The First Evolution

Chapter 81: Hidden Mission

Chapter 81: Hidden Mission

Fang Linyan sighed, gritted his teeth and said,

“If I want to live in this damn world and live better than others, how can I not fight for my life when I encounter an opportunity? I have encountered several opportunities before and missed them. This time, I definitely don’t want to let it go!”

When Fang Linyan spoke, he spoke from the bottom of his heart. It wasn’t because of his good acting skills, but the deep association with his own experience and the emotion from his heart.

——From learning about the bad news of advanced cancer and holding on until he saw a glimpse of hope, he really seized every opportunity to get what he currently had.

Lieutenant Lucan didn’t doubt Fang Linyan’s words. In this bloody cruel apocalypse, he had seen too many desperadoes. It took a while before he slowly nodded and said,

“Very well, don’t forget your words!”

After speaking, he strode away and came to the team and shouted,



An hour later,

Fang Linyan looked back and found that Yangfan City was already more than 30 kilometers away. He looked over from the top of a slope, and he found that there were still dots of lights, stubbornly resisting the overwhelming darkness. It inexplicably gave people a warm feeling.

The environment here was barren. Only cacti, sea buckthorn and other plants grew sparsely on the wasteland.

The road was also a dirt road, but the maintenance was not bad. The environment here determined that even if there was no road, the vehicle with off-road abilities could easily drive through. The dry and solid ground would not bring much trouble to the vehicle.

Fang Linyan was squatting on the ground at this time; the screwdriver in his hand was spinning rapidly. In front of him was the opened hood of the vehicle which had a strong smell of burnt. Hans was assisting him by the side.

At this time, Lieutenant Lucan already felt that it was a very wise choice to bring Fang Linyan, because, in just one hour, the assembled car had so far broken down 3 times.

Because Hans was very new to this car— I had never encountered it before— So he had no idea about the repair. It was the guy Wrench who was leading the repair all the time. It could imagine that, without him, Hans probably couldn’t even deal with the first breakdown.

“It’s done……”

Fang Linyan let out a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat, then stood up and made an Ok hand gesture to the driver.

Dolga skillfully turned on the engine, then he stepped on the accelerator. A series of roars came from the engine that seemed to be an old man’s coughing, but the engine didn’t stop in the end. Instead, it was alive again. It started to spin at high speed. Sergeant Witt blew a loud whistle,

“This is so cool, let’s move on!”

The group of people climbed into the vehicle one after another, then the car continued to drive towards the place where the task was performed.

Fang Linyan sat down in the innermost position and began to close his eyes to rest. In fact, except for the first time the vehicle broke down, the other 2 breakdowns were done by him. He purposely made the vehicle break down after a while. His purpose was simple which was to show Lieutenant Lucan his value!

A person who was worthless would be abandoned easily like a piece of paper after wiping the butthole.

At this time, he began to think about the news that Lieutenant Lucan brought to him; his mood was a little gloomy.

Obviously, the dozen or so conspirators that Lieutenant Lucan killed before should be the contestants. Among these people, there should be a guy who was very good at organization and had a strong charisma to gather people together.

However, it seemed that the risk would increase after forming a team. 1 mistake would cause the entire team to be wiped out. It could be seen that the world was really crisis-ridden. Any carelessness would cause regrettable results.

En?” Fang Linyan suddenly noticed that there was a prompt under his retinas. He quickly checked it with a move of his heart.

“You have lived in this world for 10 hours.”

“Side mission: 10 hours have been completed.”

“You got Misson Reward: Reconnaissance (Temporary).”

Reconnaissance (Temporary): Release the target (including mechanical creature), then you can get simple information without any cost. This skill is a temporary skill. It will disappear after releasing 5 times or after leaving the world.

After using this skill, there is a chance to fail. There is an additional 50% chance of failure to release the contestant. Its success rate is related to the user’s perception. The higher the perception, the higher the skill success rate and the richer the relevant information obtained.

Fang Linyan also tried to use this skill, and he immediately noticed that a sight halo appeared on his retinas. The ability could be activated by highlighting the target with the halo. It is very simple and difficult to be noticed.

Especially Fang Linyan’s own perception was very high. If this temporary skill was used properly, then it could be called a magical skill.

“This skill really comes in handy… It’s a pity that it is temporary and there are restrictions on use. But this is a side mission reward, which means that as long as the contestant, who has survived until now, will have this skill. From this perspective, this may not be a good thing.”

The vehicle continued to drive for two hours. It broke down 3 more times. Such a high probability of frequent breakdowns had increased Fang Linyan’s position in the team, making him an indispensable existence.

Suddenly, the vehicle stopped slowly and came to a mountain wall. At the same time, Dolga, who was driving, turned off the lights before making a gesture to Lieutenant Lucan.

Lieutenant Lucan nodded and jumped out of the car, then pointed the spiked flashlight in his hand to illuminate the surroundings. Finally, the flashlight was pointed on the side of the mountain wall. There was a huge arrow-shaped pattern on the mountain wall, emitting a strange green light under the light of the flashlight.

This was the symbol left by the scouts of Yangfan City with special dyes. Whether it was day or night, it was translucent which was difficult to be found. Only the special light frequency of this spike flashlight could reveal its unique light in a dark environment.

After seeing this huge arrow, Lieutenant Lucan nodded, turned off the flashlight and waved to order the assembly, and then began to tell the content of the mission. Fang Linyan was also listening by the side.

It turned out that the mission they had to perform this time was divided into 2 parts,

The first part was to hike from here to the top of the mountain 2 kilometers away, then install a portable high-energy pulse spy device.

The second part was to wait here for an hour and a half. During that time period, an unmanned surveillance machine controlled by machine civilization would pass from here. The high-energy pulse spy device would send out a special signal to capture it, then it would inject a specially made computer virus into it and release it again.

If all goes well, after it returns to its mother body, the computer virus it carries will spread rapidly, causing big trouble to the mechanical creatures in this area!

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