The First Evolution

Chapter 284: Code Name: Veronica

Chapter 284: Code Name: Veronica

Hearing Fang Linyan’s frank statement, Delto laughed and said,

“Interesting, really interesting.”

Then he stood up and stretched, and he said with satisfaction,

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Fatass Kit suffer a loss. To be honest today, you did me a big favor. Because if Kit was still there when the final decision was made, then he would do everything possible to disrupt it.”

“But when he was not here, nobody of the opposition was leading the charge, so I got my way easily.”

Having said that, Delto glanced at Fang Linyan,

“Come and work for me. I think it’s a good thing to meet you. Last time was the same too. If it wasn’t for the delay in sending you back to the camp, the helicopter I was in would also be hijacked.”

Fang Linyan was waiting for these words, and he immediately said,

“Mr. Delto, it’s my honor to be chosen by you.”

Delto nodded and asked his secretary, Selina, to handle the procedures for Fang Linyan. Probably because Delto’s authority was huge, so this matter was quickly settled. A new office location was also arranged for Fang Linyan.

After staying in his new office for a while, Fang Linyan checked the intranet here and found that the Duckland Company was also involved in the development of anti-cancer drugs as well as drugs specifically for lung cancer. He immediately became interested.

However, after careful investigation of relevant information, he found that the company’s current drug development progress was only effective for lung cancer.

Relief of symptoms sounded great, but in fact, it could only suppress pain in advanced cancer patients, enhance their stamina, make appetite and other desires more vigorous, etc., but the cancer wasn’t controlled. It just stopped the symptoms from getting worse.

Simply put, it was a cure for the symptoms rather than the root cause.

But Fang Linyan himself had no symptoms now, so this drug was not very useful to him.

However, considering that the retrovirus sector injection might expire at any time, he still had to take note of it. If there was a chance, he wouldn’t mind getting the drug in his hands.

After staying here for about an hour, Fang Linyan suddenly heard a loud noise from outside the window. He stood in front of the window and saw that there were several “Chinook” helicopters flying over in formation and landed on the square in front of the Duckland Branch Company.

2 of the helicopters had obvious damage on the fuselage. Many people came out from them. There were researchers, armed personnel, and then the wounded who were carried out on stretchers.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan felt that something big was about to happen, even from the perspective of a bystander.

Sure enough, about 10 minutes later, Secretary Selina, called Fang Linyan, saying that Mr. Delto was looking for him. Fang Linyan nodded and immediately followed her.

After arriving at the door of Mr. Delto’s office, he found that there was no one there. Selina’s phone rang at this moment, saying that the situation was very urgent, so Mr. Delto had already gone to the parking apron on the rooftop and asked them to go there immediately.

When Fang Linyan appeared on the roof, he found that the propeller of a helicopter had already turned on. Fortunately, when Fang Linyan walked over, the hatch of the helicopter opened, and someone beckoned him to go up. He ran over quickly and boarded the helicopter.

After getting on the plane, Fang Linyan found Delto, who smiled and said,

“The situation is urgent, we must race against time. We may lose everything if we are one step late.”

Fang Linyan said curiously,

“Mr. Delto, what happened?”

Everything that happened had a cause. The reason Delto was optimistic about Fang Linyan, of course, not because of his 13 charm… But because he had a lack of subordinates now.

In the previous ambush, one of Delto’s capable confidants died unfortunately, and no one was suitable for this position, which caused great inconvenience to Delto’s work.

So he urgently needed a confidant who was clear-headed and, more importantly, was able to fight for him to share his stress.

At this time, for Delto, Fang Linyan, who had made 2 great achievements in a row, came into consideration. He had a feeling that things had become much smoother after meeting Fang Linyan as if Fang Linyan was his fortune bringer.

Therefore, Delto, who intended to cultivate Fang Linyan, would naturally reveal some more information to him. After hesitating for a while, he said,

“2 hours ago, after the company made the illusion of a full retreat, we launched a formal counterattack.”

“Although this official counterattack caused heavy damage to the enemy, the biggest gain was the capture of a powerful homunculus. We obtained a crucial clue from him.”

