The Fallen Gamer

chapters 211-215

chapters 211-215

"Welcome to my world, girls!" Azazel Alter said while spreading his arms wide. There wasn't much of his world to see. We were back in another lab…

"Everything looks pretty much the same as before." Heather said blandly while looking around.

Azazel Alter slumped down hearing that and I snickered. His lab pretty much did look exactly the same as my brothers did.

[If you've seen one mad scientist's lab, you've seen them all apparently.]

Except this one was messier. Penemue wouldn't let our Azazel work in such a pigsty. She had standards after all.

"Do you need any help cleaning?" Asia asked him kindly. This place was a mess and there was trash pretty much everywhere just the same.

Azazel looked mortified hearing that. "No! I know where everything is right now! If it gets cleaned up then I'll lose track of everything. Every item in my lab is strategically placed exactly where you see it." He said while nodding his head up and down sagely.

"What's the purpose of that old rotten banana peel?" Heather asked. "Or that half eaten meatball sandwich?" She then started pointing out all the other garbage scattered around as well and asking about them with a smirk on her face to rile him up.

He coughed awkwardly. "Well…Almost everything." He quickly changed the subject. "You three are in a whole new world! You don't want to stay in my boring lab do you? Go out and explore!" He said as he started pushing us towards the door.

I thought it was weird he was just letting us go with no supervision, but then again it was Azazel…

The layout of the building was different from my own Grigori Headquarters, but there were still signs to let people know where to go. It wasn't hard to find our way to the cafeteria. Asia and Heather were hungry and wanted lunch because I had snatched the two of them before lunch time earlier.

"It's kind of weird that the cafeteria for an organization of Fallen Angels looks so much like a typical High School. Except the food is way better here." Heather said while munching on some chips.

"Fallen Angels are the most tight knit of the three factions because we have the smallest population. Eating out in the open like this allows us to socialize more." I explained while looking around the place. There were a few dozen Fallen Angels eating in the cafeteria at the same time. Some of them were giving the three of us odd looks because they didn't recognize us.

At least they were nice enough to let us almost finish eating before a group of them decided to approach us. It was a group of three Fallen Angels that I vaguely recognized from my own Universe. I didn't know their names though. There were still tens of thousands of us and I couldn't remember everyone's names after all.

"Hello, beautiful. Did you just recently fall from Heaven? Because you can't be anything other than an Angel."

[Oh my God! He just said that!?]

The man standing in the middle of the trio just delivered the most overused pickup line any female Fallen has ever heard.

"Back off, you're not good enough to date my mom–I mean Layla!" Heather said defensively for me. "She doesn't like ugly guys like you anyway!" She hit him where it hurts. I wouldn't say he was bad looking, but there were definitely many more handsome Fallen men than him.

Also, I wanted to coo at how defensive Heather was being of me! It was adorable.

"Ooooooohhh snap! Razuel just got rejected again!"

"Heh, get wrecked loser!"

"What kind of corny line was that anyway!?"

A bunch of the other Fallen in the Cafeteria had started watching our interaction because they all had nothing better to do. They started shouting out rude or funny remarks towards the guy that Heather had just shut down for me.

Some of their remarks had me giggling.

It was just simple hazing, but the guy seemed to have a lot of pride and was taking it personally. Angels who fell because of pride were pretty rare, but they were also usually the most annoying to deal with… Everything always offended them.

Razuel's face was ashen. He glared at Heather. "And who are you to decide things for a Fallen Angel, human girl!?" He spat at her with a threatening tone.

"Yeah! This woman would be lucky to date Razuel! He has six wings! He's amazing!" One of his two lackeys egged Heather on.

"He's one of the Grigori's top dogs!" The other added.

[Pfft! Only six wings and he's acting like some arrogant young master…]

'I've got to give him credit. He has a fantastic hype crew though.' I thought.

While they were distracted bragging about the guy, Heather slowly reached into her back pocket. She was probably going for her wand. She wasn't the kind of girl to take anyone harassing her lying down. Curses were going to start flying soon unless I intervened.

I noticed Asia shrink back a bit at the hint of a confrontation. I stood up and placed myself between the girls and the three Fallen Angels. Heather pouted, but slipped her wand back in her pocket.

I turned to Razuel and took a deep breath…

…A very large and excited smile formed on my face. "Like oh my gosh! You're the famous Razuel!? That's like, sooooo amazing!" I cheered loudly while channeling the energy of fangirls everywhere!

Nailed it! Damn, I'm a great actress! I heard Heather start choking behind me while Asia giggled.


