The First Evolution

Chapter 232: Night Visitor

Chapter 232: Night Visitor

Seeing that Seal and his team were preparing to leave, Fang Linyan suddenly said to Seal,

“Captain Seal, when I entered the world, I dealt with Old Vico several times. He was quite kind to me. No matter what he did before, death ends all troubles. I’m willing to buy his body for 300 common points to give him a proper burial after death. I wonder if it’s convenient for me to do so?”

Seal did not expect that Fang Linyan would suddenly make this request. He hesitated for a while and said,

“I have to discuss it with them.”

Fang Linyan smiled,

“If this corpse was really of great value, then I wouldn’t even have said anything at all and waited for you guys to leave before coming back to harvest the benefits.”

“The reason why I’m telling you about it clearly is so that, just in case anyone sees it, they might think that I benefited greatly from this.”

After listening to Fang Linyan’s words, they discussed for a while, then secretary Ai Lu said that he could take the corpse, but the robe and other items had to be stripped off from it.

Because some of them chose option G, it would be easier to win the trust of the Ministry of magic if they had evidence such as magic wands, books, and the dark wizard’s robes.

Not only that, if Fang Linyan really wanted this corpse, he had to buy it with 2,000 common points.

Hearing Ai Lu’s offer, Fang Linyan simply shrugged and said goodbye.

This was actually Ai Lu’s test. If Fang Linyan agreed to buy the corpse for 2,000 common points, then they would really be suspicious.

Seal, the leader, looked at Fang Linyan’s leaving silhouette and smiled before calling out,

“Wrench, Ai Lu is joking. We don’t need the money. Just take it with you.”

Seal’s thoughts were the same as Lipper’s previously. After seeing Fang Linyan’s abilities, he had the thought of recruiting him. Fang Linyan reckoned that it was because of this, so Seal wanted to use this issue to curry a good relationship with him, so he wasn’t too surprised.

Next, Tea, Seal went to the Scotland Yard and Ministry of Magic while Lipper seemed interested in a piece of equipment that Team Seal had obtained before, so he followed along to the Ministry of Magic. It seemed that he was ready to make a bargain.

Fang Linyan used the excuse of staying back to bury Old Vico, the bus as soon as they left, he took out the ancient black magic book and let it devour Vico.

Fang Linyan didn’t want to be seen using the corpse to feed the equipment, so the broken house he was in was unusable. He went to a house next to it and closed the door behind him.

He watched as the satiety level of the ancient black magic book began to increase rapidly again, 88%… 93%… Finally, it was maxed out.

With the example of Mephisto’s arrogant tone, Fang Linyan was on guard that this idiot book might turn around and go back on its word.

However, he realized that there wasn’t any movement from it after several minutes, so Fang Linyan took a look at it and became speechless. It turned out that after its satiety level reached 100%, the words “hibernating” appeared on the back of the ancient black magic book. It must have fallen asleep after eating full!

Of course, Fang Linyan couldn’t just sit around and wait for it to wake up, so he stuffed the ancient black magic book back into his private space.

By now, he began to feel that his private space capacity wasn’t enough. But unfortunately, it could only be expanded by increasing his military rank. This made him feel more regretful.

However, just as Fang Linyan was about to leave, he suddenly discovered a coincidence: the house he was staying in happened to be the same house where the monster Jack the Ripper had escaped from.

At this time, the window lattice that Jack the Ripper smacked open was gently swaying in the night breeze. However, the creature that made this happen just moments ago had already become a cold corpse. It made him feel the impermanence of the world.

Fang Linyan pondered for a while before looking around, and found that Team Seal had searched through the entire place. They did so in an experienced and professional manner. They rummaged through every nook and cranny, not even letting go of the hidden compartments under the floorboards.

But being professional aside, Fang Linyan was sure they didn’t manage to find anything valuable to them…

Otherwise, when faced with the dense row of choices before, all members of Team Seal wouldn’t have chosen choices F and G.

Because among all the previous choices, to Fang Linyan, the most valuable choice was H!! None of the above!

Only selection H had a follow-up… infinite possibilities.

By picking the other choices, it meant that the matter was over. It was like handing in an exam paper, you couldn’t modify your answer anymore.

If the official news at the time: Jack the Ripper was a pervert, and the situation of murdering women in the Whitechapel area was superficial.

