The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Season 2 Chapter 540

Season 2 Chapter 540

Chapter 540

Translator: Alpha0210

He was sentenced to death.

What flashed through his mind in an instant was words of the Exile.

“You intend to kill me.”

“I’d rather not, but if you keep refusing until the end, that’s what will happen.”

There was not even a slight hint of murderous intent in the calm voice.

Instead, it was gentle, as if persuading him kindly.

“Why do you want to kill me?”

Lukas’s voice was also calm. It was not influenced by The Beginning Wizard’s demeanor.

Being sentenced to death or having one’s life threatened.

For him, these were not events that would provoke fear or disturb his calm.

Even at this moment, Lukas’s greatest question was directed towards the existence of The Beginning Wizard himself.

“The existence named Lukas Trowman is too dangerous.”

“Dangerous? I’ve roamed this world for a long time. And I’ve realized that there are still many beings stronger than me, including you before my eyes.”

“I’m not talking about power.”

“Then? Do I feel like a being who can’t control myself?”

“That’s not it either. You are… the center.”

Lukas’s voice suddenly stopped.


It was a statement that was hard to understand at once.

“You are the center of everything, the center of events. Haven’t you ever thought about it? That only to me, extraordinarily unique and off-course events continuously occur, as if I were the protagonist of a story.”


Once again, The Beginning Wizard spoke as if he knew exactly what was on Lukas’s mind.

“It’s not only you. Many people harbor similar thoughts as they live. But, I, Beginning Wizard here assures you, most of those thoughts are mere delusions. It’s a funny delusion that arises from an inflated sense of self, like a frog in a well.”

There is no reason to pity.

Such delusions are childish. Not something to sympathize with, but rather to watch with a warm smile. Lukas does not pity the ignorant, for he truly knows who the pitiful ones are.

“I’m not just talking about humans. From my perspective, even those considered ‘absolute’ are ordinary.”

“…What exactly are you trying to say?”

From behind the mask, laughter flowed out once more.

“[Every being is the protagonist of their own life…] Yes, that’s not incorrect. But you, you are deeply involved in the most important events throughout all the history and records of this universe. ‘It has always been so.'”

The Beginning Wizard emphasized the last words particularly.

“…Do you understand? The most important thing is this ‘always’. You have been involved in all the critical events that dictate the fate of this universe, and you have eventually come to know the secrets of the past, as if guided by destiny.”

“So I should die because I know too much?”

“Not such a childish reason. You are unaware of the value you possess.”

Lukas felt an emotion in The Beginning Wizard’s voice for the first time.

It was frustration.

“Not at all, you don’t realize. How many people are affected by a single word you say, a minor action you take, and how great changes these influences can lead to.”

“If you are asking me to take responsibility for my own actions…”

“Responsibility for actions? Does it feel like we are talking at that level? ‘Lukas Trowman’ is a much bigger and more dangerous existence than you think. If you don’t know that… Yes. You are underestimating yourself.”

This too, was something he heard for the first time.

“…I am underestimating myself.”

“Did you see what was in that spring? You saw and confirmed it yourself. What happened to the people related to you.”


The moment he heard that submerged voice, Lukas’s heart froze coldly.

And he remembered.

The completely changed face of Min Ha-rin, and the appearance of Peran Jun, who seemed about to collapse from exhaustion.

“During your time as the Absolute, you saved countless humans and taught them lessons. You tried to maintain as objective an attitude as possible, but… it was impossible. Perfect objectivity can never be maintained when teaching someone. Your views inevitably get mixed in. That’s why I also call teaching ‘the infusion of ideology’.”


“And most of those you saved must have felt as if they had encountered a god. Do you understand? To them, you are a guidepost leading to the absolute good.”

“…What does that.”

“Lukas Trowman. How do you consider your own life?”

The Beginning Wizard seemed to smile slyly again.

“Immense power, vast knowledge, realizing the truths of the universe, and acquiring a lifespan nearly infinite. Depending on the viewpoint, some might call it a successful life, no?”

“Is your purpose to mock me?”

A laugh like leaking wind was heard.

“I knew you would answer that way.”


“A life you wouldn’t recommend to anyone, admit it. That thought doesn’t come from childish self-loathing or arrogance. I assure you, no one could endure the life you have led. However… there are countless who have set such a life as their goal.”

The chill turned into a shiver.

Lukas was reflecting on his own life. The Beginning Wizard was right. His life was certainly not something he would recommend to anyone.

That’s why Lukas never asked anyone to live like him. He knew how deficient and pathetic he was.

But what if that wasn’t really the case?

Unnoticed by himself, what if he was continuously creating ‘beings like himself’?

What if someone saw ‘deficient and pathetic Lukas’ and took him as a life guide?

Lukas felt a fear he had never experienced before.

