The First Evolution

Chapter 242: Consumption

Chapter 242: Consumption

After hearing Boss Tang’s words, Fang Linyan knew what he meant. It must be that the parts made by him have been very well received, and word-of-mouth had already appeared. Boss Tang was also very clear that the number of self-made handmade parts couldn’t be increased. At most, only 1-2 could be made every day. Considering the factor of the scrap rate, there were only 20 at most a month, so Boss Tang would rather lose money to monopolize it.

The circle of the underground modification was actually not large. Once this news spread, it would easily form an advertising effect, so Boss Tang’s shop would naturally have a lot of customers.

Anyway, when he got home from Guanbo District, he went to Boss Tang’s shop along the way. The remaining 4 parts were traded for another 8,000 yuan. This income finally relieved Fang Linyan’s economic condition.

At this time, it was already past 8 pm. Some workers in the repair shop were still working overtime. Of course, Boss Tang was very happy when he got the goods. He warmly invited Fang Linyan to have supper together. In fact, the dishes were delivered by a nearby Sichuan restaurant.

Mapo Tofu/Twice-cooked Pork/Boiled Fish/Shredded Pork with Green Peppers were all typical rice killers. Fang Linyan wasn’t full before, so he ate 3 bowls of rice, which surprised everyone around him. They didn’t expect the skinny Fang Linyan Linyan to eat so hard.

If they wanted to know that Fang Linyan had eaten 3 beef noodles and 40 wontons before, their eyes would have popped out in shock.

Coincidentally, just after the meal, another deeply modified BMW M5 was pulled over by a trailer. The BMW M5 itself was priced at close to 1.45 million yuan, and the ‘deep’ modification was even a bottomless pit. There was no best, only the better one. The owner had invested at least the price of a new car in this, and the cumulative cost had exceeded 3 million.

As a result, after chatting, they realized that he was introduced by the previous Young Master Zheng. The owner of the car, Mr. Ye, looked very gentle, but as soon as he talked about the car, his eyes were beaming enthusiastically.

Mr. Ye said that this car had had a relatively big accident before. He had been to several shops, but they all stated that it was difficult to fix, especially when he wanted the car to be able to race after that.

En, in the eyes of most car mechanics, this difficulty was almost equivalent to letting a person replant after a severed limb and continue to work hard in the professional field.

When a big customer came, Boss Tang of course asked someone to drag the car in for an inspection first, and then he smiled and invited the client upstairs.

Who knows that Mr. Ye didn’t buy this at all, but he insisted on staying with his car. Seeing the fanaticism in his eyes, he wasn’t afraid of his car’s parts being replaced. He was really crazed about the car, and he was reluctant to part with it.

The inspection was completed quickly. In fact, the technical skills of Boss Tang’s maintenance team were only medium, so they couldn’t handle things that other shops couldn’t handle. In the end, the technical director could only sigh and shake his head.

Fortunately, Fang Linyan, who had just had a full meal, was idle, so he also came here to check it out to help with digestion.

If it were him before he entered the joint trial, he would also not be able to deal with this business, but Fang Linyan, who had been exposed to the maintenance concept in Yangfan City, had a new idea. He then pulled the group of people together to discuss. Because of the precedent of Young Master Zheng before, no one dared to underestimate him.

As a result, they came up with a bold plan. The maintenance cost was not much compared to this car, only 300,000 yuan.

However, an additional set of wearing parts would be added, which could ensure that the car could have strong enough performance to participate in the competition, but it had to be replaced every 200 kilometers, and the cost of replacement was 38,000 yuan.

In the eyes of ordinary people, such a maintenance plan was undoubtedly a huge pit, like using a blunt knife to cut meat. It would never solve the root cause.

But Mr. Ye gladly accepted it when he heard it. The only requirement was that he only paid half of the money initially, and the balance would be paid after a third-party inspection agency inspected it.

After the 2 parties signed the contract, Boss Tang was smiling from ear to ear. He took a look at the newly made maintenance plan and immediately took a breath.

It turned out that such a huge maintenance program could usually only be done by AMG, MTM, MUGEN and other internationally renowned large-scale refitting factories with more than 400-500 employees. Small workshops like Boss Tang’s didn’t even think about accepting such a business. However, after Fang Linyan’s streamlining, it really seemed possible to achieve.

