The First Evolution

Chapter 274: Probe

Chapter 274: Probe

Fang Linyan raised his head and said angrily,

“Go away! The communication equipment in the camp is broken, so boss asked me to take him back to the town we just passed by to buy spare parts. He only gave me 2 hours!”

Codan was suddenly a little confused. Huh? This guy is just a plot character?

Just like that, Fang Linyan pushed him away and walked away.

Codan deliberately used the [Reconnaissance], but they had walked dozens of meters away. He could feel something was wrong, but he couldn’t say what it was. Until his subordinate said suspiciously,

“I remember that the nearest town is 70 kilometers away. How does he walk there?”

At this time, Codan suddenly realized it, and he said hatefully,

“Damn it, this damn liar!”

Being interrupted by Fang Linyan, the rest of the people who were leaving also left. Codan suddenly wanted to cry without tears, but he didn’t expect that the foolproof plan he thought was so vulnerable…


After walking 300 meters with Bowell, Fang Linyan suddenly said,

“Burwell, what is your main mission?”

Bowell didn’t speak; Fang Linyan sneered in his heart. Even you try to trick me? So he simply said,

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t speak. I’m going to use the [Reconnaissance]. I can still afford 300 common points.”

Burwell still followed him silently, seemingly not hearing his words at all. (Because mentioning anything about the Space to plot characters will be filtered)

Fang Linyan was stunned slightly, so he really used [Reconnaissance] on him. As far as what he knew so far, there were only 2 things that affected [Reconnaissance; perception and military rank.

He believed that with his 12 perception plus the official rank of Staff Sergeant, if this guy was really a contestant/contractor, he would definitely not be detected.

After using [Reconnaissance], Fang Linyan was surprised to find that this Bowell was really a plot character, and it seemed that except for the 8 strength, the rest of the attributes were very mediocre, just like the ordinary people… His eyes moved slightly before saying calmly,

“Burwell, are you short of money lately?”

This time, Burwell immediately said in an honest tone,

“Yes, boss, my child has a heart attack. Doctor said it’s best to have a heart valve repair before the age of 3, so that it won’t affect his life when he grows up.”

Fang Linyan said,

“Is it your eldest daughter? I seem to have heard it before.”

Bowell said in amazement,

“You must be mistaken, boss. I only have one son.”

Fang Linyan smiled and said,

Oh, I heard someone talking about it in the bar. I must have misremembered.”

At this time, after they walked for about 500 meters, it was completely silent. Only when they looked back at the camp could they see the lights.

Apart from that, there was only the sound of the wind that had been blowing for tens of thousands of years. It swirled around the thousands of ravines across the yardang.

Of course, there was also the starry sky that looked extraordinarily bright because there was no light pollution.

And those starlights that shone from thousands or tens of thousands of years ago.

At this time, although they were acting at night, they both wore special headlights provided by the company.

In addition, this was a desert area with few plants. Unlike tropical rain forests and grasslands where weeds were everywhere, it wasn’t really difficult to walk.

Burwell suddenly asked,

“Where are we going now?”

Fang Linyan said meaningfully,

“The relevant information I downloaded is very detailed. It is up to 4GB, and all of them are high-definition and uncensored. Moreover, the meteor fragments have touched the ground for 10 days.”

“So according to my inference, we are definitely not the first group to collect this information. Otherwise, how would there be such detailed information? Someone must have collected it first.”

Bowell smiled naively and said,

“Why are you telling me this, Captain.”

Fang Linyan said,

“What I mean by this is that there is actually no need to go to the meteor’s fragments fall locations calculated by the computer because people should have been there. Even if there was valuable information or mutated creatures, people must have swept the place… or being swept.”

Bowell said in amazement,

“Being swept?”

Fang Linyan said,

“It is clearly written in the information that the mutated creatures will become dependent on the meteor fragments that cause them to mutate, and they will try to take them away or directly guard them there. Therefore, if people who go there rashly have insufficient risk estimation, then they will be swept by the mutated creatures of course.”

Bowell said in admiration,

“Captain, you really know a lot.”

