The Fallen Gamer

chapters 186-190

chapters 186-190

A/N: There's a pretty long R-18 scene in the second half.

Penemue and I were sitting on her couch in Penemue's office. Emma Frost was sitting across from us looking nervous. She was under Penemue's scrutinizing gaze after all.

"So, you wish to come under my sister's banner? To escape from your current organization?" Penemue asked her.

Emma nodded. "Yes…the Hellfire club is a powerful organization. But at the end of the day, they were just a good old boys club. Even if I hold the rank of Queen there, I barely have any power. On top of that, the current leader of the Club, Sebastian Shaw, keeps trying to make me his woman." Emma said with disgust in her voice. "I would like to join Layla. She seems like she's actually going to make a difference in this world….And she's strong." Emma added on.

"Tell me about him?" My sister asked.

"He's a mutant like me. With a strange power that makes him hard to hurt. Somehow he's figured out how to stop aging. He was a Nazi scientist back in World War 2 and yet he still looks like he's only in his 40s." Emma explained.

I scoffed when I realized who she was talking about. Sebastian Shaw. The Nazi scientist who set magneto down the path of becoming a villain. "So he might be a member of Hydra?" I asked Emma. Shaw could be a lead that I needed to find them. Hydra had completely gone to ground and we had no idea what they were planning. Fury would be happy to know I'd found a potential lead.

Emma looked thoughtful. "I suppose that could be the case."

"Let's get to it now. What are your powers as a mutant and why should I let you work under my Younger sister?" Penemue asked Emma.

"I consider myself to be a pretty powerful telepath and I can shift my body's molecules to a diamond like structure. In that form I become much tougher and stronger." Emma demonstrated this form a second later. Her pale skin quickly morphed into a crystalline diamond. It was strange to see in real life and not in a movie. Even her hair and eyeballs turned to diamond! How did she even see? She still looked amazing though.

"You look stunning in that form." I said to Emma.

She shifted out of her diamond form and had a small blush on her cheeks. "Thank you. The truth is, I get nervous about displaying that form openly. I've read many minds over the years. Most people don't like mutants at the moment. If it got out in public that I was one, I could lose control of the company."

"Aren't you the majority shareholder and CEO of Frost Industries?" Penemue asked.

I knew that Penemue was impressed with Emma over that. Hardly any women ever reached positions like that in most major companies.

Emma shook her head. "Yes, but it wouldn't matter. The other majority shareholders are all my fathers old friends. They all expected him to hand the company off to my older brother. Too bad for them that he and my father are currently behind bars. Someone exposed their darkest scandals to the media." Emma said and she actually smiled there.

[That someone was obviously her.]

No doubt your telepathy helped you out there. I said. "Did it help you out today?" I asked. I wondered how many people she could even have read the minds of in that meeting.

Emma shifted uncomfortably. "I'm not used to working with people whose minds I can't read. The only person's mind I could read in the shareholder's meeting was Harry Osborn." She scoffed. "Everyone else was shielded, like you two, or just too difficult to read. Stark's mind was almost operating completely in code. Same with the Wakandan Princess actually..." Emma noted with a look of intrigue.

If she did come to my side, I could inform her about Wakanda later. At this point in time, most people in the world thought it was another poor country where the royal family stole all the people's money.

"I'd be careful about reading the minds of Supernatural beings if I were you." I warned Emma. "Penemue is over 1000 years old and you're what, 25?" I asked her.

"I'm 24." Emma stated, with an inquisitive look.

I nodded. "Just the sheer scale of her memories could destroy your mind." I warned her.

Emma's eyes widened at the warning. "I hadn't considered that but I'll keep it in mind for the future. I usually just listen to people's surface thoughts though. Delving into people's memories can be unpleasant. Especially the minds of terrible people like my father."

We spent the next 30 minutes talking to Emma. My sister wanted to be thorough in assessing Emma's character. I caught Penemue smiling at a few of Emma's stories which was a good sign. That meant that she liked her.

Our short meeting came to an end and the 3 of us stood up. Penemue and I walked Emma to the door.

"Alright then, Emma. I feel like you're trustworthy enough. Or you won't immediately backstab my sister, at least." Penemue said while shaking Emma's hand.

Emma pouted and let go of her hand. "I won't backstab Layla ever!"

I laughed. "She'll be too busy practicing her poor seduction attempts."

Emma blushed and sputtered. "My seduction wasn't 'poor!' I'll have you know that I'm amazing at it!" She said while stamping her foot. She pointed her finger at my face. "Just you wait, next time we meet I'll show you!" Emma swung open the office door and walked out. She was blatantly swaying her hips as she walked down the Hallway.

Penemue was going to be staying on Earth Marvel for a few days to manage the company. With my work there done for the day, I decided to portal back home.


I stepped out of a portal into my living room. Akeno and Asia were sitting on the couch watching TV. They weren't alone though. Cuddling up against Akeno, was Jean Grey.