"What the fuck!?"

"This new girl is into him?"

"Does she have no taste!?"

Complaints echoed all around from the spectators.

Raquel was scowling initially, but he immediately grinned like a peacock after I started praising him. If anything, he looked a bit taken aback by my enthusiasm but he decided to roll with it. "Y–yes! I am the great Razuel! Six Winged Fallen Angel extraordinaire at your service, my lady~." He said in a manner he probably thought came off as suave. "Might I have your name?"

"Me?" I pointed to myself while still smiling at him. Ten black wings popped out behind me and I let a hint of my power spill out. The smile on Razuel's face vanished and a look of fear replaced it! "I'm Layla… And you will not speak to my adopted daughter like that ever again!" My smile switched to a glare as I took a threatening step towards him. Power rolling off me in waves.

Gasps could be heard all around the cafeteria from all the spectators.

"Holy fuck!"

"Ten wings! Ha! She got us good!"

"Razuel is a dead man!"

He immediately took three steps back himself. "T–Ten wings!? Y-you're a new C-cadre?" He started backing away even more.

"Are you going to apologize?" I asked him as my wings bristled.

He quickly glanced at Heather behind me. "I am so sorry, young lady, for talking to you like that! I just remembered that I actually have somewhere else to be right now…Bye!" He turned around and immediately started running out of the cafeteria as fast as his legs could take him. His two lackys weren't far behind him.

Once the arrogant idiot left, my wings receded and I turned back to Heather and Asia.

Heather had some small happy tears in her eyes! "You called me your daughter?" Heather ran up to me and hugged me tightly! "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

I hugged her back. I don't know what I was freaking out over earlier. This was nice. "Of course, Heather."

"I'm happy for you two!" Asia said while Heather and I hugged.

Heather didn't let go of me for a few minutes. When she did though, I figured it was time for us to leave because we were all receiving a bunch of weird stares.

And by "we," it was mostly just me. I did bust out my 10 wings right in the heart of this other world's Grigori HQ after all. I probably freaked a lot of people out around here!

No doubt, Azazel Alter was probably just sitting in his lab laughing his ass off as other Fallen freak out while trying to figure out where I came from.

"So? Where should we explore first?" I asked the two girls. "We're in a whole new world after all." I of course wanted to check out Kuoh at some point, but it seemed like we weren't quite a canon yet so it might be pretty boring.

"I want to see if this world has a Hogwarts!" Heather declared before pausing for a second. "...Maybe…my old friends are here?"

I didn't think this world would have one, but it wouldn't hurt to take a look real quick. It would make my daughter happy at least.

"I'd like to meet the other me…if that's OK?" Asia asked. "The other Azazel said that she was still the church's Holy Maiden." Asia told us that she wanted to meet the other girl and possibly warn her about the Devil plot before it was too late for that girl.

I thought that was a very kind and amazing idea from her.

[It also takes "looking out for yourself" to a whole new level…]

"Let's go to Hogwarts first and then we can go and check out the Vatican!" I said loudly.

Nearby Fallen Angels blanched at my declaration.


"You can't just check out the Vatican!"

"You'll restart the Great War!"

A bunch of them started complaining at me!

Shit…I forgot this was possibly canon DxD. Fallen Angels and Angels hated each other here…for some reason that was never fully explained beyond "Fallen Angels are dicks."

Asia was frowning when she heard all of the complaints around us. She looked at me in concern for what we would do.

I pat her head comfortingly. "Don't worry Asia. We can just sneak in. And if we get caught? We'll smash our way out!" I declared proudly. The only two who could really stop me were Gabriel and Michael anyway. The other twelve winged Angels such as Metatron and Rafael weren't nearly as strong as those two were.

"Mmm. Thank you, Layla! You're the best!" Asia said cheerfully.

"Alright, then. Let's go!" I said as a purple portal opened up behind me. "First stop is Scotland."

"HOLD IT NEW GIRL!" The doors to the cafeteria opened and a young man with silver hair and a manic gleam in his eye entered. He was looking at me challengingly. "You're not leaving here until you fight me!" He declared while pointing his finger at me.

Vali Lucifer - The White Dragon Emperor - Level 55

Huh? It looks like Vali Lucifer just walked in. So he exists in this world? I could never find anything about him in my own. I always thought it was strange that my Azazel was missing his foster son so I never brought it up.

[Vali is a half Devil and the Devil's in your home Universe are evil…he's probably dead or been enslaved as their secret weapon.]

