The First Evolution

Chapter 153: The Chosen One!

Chapter 153: The Chosen One!

Hearing Fang Linyan’s words, Goat suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning. He blurted out,

Ah!! Me??”

He was in a daze for a while, apparently checking his attributes. Then, he collapsed in an instant. He began to cry frantically and slammed his fist at the wall beside. There were bloodstains on the hard wall!

Fang Linyan watched all this silently beside him, feeling very depressed.

He could understand Goat’s feelings well, because a few months ago, he was helplessly waiting for death in such a gloomy state of mind. He was desperate to the point of almost complete madness! The fox will feel sad about the death of the rabbit. Looking at Goat now, it was like seeing himself in the past.

However, at this moment, he suddenly thought of a person, that was the woman Candy who was killed by his own hands!

After she was taken away by the shop owner, she was faced with a fate that was more terrifying than death. However, when she appeared in front of Fang Linyan again, she was already a powerful contractor. She even cut off Fang Linyan’s 3 fingers, and she even almost turned him into a eunuch.

Thinking of this, Fang Linyan’s eyes looking at Goat suddenly lit up, because if his guess was not wrong, then Goat still had a glimmer of hope. He immediately said,

“Hey, Goat, you still have a chance to live, but you have to rely on yourself.”

After the collapsed Goat heard Fang Linyan’s words, he suddenly turned his head.

Then Fang Linyan made a long story short, told him the candy story, and finally concluded,

“What do we participate in the joint trial for? For these damn dangerous missions? For more common points? For a better life? For more dog tags?”

“No, no, these are secondary! The most fundamental purpose is to show your potential to be a contractor to the Space! So, Goat, as long as you don’t collapse in the face of death, but you hold on and burst out your potential with your iron will, then, you too can survive!”

Goat’s face was initially terribly pale, and he sat there weakly, but after hearing Fang Linyan’s words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

However, he couldn’t even speak at this time, so he could only make a helpless smile and fainted…

Looking at Goat, who was in a dying state again, Fang Linyan chose to wait.

At this time, Goat’s injury had become more serious due to the previous collapse. Whether he could change his fate or not was just a matter of a few minutes.

Of course, another reason Fang Linyan was willing to stay and wait was that Goat may not drop the key after death, but the ghost face dog tags he obtained have a high probability of dropping. Fang Linyan was of course justified to get this. Just take it as the previous treatment costs. If Goat was alive, he had no objection too.

En? He seems to be dead.”

3 minutes later, Fang Linyan sighed regretfully, watching Goat’s body in front of him begin to fade. According to the convention, he would turn into data and disappear completely.

However, in the next second, a ray of light that looked like a spotlight shone on Goat’s body. As soon as this light was projected, the fading of Goat’s body was suddenly reversed. He began to float slowly, and he finally disappeared a dozen meters above the ground as if he was sucked into an invisible black hole.

Fang Linyan could see clearly that when Goat was floating, the scratches on his hands and the wounds on his face were quickly recovering. Before disappearing, his complexion was restored to ruddy. He seemed to be asleep.

Seeing this scene, Fang Linyan was extremely shocked.

“This……. Is there a Space selecting him directly? They don’t even want to see his results in the trial?”

“Could it be that this guy really broke through before he died! And his talent that was awakened… is even wanted by the Space? This guy is the rare chosen one?”

After standing there in a daze for a while, Fang Linyan shook his head and pulled his thoughts out of the incident. Goat got a blessing in disguise, but he still had to fumble in this cruel joint trial…

But his eyes flashed as if he thought of something, then he nodded thoughtfully. He strolled around, made some setups, and then sat beside calmly.

After a while, Fang Linyan took out the blue key dropped by the Flesh Reaper just now and directly summoned a blue treasure chest, then he seemed to be carefully screening the loot inside.

Suddenly, a person suddenly jumped from the second floor of the bar. This person completed the aiming during the process of jumping down. He pulled the trigger continuously. The shotgun in his hand burst a series of sparks at Fang Linyan.

Not only that, he even threw a flash bomb after landing. If Fang Linyan wanted to take advantage of the momentum to counterattack, he would be blinded!