So Boss Tang planned to hire Fang Linyan to be the maintenance director on the spot, but Fang Linyan shook his head and rejected it – Stop kidding me! I’m here just to earn a living. My true love is [Drone] and the mechanical core, don’t put the cart before the horse!

In desperation, Boss Tang said that he invited Fang Linyan to be a technical consultant here. The minimum monthly salary was 20,000 yuan. At most, he had to repair 2 cars, and he still got to get the commission.


So when Fang Linyan left, his flattened wallet had already been pumped up.

The money for selling the parts + the guaranteed monthly salary of 20,000 in advance + the commission of 30,000 for leading the team to fix Mr. Ye’s BMW M5 in the afternoon. He instantly earned tens of thousands per day.

After getting the money, Fang Linyan of course didn’t want to go home. After making a phone call, he didn’t even take the crowded bus. He called a taxi and went to a hair salon with pink lights… the shop next door.

The signboard was Thai City Osa Import and Export Trading Company.

Although it was almost 10 pm, the company was still open, which should be due to Fang Linyan’s call for an appointment.

Facing the reception lady who had a smile, bulging front and back, and wore a black silk dress, Fang Linyan pushed her away impatiently like chasing flies, making the lady’s warm smile look awkward.

Fang Linyan hurriedly came to a bearded man and embraced him,

Aha, Mr. Ivanov, take out your small laser calibrator! Also, I want an electromagnetic wave stress relief processor.”

This Ivanov, who was always ignorant to the others, gave a warm embrace to Fang Linyan.

The reception lady next to her was stunned, because she knew very well what kind of person Ivanov was. He could only be described as stink and stubborn. He wouldn’t even give face to boss. However, he was very powerful. No one could do anything about him. Unexpectedly, he was so enthusiastic about this young man.

But she didn’t know that a year and a half ago, Ivanov got a large order from the military, but he didn’t expect an accident in the middle.

The biggest problem was the need to provide the propeller of the submarine in a short period of time. This required processing a perfect Archimedes spiral. The military’s requirements were also extremely strict. No deviation was allowed at all.

In the end, Uncle Xu brought Fang Linyan to rescue him. It was also the first time that Ivanov saw the powerful strength of Lv8 benchworker with his own eyes. He was very convinced since then.

After listening to Fang Linyan’s request at this time, Ivanov immediately patted his chest and said that it was no problem!

Fang Linyan was also very happy. With these 2 important pieces of equipment, the difficulty of processing [Drone] and the mechanical core would be a step lower. In this way, he was one step closer to creating a tailor-made war machine for him.

After giving the prepayment, Fang Linyan still had more than 20,000 yuan left on his body, so he went straight home. Suddenly, he had an idea and went to the 2 fitness studios near his home and asked the related courses. He planned to improve his basic attributes so that he could save some points.

In the end, the coach told him that among all the training, physical fitness was the easiest. He could hire a personal trainer, and he would improve significantly after 10 sessions of persistence, but this was of little significance to Fang Linyan.

What interests him was the training with footsteps that the coach mentioned, but it was relatively complicated. However, he could spend money to attend boxing classes to solve it.

Because the use of footsteps to dodge boxer attacks was a very important part of the ring match, there were actually a large number of people conducting systematic research in this part. The coach would also have a series of methods to train footsteps to dodge.

Of course, boxing classes were more expensive, which was about twice as much as regular private lessons.

Not only that, the professional sports here in Thai City were also quite developed. One could even hire an extremely professional team to tailor various services for you. Most of the service targets of such teams were high-income professional athletes.

The top team would include a nutrition expert, a kinesiology expert, 2-3 sparring partners, professional chefs, rehabilitation physicians, physical therapists, etc., which was a very powerful team.

If such a team could be hired to train Fang Linyan, then it should probably be very fast to meet his requirements.

Speaking of this, Fang Linyan was very moved, because his passive evasion ability was already quite high. If he learned the Basic Step, then he would really get twice the result with half the effort.

However, after inquiring about the charging price of such teams, Fang Linyan also felt that he was hit with an uppercut by reality. The price he got was 150,000… 150,000 USD.

After coming out of the gym, Fang Linyan sighed. Originally, he felt that he had some wealth, but now he felt even more short of money.

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