The thought of that made me grimace but it was as good a theory as any. Or it could be something as simple as he was never born.

"Why does my mom have to fight you?" Heather asked Vali.

"Because she is strong! It's natural for the strong to test their skills against each other." He replied as if that was common sense.

[Only if you live in a Xianxia world…]

"What kind of stupid anime logic is that?" Heather retorted while stamping her foot. She wanted to go out and adventure. Not stay here the entire time.

I apologized to the battle junkie, who had rushed all the way here to fight me. "Sorry, but we're a bit busy right now. We can fight later if you want." I told him. I actually wouldn't have minded fighting him, but Heather and Asia didn't seem interested in that right now.

Vali scowled. "And when is later supposed to be?" He asked me in disappointment. "None of the other Cadre's will fight me anymore!"

I shrugged in response before turning around and heading towards my open portal. Heather and Asia had already hopped through it.

I stepped out of the portal into the green hills of scotland. I'd sent us directly to the fringes of where Hogwarts would be in this world. I didn't see the iconic castle nestled in the hills. As I thought, Hogwarts wasn't a thing here.

Surprisingly, there was a large tower though. It was at least 100 stories tall and almost perfectly cylindrical. It looked like the type of tower a wizard would own.

"What are we doing outside of Mephisto's Tower?" A voice asked behind us.

I spun around. "Vali? Why did you follow us here? And this is Mephisto's Tower?" I asked him while glancing at the tower once again. This time more critically. The wards around it were some of the strongest I have ever seen! I doubted the tower would be damaged even if a meteor was dropped on it.

[You really gotta use that move at some point by the way!]

'This isn't an anime! Dropping a meteor from the sky would level half a continent at least!'

I turned back to Vali to wait for his response.

Vali was going to respond but a new voice spoke first. "It is indeed my Tower. I don't usually get new visitors. Welcome…"

A lone figure materialized out of thin air nearby. He was dressed like an elegant 18th century aristocrat wearing the top hat and everything.

Mephisto Pheles was definitely a lot different from the Marvel Mephisto. For one thing, he wasn't an insanely evil Demon God. He was just a quirky extra demon who really loved learning all kinds of magic.

"Welcome to my lovely little tower located in the hills of Scotland." Mephisto said while taking off his top hat and performing a gentleman's bow. "What brings a bunch of dimensional travelers to my neck of the woods?" He asked us casually.

"You know we're not from here?" I asked in surprise.

He scoffed. "Of course! I've been studying magic for thousands of years. I can easily notice something so trivial. On top of that, I had recently detected a couple spikes in dimensional energy originating from the underworld. Specifically, the Fallen Angel's territory. Obviously, Azazel has been getting up to some weird experiments again and brought you here." Mephisto easily deduced.

[This guy is smart.]

"Since you're here, I take it that there's no Hogwarts?" Heather asked him in mild disappointment. She had been hoping to meet some versions of her friends that weren't traitors or evil.

"Hogs what?" Mephisto asked in confusion.

"It was my magic school back in our Universe. It was located here." Heather explained while gesturing to the hills and Mephisto nodded.

"That makes sense. I built my magic research tower at this location because it sits directly over a powerful Layline. Your school was probably built over the same one back in your world. How fascinating! I wonder how that affected the students' magical growths? Maybe I should get my own students to learn here for a few years to test it out?" Mephisto started mumbling to himself while pacing back and forth.

"Sorry your school isn't in this world, Heather." I said to her as I placed my hand on her shoulder gently.

"It's ok," She said. "I know they were secretly scheming against me, but part of me just missed my friends and wanted to see them again."

"So you're from a different world or Universe or whatever?" Vali asked us.


He smirked. "Are there strong people in your Universe?"

I gave a cocky grin right back at him. "Oh yeah. Unlike this world, we have an entire Universe full of powerful aliens and alien gods. Our Universe is way more dangerous. There are two space empires that have been at war for over 1000 years and trillions of lives have been lost in it." I told him a bit about the Kree and Skrulls.

"And then there's all the scary Demons and Evil Eldritch beings that keep trying to invade the Earth!" Heather added on. "Mom killed Belial, the King of Gehenna in a super epic battle just last month. Half of Scotland burned to the ground in the fight!" She started bragging about me.

"I wish there wasn't so much hatred everywhere…" Asia mumbled quietly.

Vali had an expression on his face that looked like Christmas had come early for him and we had just given him the greatest news ever! "Take me with you when you go back!" He asked in excitement. "It's so boring here! No one ever fights me anymore and now Azazel is going to sign a peace treaty with the other factions!" Vali complained. As someone who lived for fighting, that was almost the end of the world for him.

