The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 246: Too Close For Comfort!

Chapter 246: Too Close For Comfort!

"Is that the core of the Void?"

He asked once again but received an answer directly from Lekan who was sending him the vibe and instinctive response that said; "whatever that is, leave it alone... Seriously!"

As a matter of fact, there was even a slight fleeing inclination in that instinct of his

But Min Hong's curiosity was already trapped by this orb of light which was the first thing he was going to see since he got here

The orb of light was bordering between deep blue and deep purple, and despite every fiber of Min Hong's being screaming and blaring the danger alarm, Min Hong still found himself approaching this orb of light, albeit, at a very slow, steady and an extremely cautious pace

In less than ten minutes, Min Hong had covered the half the distance between him and this orb of light, his eyes darting here and there

His mental force spread as wide as they could possibly reach

"I hope you guys are alert"

Min Hong thought to his alter egos as a yellow ring emerged from within his body enhancing his body strength to almost twice its normal level, causing the aura of Lekan to leak out which Little Fei instinctively responded to by veiling him in Oblivion Dao the cloaked figure appeared hovering behind Min Hong

It looked like the Reaper, only that its face couldn't be seen as it was shrouded in some sort of darkness and the only thing anyone who looked at it would see, were two rainbow colored eyes

Every single part of its body was cloaked and not a single part could be seen outside

Min Hong then connected his 'Eye of Infinite Dao' to the eye of this figure, and for the first time in a long time, Min Hong's eye transformed, and now depicted the color of a rainbow that had the rays of a setting sun illuminating it

"Huoyi's Fucking Curly Beard!"

"What in the seven planes is this!?"

Though, the void was still as dark as before and still giving Min Hong a vibe of being lost, Min Hong could now see some floating figures which included several living beings, many debris and finally the source of the orb of light in front of him

It was a Void Monster which was currently facing Min Hong direction, it looked very much like a lantern fish, except for the fact that it was as large as an aircraft carrier, with scales and hideous looking rows of fangs which gave Min Hong bulging goosebumps

It currently had the eyes on either side of its head closed, and from what Min Hong was sensing from this aberration, it was anything but sleeping, and in fact, it seemed to be waiting for something, but Min Hong neither ready to know or see whatever it was waiting for, bolted for his life in the opposite direction

Chi! ChiChi!

Lightning flickered all over his body, as his wings which had been itching to be used, flapped so hard Min Hong groaned slightly from the pain that came from such aggressive movement of the wings

But the pain was worth the results because Min Hong was abruptly catapulted into the distance before unleashing his Space Dao which just like Chu Huang stretched like an elastic before contracting abruptly, blasting Min Hong further into the distance before rippling and returning back to its original state

"This is still not enough"

Sending a thought to his Primus Dao Tree, the 4000 feet tall tree erupted with an insane amount of suction force as it drained the life out of the rest of the Dao Branches before pouring everything into the Space Dao Branch...

Then, just as Min Hong was about to unleash his the boosted Space Dao whose branch was now standing at 900 feet from the Primus Dao Tree, Min Hong felt a sudden sense of utter dread, as his Death Dao Branch trembled and rustled as if trying to tell him that Death was literally a fang away from him

The skin at the back of Min Hong's neck contracted as all the hairs on it stood vertically, getting the hint that death was behind him, Min Hong turned his head to steal a glance, and what he saw frightened him so much that, his wings and his brain faltered for a second

It was the lantern fish monster he had seen earlier, with its two deep blue eyes locked onto him and a gaping mouth with nightmarish rows of fangs baring down on him

The space around Min Hong rippled into existence and stretched far longer and tougher than earlier and then;


The monster's mouth snapped shut, as it looked into the distance slightly stunned

It had just bitten into the empty void because Min Hong was now about 5000 miles away from it

Not willing to give up the only food it had seen in ages, the orb like antennae on the monster's head brightened and then; Kum!

The orb struck the empty void in front of it and the area in front of it rippled like water as it entered it

An apparition of the monster then came out of the other side it was completely illusory and melded perfectly into the void as it swam like a fish within the water and tore after Min Hong

Min Hong who had seen over 90 percent of his energy and Qi being sucked by the spatial technique he just used was hearing his heart give a strong and loud Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump! Ba-Dump! sound as it threatened to tear through his chest...

But just as he was about to slow down take a rest, the Death Dao Branch trembled once again, and this time, with a greater sense of urgency and danger causing him to look back and saw a gaping mouth hurtling towards him at a speed of about 1500 miles per second

Min Hong tried to use the Space Dao technique was more only to realize that he had only 10 percent energy left and then;


The monster's spirit's mouth snapped shut, this time tried to swallow Min Hong's soul which was one of its innate abilities

It would discard its physical body and move in its soul form and this grants it about 500 percent boost to its speed...

When he gets to its target, prey or victim and chomp on them, it would eat their souls directly out of their body and then return to its own body, before going back to finish its meal, which is the empty, soulless body of its target, prey or victim

This was what it just did to Min Hong, and as fate would have it, it chomped on the empty air once again

"Thank you very much guys that was very close too close for comfort!"

Min Hong perspired bullets and was even sweating on his thighs

Just as he was about to have his soul get chomped by the monster spirit, Daniel painfully and unwillingly dragged Yao Ming's soul to the Primus Dao Tree as he used the 'Primus Mark' on it

The Primus Dao Tree sucked all the energy within the soul and deposited it into Min Hong's reserves just in time to use the Space Dao technique once again, and due to Yao Ming naturally being way stronger than Min Hong, Min Hong was catapulted more than 10,000 miles away and yet still had 70 percent energy in his reserves

There was also the new Dao Branch that was now growing on his Primus Dao Tree

"Find Me!"

Just as he finally caught his breath, he heard that calling whisper once again and Min Hong nearly puked his heart out


He yelled in anger... The whisper couldn't have come at a scarier moment than when Min Hong had just escaped what was previously a certain death by the skin of his teeth

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