“So the reason Ha-rin, Min Ha-rin turned out that way is…”

“It’s merely the result of her own choices. Nothing more, nothing less. But undoubtedly, the greatest influence on those ‘choices’ was you.”


“Of course, Min Ha-rin has become strong. She gained powers she could never have imagined if she lived ordinarily. But as I said earlier, you cannot call her life successful or blessed.”

The Beginning Wizard’s voice became serious again.

“She’s not the only one. In the Three Thousand Worlds, there are countless who follow your legacy.”

[I can’t listen to this anymore.]

Residue spoke in an annoyed tone.

[It’s natural for a powerful being to have a significant impact on those around them. And the weak always idolize the strong, imitating their actions. All this is providence. Do you understand? It’s not necessary to worry about how the weaklings end up because of my actions. The only responsibility I need to take is for the choices I make myself.]


[Don’t be swayed by such nonsensical sophistry, Lukas.]

Before Lukas could even respond, something astonishing happened.

“Sophistry? In what way do you feel that? Remnants of a Ruler.”

[…! How can you hear my voice…]

“This is the Magic Planet. Every phenomenon here cannot escape my eyes and ears. Of course…”

The Beginning Wizard stretched out his hand.



Lukas gulped due to the tingling sensation on his scalp.

“Erasing your remnants is not such a difficult task.”

[Dare you threaten me?]

“How could that be? I don’t dislike you. I was merely stating the facts.”

[…Really detestable way of speaking. You are─]

“Enough. Residue.”

Lukas quietly subdued Residue, then turned to look at The Beginning Wizard.

“Beginning Wizard. Through our brief conversation, I’ve come to learn a few things about you.”


“Would you like to hear them?”

The Beginning Wizard gestured with his chin, showing interest.


“You’ve recommended death to me, but you do not hate or despise me. Nor do you harbor any intent to kill.”


“Rather, you seem to want to teach me something… Is there anything among these that I am mistaken about?”

“…No. Everything you said is true.”

“I see.”

Lukas nodded.

“Then I’ll also speak my mind. Right now, no matter what good intentions you have, or whatever you blabber, I can’t take it well.”


“Even if you are doing all this to help me, I might understand it logically, but I can’t accept it. I can’t shake off my repulsion towards you. Do you know why?”

“Because you don’t know anything about me.”

Yes. I thought he would answer easily.

Lukas continued without surprise or panic.

“I’m not just talking about that mask, the one covering your face even now. Have you clearly revealed anything to me? What is your purpose? Why did you bring me to the Magic Planet? Was there any intention behind showing me the Spring of Wisdom?”

Amid the flurry of questions, The Beginning Wizard maintained his silence.

And then Lukas spoke as if he was exhaling a pent-up breath, with difficulty.

“…You wish for my death? That might be fine. Do you see any attachment to life in me? Do you think I’m a being who desperately hopes for tomorrow?”


“Tell me the reason. If I can understand it, I don’t mind dying.”


“Be quiet for a moment.”


Lukas silenced Residue with a single word, then looked at The Beginning Wizard again.


He remained silent for a long time.

The eyes behind the mask seemed blurry. The Beginning Wizard seemed to be slowly surveying the surroundings. He carefully took in the constellations spread all around, one by one.

The action seemed either slow or fleeting, like a shooting star.

“… There were still new aspects, huh.”

Eventually, a voice tinged with a hint of laughter flowed out.


“Yes. First, I must keep my promise. Didn’t I say? If you come to the Magic Planet, I will show you the face under this mask.”

Before he could respond, The Beginning Wizard boldly took off the mask.

And the moment he faced the revealed visage,

“…What are you playing at?”

Lukas’s face contorted.

The face inside the mask was one Lukas had seen several times.

A face imitating him, crudely resembling Lukas Trowman.

The face of a ‘Fake Lukas Trowman’ was there.

“Coming all this way, and still playing such tricks at this moment? What’s the point in hiding your identity?”


“Still don’t get it? That face of yours, it comes across as so unpleasant to me that it gives me goosebumps.”

“You’re the one who knows nothing.”

The tone changed. The atmosphere did too.

Lukas realized this fact a bit late.

The Beginning Wizard faintly smiled.

“Lukas. I’m not playing around. Nor am I hiding anything.”


“Why have you never thought that this might be my ‘real face’?”

“…What are you talking about?”

“This is me. No alterations, no magic, no deception. My true face.”


“Crude imitation of you? You might feel that way. But alternatively, you and I.”

The Beginning Wizard spoke with a faint smile.

“We simply resemble each other.”


The moment a clap sounded, a brilliant star shattered and scattered.

And the scattered star fragments formed a landscape.


In a clearing within a forest,

There stood a facility.

[Trowman Orphanage.]

At a place Lukas could never forget,

A brief yet intense story began.


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