Then the people in Team Seal would have grasped most of the truth of this matter.

But this was only most of it.

However, to Fang Linyan, he firmly believed that there was more to Jack the Ripper that he could still dig deeper into. He continued searching in the room when he suddenly bent down and then pinched something in his hand. A smile appeared on his lips.


2 hours later,

Fang Linyan stopped outside the Perle Church.

Although it was early in the morning, the news of the fall of Westminster Abbey was probably received. So despite being early in the morning, the surrounding area was still brightly lit, illuminating the surroundings of the church as if it were daylight.

This was a parish church. Compared to Westminster Abbey, not only was it inferior in size, but it was also older. There was even moss growing on the corners and the sides of the front door were covered in mildew. Describing it as being in a state of disrepair wouldn’t be an exaggeration.

The church doors were shut tight at this time, but Fang Linyan still went up to call out to the priest on duty on the inside,

“May the Light shine upon us, sir.”

The priest replied,

“The glory of the Lord is everywhere. Sir, what do you need?”

Fang Linyan explained,

“Yes, I heard that after the Westminster Abbey accident, many priests came to live here temporarily. I happen to be acquainted with the Father Turks. I was wondering if I could meet him or you can leave a message to him that I’ve been here.”

The priest said,

“It’s so late, I can only leave a message for you. I cannot guarantee as to whether Father Turks might reply. What’s your name?”

“Wrench.” Fang Linyan said.

Then he thought about it and added,

“If Father Turks isn’t free, then I have something here, please give it to him as well. Just let him know that I accidentally picked it up at Whitechapel. I’m just returning it to its rightful owner.”

The priest nodded,

“Okay, please give me the item.”

In the end, the priest went in for less than 5 minutes, then he returned,

“Father Turks is asking you to come in, sir.”

Very soon, Fang Linyan saw Father Turks in a room. It was visible that the Perle Church treated him wholeheartedly. The vacated room was spacious, newly painted, and half of the furniture inside were new.

However, his large eyebags, messy and greasy hair as well as deep wrinkles on his face clearly showed: Father Turks seemed more haggard than before. It seemed that he hadn’t slept for 5 days.

“Good day, Father Turks.” Fang Linyan greeted politely first.

Father Turks glared at Fang Linyan and said angrily,

“Do I look good to you?”

Fang Linyan smiled,

“You’re a wounded person, so you should stay in the monastery to recover from your injuries. What were you doing in a place like Whitechapel? Is it that you want to be hurt more?”

Father Turks replied angrily,

“I’ve never been there at all.”

Fang Linyan said confidently,

“About 2 hours ago, I encountered a monster in the Whitechapel Area. It looked like the hybrid between a praying mantis, locust and cockroach. Of course, its most striking feature was it’s knife-like deformed feet. It could slice open someone’s stomach in the blink of an eye and even take all their internal organs before their blood started flowing out.”

Father Turks’ face suddenly turned ashen. He roared,

“Stop it!”

Fang Linyan smiled and said,

“Of course I can shut up. But father, I need you to explain 2 things. Firstly, we found a bible where the monster appeared. Well, it was the exact bible of the priest I sent there before that.”

“Originally, this bible doesn’t explain much, but I am an observant person. This bible is the version from John’s printing house in 1823. It is the same one that you carry, Father.”

“I noticed it when I first saw you, Father. Even though you were being hunted by monsters, you were holding the Bible tightly. I wonder if you have anything to explain to me, Father?”

Father Turks’ facial muscles twitched violently. He gritted his teeth for a long while before replying,

“A coincidence, it’s a total coincidence!”

Fang Linyan said lightly,

Oh? Then let me bring up one more thing. When I was healing your back, I saw a mysterious hexagon pattern. I didn’t take it to heart at the time, thinking it was just a personal hobby.”

“However, just now, I saw a strange hexagram mark on the abdomen of the monster. Although it is only the size of a fist, which is very inconspicuous, it happens to look the same as yours. I have already removed the piece of carapace, and I’m going to send it to the Ministry of Magic to let…”

In the end, before Fang Linyan finished his words, Father Turks hurriedly exclaimed:,

“Nonsense!! I clearly controlled the puppet to destroy the mark on its abdomen…”

TL: He chose H? Is Father Turks the target of the follow-up mission?

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