The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Season 2 Chapter 534

Season 2 Chapter 534

Chapter 534

Translator: Alpha0210

One doubt had disappeared.

Lukas decided to accompany The Beginning Wizard to Magic Planet. He erased other options from his mind.

However, even though the decision was made, there were still concerns.

─One thing you should know…… if you go to Magic Planet… you will die…….

The exile’s advice.

He added more to it.

Even if The Beginning Wizard doesn’t kill Lukas directly, he will greatly influence his death.

‘He’s not someone who would spout nonsense.’

I still know nothing about the Exile. His power, personality, race, even his name, are still shrouded in mystery.

But one thing I’ve grasped is that his actions have a clear purpose. ‘If Lukas goes to Magic Planet, he will die,’ there might be truth to this statement. If that’s the case, then the Exile’s goal would be ‘he doesn’t want Lukas to go to Magic Planet’.

‘And there is no malice in such actions.’

This is something that Lukas, who had experienced regression, could understand. It’s highly probable that the Exile sent him to the three thousand worlds for Lukas’s sake. Even though he ended up dying, the experiences there brought many changes to Lukas. Though they were a series of hardships, they were meaningful and important experiences.

[Are you planning to go to Magic Planet without any companions? Are you going to ignore the advice of the Blue Knight?]

‘That’s not it. I thought about it, and it seems like I already have a companion.’


‘You’re here, aren’t you?’

Residue seemed to be at a loss for words for a moment.

[…You stupid fool, do you think I can be of any meaningful help to you right now?]

‘Physical help isn’t important. Pale emphasized being [alone]. I have a feeling that just being with you will be enough.’

[Ha. A hunch. That’s too shallow a concept to stake your life on.]

‘Right, as you say. But… it’s strange.’


‘Something about The Beginning Wizard, I have a feeling that my hunch will definitely be spot on. As if I know this man very precisely.’

Lukas watched The Beginning Wizard’s back as he declared his intent to accompany him and started walking inside Cloud Pavilion. The moment Lukas followed him, the scenery around them completely changed.

They had left Mount Hua in an instant.

Lukas regretted not being able to say goodbye to Yang In-hyun, but he was more focused on the fact that The Beginning Wizard could also manipulate space.

‘Do you know what The Beginning Wizard just mentioned? It’s the evil I have long harbored and told no one about.’

Lukas’s inner evil.

Residue nodded, understanding the concept.

[Duality, huh.]

It’s indeed easy to explain.

‘I became the absolute being and saved humans countless times. I tried not to succumb to the doubts that rose occasionally. But sometimes… I couldn’t endure my hatred towards them.’

[The instinctive disgust a superior being feels towards inferior beings, you weren’t free from that either, huh. You hid it very well. Even I didn’t realize such discord from you…….]

‘That’s because it was something important. If I had shown even a slight sign of it, you would have persistently dug into that aspect and tried to persuade me then.’


‘…And if that had happened, I probably would have given in to you.’

Becoming not a savior, but a servant of a ruler.

That was something Lukas had to prevent at all costs.

[You’ve been strange since then. Most emotions are lost when one becomes an absolute being… Duality is also a characteristic of mortals.]

‘What’s important now isn’t that. The Beginning Wizard precisely mentioned the thoughts I had buried within myself and told no one about.’

[But he said, didn’t he? That he isn’t ‘Lukas Trowman’.]

It could be a lie. Or perhaps some sort of wordplay.

Whatever it was, the current Lukas had no certainty to rely on.

That’s why he had to go to Magic Planet.

‘I understand the risk involved. But… I feel a strange confidence.’

[What kind of confidence?]

Lukas’s gaze once again settled on The Beginning Wizard.

‘The confidence that he will never harm me.’

* * *

Magic Planet, a place where one cannot set foot without special means.

Among the territories of the Void World, it was the most enigmatic, and how The Beginning Wizard would take him there was something Lukas had to focus on.

In the end, it was all for naught.

“We’ve arrived.”

By the time the Beginning Wizard uttered those words, Lukas had already arrived at Magic Planet.


Cold sweat ran down his face.

He couldn’t understand what had happened. Teleportation? No. It was something different.

‘Residue, what was my state of consciousness just now?’

[There was no moment of unconsciousness.]

Was it something that occurred in a realm beyond my conscious reach? Isn’t The Beginning Wizard unable to exert his full power right now?

“Welcome. To Magic Planet.”

Regaining his wits at those words, he looked around and then was baffled again.

“This place is Magic Planet?”


Magic Planet.

The territory of The Beginning Wizard and the land of wizards.

For that reason, the image of Magic Planet Lukas had imagined was a bit prejudiced.

He had envisioned long towers beloved by wizards, cities floating in the air, castles with a dreamy ambiance.

However, this place was……

“It’s just a village.”

It really was.

A village on a hill with no particularly outstanding features. A picturesque site where one could view the warm sunshine, leisurely moving clouds, and the grasslands swaying in the wind.

He could see the faces of people living carefree daily lives within it.

Of course, Lukas knew.

The man tilling the field, the woman picking fruit, the old man bent over walking unsteadily, even the children earnestly running around the streets,

All of them were wizards.

“Isn’t it a tranquil scenery?”

The Beginning Wizard, leading the way, spoke without stopping his steps.

Lukas also resumed walking and spoke.

“This should still be the Void World.”

“That’s right.”

“…But, this place is nothing like the typical Void World I understand. Did you create this illusion?”

“It’s not an illusion. Just a simple deception.”

“Is there a difference?”

“Of course, there is. They know that this is a false landscape.”