"Hello Ladies." I said to the three of them.

"Hello aunt Layla."

"Hi Layla!"

"Hello, Miss Layla. You have a lovely home here." Jean said.

"I know right. The crime boss I took it from had really good tastes. Or he just hired a really good interior designer." I said.

"C-crime Lord!?" Jean blanched at my explanation and Akeno giggled.

"Ufufu, Jean dear. Don't bother trying to understand my Aunt's insane life. It will just give you a headache. I've learned to just go with everything that happens. It seemed to work out well for me so far. I got to meet Ororo and you." Akeno said as she hugged Jean closer to herself. Jean blushed.

"That's about right." I nodded sagely. "No Ororo today?" I asked them.

"She's stuck in boring parent teacher meetings for all the kids at the X-Mansion." Jean said. "She won't be able to come until later."

[It's still pretty amazing that your niece is dating two girls at once and both of those girls even live together.]

I was going to invite Akeno and Asia with me to see Asgard, but I now knew that Akeno would probably just want to spend time with both her girlfriends. "Asia, I'm going to Asgard. Do you want to come with me?" I asked her.

Asia perked up and looked excited. "Really!? I want to go! Is the whole place really made of gold?" She asked inquisitively.

"You'll just have to see for yourself." I replied.

"Let me go get changed!" Asia ran off to her room.

Once she left the room, I turned to Akeno and Jean on the couch. I gave the two of them a mischievous stare.

Akeno raised an eyebrow at me. "What is it?"

"We'll be gone for a while, so you all will have the place to yourselves for the whole day…" I trailed off. Instead of constantly living in my Penthouse, the SHIELD agents in charge of guarding Asia had moved to the floors below mine. They'd only come up here when she was alone.

It took a second for what I just said to register in Akeno and Jeans minds. Akeno grinned widely and Jean blushed.

"Ara…the whole penthouse to ourselves? I wonder what kind of fun activities we can do together? I'll have to call Ororo and tell her to come over sooner~" Akeno said teasingly.

Asia came back into the room wearing one of her nicest sun dresses. "I'm ready to go!" She said excitedly.

"Bye, Aunt Layla." Akeno said. "Feel free to be gone the entire day…"

"It's so pretty!" Asia said as she gazed upon the golden city. We were standing at the end of the rainbow bridge. This spot had the best view and I knew that Asia would love it.

"Indeed it is. Asgard is beautiful and the city is a sight that never gets old." Heimdall said as he walked towards us. "Welcome to Asgard, Princess Layla." Heimdall greeted me with a formal bow.


"Princess?" I asked.

Heimdall nodded. "As the betrothed of Queen Hela, naturally the nobles of Asgard argued over the proper title to refer to you by. Hence, you have been deemed a Princess of Asgard by them until the day you marry the Queen." He explained.

[New Title Unlocked: Princess of Asgard - MP regenerates 10x as fast when fighting on Asgard.]

I shrugged. That title wasn't bad, but it was pretty situational. I don't know how often, if ever, I would actually be fighting on Asgard.

"Oh! You're a real Princess!? That's so amazing, Miss Layla!" Asia exclaimed in excitement.

"I guess, I am now." I replied. "Come on, do you want to teleport to the palace, or fly there?" I asked Asia.

"Can we fly there? I want to see the city from the sky!" Asia said.

I turned to Heimdall and gave him a nod. "We'll be heading off to the palace then."

Heimdall bowed one last time. "The Queen has already been notified of your arrival. Farewell Princess."

Asia was giddy when I scooped her into my arms. My 10 black wings came out behind me and I flew into the skies of Asgard. I surrounded Asia with a small amount of my Light Energy as I flew high in the air to keep her warm. I learned after almost freezing Natasha last time I flew with someone in my arms.

As I was flying over Asgard, I could sense quite a few powerful auras all clustered together in one spot. Hela's aura was amongst them. On the western outskirts of the city there was a large congregation of people.

"What are they all doing down there?" Asia asked as I flew us towards the large group of people.

"Training for war." I said as we got closer. Below us was an army of thousands of Asgardians. There were hundreds of professional soldiers scattered around and instructing people not wearing any armor at all. I wondered if those were newly conscripted soldiers.

People started to notice me flying above and I waved at them as I made my why towards Hela's location. Hela's aura was coming from a large tent in the middle of the camp. Two Asgardian guards bowed to me as I landed in front of them and set Asia down. They looked at her curiously but didn't ask any questions.

I asked if I could enter and they stepped aside.


"The quality of Asgards young men has truly fallen." I could hear Hela complain as I entered the tent.

"Aye, they have. Too many men want to be warriors but are too lazy to go through the proper training to become one." A man responded to her.

Inside the tent, Hela was talking to a large Asgardian, who I recognized as General Tyr, along with Queen Frigga. I'd seen the General a few times in my visits to Asgard but never spoken with him. A teenage boy, who looked like him, was standing next to Tyr. It was possibly his son.

