The First Evolution

Chapter 234: The Truth Unearthed

Chapter 234: The Truth Unearthed

“Little Corey was able to come back to life under the treatment of Victor Frankenstein, but this also meant that I had a lot of sins on my shoulders, but what does it matter?”

“Only then did I know that Victor Frankenstein was the illegitimate son of Archbishop Dylan! Archbishop Dylan was terminally ill, but Victor Frankenstein couldn’t do anything about it except extend his life by a few years.”

“Victor Frankenstein was a weirdo that was obsessed with his research. He was different from the rest. Once Archbishop Dylan passed away, it was no doubt that he would be sent to the stake again. It was only a matter of time.”

“So, Archbishop Dylan was urgently finding a successor to take care of his illegitimate son. He considered several candidates, including me. So when my nephew fell ill, Archbishop Dylan quickly got the news. “

“When I got on the same boat with them, my status in the church began to rise rapidly. Archbishop Dylan stayed behind for another five years. During these five years, he spared no effort to help me move up.”

“The fact that I was able to gain the power I have now is inseparable from the help of Archbishop Dylan… the Finx you saw tonight was a third-generation hybrid beast that my friend, Victor Frankenstein, produced in his lab.”

After hearing this, Fang Linyan’s heart suddenly tightened, knowing that the highlight of this conversation was coming! He looked at Archbishop Molegni seriously, waiting for him to tell the truth.

Unexpectedly, the old man leaned back and started to close his eyes and take a nap. Fang Linyan slandered him in his heart silently, but he still kept his silence out of fear — After all, his memory of the state of the 2 Insects of Death in Archbishop Molegni’s room was still fresh in his mind.

It wasn’t until more than 10 minutes later that someone knocked on the door, and Archbishop Molegni said lightly,

“Everything you witnessed way true, our people were the ones manipulating the Finx — and Finx was Jack the Ripper who terrorized the people of Scotland Yard — the one that murdered those poor women in Whitechapel. “

“But! There was a reason for all this! Those poor women had to be gutted after they were murdered because they’ve already become the dark wizards’ test subjects.”

Fang Linyan said in surprise,

Eh? How… how could this be?”

Archbishop Molegni said solemnly,

“We’ve got very solid evidence that those people in the Death Eater organization are doing an extremely prohibited thing. They are trying to transform the Obscurial to obtain the Obscurus power!”

“This is a dark taboo power from ancient times. It was born in the era when wizards were still being hunted by ordinary people. Its essence is the combination of magic power and negative emotions, and it has the violent power to destroy everything!”

“The Death Eaters used the seeds of darkness obtained from digging the ruins to concoct an Obscurus potion. Once a woman drinks this potion, there is a chance of them being pregnant with a deformed embryo of an Obscurial.”

“However, the dark wizard who was in charge of distributing the potions didn’t pay much attention to this matter at the time. He felt that he could concoct a dozen potions whenever he wanted, so he simply poured the initial experimental potions into the fermenters in the winery next door. This winery is supplying drinks to the bars and ballrooms near Whitechapel.”

“On the second day, the Ministry of Magic accidentally found the ruins in a raid. The remaining seeds of darkness were destroyed. The dark wizards who guarded the place were executed, along with the bastard who poured the potions.”

“The other Death Eaters immediately panicked because the experimental bottle of Obscurus potion became their only hope overnight. But when they managed to trace the whereabouts of the potion, it had already been in the fermenter for over 5 days.”

“A total of more than 3 and a half tons of fresh-brewed beer flowed out of this fermenter. These beers were distributed to bars and dance halls near Whitechapel and then drank by more than 3,000 people. Fortunately, due to dilution, only a small group of women who were more susceptible would be affected by the Obscurus potion.”

Until here, Archbishop Molegni said seriously,

“In response to this, Victor Frankenstein urgently modified a kind of Finkes. They have peculiar organs that are very different from humans, which allow them to sense infected women with deformed Obscurial embryos within 100 meters.”

“So it might seem cruel to use the Finx to finish off those women and remove some of their infected organs, but this was to save them and the millions of citizens of London!”