When Fang Linyan heard the “homunculus with great power”, he was moved,

“Is there any relevant information? I have never encountered such an enemy.”

Delto nodded and gestured for another person to prepare the materials, then he said,

“The company’s research direction has always been devoted to the augmentation and development of human potential, but the current augmented warrior is powerful but less controllable, and the use period has still not exceeded one month.”

“However, this person seems to be a complete body in theory. He is like normal humans usually, but after entering combat state, he can actually display a powerful force several times that of ordinary humans.”

“Not only that, after we captured this person, we also checked his relevant records and found that he entered 3 days ago with a false name and false documents. There was no relevant record before that.”

“During the recorded period, he ate a total of 11 times. His appetites are undoubtedly similar to those of ordinary people, and he also called 3 prostitutes. We have found the relevant prostitutes and found that this person also has the sexual ability as ordinary people, and he is the vigorous one.”

“In fact, the existence of such a person is actually very close to our definition of the ultimate transformation plan: while possessing great power, it does not sacrifice the physiological functions of ordinary people. It can even delay aging and prolong life.”

The more Fang Linyan listened to it, the more he felt that something was wrong. They must have caught a contractor right? Only this can explain the data.

However, after thinking that after he killed Fang, the Umbrelia Corporation in his own world seemed to have collected samples of Fang’s blood, tissues, etc., so he didn’t think the Duckland Company was too outrageous for doing this.

Soon, a person next to him handed over a tablet. Fang Linyan opened it and looked at it carefully, and he immediately realized that his guess was correct.

This guy rushed into a group of soldiers and fought as if they were not his opponents at all.

In the end, he punched the ground, emitting a shockwave that shook everyone around. All of them swayed left and right, completely losing combat effectiveness.

However, this man seemed to be too much in showing off. After being hit by a high-voltage stun gun, he was hit was a speeding car. In the end, he even got hit by several tranquilizer bullets.

Because the special tranquilizer bullet made by the Duckland Company was so powerful that a single shot of the tranquilizer bullet could hit knock off a behemoth like a blue whale, not to mention that he was hit by 5 shots, so he was now in a deep sleep. It could even be said to be in a vegetative state. Only his vital signs were ensured.

Not only that, Fang Linyan actually knew the person on the tablet.

In the joint trial at that time, Gai Qiushan had 4 core members helping him. One of them who was good at tank was called Yibo.

In the end, he was shot in the head by Shania, but he was rescued when he was dying. After that, he never saw him again.

The contractor that appeared on the tablet at this time was Yibo!

Fang Linyan also didn’t expect to meet an old enemy under such circumstances. He couldn’t help thinking if he would meet other members of Gai Qiushan’s team.

But Fang Linyan thought it wrong this time. At that time, Yibo was only temporarily hired by Gai Qiushan. After the joint trial ended, he was selected by another space. He was now acting solo.

After seeing the information here, Delto said,

“That’s isn’t all. We even found his residence through the hotel room card he carried, then we found that the name he used to register is Sade. In the wastebasket of the hotel suite where he lives, we actually found a hand-painted map.”

“In the beginning, we didn’t pay attention to this matter. But later, based on the investigation and analysis of the information we already had, this hand-painted map actually involved a very secret thing.”

“The location marked on it is far away in West Asia. It’s likely to be one of the secret bases of the Bloody Umbrella Company back then.”

“After the disintegration of the Bloody Umbrella Company, we, the Fincher Company, and the Gumball Company had divided up the legacy they left behind, but only some high-level executives knew that there was actually a top laboratory secretly set up by the high-level executives inside the Bloody Umbrella Company. The code name is Veronica!”

“The results produced in this laboratory are the most cutting-edge. It represents the true peak technology level of the Bloody Umbrella Company.”

Having said that, Delto looked at Fang Linyan and said very seriously,

“According to our analysis, the possibility that this secret base is Veronica is more than 40%, so now the company has begun to mobilize all forces to rush there.”

“After you know the news, you must enter the communication silent state and hand over all your communication tools. You can only use the communication tools provided by the company, then you will be monitored at any time.”

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