The Law of Attraction

Chapter 226: You’re Not My Wife

Chapter 226: You’re Not My Wife

Craig and Gale accompanied Luo to buy some new and branded business outfits in a mall. Luo looked around with Gale, and when Craig was far enough, she couldn't help but ask, "it surprised me to see you at Noah's office. I mean, I thought Liam had told you that you can visit Sy firm in case you proceed to take your next move after you get released from prison."

Surprised with the direct question from Luo, Gale was a little flustered for a moment and then found better words to explain before she plainly said, "Yeah… But Liam has already done enough for me, that too without asking for anything. I am already indebted to him and don't want to be in too much debt from him."

Luo nodded and looked at a plain nice dress, "I think this one suits me."

"That? Hmm, I think Mr. Noah won't be pleased with this style. That man, as much as I could guess, has an excellent taste for fashion and hates plain things. Craig said he has a kind of perfectionist attitude in everything, so much so he even wants all of his employees to be always… How do I put it… In their best groomed state? He also said that Noah hates it if any of his employees look too simple and…"

Gale hesitated, but Luo smiled at her and continued, "Dull? Right?"

Then she casually added, "Well then, you choose and I will just fit in it. By the way, you said you don't want to be in debt, then does that mean that Noah would gain something for helping you out?"

Gale did not know how to respond to this query and so looked sideways, so Luo held her arm and gently squeezed it. She smiled and winked as she said, "Hey, you need not answer me if you don't want to. It's my nature to ask a lot of things. I'm curious about knowing more about people, so I hope you don't mind me."

Then she grabbed the dress picked up by Gale and continued, "I guess it's the reason why I became a lawyer. I have this habit of nuzzling into people's lives… But don't worry because I don't kiss and tell. I enjoy listening to people but not talking about it to others, so feel free to talk to me anytime you want. I hope to get along with my first client at Yao firm really well."

Gale gave Luo a bashful smile and a nod. Luo then changed the topic so Gale would feel more at ease with her. It was truly her natural attitude to be curious about things, this thing often caused her trouble, but then she still could not help being curious about a lot of things.

Gale picked up a few more clothes for her and suddenly uttered, "Did Noah tell you how many to buy?"

Luo looked up as if recalling if Noah mentioned something.

"Not sure, but pick a few more since he did not specify any limit," she quickly mumbled with a wide mischievous grin on her face.

"Lets get ten dresses more and ten more pairs of shoes. He's loaded anyway so I'm sure this won't count anything to him, besides he himself asked for it, so it's not my fault." Luo wickedly stated and chuckled happily.

Gale turned and looked at Craig, who was now standing at a close distance behind them, and he only shrugged his shoulders and didn't deny them anything.

"Alright then…" Gale murmured and got busy in selecting a few more outfits for Luo.

"Wow, you look so stunning in this one. You should wear a lot more like this." Gale commented as she joined and helped Luo inside the fitting room.

Luo suddenly reminded her of someone as she looked at her in the branded body hugging bright coloured outfit.

"What?" Luo asked.

"Hmm, you look a lot like Lana in this dress…" Gale voiced out.

"Yeah…! We have the same kind of figure I guess and are of almost the same height." Luo answered.

Gale chuckled and added, "I guess except that your hair is longer. Don't you want to let it lose? Do you always tie your hair up like this? Also, this eyeglass of yours… hmmm... How about getting some contact lenses next?"

"No way. I mean the contact lenses! I have tried it before and sticking it in and out in my eyes irritates me! Not to mention the hassle of taking care of all those solutions and stuff..." Luo complained. Her mother insisted before to get lenses instead, saying her eyes and lashes were so beautiful, but her eyeglass was a hindrance for it to be noticed by all.

"Abou my hair… I might let it loose occasionally. I hate it when men poke their eyes on me…" Luo commented. She was not boasting, but she noticed how she often got attention when her hair was loose. It irritated her.

Gale liked Luo a lot after that short one to one with her. She noticed that Luo was the kind of woman with a 'what you see is what you get' personality. No reservations at all. It was quite fun to watch her with an opposite character to her appearance.

After choosing clothes they picked up shoes and some bags matching Luo's outfit and just as they paid for their last purchase Luo received an expected call.

She grinned widely, mischief filled in her eyes, before answering it with an enthusiastic voice, "Yes, Boss?"

"Stop already!" she heard Noah bark on the other line that she had to put the phone a bit away from her ear.

"Alright Boss. You don't need to shout for that. Moreover, I was simply following your orders." She teased.

"You're not my wife to buy everything in that boutique and empty my pockets!" Noah scolded. He was too startled when he saw the notifications on his mobile phone about the spending of his card.

He was in a meeting awhile ago so he was late in seeing those notifications on his mobile phone. His head almost burst seeing how much that Luo had already purchased.

Luo chuckled and shamelessly declared in a jest, "I suddenly want to become your wife, Boss, hearing that I will be allowed to empty your pocket."

"Boss?" Luo asked, hearing the end call beep. Then ended up in a fit of laughter.

Gale who heard that conversation stared at Luo with a dropped jaw in disbelief. She presumed Noah was the one who called after hearing Luo addressed him as Boss. They had bought a lot of things and she was shocked seeing how Luo swiped the card nonstop as if it was her own card.

Luo noticed Gale's reaction and chortled, "I love bullying the bullies you see, and the Boss is actually my favorite this time… Let's go now or else he would soon get a heart attack. You should call Craig and tell him we are done."

Gale nodded and grabbed her mobile phone to call Craig, still in a daze unable to believe how cute yet shameless Luo could be, by what she saw and heard today.

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