“You must know that the deformed Obscurial embryo only takes a month to mature. From the second week onwards, it would bring great pain to the mother’s body that will feel worse than death. She might even want to cut open her belly to take it out. If this deformed Obscurial is born, a magical plague may sweep across Europe, killing millions like the Black Death!!”

Fang Linyan was already a little stunned at this time, and he couldn’t help saying,

“Well, women could get impregnated with the embryo when they drink this spiked beer, what about men?”

Archbishop Molegni says,

“It depends on the person’s body and their mood at the time. Because a large part of the Obscurus comes from negative emotions, if the drinker was using alcohol to drown his sorrows, well he would be very unlucky. Even if his body wasn’t susceptible to the potion, there would be big trouble. ”

“According to our observations, 15% of people will get sick, vomit, have a fever, and the mortality rate is almost more than 30%. Fortunately, males do not have the ability to conceive deformed Obscurial embryo, so they are harmless after death.”

Hearing this, Fang Linyan had a general understanding and pondered,

“Then 2 hours ago, when we raided, we found the dark wizards and the Mantis— no, what’s the explanation for your Fink staying in the same area?”

Archbishop Molegni smiled wryly,

“That’s because the dark wizards have located our whereabouts. The 2 of them gathered there because they got the news that our people might appear in that area. They were waiting to ambush us. In fact, the news was accurate.”

“It’s just that they were not 100% sure about the news, so they set up the ambush. They were waiting for the Finx we controlled to appear before taking action. We didn’t know that your people had already targeted them and taken action before us. It created an illusion that seemed like you were the ones that wipes them out.”

Fang Linyan pondered,

“Then I guess that the letter that was written to provoke the police, claiming to be Jack the Ripper wouldn’t be of your doing?”

Archbishop Molegni says,

“Of course, it was the Death Eaters who did it. They were furious because the method that Victor Frankenstein used to detect the women who were in the early stages of being infected was extremely effective. They were completely helpless against this, so they were hoping to use Scotland Yard as an external intervention to pressure us. After all, what we were doing seemed eviler.”

Fang Linyan suddenly thought of something.

That was, when he first encountered Bone and tried to upgrade the Scholar title, he saw a purchase order written on the blackboard in Borgin and Burkes. To people unfamiliar with it, this was an innocent purchase of writing quills and other harmless casting materials.

But after Bone cross-examined him, he showed another purchase order.

At the time, he had chosen the raven lung soaked in the thunderbird’s blood. But there was another item on the list called Obscurus tissue (no more than 10 days after born), and there was even a line clearly mentioned (Saturated soon).

Compared with what Archbishop Molegni said, he found that the credibility was quite high, so he believed 70% of Archbishop Molegni’s words in his mind.

Fang Linyan was silent for a while, then stood up and gave Archbishop Molegni a deep salute,

“It turns out that the truth is that the millions of residents of London owe you a thank you.”

Archbishop Molegni suddenly said,

“The realm of life and death has been divided into the forbidden area of ​​God since ancient times. Those who dare to intervene in it are all heretics and will go to the stake.”

“But as an archbishop, I was secretly helping Victor Frankenstein intervene in this area. Even if you don’t say it out loud, you must be silently slandering me, right?”

Fang Linyan asked instead,

“There was a very sharp knife that was used by a killer to commit murder, is the knife guilty?”

Archbishop Molegni replied,


Fang Linyan continued,

“There was a sharp knife. The police used it to cut a person entangled in a rope, does the knife receive any credit?”

A faint smile appeared in Archbishop Molegni’s eyes,


Fang Linyan spread out his hands and said,

“A knife itself is neither good nor evil, it is the person who holds it who decides how it is used.”

“It is also not sinful to have the knowledge to set foot in the forbidden area — in my opinion, this is given to you by the Lord through the hands of Mr. Victor Frankenstein, so that you can use it to better carry forward the glory of our Lord!”

“Actually, by Mr. Victor Frankenstein’s knowledge, it is not difficult to create a few miracles, which will make more lost lambs convert into the arms of our Lord.”

Archbishop Molegni’s eyes gleamed. To be honest, Fang Linyan’s words really made his eyes shine!

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