All eyes turned towards me and Asia as we entered.

"Layla, my love! I'm glad you are here." Hela said sincerely. "And who is this with you?"

"Hello everyone, I hope we're not interrupting." I said. "And this is Asia Argento. I'm currently looking after her."

"H–hello everyone." Asia said. She was nervous under all the Asgardians' curious gazes.

"So this is the girl you've told me about? It's nice to finally put a face to a name. As the current ward of Layla, you are welcome in Asgard, Asia." Hela told her.

"Thank you." Asia replied with a quick bow.

"So what's going on with all the troops outside? There must be thousands of them." I asked.

"We are having all eligible men in Asgard trained for war." General Tyr said.

I suspected that the Frost Giants had succeeded in making an alliance with the inhabitants of Muspelheim then. No doubt, Surtur would jump at the chance to destroy Asgard.

It doesn't mean that they have to join the army." Frigga said with a sigh, "but we hope that many do after they become true warriors."

"I'd like for these men to have a few decades of training before they go off to battle, but we're going to have to be rushing everything down to only a few years."

"A few years?" I asked. "I didn't think the Frost Giants would wait that long."

"Our intelligence says that they want to attack during the convergence when all the realms will be connected for a day. They could both march their armies onto Asgard from dozens of locations at the same time." General Tyr spat out. "Those arrogant monsters! We'll crush them all and destroy their realms while we're at it!"

Asia gasped. "But what about all the people who don't want war who live there?" Asia had some tears forming in her eyes. Looking at an innocent girl like her cry could bring even the most tyrannical of men to pause.

Asia's innocent demeanor seemed to work on General Tyr as well. "W–well…I suppose we can spare the women and the children. Once we overthrow Laufey and Surtur along with their armies, the rest should surrender." He said to her.

"Father, these talks of war seem to be too much for Lady Argento. Why don't I show her around Asgard while you all talk?" Tyr's son suggested. He walked up to Asia with an adorable blush on his cheeks. "It is lovely to meet you, my Lady, I am Baldur. Might I show you around Asgard?"

Asia was still too innocent to know when a boy was crushing on her but I could tell she wanted to go with him. Probably just to possibly make a friend. She turned to me to get my permission and I told her it was fine. Baldur and Asia stepped out of the tent.

"Hah! I've never seen my boy so smitten with a girl at first sight." Tyr laughed heartily.

"He better not try anything with her or I'll chuck him into the ocean." I said.

Tyr chuckled at my words. "Nay, Baldur was raised a proper gentleman. He will be perfectly cordial with her!"

"He better be…" I muttered.

"That girl has some good potential for magic. What's your relationship with her?" Frigga asked me.

"She was a Holy Maiden of the church back on Earth DxD. The church members sold her out to an evil devil though and I rescued her. My sister Gabriel is very fond of her and is planning to turn Asia into an Angel soon and adopt her as her own daughter." I explained.

Tyr whistled. "Gabriel, the scourge of Heaven? That woman has taken more evil lives than anyone I know of even after 1000 years!"

"She has…mellowed out quite a bit since then." Our fight against Belial was the first time I had actually seen her in genuine combat.

"Do you think that young Asia could speak with me later? It's been a long time and I'm interested in taking another magical apprentice." Frigga asked. "It could also help foster a better relationship between Asgard and Heaven." Frigga said to Hela who looked thoughtful.

"Asia is going to be attending school soon on Earth. I don't see why she couldn't come here on weekends though." I replied. Frigga seemed pleased with my response. I suspected she was a bit lonely considering her husband was dead and Thor and Loki were not on Asgard. Hela wasn't her biological daughter and even if they didn't have a negative relationship, they weren't exactly close either.

Hela and I took a walk through the camp amongst all troops and conscripts. Men stopped practicing and bowed to both of us wherever we went.

We reached the end of the camp and took a seat underneath a large shady tree. "So what was the reason you came by? Not that I'd ever not want you to." Hela asked me.

I grinned at Hela. "How would you feel about storming Olympus with me and arresting all of the gods there?"

"…What?" Hela asked, stupefied.

I laughed and started explaining the situation of what happened with the Olympians a few days ago.

By the end of it Hela looked very intrigued. "How daring the mortals of Midgard have finally become! I wish my own people had half the courage!" She lamented.

"So you'll help me?"

Hela smiled and cupped my cheek. She leaned forward and kissed me gently. "Of course, I would always help you with whatever you need. Besides, Zeus and Odin were old friends. I would love nothing more then to bring down more of Odins's legacy." She said with a pleasant smile as if she wasn't talking about helping me destroy a pantheon.

"Thank you, Hela." I figured that the majority of the Olympians were canon fodder, but the Big Three should all be Ultimate class. Even if I was immortal now, I didn't want to go in alone and embarrass myself in the off chance that the three of them combined could fight me off. I didn't think they could, but I figured it was better to bring back up just in case. "How can I ever repay you?" I asked her invitingly.