"I guess you can come back with us whenever we leave. If Azazel lets you." I told him. "We can speak more about this later."

Vali grinned. "I'll get his permission! What would my Juggernaut Drive do against an alien battleship!?" He wondered out loud.

Mephisto Pheles snapped out of his outer monologue and seemed to remember we were all still here outside his tower. He pointed to Heather. "You there, girl! You said you came from a magic school? Are you interested in trading some spell knowledge with me? I know quite a bit about Human Magic. What types of magic do you know?" He asked her.

"I know wand magic and Eldritch magic. I can't teach anyone who's not a human Eldritch magic though. It's a rule for all sorcerers." Heather said.

Mephisto looked disappointed before I cut in and explained to him the reason.

There was no point in teaching non-humans sorcery. The Ancient One bent the rules to let me attempt to learn sorcery but she obviously knew it was a fruitless endeavor. What I later learned was that I was never going to be a master in it. Eldritch magic was incredibly compatible with humans, but for some reason it rejected other beings when they tried to use it. That's part of the reason why my Sling Ring used so much magic and always struggled to work right. I'm glad I fed that thing to my Orb of Anywhere.

And speaking of Sling Rings, I reached into my inventory and pulled out a spare that I had acquired from Kamar Taj.

[You stole it…]

I handed it to Heather to keep herself safe. "If you want to stay here for a few hours and trade some magical knowledge that's fine. Vali can stay here too. It might be easier for Asia and I to sneak into the Vatican with just the two of us anyway." I told her.

Mephisto's eyes widened at my statement. "Planning to sneak into the Vatican with a girl that looks suspiciously the same as the church's Holy Maiden!? How devious!" He said dramatically. "I can only imagine what kind of mischief you're going to be getting up to!" He said while spinning around dramatically. He was a very theatrical demon.

"We're not going to be getting up to any mischief!" Asia said with a cute pout. "We're just going to talk to…me?"

I didn't say anything because I knew things always go crazy despite my Luck stat.

[They usually go crazy in your favor though!]

"So alternate world's have alternate versions of us? How fascinating! I wonder what your world's version of me is like!?" He asked.

"He's an insane Demonic God that rules over a Hell World with billions of souls enslaved to his will." I stated.

Mephisto blanched. "I–Is that so…? That's really something I guess…"

"He sounds strong! I'm going to fight him!" Vali exclaimed with a gleam in his eyes.

"Nuh uh! Mom is going to kill him first! He already picked a fight with her!" Heather declared.

With all of that taken care of, Asia and I portaled to Rome while Heather decided to stay with Mephisto–with Vali as her unofficial guard. Not that I wasn't worried about anything happening with this Mephisto. Vali had apparently been around the extra demon many times. The only thing the guy cared about was learning about magic according to him.

I had made us some clothing with Creation of All Things and Asia and I we're dressed as typical tourists to blend into the crowds touring the place.

"Have you been to the Vatican before, Layla?" Asia asked me as we casually walked past two armed priests holding machine guns. They were carefully eyeing everyone who entered. Keeping out any evil creatures like me.

[They have failed their jobs…]

Unfortunately for them, I was getting pretty good at my Light Manipulation and could hide my corrupted energy signature fairly easily. At least from human eyes. An archangel would probably still be able to spot me in disguise.

"I've never been here. The Angels had no problem having me in Heaven even after I fell, but the humans didn't want a Fallen in church territory." I told Asia.

"That's sad. Youre so much nicer than the priests and nuns who took care of me." Asia said solemnly. "It's this way…" We turned a corner and started walking down a much more narrow and deserted backstreet.

I was following her on where to go and we were hoping the layout of this place was similar. I couldn't spread out my senses to search for this world's Holy Maiden or the exorcists would detect me.

We turned a few more corners and went deeper and deeper into church territory. Other than those two initial guards, we didn't see anyone else. I wasn't surprised at how lax the security was around here actually. The Vatican in my past life was more secure than this and the supernatural wasn't even a real thing there…as far as I knew at least.

Asia gasped as we finally reached our destination.

"Is that it?" I asked her.

Asia nodded. "T-that's the same place that I was forced to stay in my whole life. The priests would bring people for me to heal them every day."

"Let's go see if your twin sister lives here then." I told her and approached the small worn down church. I had heard the description from her before, but the building they had her staying in really was hardly anything more than a shack. The rundown church in Kuoh was almost better…and that building had holes in it!

