The First Evolution

Chapter 57: Weird Way to Enter the Trial

Chapter 57: Weird Way to Enter the Trial

Fang Linyan’s original intention wasn’t to run away, but it was the best choice for the current distress condition. He calculated that the main purpose of Evil Zen’s coming here was to protect someone, so he would not pursue him and stay away from the ship.

However, the risk of diving into the sea was also quite high. After all, the entrance to the joint trial might appear on the small Star Ferry. After weighing the pros and cons, he could only choose the lesser of the 2 evils.

The moment he fell into the water, the cold sea water soaked Fang Linyan’s whole body. He immediately shivered violently. Because of his preparation, his backpack quickly provided enough buoyancy which directly let him float up toward the surface of the water.

At this moment, Fang Linyan’s eyes widened suddenly because he saw something weird and shocking. Under the dark sea, several huge tentacles appeared. Every tentacle was about hundreds of meters long and more than 2 meters thick!

Looking closely, these tentacles were made of warm light golden light, and the edges were all fine feather-like long tassels. They waved quickly in the sea. The 2 Star Ferrys on top were like 2 small sampans as compared to these gigantic tentacles.

These giant light tentacles rolled in the water, passing through everyone who fell into the sea. Fang Linyan saw that after someone was swept by the tentacle, he was wrapped in the surrounding light tassels and disappeared.

After some people were caught, the tentacles just passed through them like they did not exist for them at all. They continued to struggle in the water.

After seeing this astonishing scene, Fang Linyan was also shocked. For a while, his brain was blank.

At this time, a dozen meters in front of him, another giant tentacle suddenly appeared. It waved slowly. Several people held each other and struggled to survive. After being swept, they disappeared together.

Faced with this situation, Fang Linyan had understood that these huge light tentacles were the way to enter the joint trial. At the same time, not everyone could enter the joint trial. These light tentacles were obviously the way to choose.

Those who could be swept away by the light tentacles could obviously be selected; those who were ignored by the tentacles must have been eliminated.

Another thing worth noting was that Fang Linyan found that almost all people who fell into the water turned a blind eye to the huge light tentacles underwater. Even if the tentacles were close at hand, they turned a blind eye to them as if their vision was disrupted in some way.

Suddenly, Fang Linyan seemed to feel something. When he looked down, he realized that, under the skin on his chest, a mysterious ∞ symbol was emitting a faint black light. This imprint had been hidden since he returned, it only revealed itself until this moment.

Obviously, this strange mark was why Fang Linyan could see the light tentacles.

At the same time, a huge light tentacle was approaching from the side. The golden feather-like light tassels more than 3 meters long above were floating gracefully in the water, then… passed through Fang Linyan and rolled toward a tourist not far away.

Obviously, the joint trial did not select Fang Linyan. The reason could be the black ∞ mark on his chest or his terminal illness.

At this moment, Fang Linyan felt cold all over. The desperate feeling of being abandoned by fate after just getting the advanced cancer test sheet returned to him!

But today, he had gone through too many setbacks and trials, so after the frustration, the scene he had witnessed before suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Several people huddled together and struggled to survive. When the light tentacle swept past, these people disappeared in an instant…

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan seemed to have some inspiration. He immediately looked around and swam toward another tourist behind him.

At this time, Fang Linyan used up the last ooze of energy in swimming until he almost fainted. But he didn’t give up at all, on the contrary, he squeezed the potential of his body even more vigorously!

Then… he grabbed the tourist’s arm.

The tourist was struggling in a panic in the water, and he didn’t notice Fang Linyan’s approach. After being caught suddenly, he was frightened and tried to struggle frantically.

But at this moment, another huge light tentacle swept across from the water next to them. The golden feather-like light tassels brushed his body and wrapped the tourist up. The tourist disappeared from the water, and Fang Linyan who held the tourist’s arm also disappeared as well!

In the first second, although Fang Linyan seemed to be abandoned by fate, at this critical juncture, he still relied on his superior observation to find the opportunity from it. He then successfully reversed his fate and succeeded as he wished!!

Ugh, what a dazzling light…”

After being swept by the light tentacle, Fang Linyan immediately realized that he seemed to have entered a long passage. The whole world seemed to be moving away from him quickly, and the light tentacle became a substantial existence full of elasticity. It wrapped around him softly and tightly.

Faced with such a strange phenomenon, Fang Linyan, who was mentally prepared for a long time, could of course calmly deal with it. However, it did not mean that the rest of the people could!!

After the first few seconds of being stunned, the tourist who was held onto by Fang Linyan immediately struggled frantically and began to scream wildly. This was rare, but it was not uncommon.

Some people with poor psychological quality encountered some major stimuli would even murder someone else or commit suicide. Compared to these people, the behavior of the tourists just screaming out of control was simply too common.

Fang Linyan immediately let go of his arm, then he saw the tourist struggling desperately in the air and tearing the light tentacle wrapping on him. He seemed to touch some switch and successfully escaped, then he pounced toward the world that was fading quickly.

This tourist probably exploded astonishing power to be able to do this. However, just as he pounced out for about 3 seconds, his expression froze, his hair turned white quickly, and his clothes also began to age and break down. The time on his body seemed to speed up.

In the end, in just a few tens of seconds, his flesh and blood dried up and had turned to ashes, completely turning into white bones. Even after a few seconds, the white bones had turned into dust.

Can Fang Linyan “sneak” into the joint trial successfully? Or he will be “rejected” once again?

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