Hela's pupils dilated when I blatantly implied that I would be happy to repay her help with sex. I was expecting her to pounce on me right then and there, but she shook her head. "Now, now. We'll have plenty of time later. You still have your ward, Asia, to look after don't you. And I have to finish speaking with the General."

I whined because I was feeling horny now but I agreed with her.

"Here's an Idea." Hela suggested. "Why not leave young Asia with mother tonight? You and I can go on one of those Midgardian dates that I've heard about."

An actual date and not just straight to the bedroom? That sounded interesting.


In front of one of the most popular and busiest nightclubs in New York city, a purple portal manifested in the air. It drew the gazes of the line of people waiting outside on the streets. Out of the portal stepped to incredibly beautiful and elegantly dressed women. One of those women was the current most famous woman in the world.

Her popularity had dropped a bit after she had declared her pro mutant stance, but only a tiny bit. The majority of her fans still loved her. On top of that, quite a few mutant haters realized how bad they were when a literal Angel said that God accepted mutants.

I walked towards the club entrance with my arm around Hela's. The bouncer did a double take at seeing me, but quickly allowed us to enter inside.

I'd never been to a nightclub before and of course neither had Hela. The music was loud, the dance floor was packed, and there were flashing lights everywhere.

"This looks fun!" I said as I dragged Hela over towards the bar. The bartender's eyes widened when I sat myself down on a stool.

"W-welcome! What will you be having?" He asked with only a small nervous stutter.

I put my finger on my chin. "I'm not sure, why don't you surprise me and my friend here. Money isn't a problem." I told him.

"Make sure you give me something strong." Hela said to him and he nodded. She turned towards me and shrugged. "I remember Midgardian booze being pretty weak."

[Obviously it would have been over 1000 years ago. Wine was basically water back then.]

I almost snorted. Hela was going to be in for a rude awakening. I watched the bartender pour us our drinks and he dumped a lot more vodka into Hela's. "Here you are ladies, two Sex on the Beach."

Hela looked at the fruity drink curiously before she took a sip. I laughed when she started coughing! "Nine Hells! Why is that so much stronger than Asgardian mead!?"

"You've got a lot to learn about Midgard. Come on, let's dance." I grabbed Hela's hand and led her to the crowded dance floor. The music was pumping and everyone looked like they were having fun. Hela and I danced for a couple songs and just let ourselves go.

A few guys on the floor tried to get handsy with us, but a few well placed crotch shots seemed to dissuade them.

I could tell that the Queen of Asgard was having a lot of fun. Other than her time with me, she hadn't had any opportunity to have a genuine break. She was freed from her thousand year prison sentence only to immediately be handed the throne and thrust into a war with two other realms. On top of that, her brother Loki was off to who knows where, probably planning to take back the throne from her.

A slower song started playing and couples on the dance floor started holding each other and dancing slower. "Are you having fun?" I asked Hela as she wrapped her arms behind me.

"Indeed I am. Thank you for this." Hela said as we swayed back and forth.

It was a few more songs before we stepped off the dance floor and headed back to the small table where we left our drinks. Hela went to grab hers for another sip but I stopped her. A quick use of [Observe] told me that they had both been heavily spiked. My skill allowed me to see who it was. There was a pair of shifty looking guys glancing at us from one of the corners of the bar.

I waved my hand and a portal to Antarctica opened up beneath the two of them. They both fell through so quickly that nobody noticed.

Hela laughed when she noticed what I just did.

"I'll go order us some more drinks." I said as I stood up.

"No need, I brought you both some." A woman I didn't recognize sat down on the third chair of our small table. She was very nondescript and could easily get lost in a crowd. She placed two drinks I didn't recognize on the table in front of us. My skill told me they weren't spiked so I thanked her and took a sip.

"Thank you. And who might you be?" I asked while setting my drink back down.

"You can call me mystique. I am a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants." The woman said. "Her eyes flashed gold for a moment before turning brown again.

"Interesting skill." Hela commented.

Mystique glanced at Hela but clearly had no idea who she was. Most of her attention was solely on me. I could tell that Hela found that amusing for once.

"It's nice to meet the famous Angel. Although, I didn't expect you to be so ruthless. Where did you send those two boys?" Mystique asked and tilted her head towards the corner.

"They weren't boys. They were men. Men who chose to try and drug women. I sent them to Antarctica where they will probably both freeze to death within a half hour." I spat out.

Mystique nodded. "Fair enough. I came to make you an offer on behalf of the Brotherhood's leader, Magento. He is pleased with your pro-mutant stance on the internet and wishes to meet you." Mystique said. "I can lead you to him if you would like.

I scoffed. "Lead me to him." I waved my hand flippantly. "No thanks. If he needs anything from me, he'll have to get in line and make an appointment. I'm actually in the process of getting my very own secretary soon. You'll be able to reach out to her and my people can talk to your people and all that…" I trailed off with a laugh.

