his Spirit Sense, but for some strange reasons, they became scrambled the moment they left his body, causing his fear level and anxiety to spike, and that was not even including the warm breath that brushed past his ears when Min Hong spoke

Min Hong waited behind a stone for a while and allowed Pirate Chan's fear level to reduce a little, before approaching him once again, but this time He simply sped past his figure causing Pirate Chan to feel a cool breeze brush the back of his neck, something which when added to the buckets of sweat pouring out of the pirates body, made the helpless pirate feel even colder

The chill he was currently feeling, was one that stemmed from the depths of his soul, and at this point, he was barely thinking of defending himself as his entire senses were filled to the brim with the fear of the unknown

He had attacked the boy before and even though he came out of it holding the short end of the stick, the boy shouldn't have recovered so fast, not to talk of even possess enough speed to move the way whatever was tormenting him was moving

Pirate Chan kept taking several steps backwards, gradually and gradually, until he bumped into something that felt like a bod behind him, turning around with a fist strike, he punched whatever was behind him, which in this case was a massive rock debris with rough body


The rock exploded into dust but Pirate Chan also received a little bit of damage as well, because he was mentally prepared to hit flesh and not a hard massive rock with rough stony surface

Min Hong watched everything with a grin as Daniel suggested;

"Why don't you release your death and darkness aura into the area, that would make things creepier and more interesting"

Min Hong who saw this as an opportunity to put their difference behind them did as Daniel had spoken, whilst Little Fei witness and felt everything through their ten percent link whilst focusing completely on his theories and experiments

The area suddenly began to grow dark, like as if someone was slowly tuning the lights of a room of, as another level of fear began to grip Pirate Chan

Previously, he could still see his surroundings and environment, but now, he was barely seeing his hand in front of himself

Then a soul calling chill gripped him; those kind of chill one's soul feels when the Reapers [Messengers of the God of Death] had locked onto their target

Death aura permeated the entire area, and Pirate Chan could gradually feel his breath become heavier and more forced by the minute, as he began to become exhausted due to losing vitality bit by bit; something that was caused by inhaling Min Hong's Death Dao energy

Then Min Hong purposely made his body glow slightly and moved past Pirate Chan once again, as Pirate Chan saw the shadow of something move past him with blinding speed, and just as he wanted to turn around to chase the shadow, he slammed his head into a stone wall which had been covered by the pitch black darkness

"This is so much fun, I can't wait to use this method to interrogate people"

Daniel laughed hysterically like a wicked monster playing around with its prey, and after a while he added;

"Let's bring this to an end, before the rest of the group come looking for you"

"I have the perfect method for that!"

Min Hong replied before allowing his eyes to glow and then moved randomly all over the darkness leaving several afterimages with glowing eyes in the darkness, but to Pirate Chan, it looked like, several demonic beasts with golden green eyes were awakening one after the other, as they began to stare at him, drowning Pirate Chan's courage and will in an ocean of fear;


Pirate Chan was now running mad from fear as he turned around to flee in a random direction

But the moment he turned, he saw a brighter golden green eye at close proximity, and just as he was about to scream, a voice that sounded like a little boy and a middle aged man [which  was obviously Min Hong and Daniel] speaking simultaneously, echoed into his ears from the figure in front of him;

"Nightmare Aberration!"

Instantly, his voice ceased, and his body slumped as he stood there unmoving like a statue, but in actuality, he had been placed into an endless loop of the entire terrorizing scenario Min Hong just put him through

Thus, in this moment, Pirate Chan was living Min Hong's torment, over and over and over again in his mind, an illusion that was so real, that he didn't even know that Min Hong was currently carrying by the neck and flying him over to the rest of his group;

"That was so cool!" Min Hong exclaimed at Daniel;

"I also had no idea that it would work!"

Daniel responded as they replayed how Min Hong's voice sounded when they both spoke simultaneously earlier

They flew at a leisure pace and Min Hong continued to speak in that exact tone to get used to it, as Daniel suggested;

"How scary do you think it would be if Little Fei also spoke simultaneously?"

Min Hong grinned wickedly and looked at the person he was grabbing by the scruff of the neck like a little stubborn kitten and replied;

"I don't know, but now that we have a test subject, all we need to do is to recreate the same atmosphere, wake him up and experiment your suggestion on him"

Min Hong replied as he picked up speed whilst Daniel's roaring laughter continued to reverberate within his head, as Min Hong felt that, in that moment, He, Daniel and Little Fei were finally back on friendly terms

On getting to their previous location, he noticed that, Xiao Gui and Gong Yi were still using the Pirate Leader to harmonize their teamwork as they turned the helpless [6 Star Saint Stage battle powered] Pirate Leader into a whetstone for their first training session

Min Hong simply glided past them and landed on the flying ship as Ki Ting and Tong Tian rushed over to him;

"Are you okay?"

Ki Ting asked with utmost concern as she began to press Min Hong's arm, check his eyes to see if it was bloodshot, but Min Hong knew she was simply checking if he was injured so she can heal him as he replied;

"I'm fine"

Then Ki Ting finally heaved a sigh of relief and stepped back a bit whilst Min Hong smiled towards her as a thank you for her deep concern, something that caused Ki Ting to blush furiously

"What happened to him?"

Tong Tian asked as Min Hong dropped Pirate Chan on the ground before answering;

"Oh, I caught him off guard and threw a 100 ton boulder on his head, and then he fell unconscious"

Tong Tian who could smell the stench of Min Hong's bullshit didn't bother asking anymore because he already knew Min Hong wasn't going to tell them the truth, but Ki Ting who didn't know him blurted;

"And he didn't sustain any bruise?"

Daniel burst into rib-cracking laughter tempting Min Hong to erupt with one of his own, but when Min Hong looked to Tong Tian's face as saw him holding back his laughter with sheer will, at that point, both of them felt like bursting as they both simultaneously pinched each other aggressively to quench their imploding laughter

Ki Ting was so adorably lost and confused that the Min Hong and Tong Tian who knew or suspected what had happened were surprised at the fact that this caring and powerful core court disciple could be so gullible

Princess Cui who also had theories of her own and didn't believe Min Hong's naked lie, covered her mouth with her sleeves as she gave a silent but quaking laughter;

"Yeah He had a really strong body!"

Min Hong replied once again as the trio were forced to hold back another bout of laughter whilst pinching themselves again due to his stupid excuse, and the fact that Ki Ting once again believed it totally

"Take this"

Min Hong flicked his wrists and a chain appeared in his hand;

"Tie him to the mast of the ship"

He ordered, as Tong Tian took the chains and asked;

"What if he wakes up?"

"He won't be waking up anytime soon" Min Hong reassured as he looked to the ongoing training session

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