At those words, Lucas paused for a moment.

“…They know?”

“They are well aware.”

“Then, they understand that cultivating fields or picking fruit here has no meaning whatsoever?”

The Beginning Wizard chuckled.

“That’s right.”

“…Knowing that, why do they do it? Did you manipulate their minds?”

“That’s a bit rude to say.”

His tone seemed sharp, yet The Beginning Wizard didn’t sound particularly reproachful.

“You’ll have to get used to the scenery here.”


“As the word Magic Planet implies, this domain is an asteroid. Not too small either. It’s about 500 kilometers in radius.”

“…What are you trying to say?”

“I hope you like the scenery here.”


“You said you were curious about the face behind the mask. I will show you. But not now.”

After saying that, The Beginning Wizard continued walking without stopping.

Past the village, across the meadow, his steps reached the forest.

It was a place full of vibrant colors, yet no presence was felt. The forest was eerily quiet, the only sound being the rustling of leaves under their feet.

They hadn’t walked far when they arrived at a slightly larger clearing, where there was a small spring.

“What is this?”

“It has many names, but I call it the [Spring of Wisdom].”

“That’s a rather old-fashioned name.”

“Haha. But it’s also accurate. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge and enlightenment from here.”


“My request for you is simple. Stay here for a week.”

Lukas blinked his eyes. However, The Beginning Wizard showed no signs of continuing.

“You want me to just look at it? That’s all?”

“That’s all.”

“…Do I need to protect this spring from someone’s attack?”


“Can’t I leave the forest around this spring?”

“There’s no such restriction. If you want, you can look at the spring once a day and spend the rest of the time exploring other places.”


He didn’t understand.

What The Beginning Wizard wanted from him.

“In other words, there are no restrictions other than that one condition. You can do whatever action you want, I won’t interfere, but I’d prefer if you abstain from unethical behaviors.”


“That’s a joke. I already know you’re not that kind of person.”

The Beginning Wizard laughed again.

“I’ll come back for you in a week.”

“So, I can just spend time near the spring and do nothing?”

“Of course. It’s up to you how you use the given time.”


“Then, see you in a week.”

Leaving only those words, The Beginning Wizard really left.

In the forest clearing,

A silence descended, and Lukas spoke.



“What does this spring look like to you?”


Residue looked into the spring through Lukas’s eyes. Surely sharing the same vision, but Residue might see and know more than himself.

After a while, Residue spoke.



[It possesses the power to show desired landscapes. Impressive. That such a concept can exist in material form…….]

Residue seemed genuinely amazed.

“Explain more precisely.”

[Exactly as I said, Lukas Trowman. Through this mirror, you can see whoever you want to see. If you get used to it, it might even be possible to interact.]

“I can see whoever I want?”

[If you don’t understand, try it out. Touching the spring should suffice.]

Lukas decided to do just that.

He dipped his hand into the spring. The water was so cold it made his hair stand on end.

“What next?”

[Think of the being you want to see. …Do I really need to explain every little thing?]

Ignoring Residue’s grumbling, Lukas thought of the scene he wanted to see.

At this moment, the person he was most worried about.

Pale who had left earlier.


No ripples had occurred before, but now elegant waves spread throughout the spring. The waves gently expanded across the spring water, and with it, faint lights began to flicker.

Soon, the surface of the spring started to form a figure.

─I said I’ll only use it for a bit and return it right away!

Before the figure could become clear, a voice was heard.

A voice that was now familiar, Pale’s voice.

─It really won’t take long. I’ll just borrow it for a moment, poke someone with it, and then return it. Simple, right?

Pale’s face appeared. She was grimacing as if frustrated, a little different from her usual self. She was wearing the armor of a Blue Knight, only her helmet was off.


A calm voice responded, and the view shifted slightly.

Soon, the vision showed a woman in bright red armor, looking a bit younger than Pale. It was a bit awkward seeing her clad in armor redder than blood.


─Because no.

─Ah, seriously. You should at least give a reason for me to understand, right?

─I die. If I don’t have my sword.

The Red Knight’s voice was abrupt as she spoke, and then she added:

─And when I die, it will come. ‘The First Apocalypse’.

─What’s that?



That’s when it happened.

A massive flame erupted in the white snowy field where they stood. The blaze was intense enough to nearly blind them for a moment.


Pale was slightly startled, then she followed it up with a bright laugh.

─Aha, I didn’t expect it to be here.


─So this was it? The reason you were stuck in this snowy wasteland and wouldn’t come out.

The sight of a flame-enveloped giant, standing against the snowy backdrop, was incredibly foreign.

Lukas was seeing this being for the first time.

But he felt like he knew who it was.

“Ruler, Sun God…….”

[He was here.]

Residue added with a surprised tone.

“Is this the ‘danger’ that the White Knight spoke of, that the Red Knight is facing?”

Lukas murmured.

It could be if it’s the Sun God. Lucas don’t know what trick he played, but the oppressive aura the Sun God is emitting now is beyond mere puppetry. He don’t know how it’s possible, but it feels like the true body has directly manifested.

─Then the conversation becomes simpler.

Pale said with a sly grin.

─I’ll lend you power, so let’s eliminate this son of a bitch and head to the pit together?

─That can’t be done.

─Ah. Why. Again.

─First, let me correct you. The misunderstanding you’re having.

Pale’s expression changed.


─Blue Knight Pale, you have shaken it off now. The blind hatred. So, I’ll tell you. Who I have been cooperating with here.

─…Cooperating? Don’t tell me─

─Ruler Sun God.

The Red Knight said in a calm voice.

─I am collaborating with him.

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