Hela was grinning next to me.

Mystique scowled. "Magneto is not a man who likes to be ignored. You have no idea how powerful he is!" She said threateningly.

Hela's eyes narrowed when Mystique threatened me. Faster then the disguised mutant could react, she reached over and grabbed her by the throat! "You will NEVER threaten the woman I love in my presence again or I will hunt down you and every last member of your Brotherhood!" Hela spat out as she squeezed her hand. "I am Hela, Queen of Asgard! Layla is my betrothed!"

Mystique gasped for breath and tried to break free but she wasn't even close to strong enough. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She rasped and stopped struggling. Her eyes were looking at Hela in terror.

Hela let her go. Mystique coughed violently as she regained her breath. Once she did, Mystique quickly stood up and slipped away through the crowds in a hurry.

"I hope I curved her arrogance there. Being able to shapeshift is an interesting ability, but useless against anyone who has magic sight like us." Hela said.

I shrugged. I didn't really care about Mystique either way. She was supposed to be a terrorist and was on the FBIs most wanted list. "Forget about her." I stood back up. "Let's have some more fun!" I grabbed Hela's hand in my own and smiled brightly at her.



"That was an interesting night. Midgardians sure know how to party." Hela said in appreciation. Despite coming off as intense sometimes, Hela was still an Asgardian and loved celebrations of all kinds.

Layla and Hela rode her personal elevator up to the penthouse. The whole ride up, Hela's hand had been fondling Layla's ass. She was doing her best to get her paramour excited. Judging by Layla's pants, Hela could tell she had succeeded.

They stepped out of the elevator and Layla wanted to take Hela straight to her bedroom. Layla paused though, when she noticed three pairs of High Heels casually thrown on the ground in the entrance to her penthouse.

The two of them were about to head up to Layla's room when they heard a sound they were both very familiar with echoing down the hallway. They heard a loud moan coming from the living room.

"I guess Akeno is still here with her girlfriends." Layla giggled. It was obvious what those three were getting up to.

Hela turned to Layla and gave her a mischievous grin.

Layla immediately knew what her fiance had in mind. "No, we can't go peaking!" Layla said in a hushed tone.

"Oooooh! That feels so amazing!" Another moan echoed down the hallway.

Hela smirked at Layla. "Come now, aren't you interested just a little?"

Layla bit her lip. She could admit that she was interested. She quietly walked down the hall towards the source of the noises. Hela was grinning as she followed behind Layla. Hela snapped her fingers and cast a spell that made both of them silent and invisible. The sight they saw when they turned the corner was incredible.

Akeno, Jean and Ororo were all in the living room and each of them was already completely naked.

Ororo was sitting on the couch with her legs spread apart. Her large caramel breasts topped with beautiful brown nipples were on full display. Kneeling between Ororo's legs was both Akeno and Jean.

Ororo gasped in pleasure! "You two are doing so well!"

Akeno had a grin on her face as her tongue licked up and down Ororo's dripping folds. Her face was stained with the older woman's juices and she loved it.

Jean was just as enthusiastic. Her tongue was fluttering back and forth over Ororo's clit.

Ororo sucked in a sharp breath. Her legs were visibly shaking as she placed a hand on the back of each of the girl's heads. "That feels so good! Don't stop!" Ororo moaned.

They didn't stop. Akeno stuck out her tongue and slipped it directly inside of Ororo's hole. She started moving it around and licking inside the woman. Jean parted her lips and latched her mouth directly over Ororo's clit. She started sucking on it while she continued flicking her tongue back and forth.

Ororo's eyes widened and a scream left her lips! "I'm cumming!" She threw her head back as she started to spasm in pleasure!

Akeno and Jean didn't stop. Their tongues continued licking Ororo throughout her orgasm to drag it out.

Layla felt herself heating up from watching the scene. She almost jumped when she felt Hela's hand cup her breast. She looked at Hela in surprise, but the Goddess just winked at her. Hela started fondling Layla's breasts with one hand while her other reached up Layla's short dress. Layla wasn't wearing any panties of course. Hela immediately stuck her finger inside Layla's pussy and started to finger her. Layla did her best to stifle her moans as Hela fingered her while they watched Akeno and Jean eat out Ororo.

"Hnnnnnn!" Layla couldn't hold herself back and she started cumming as well. Hela held Layla close as the Fallen Angels legs went limp. Hela's finger had been rubbing her G-spot for over two minutes straight and Layla couldn't hold back her voice. "I'm cumming!" Layla moaned loudly.

Unbeknownst to Layla, Hela grinned deviously and dropped the camouflage spell right before Layla started to cum. Three sets of eyes turned in surprise to see Hela and Layla nearby. Layla was trembling in Hela's arms.

"Ara, did you two enjoy the show?" Akeno asked teasingly as she stood up. She grabbed Jean's hand and they both took a seat on either side of Ororo.