Fang Linyan said,

“The downloaded information showed that although the vast majority of mutated creatures have obvious evolution, it is mainly manifested in body size, attack power, and aggression while their living habits have not changed much.”

“Not only that, the meteorite fragments will not only cause the surrounding creatures to mutate, but even the nearby water sources and soil will also be polluted, and the animals that drink water will also have a certain probability of mutating.”

“Here is a barren plateau. The annual rainfall is less than 10 centimeters, so the water source is actually very rare…”

Having said that, Fang Linyan had taken out the map and pointed to a red dot on it and said,

“This is the place where the meteorite fell. We take this as the center, then draw a circle with a radius of 5km. In this circle, the information shows that there are 5 water sources. Let’s go to the nearest water source now.”

“Because mutated creatures also need water. Even if they don’t, they definitely need to eat. They will wait for the ordinary creatures to drink the water and hunt them. This way, they don’t have to wander around to hunt for food. This is also the instinct of the creatures at the top of the food chain!”

“What do you think of this proposal?”

Burwell reached out and scratched his head, and he laughed,

“Although I don’t understand it well, I still think that captain seems to be very powerful for saying so much! I think it’s very good!”

Fang Linyan smiled and said,

“Then let’s go. We seem to be 9km away from our destination!”


4 hours later,

It was already 3:07 am.

According to the normal walking speed of ordinary people, which was 6km/h, Fang Linyan and Burwell had walked for almost 30 kilometers.

However, according to GPS, they were still 2 kilometers away from their next target.

Such a strange phenomenon was of course caused by the damn terrain here.

A large number of deep ravines were densely distributed on this dry plateau. The width of the ravines ranges from 3 meters to 10 meters. Each of them was at least 100 meters. The soil also had a dark red color as if the depths of the earth were injured and the blood was pouring out continuously.

Such a strange terrain was somewhat similar to a harvested rice field in autumn or a muddy river bottom that had been exposed to the sun for more than 10 days, there were deep fissures on the surface.

In this case, it was almost impossible to walk in a straight line to the target.

So the next 2km kilometers actually took Fang Linyan more than an hour, then he finally found the target under a flat-topped stone hill.

This was already the second water source they had checked.

At this time, the sky was already dawn. The sunrise was rising in the distance. The visibility was already very good.

It could be seen that this was a pool with an area of ​​more than 20 square meters. There were ripples on the water surface, and the light was also shining.

There was a huge rock above the pool that blocked most of the direct sunlight for the pool, and there should be a spring below that had been emitting water. This should be the reason why the pool remained.

They found the pool from a long distance because they saw a bighorn sheep coming to drink a few hundred meters away.

It cautiously walked toward the water source, then it began to lick the water. As it was drinking, it almost raised its head to look around after 1 lick.

Even though this bighorn sheep was so vigilant, it still got attacked.

A giant ant with a length of 2 meters pounced on it and clamped its neck fiercely with the sharp mouthparts!

The bighorn sheep struggled frantically, and the mutated ant actually couldn’t restrain it. It was slammed into the rock wall. The chitin carapace on its chest cracked, exuding light green fluid.

However, this had probably triggered the mutated ant. A 30 cm long black poisonous needle suddenly popped out from the end of its abdomen. It pierced deeply into the body of the bighorn sheep. The bighorn sheep’s struggle suddenly became weak, and it soon stopped moving.

This scene was carefully filmed by Fang Linyan. Although there was no such request requirement from above, it was clear that the hunting video of the mutated creature was also very precious.

Burwell was surprised to meet this mutated creature so fast. Although he didn’t speak, his quick breathing also indicated that his mood was not calm.

Fang Linyan suddenly kicked him lightly and said,

“What are you waiting for! Take out the sedative gun and net gun, and prepare to capture it!”

Burwell immediately followed his orders. He had greater strength, so all the things were in his backpack.

Fang Linyan observed for a while and said softly,

“This creature is not an ant. It has golden stripes on its wings and a pale green ring pattern on its abdomen. It should be a common golden green mud wasp (Chlorion lobatum) in the desert.”

“This creature is a kind of carnivorous creature, but the longest one can grow to 2cm at most. I really didn’t expect it to mutate so much after being affected by the meteorite fragment.”

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