The First Evolution

Chapter 306: Got Killed

Chapter 306: Got Killed

After the operator pressed a few buttons, the 6 silver balls were suspended in the air and made a buzzing sound. Not only that, a lot of swaying lights were projected around the balls, illuminating the surroundings, then they quickly flew forward.

As the 6 silver balls flew forward, the instruments also begin to quickly map the places they flew over. This advanced technology really opened Fang Linyan’s eyes!

However, after he tried to inquire about the price, he immediately lost interest in it. It turned out that the full name of the silver ball was called the “Kadings” holographic floatation detector. The cost of each detector was more than 1 million US dollars.

Not only that, the supporting equipment had to be purchased separately, and the maintenance cost was also quite astonishing. In short, don’t think about it if one didn’t have tens of millions of dollars. Probably only a big company like the Duckland Company could afford it.

While the Kadings detectors were scanning the terrain, Ishida, as the chief researcher, also began to bring people into the computer in the nearest work area, trying to access the valid information inside. Delto’s direct descendants also began a comprehensive search of the drawn map.

Fang Linyan watched from the side. He found that these people were indeed very efficient. The professional level shown during the search was very worth learning.

About 10 minutes later, Ishida came over and said to Delto with a joyful face,

“Boss, it is now almost certain that this is the remains of the Veronica Laboratory. We have now discovered some very useful information.”

Delto nodded slightly. Although his face was still expressionless, there was still a hint of joy in his eyes.

At this time, someone suddenly called out not far away, and Delto hurried over. Anything could happen in this damn place, it was always good to be more careful.

Fang Linyan was startled, but he went along. He found that nothing happened there, but a three-person team found a permanent post tower that had been built. Although the weapons on it had been removed, they were still squatting and researching something.

Fang Linyan looked at the post for a long time, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. Until hearing the professional people’s explanation, he only realized it.

It could be seen from the fixed traces above that the heavy weapon originally installed on it could be rotated, which could be aimed at the outside and also the inside!

This shows that the designer knew that there might be a very dangerous situation in this laboratory when it was built, so they directly used this kind of variable-direction large-scale fixing holes, which would also greatly increase the cost. Regardless, they still built it without hesitation.

Not only that, they also found a total of 8 such permanent post towers, which showed the strict control at that time.

It took almost half an hour to detect the main access door at the end of the work area. The sign on it said that it was extremely dangerous and shouldn’t be opened. 2 things had been verified now.

First, to go deep into the ruins, they must enter from here. According to Lungie Hale’s notes, in order to avoid biochemical pollution, the inner area of ​​the laboratory was actually located hundreds of meters underground, and the only entrance and exit was the elevator at the end of the main passage.

Second, the inner area always had power. If there was something in it, there was a high probability that it could be preserved in the freezer.

Just to be safe, Delto photographed the door and prepared to upload it in a package with some information found on the periphery of the ruins, so that people inside the company could analyze it and give further instructions.

Then, because there was no signal inside the ruins, they had go out to upload. Then considering the strong interference here, the headquarters also needed time to respond, so he would be away for at least an hour and Ishida would temporarily preside over the affairs.

Fang Linyan didn’t like Ishida. Although this guy was polite and would bow before speaking, he always felt that there was a kind of hypocrisy in his bones. His kissass character was undisguised.

So when Delto left, Fang Linyan chose to stay away from him. Fortunately, Ishida also didn’t bother him. Otherwise, Fang Linyan wouldn’t mind setting him up once.

“Found the outer power room!”

Just as Fang Linyan was leading people to collect useful information, the person who was supervising the drawing of the map suddenly shouted.

After hearing this, Ishida’s eyes lit up. He nodded and said,

“Okay! Get ready. Let’s go over and connect the peripheral power of this base first!”

There was no problem with Ishida’s decision at this time. First of all, if there was electricity, most of the areas in the laboratory could be lit up. Otherwise, it would be too passive to fight in the dark if there was any danger.

Secondly, the most valuable thing here was the research data. These data were likely to be stored in the computer, which also required power supply.