"Fwuah…it was a nice show." Layla said with a pleasant sigh as she tried to regain her bearings after her own orgasm.

"It's polite to ask first if you want to watch." Ororo said nonchalantly. Ororo's arms wrapped around both girl's shoulders and drew them closer to her. Akeno and Jean both leaned into her happily.

Layla now suspected that the relationship between these three was more polyamorous with Ororo actually being the most dominant one. She was surprised that it wasn't just Akeno's harem, but Akeno seemed very fine with Ororo's arm wrapped around her and Jean.

Ororo's hands started to fondle Akeno and Jean's bare breasts. Akeno's breasts were sinfully large and yet still incredibly perky. Jeans breasts were smaller but she had a beautiful set of pink nipples that were rock hard. Both girl's let out small moans as Ororo's hands went to work. Ororo didn't seem to mind the two voyeurs and continued fondling both of the younger girls in her arms in front of them. She placed a tender kiss on Akeno's cheek before turning her head and doing the same with Jean. "Thank you, both. Your tongues felt amazing."

Hela planted a delicate kiss on Layla's neck as she extracted her very wet finger from Layla's hole. Hela raised it to her lips and licked it clean sensually for everyone to see.

Akeno and Jean both gulped at the sight. Ororo saw plenty of things like this back in her homeland so she simply raised an eyebrow at the display.

"Hello, ladies. I am Hela. Goddess of Death and Layla's betrothed."

Layla had trouble standing. Her legs were currently weak. Hela noticed this and scooped Layla up in her arms. She proceeded to walk towards the other couch in the room, opposite of the three girls. Hela placed Layla down so that she was in full view to all of them.

"As repayment, how about you all watch as Layla and I put on a small show ourselves? It's only fair." Hela suggested with a grin. She snapped her fingers. Layla's and her own clothing vanished off of their forms.

Akeno and Jean's eyes widened upon hearing that. Ororo simply smirked as her fingers pinched both girls' nipples causing them to moan.

"A-ara? G–go right ahead." Akeno said.

"I–uh–I guess I'll watch." Jean added.

Hela smirked. She snapped her fingers. Layla and her own clothing vanished in an instant. Both of their naked bodies were completely exposed to the younger girls. Layla's body was a sinful hourglass, while Hela's was fit and toned. Layla would have been more embarrassed at her niece and Jean seeing her completely naked, but her Sin of Lust was acting up and she was too horny to care.

"Watch closely girls as I make my woman scream my name." Hela declared proudly. She took a seat on the couch and spread her legs to give the three a full view. Her hairless pussy was dripping wet, but that's not what she would be having fun with just yet. A quick bit of magic and her magical tool was out and standing at attention.

Akeno and Jean gaped at the sight of Hela suddenly growing a large cock! Even Ororo, who had been calm before, leaned forward with a look of intrigue,

"Ufufu!" Akeno heard Layla mentioning this to her, but it was her first time seeing it.

Hela grabbed hold of Layla's hips and lifted the Fallen Angel directly over her lag. Layla's legs were spread wide giving the three girls a full view of her pink pussy. Hela slowly lowered Layla directly down over her cock.

The three girl's got a perfect view of Layla sinking down on Hela's large cock. Once Layla's ass met Hela's hips, Hela threw her head back and let out a pleasant sigh. Layla always felt amazing to her!

Layla's mouth opened and she let out a loud moan. "Oh fuck! Helaaaaa!"

Akeno bit her lip at the sight of her Aunt's dripping pussy completely taking that large cock. "Ara…She took that big thing so easily. My Aunt is quite the slut."

"You feel so amazing as always, my love!" Hela moaned in delight. Layla's pussy was incredibly tight and silky at the same time. Hela could never last long whenever she fucked Layla. She grabbed hold of Layla's hips and started bouncing her up and down on her lap.

Layla's legs quivered as Hela continued thrusting into her core. A particularly powerful thrust hit her G-spot and Layla opened her eyes widely and gasped. "Yeeeeeess!" She mewled out.

Layla's eyes looked in front of her and she could see her niece and her two lovers watching her fervently.

Hela's thrusting sped up! "I'm cumming, my love!" Hela moaned before she slammed Layla down one last time and pushed up as deep as possible. A pleasant sigh left Hela's lips as she started spilling herself as deep as she could inside of Layla. Layla let out a loud moan and came at the same time!

Hela lifted Layla up and slowly extracted her cock from Layla's hole. With nothing keeping it inside, her white seed started to spill out between Layla's legs in a steady steam.

"She came so much inside of Layla…" Jean muttered.

"I wonder how it felt?" Akeno asked. Her Aunt Layla was still trembling in pleasure and had a look of pure bliss on her face.