This person was Wild Cat with ill-intentions.

He saw Fang Linyan summoned the treasure chest and carefully selected things, then he thought it was a great opportunity for a sneak attack.

It was a pity that when he jumped down to take aim, Fang Linyan seemed to have known that he would show up. He took a wooden table beside and blocked it in front of him. The large number of shotgun bullets hit the thick table.

As for the flash bomb, Fang Linyan didn’t even think of returning fire. Instead, he let Wild Cat close his eyes and delayed the pursuit for 2 seconds. The 2 sides immediately formed a confrontation.

The sneak attack didn’t succeed, and the muscles on Wild Cat’s face twitched as he said,

“You knew I will come?”

Fang Linyan smiled and said,

“Flesh Reaper will probably not be interested in ghost face dog tags, so you will definitely not let go of the opportunity to come back to pick up the dog tags that Goat dropped after death. Why did I suddenly take out the key to summon the treasure chest? I want to give you a chance to attack me, so that you think I’m focusing on browsing the contents of the box.”

Having said that, Fang Linyan raised his head and looked at Wild Cat and said,

“You let Goat die for you, I think it is understandable. The Flesh Reaper is too strong, if you don’t sell him, you will be in a dangerous situation. However, we have at least the friendship of fighting together, but you attacked me at first sight. Aren’t you too ungrateful?”

Wild Cat gritted his teeth and sneered,

“Friendship? I’m telling you, I fucking wanted to kill you a long time ago! You bastard dared to blackmail me in the black market? You sold a gun to me for almost 10,000 common points! At that time I already wanted to kill you, if I weren’t afraid of that dead Sean, I would have fed your bones to the stray dogs!”

Having said that, Wild Cat remembered another thing and said hatefully,

“By the way, you are even a complete liar.”

Fang Linyan was stunned and said,

Ah? What did I lie to you about?”

Wild Cat roared with heartache,

“You already knew that the box of Gundom had no valuables, right? That’s why you pretended to say no and scammed me and Shania shamelessly!”

The corners of Fang Linyan’s mouth twitched suddenly, and he said sarcastically,

Oh, about that, I almost forgot about it. But there were indeed 2 stupid donkeys who insisted on giving me benefits! I couldn’t even refuse them.”

After Wild Cat heard this, his complexion suddenly turned pale. He suddenly bent his body and rushed toward Fang Linyan, closing the distance for a dozen meters in an instant!

In Wild Cat’s mind, Fang Linyan was just a shooter. His greatest value was the [Drone]. Once he got close to him, it was as easy as chopping meat on a cutting board!

2 meters away from Fang Linyan, there was a cold light in Wild Cat’s hand. A dagger with a unique shape was raised high like a white fang of the beast, stabbing quickly at Fang Linyan.

However, at this moment, Fang Linyan extended his hand and grabbed Wild Cat’s wrist holding the dagger. The offense was instantly voided.

Huh? How could this happen?!”

Wild Cat was also taken aback by this!

Of course he didn’t know that Fang Linyan activated [Bullet Time] directly when he made a move, then he ended [Bullet Time] after grabbing his wrist, wanting to leave as much mana as possible.

The ambitious stab of Wild Cat was lackluster facing Fang Linyan’s powerful skill! Not only that, when Wild Cat wanted to shake off Fang Linyan’s hand, he realized that he couldn’t shake it off as if it was bound with a chain of iron shackles.

Huh?” Wild Cat’s pupils shrank instantly. “This bastard, this bastard is actually physically stronger than me?”

However, Wild Cat immediately launched a knee attack. Fang Linyan dodged sideways unskillfully, but his thigh still got hit. He suddenly groaned painfully.

Seeing Fang Linyan’s clumsy dodge, Wild Cat was determined. He said with a grin,

“With your crappy skill, you still dare to fight me in close combat? I will slice off your meat piece by piece to feed the dog!”

As he spoke, he made a headbutt. Fang Linyan was caught off guard and hurriedly dodged, but his forehead was still hit. Blood flowed all over his face.

TL: Why is he holding Wild Cat? What trap did he set?

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