"...You should be all healed now." We heard a very familiar voice say as we approached the door.

"Thank you so much, my lady! I feel as good as new. Wait, I think I hear someone coming." A man's voice called out from inside.

It seemed we had been noticed. I shrugged and pushed open the doors. The squeaked and groaned loudly as Asia and I stepped inside. There were two people in the church. One was the spitting image of the girl next to me–except she was still wearing her classic nun attire.

…The other was a man who looked to be around 20 years old–with green hair. The man's eyes narrowed as Asia and I walked up to the pair of them.

Asia Alter smiled at us warmly. "Hello, are you here for healing?" She asked us.

I shook my head. "No, we were just here to stop by and chat if that's alright." I told her while eyeing the green haired man wearily.

Diodora Astaroth - Heir of the Astaroth Clan - Level 23

It seemed that we were too late to deliver a warning in time about him.

[That's just this girl's fate. The church was never meant to hold her down apparently.]

Asia Alter looked taken aback that we were just here to talk to her. "You came here just to talk with me?" She asked with a tinge of happiness. I could tell that she was suffering from the same type of loneliness that my Asia had been before moving in with me.

"I have someone here who would like to meet you." I pushed my Asia forward. She took off the thick square fake glasses she had on her face and the baseball cap she was wearing to hide her hair.

Asia Alter gasped when she saw an exact copy of herself standing next to me. I could even see a look of shock appear on Diodora's face as well.

"Hi Asia…I'm Asia too."

"What the hell is going on here!?" Diodora questioned.

"That's not for you to know." I told him. "Why don't you and I go and have a little chat outside. I can feel some other people approaching this church rapidly." I said.

"If it's all the same…I think I'll just take my leave now." Diodora said warily. A green magic circle lit up underneath his feat. He was trying to teleport away. That shouldn't have been possible here unless some traitor had keyed him into the wards!

I cracked my knuckles. "Sorry. It's not all the same." I blurred forward faster than he could react to and punched Diodora in the face! His head snapped backwards and a couple of teeth popped loose as he flew backwards and smashed into the dilapidated pews.

Asia Alter squeaked in fright at the sudden violence. She was looking between me and the man she had just healed rapidly with concern. "Why did you do that?"

"Sorry about that, Asia. I was just taking care of this Devil who was trying to trick you." I told her.

"He was a Devil!?" She exclaimed in fright!

"His name is Diodora Astaroth…I can tell you all about him." My Asia said. She took the other girl's hand and led them to the other side of the church so they could sit down together and talk.

I walked over to Diodora and picked up his unconscious body. I conjured a black metal collar and slapped it around his neck as well so he couldn't escape if he suddenly woke up.

With him slung over my shoulder, I walked outside to greet the group of people who were conveniently arriving just after Asia Alter had healed a Devil in the heart of the Vatican.

[What an amazing coincidence!]

There were about 20 people gathered in front of the church. Most of them were just generic priests and exorcists, but a few of the people gathered here I actually recognized.

Vasco Strada - The Violence of Heaven - Level 57

Xenovia Quarta - Wielder of Durandal - Level 30

Griselda Quarta - The Strongest Sister - Level 52

"Who are you, woman! Who is that you're carrying!" The priest in front of everyone shouted at me. He wasn't anyone important. In fact, he actually gave me a greasy feeling.

"Me?" I pointed at myself. "I was just passing through and thought I would take out the trash." I said while glancing at the Devil slung over my shoulder.

"This church is managed by me and you don't have permission to be here!" He retorted. "And is that man you're carrying a Devil! Did Asia betray the church and heal a Devil!?" He spat accusingly.

The others behind him gasped in shock when he said that.

"So it's true!? Asia Argento really is a witch!" Xenovia said while stepping forward. "Step aside! I will go inside and drag her out at once for judgment."

I held up my hand and stopped her. Xenovia glared at me. "Not so fast. My ward and future niece is having a pleasant chat with Miss Argento inside. No one will interrupt them." I told them and my eyes shifted to the Rinnegan. "You can try of course…if you think you're strong enough." Ten Black wings manifested behind me.

Xenovia jumped backwards with a look of alarm on her face. She quickly unsheathed the sword on her hip that was not Durandal. "Fallen Angel!" She spat with venom in her voice! "What are you doing here?"

"I just told you, my ward wanted to come and have a pleasant chat with Asia. I came here to look out for her."

Vasco Strada and Griselda Quarta stepped forward. "Move back, Xenovia. You cannot handle a Cadre yet. You're not strong enough." Griselda said.