Hela placed her lover back on the couch so Layla could regain her breath. Hela grinned at Akeno's question. "Perhaps I could help you find out. Would you mind standing up for a moment." Hela asked Ororo…

Ororo let go of Akeno and Jean and stood up. She was intrigued with whatever Hela had planned. She smirked when both Akeno and Jean whined when she let go of them. Her two new lovers were quite needy.

The truth was that Ororo had actually been attracted to Jean for a while now. She held herself back though. Even though Jean was 18, Ororo was still a teacher at the institute…even if she barely did any real teaching and it was more of a front for the X-men.

It was only when Akeno came along and blatantly started flirting with both the mutants that Ororo worked up the courage to do the same. After her date with Akeno, Ororo found herself liking both girls. Both girls also ended up liking her and so they're 3 way relationship came about. Being the oldest of the three, and the only one with any actual sexual experience, Ororo had no problems taking charge.

Ororo stood up and took a second to sensually stretch her body. Ororo's body was a work of art. Her caramel breasts were large and perky. They were topped with a pair of beautiful dark nipples. Her lower lips looked beautiful and had a small patch of elegant silver hairs sitting above them.

You are a work of art. I'm almost jealous that these two lovely girls already snatched you up for themselves." Hela said to Ororo.

"Thank you." Ororo said. Her large breasts bounced as she stepped towards Hela.

"You three all looked so lustful when you were watching me and Layla. I have a small gift for the three of you." Hela said. She pointed a finger between Ororo's legs and chanted a spell in a language the latter didn't recognize.

Ororo gasped at what happened next. She felt a tingle between her legs. Directly above her clit, a caramel colored cock sprang forth!

"Wha–" on the couch next to Jean, Akeno was speechless at the turn of events. She could only stare at the new object between Ororo's legs in shock. Jean felt the same way. She audibly gulped and reached over to squeeze Akeno's hand.

Hela pat Ororo on the shoulder. "Make sure you satisfy them both. Beautiful maidens like them deserve a wonderful first experience." Hela said as she walked sauntered back over towards Layla. Layla squealed in excitement when Hela hungrily pounced back on top of them.

Akeno was staring at Ororo with pure lust in her eyes. "Ororo…" Akeno called out to her. "I want it."

Ororo snapped out of her confusion and saw the look of want Akeno was giving her. She felt her new cock get even harder from the desire in Akeno's eyes. Akeno leaned back on the couch and spread her legs invitingly for her.

Ororo placed her hand on her own cock and marveled at how sensitive it was. She walked towards Akeno and brought her new tool forwards towards Akeno's dripping lower lips. Ororo's cock touched Akeno's folds and both girls startled at the sensation.

"Be gentle please, it's my first time…" Akeno whispered. Her hand was still gripping Jean's tightly. The redhead was watching in excitement and hoped she wouldn't have to wait to long for her own turn.

Ororo placed a gentle hand on Akeno's cheek. "You are so lovely. I have never done this before, obviously. But I will try to be gentle." Ororo replied and she experimentally pushed her hips forward a bit. Her tip slipped inside.

Ororo and Akeno gasped at the same time! Akeno had never had something so large inside of her before. Ororo was shaking from the entirely new sensations she was feeling. "No wonder men always want to stick it in. You feel so amazing, Akeno."

Akeno took a deep breath as she felt Ororo's large member push into her deeper. "A-ara…thank you."

Jean could see the full view of her Akeno's pussy being filled by Ororo's caramel cock. She gulped at the sight.

"How does it feel to have her inside you?" Jean asked Akeno.

"She's big…but it feels nice." Akeno admitted. She turned her head and gave Jean a reassuring smile.

Ororo started to push her hips forward more. She let out a purr of delight when she did so. Akeno's insides felt so nice. They completely wrapped around her new cock with sensations of tightness and wetness that Ororo was coming to greatly enjoy.

"So big…" Akeno whispered as she felt herself get filled more and more.

Ororo's hips paused when she felt her cock stop against something inside of Akeno, though. She looked down at the girl who was blushing up at her in embarrassment.

"That's my…" Akeno trailed off. Both her girlfriend's new what she was implying.

Hela's words, from before, finally registered to Ororo as she stared at Akeno below her on the couch. Akeno was so incredibly beautiful and the sight of Akeno gazing up at her while her new appendage was inside of the girl was incredibly erotic. Ororo smiled warmly at Akeno as she pulled her hips back slightly. Ororo would give her the best possible first time that she could.

Akeno bit her lip nervously. She knew what was about to happen.

Ororo thrust forward. She pushed her new cock all the way inside in one go! Akeno gasped when Ororo bottomed out inside of her.

"Oh Goddess!" Ororo gasped, herself. Her cock plowed right through Akeno's barrier and was now fully sheathed inside of Akeno. It felt wonderful.

Akeno mewled when Ororo pulled her hips backwards. She thrust forward into her again! A ripple of pleasure went through Akeno's body when Ororo bottomed out a second time inside Akeno's depths. Ororo started to get into a rhythm and started thrusting back and forth into Akeno's tight pussy.