In the same way, if there were some weapons that could be used in the laboratory, they also need to be powered on before they could be controlled. As for how to control them, it would be the hackers’ job.

After leaving a few people here to set up defense and cover the retreat, Ishida set off with a group of people. Of course, Fang Linyan was included. They walked through the dark underground area.

Although they had the map drawn by the “Kadings” holographic floatation detector, the area here was unusually large. The passages were also interconnected. More importantly, they were in absolute darkness, so to ensure safety, their exploration was quite slow.

If there was no electronic map support, they also had to leave marks along the way, otherwise there would be a risk of getting lost on the return journey.

They walked for about 10 minutes, and the office areas they saw along the way seemed quite orderly.

They were now advancing while maintaining a tactical shooting posture with about 30 kilograms of equipment on their backs, so even a well-trained warrior would be exhausted to maintain such a posture in the dark for 10 minutes. Therefore, they often needed to rest.

While resting, Fang Linyan found that there was a coffee cup on the desk next to him. Although there was no liquid in the cup, there was a vaguely recognizable word “Apple Pie” on the box.

What did this mean? The owner of the desk just poured himself a cup of hot coffee, then he opened the heated apple pie to prepare for snack. As a result, there was a sudden condition that made him give up the snack and leave.


After Fang Linyan checked the things on the left, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something under the cabinet next to him. Because the angle was relatively hidden, so only his position could see it.

Then Fang Linyan walked over and looked at it, and he found that it was a corpse lying down below!!

The weirdest thing was that the corpse didn’t turn into bones, but a mummified corpse with a burnt yellow surface. Fang Linyan picked up a pen and tapped the surface. The mummified corpse made a crispy sound as if knocking on hard plastic.

Seeing Fang Linyan found something, the rest of the people also gathered around. After some discussion, they didn’t touch the corpse. Instead, a few people lifted the cabinet together. Then, a behavioral expert approached and sprayed the disinfectant first, then he sprayed the enhanced luminol reagent.

This was a very spirit-sensitive reagent that could detect one millionth of blood. Even a small drop of blood could be detected in a large tank of water.

This reagent had now been improved by the Duckland Company. Even the bloodstains from decades ago were nowhere to be hidden.

Immediately after the reagent was sprayed on, there was an obvious fluorescent effect on the corpse. Not only that, but there were also clear shoe prints on the ground. There were clear drip marks on the side, extending from the outside, and finally stopped under his feet…

Seeing this scene, someone immediately said,

“He was injured when he ran in. His shoes also stepped on the blood.”

“This person must have encountered something terrifying. When he got here, he already lost his mind and couldn’t move on, so he got under the cabinet.”

“His torso muscle was not developed, and he didn’t have any weapon, indicating that he was just an office worker.”

“There are many reasons for the formation of mummified corpses. In this big environment, the rest of the corpses had turned into white bones. Only he formed a mummified corpse, which showed that the reason is related to his own internal environment after death.”

“He’s got a badge on him. This dude’s name is Custer Jones. Oh my god, the working badge was from June 2007 to April 2010. This secret base was still running 6 years ago!”

“I found a fatal wound. It’s very strange. It’s a wound caused by a sharp weapon. He was killed in one hit!”


Having said that, the expert specifically demonstrated why he felt the wound was weird.

It turned out that the fatal wound on the corpse was actually pierced from the top of the head directly to the chest cavity. The wound was only 2cm wide!

And the murder weapon couldn’t be found in the corpse, which meant the murderer took away the weapon after the murder!

Hearing the expert’s description, the only way Fang Linyan could think of to kill was actually a master of the wuxia or xianxia world. Like descending from the sky with his head down and piercing the sword into the target’s head, then he left without leaving a trace.

This scene had the essence of killing people in 10 steps and traveling for 1000 miles without leaving a footstep.

But even with such an incredible guess, there was a premise that is difficult to get around. When the body was found, he was lying in the narrow gap under the cabinet and his head was facing the wall. The distance from the thick reinforced concrete load-bearing wall was only about 30cm!

So, how did the murderer strike with the sword?

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