The First Evolution

Chapter 44: Fang's Real Motive!

Chapter 44: Fang's Real Motive!

Why Fang Linyan could get the S Evaluation? It was because he thought out of the blind zone.

The mission given by the Space was directly putting him on the opposite side of the hijacker. Therefore, even if it was Fang Linyan himself, he would take it for granted that what he was doing was righteous from the beginning. So, he was of course a hero.

But in fact, Fang Linyan entered this world in Descend Mode, and the hidden identity of this body in this world was the deputy leader of terrorist Al Qaeda, the 7th armed group!

Therefore, what he did was not righteous, but to turn away from terrorism.

In fact, if he thought about it carefully, the Space also gave a lot of prompts in this regard.

First of all, when the Space introduced Fang Linyan’s body identity, it actually provided some kind of vague hint.

His name was Jerry. Lin, 23 years old, and his economic condition had always been poor. He belonged to the bottom of the society. He used to be a repairman, and his home seemed to be thousands of kilometers away. This time, the reason for his visa was to travel.

This introduction didn’t seem to be a problem, but then as long as you paid attention to it, you would find that the character actually had 2 major suspicious points. The first was that he actually had a basic shooting LV2, and the second was that he actually had a label: Golf LV2.

Although shooting and golf seemed to be irrelevant, they actually had a common characteristic, that was, they needed money and leisure time for long-term continuous practicing.

The marksmanship was all fed with bullets. Although the United States had legal gun shops and shooting ranges, it cost a lot. The price of an ordinary bullet was around 2 to 5 dollars. If you go to the shooting range to practice once, you can easily burn a few hundred dollars.

To reach the level of LV2 for basic shooting, it needed at least 1 week of intensive training and a lot of shooting times!

Not to mention golf, which was known as a noble sport. It was also a money-burning hobby.

Why could Jerry Lin, who had a poor economic condition, achieved certain results in these 2 areas? That needed to be piled up with US dollars. Obviously, there must be external factors!

Of course, it was too arbitrary to say that Jerry Lin was a terrorist based on this alone, but it was undeniable that this was the biggest doubt.

The second suspicious point was that after the terrorists on the plane were assaulted by Jerry Lin, their expressions looked very complicated. They all enraged without exception, including the mutant. Its hatred was firmly locked on Fang Linyan’s body.

Everyone’s dressing habits were different. Fang Linyan, as an Asian, was completely different from Jerry Lin, who was deeply influenced by local culture, in aesthetics and other aspects. So in the beginning, his colleagues did not recognize it. His appearance had changed a lot. When they recognized him, they had no chance to speak out.

Fang Linyan didn’t have time to bother about these details when he was in a tense situation before, but now he finally realized why those people were so mad and persistent at him.

It was because they deeply felt the shame and pain of betrayal. They thought that why this action was completely failed was due to Jerry Lin’s betrayal! The traitor must die!

If neither of these 2 points could explain the problem, then the 3rd point was even more obvious. The terrorist organization had been planning for a long time for this operation. They had basically considered all the details.

Therefore, according to Fang Linyan’s inference at that time, the first class cabin was an important passage connecting the cockpit and the ordinary passenger cabin and the key place to control the aircraft, there should be at least 2 terrorists working as a team.

But in fact, from beginning to end, Fang Linyan only found out the middle-aged man who seemed to be weak but in fact powerful. Now it seemed that Fang Linyan’s inference was not wrong! ! There were indeed 2 terrorists in the first class cabin. The second terrorist was Fang Linyan himself!

After combining the 3 suspicious points, Fang Linyan was 80% sure that he was a terrorist. Especially the expression full of hatred of the couple in the first class cabin, he could never forget it. They hated him to his core.

In this case, Fang Linyan would of course take a bet. Fortunately, the small probability event did not appear. His judgment was correct, and he received a generous return.


At this time, Fang Linyan already felt that he was carried on the stretcher by several people. His body was shaking, and there were a lot of noisy sounds in his ears. There seemed to be a lot of red and blue stains flickering. It should be the light from the police car and the ambulance.

“…This person is seriously injured, please move, please move!”

“He is a hijacker! Be careful!”

“No, although he tried to hijack the plane, those people would have succeeded without him. He is not a criminal. He is the messenger sent by God to save our lives!!”


Hearing these arguing voices, Fang Linyan showed a smile. After that, he felt a slight pain in his neck; there was an injection immediately. The hallucinations and cold feeling had dissipated a lot. He should have been injected directly with a shot of adrenaline which got him out of the dying state.

Then, another series of data appeared on his retinas.

“Do you want to receive the rewards of the main mission: reversal of history?”

“Prompt: You have 142 hours 5 minutes 47 seconds before leaving this world. After accepting the reward, you will leave this world in less than 1 minute. Do you want to receive the reward of the main mission: reversal of history? Yes/No.”

Fang Linyan was stunned. He had always had a doubt in his mind before. That was why Fang, as a senior contractor, would run into such a world where he would be determined to crush the rest of the contractors.

Although Fang Linyan was not yet familiar with this mysterious space, he could see from the milestone acquired and the main mission evaluation. The principle it upheld was very simple, that was, the harvest was proportional to the difficulty.

The milestone at the bottom could only be obtained by a deathmatch with the rest of the contractors!

Main mission: reversal of history’s evaluation was also difficult.

Therefore, it was not difficult to infer that Fang, who was far superior to the rest of the people, would have poor rewards for venturing in this world. Besides, there were clear prompts before entering the world. It seemed that Fang used an item called the Pardon Order of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland! This thing should not be cheap, so he had been preparing for it for a long time.

So what was his motivation for doing this?

Fang Linyan seemed to have gotten part of the answer now. That was, it seemed that after completing the main mission, he could stay in this world for a long time; it was more than 100 hours. If he could spare out some time before the main mission, he would at least have a week to do some private matters!

100 hours more, what was Fang going to do with that amount of time? Maybe to do some grinding?

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