"Ororo! It feels so good!" Akeno cried out as they truly started having sex.

Jean smiled at the sight next to her. Akeno and Ororo were really getting into it. Ororo's face was flushed as she worked her hips and Akeno was panting in delight.

Ororo leaned down and started placing kisses all over Akeno's perfect chest as her hips kept up their pace. Akeno's arms wrapped around Ororo's back and held her close as the older woman made love to her!

"Oh my God! I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum so hard!" Akeno yelled loudly. Ororo's cock was battering her insides wonderfully and she couldn't hold back anymore!

The strongest orgasm of Akeno's life went through her! She came explosively around Ororo's cock. As the pleasure surged through her, Akeno watched Ororo stop her thrusting as a look of ecstasy appeared on the mutant's face.

"I'm cumming, too! Akeno, I love you!" Ororo moaned loudly.

Akeno's eyes widened as she felt warmth start to spill out deep inside of her. Akeno held Ororo tight and their large breasts squished together as she came inside!

They held each other close for the next minute as they both came.

Akeno was laying back on the couch flushed and panting. "Hah…So that was sex? It was amazing." Akeno said while trying to catch her breath. She grunted when she felt her partner pull backwards. Akeno suddenly had a feeling of emptiness as Ororo pulled out of her and stepped back. She felt something flow out of her. Akeno looked down and could see Ororo's semen along with bits of blood spill out of her love tunnel and onto the couch.

Ororo took a deep breath to steady herself. She was a bit tired, but she wasn't done yet.

"Lie down, Jean." Ororo said to Jean who was looking eager to have her own turn. Luckily, the couch was big enough for Jean to do so. She laid down on the couch and Ororo positioned herself above her.

Jean looked up at Ororo with her bright green eyes.

Ororo took in the sight of the beautiful redhead. Just like Akeno, Jean was perfect in Ororo's eyes.

Ororo placed both of her hands on Jean's thighs and pushed the redhead's legs apart. Her beautiful little pussy was exposed in front of Ororo's face. She grinned at the sight of it.

Ororo took hold of her cock, still slick with Akeno's juices, and brought it forward. She pressed it upon Jean's lower lips.

Jean shifted in place uneasily at the contact. She looked to the side and saw that Akeno was watching them with a smile on her face.

Akeno watched the redhead's mouth open and her eyes widened as Ororo's cock started to spread her lower lips.

"Oooohhhh…" Ororo sighed pleasantly at the feeling of Jean's pussy. "You are so hot inside!" Jean's pussy was much hotter than Akeno's. It wasn't unpleasant though. Jean's tight warmth felt amazing wrapped around her.

Jean gasped when Ororo pushed just a bit deeper. Ororo placed her hands on Jean's toned stomach tenderly. "You are so perfect, Jean."

"So are you and Akeno." Jean replied as she took a deep breath. "...I'm ready."

Ororo grinned and strongly thrust her hips forward. Ororo's felt some resistance, the same that she did with Akeno, before she pushed through.

Jean gasped when she felt something pop deep inside her. Her legs spasmed as her pussy clenched up tightly around Ororo's thick cock that bottomed out inside of her.

Ororo smiled at the expression on Jean's face. Jean was sloppily moaning and her eyes were stained with small tears. Ororo placed her hands on Jean's hips and started thrusting into her core repeatedly.

"Oh my God!" Jean gasped out as Ororo's cock battered her insides. It felt so incredible! She'd never felt so much pleasure so deep inside herself before! "Please don't stop!"

Ororo grunted in pleasure. "Hnnnn. I don't intend to! Not until I cum deep inside your hot little virgin pussy, Jean!" Ororo groaned out.

Jean mewled at how dirty that sounded. Her hands clenched into tight fists as pleasure assaulted her depths with every one of Ororo's thrusts.

"It feels so good!" Jean moaned as Ororo continued to steadily thrust into her.

Ororo moaned and buried herself deep inside Jean! "Jean, I love you! I'm cumming!"

Jean's pussy clamped down on the cock inside her as she came almost immediately at the same time. "I'm cumming too!" Jean wailed loudly. A sloppy smile spread across her face and she shook all over. She grabbed Ororo's head and pulled her down into a kiss as she felt Ororo start to spurt inside of her.

Ororo closed her eyes as she waited out her second orgasm and continued to spurt inside Jean. Once she was done, she sighed pleasantly and extracted her cock out of Jean's pussy. Semen and blood once again poured out between another one of her lover's legs.

Akeno scooted closer and hugged both Ororo and Jean. "That was absolutely perfect. I loved it!"

"Mhmm. Indeed it was." Ororo said with a tired sigh. She felt another tingle between her legs and saw that her tool had disappeared. She laughed when Jean and Akeno looked saddened at that.

"I need to learn that spell from my Aunt as soon as possible!" Akeno whined.

"And then you have to teach it to us!" Jean exclaimed with a giggle.


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