Xenovia sheathed her sword and glared at me as she moved back towards the other priests and exorcists who were all looking at me with fear in their eyes.

The priest who had spoken first shouted at me again. "You filth! I bet the girl inside is an evil Fallen Angel just like you. Are you trying to corrupt the witch even further?" He accused me. "The lord will not stand for it.

"The girl inside is perfectly human and I can promise that she has more of the lord's favor than you…if he was you know…" I trailed it off.

Vasco and Griselda both frowned. They could obviously tell that I was implying I knew about Big G not being around here anymore.

"How dare you accuse me of having less favor with the lord than a witch!" The priest spat back at me.

I ignored him and turned to Vasco and Griselda. Neither had made a move to attack me yet. They were being cautious. "Isn't it strange that a Devil breaks into the heart of the Vatican, which is severely lacking in security right now for some reason, and just happens to stumble upon the church's Holy Maiden. Out of anywhere he could have gone, he ended up here? And then you all show up conveniently a few minutes later." I pointed out to them.

Griselda frowned at me. "What are you implying?"

I pointed to the annoyingly loud priest. "Obviously, you all have a traitor who let the Devil in." I then casually tossed Diodora on the ground in front of me. He hit the floor with a loud thud and I shrugged. "Diodora has an entire peerage that just so happens to be full of beautiful former nuns. I wonder how he got access to all those girls and never got caught?" I asked sarcastically.

Veins bulged on Vasco Strada's forehead as he spun around and glared at the priest in rage. The man was trembling in fear at my accusation. "It's not true! I would never betray the church! Not to some Devil!"

"You were the one who told us Asia was colluding with a Devil in secret and led us here. How did you know that in the first place? The timing was far too coincidental." Griselda said to the man. "In fact, now that I think about it…you have accused a few sisters of doing the same in the past. All of those accusations turned out to be true…or were they?" She asked with a look of horror dawning on her face. "Father Grisaine…what have you done?"

He started backing up slowly. "No…" He was sweating profusely. "I did nothing wrong! Those whores all ended up with Lord Astaroth anyway! I was right about them!" He tried defending himself.

"You treacherous pig!" Xenovia ran up behind the man and punched him hard. He let out a grunt of pain as he collapsed to the ground.

[A lot of drama is going on here today…]

'You're not kidding…'

"Good work apprehending him, Xenovia." Vasco said to her before turning back to me. "I thank you… Fallen. For pointing out the traitor in our ranks. Who knows how many victims he has at this point?"

"At least 14." I said. "Just short of a full peerage. Asia was to be his final prize."

"14…" Griselda repeated. She looked greatly saddened to hear that number. "Did you truly come here today just so your human ward could talk to Asia Argento?" She asked me.

"We were actually here to warn her about Diodora, but it seems that we're too late." I said. "Are you going to kick Asia out now? She did end up healing a Devil."

Griselda frowned. "I don't know…The laws of Heaven are absolute."

Vasco Strada stepped forward and picked up the unconscious devil with ease. Vasco was a huge man rippling with more muscle than anyone I'd ever seen before. His Strength was probably higher than even my own. "We will take custody of this trespassing Devil. As for you… A fight between a Cadre and myself could level the Vatican. You can go once your ward is done talking."

Xenovia spoke up. "But sir! She's a…"

"I have made my decision!"

Xenovia's argument against me was cut off by Vasco shushing her.

[Wow…I can't believe he's just letting a Fallen Angel go right in the Vatican.]

"Can I make a suggestion?" I asked him.

"What is it?"

"You should trade Diodora for his peerage." I suggested.

He frowned. "What good would that do? They are already Devils." He said with a tired sigh. "Their souls are corrupted…"

I shrugged. "If an Evil Piece can be put into someone, who's to say that it can't be taken out of them?" I posed the question.

His eyes widened in surprise. He turned to Griselda who was also surprised by the question I posed to them. "Are you saying that the Fallen Angels have found a way too–" He started to ask.

"I'm not saying anything." I cut him off. "I'm just saying, that if you get those girls back and leave them in a room with me, they might leave that room as humans again and not Devils." I told him.

To be fair, I wouldn't want to be a measly human again if I was an immortal devil that could do magic at will. Those girls have suffered tremendously under Diodora though and would probably want nothing more than to be human again though.

"We will see what we can do. We have many things to discuss here after what has occurred." Griselda said. "Might we have your name? It's rude to just keep referring to you as Fallen."


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