The Fallen Gamer

chapter 233

chapter 233

Chapter 233:

Serafall looked pissed!

She glared at me specifically. "Who are the Children of Thanos and why are they after you!?" She asked me accusingly. "Did you cause this? They left a message for you, Layla of the Fallen!" She spat out!

"What?" I asked in surprise. They were after me? Then why are they attacking down there? How were they even here!?

"Don't play dumb! You must have done something!" She exclaimed emotionally. Some of her demonic aura started wafting off her and warping the air. I didn't know if she was on the verge of attacking me, but I wasn't backing down to her. Serafall held up her hand and a pink magic wand appeared in her palm. She pointed it at me. My instincts screamed at me that an attack was coming!

My own magic aura sprang around me as the ground started to shake. My eyes shifted to my Rinnegan and I was preparing to send her flying with an Almighty Push. I held up my palm in her direction.

"Nee-sama, stop!" Sona ran up between us in a panic! She was holding up both her hands to stop the two of us from coming to blows right here. We both immediately stopped our attacks before they went off.

Serafall scowled at her younger sister. "So-tan get out of the way! Your big sister is going to punish this Crow!"

Sona was currently trembling under her sister's powerful aura, but she didn't back down. I was very impressed by her boldness. "That Crow is my girlfriend now, Nee-Sama! You need to treat her with the respect a consort of house Sitri deserves!" Sona declared boldly to her sister.

To my surprise, Serafall's emotions did a complete 180! Her anger disappeared and tears formed in her eyes. "Noooooooo! So-tan is growing up and has a girlfriend now! What about me!? Are we not going to have sister sister yuri yuri time anymore!?" Serafall whined loudly. Magical anime tears started to spill from her eyes and formed a puddle at her feet. She was obviously being dramatic and doing that on purpose.

Sona's face turned bright red in embarrassment from her Sister's words and actions. Sona sputtered at Serafall. "W–we never had yuri yuri time in the first place! You're lying!" Sona glanced at me quickly. Her eyes were pleading with me to believe her.

Serafall wiped her eyes. "That's because I didn't know that you secretly liked girls. I always suspected, of course, because your peerage is full of cute Japanese schoolgirls. But… I wasn't 100% sure because you never took any of them into your bed, So-tan!" Serafall declared.

"That's why your sister's peerage is all schoolgirls? I thought she simply wanted a peerage full of intellectuals like myself." Ajuka said in mild disappointment. "It turns out that I'm still the only Devil without sex constantly on my mind…"

Sona covered her red face with her hands in embarrassment at being compared to every other horny young Devil by Ajuka Beelzebub himself.

[Is he wrong though?]

'He is not…'

"My sister told people that she wanted a smart peerage, but it was never true." Serafall said to him. She turned back to Sona and smiled softly at her sister. "If you wanted a harem of pretty girls, So-tan, all you had to do was ask. Your sister would have immediately made you a harem and even managed it for you!" Serafall said in a tone that indicated she was completely serious. The more she spoke, the more embarrassed Sona got.

Everyone nearby was just watching this interaction without interrupting. I looked over at Rias. She was covering her mouth with her hands and doing her best to hold back her laughter.

"Nee-sama! I hate you!" Sona couldn't take any more teasing! Her Devil wings popped up behind her and she flew back towards Kuoh in embarrassment.

Rias wiped some tears of laughter from her eyes before speaking to me. "I suppose I should follow after her. Here, take this. I'll message you later." Rias handed me a cell phone with the Gremory clan symbol on the back of it. Her own wings popped out behind her and she flew off in the same direction as Sona.

Once they were gone, all eyes once again turned towards me. Serafall was no longer hostile, but she didn't look happy by my presence either. "Hmph, at least you have the stones to stand up to me! Just so you know, I'll never give up on So-tan! We Devil's aren't humans after all..." She trailed off.

[Incest is winc–]

'I get it, System!' I understood what she meant. "You know, if you really want to get into So-tan's bed, the easiest way is to hop in ours." I told Serafall with a smirk of my own.

Serafall paused in thought at my words before giving me a cute pout. "Hmph, I'm not so easy to win over as my sister is!" Serafall hugged her arms to her chest in a way that pushed up her large breasts, emphasizing them. "Magical Girl Levia-tan is someone that millions of Supernatural beings lust after, but few will ever have!" She declared proudly.

Sirzechs coughed awkwardly. "Serafall, your territory is still in a crisis. Maybe you should save this conversation for another time?" Sirzechs calmly suggested.

Serafall's eyes widened in remembrance! "That's right! We have to go, Zexxy and Aju-tan!"

"Please don't call me that."

"You know I hate that name…"

The two male Devil's said at the same time.

"Don't let me keep you all here." I told them. I wanted to know what had happened as well, but I wasn't about to run off to the Underworld with them.

Ajuka created a teleportation circle for the three of them on the ground.

Serafall pointed at me from inside the circle. "Don't you dare take my sister's innocence while I'm gone!" She yelled before she vanished.

Sirzechs looked like he also had something to say, but didn't have time to before he was gone as well.

Azazel, Michael and Gabriel had been fussing over Vali this entire time off to the side. When they noticed that the three Maous had left, they decided to follow after them. Either to see if they could help out or just to present a united wasn't my business either way. I could tell that neither Michael and Gabriel wanted to go. They both clearly wanted to stay and talk more with me. I would have preferred that as well. It would have been a good opportunity to spread some more propaganda about myself to get more Faith Energy.

The three of them left and I was now all alone in the destroyed Forest with Vali. He was still looking pretty shaken to be honest.

"So…How was death?" I asked him awkwardly.

"It sucked. I don't recommend it." He said bluntly as his metallic dragon wings sprung up behind him. "I'm heading back to the hotel to take a nap." He flew off quickly.

Now it was just me left standing here on my own…

I sighed while thinking about how I should handle this situation.

Lady Death did warn me Thanos and Hela from the Marvel Zombies Universe were planning on coming after me, I suppose it was my fault for not really considering the implications of that. It had been over a month since the warning and he never showed up. Part of me had wondered if he had given up.

[Obviously, he hadn't.]

Has he been following me across Universes this entire time? "Now that he found me here, why didn't he just attack me?" I asked the System.

[I don't know. Great Red is actually active in this world. Maybe Thanos didn't want to piss him off?]

"That makes as much sense as anything else. I don't have any better theories." I said as I looked up towards the sky. "First thing first though…"

My ten black wings popped out behind me. I flapped my wings hard and rocketed myself into the air. It didn't take me long to punch into the lower stratosphere and I kept climbing higher and higher.

My rapid aerial ascent probably tripped a bunch of human sensors, but I didn't care. Once I was in orbit, I spread out my senses and tried to find Thanos's ship. The Infinity Stones wouldn't work in this Universe, which meant he must have gotten here through technology. I was hoping to destroy his mother ship while he was still here in orbit! That would teach him for being a creepy cross Universe stalker!

[Hell yeah! No means no!]

I flew around the planet trying to find his ship for almost an hour before I finally felt a trace of Dimensional Energy! I zipped towards the source. When I got there, all I found was the empty section of space where his ship had been. I was too late to catch up to him. I shouted out some curses in annoyance, but there was no sound in Space to even hear them…

[I still heard your colorful swearing, Host. I especially liked the one about Thanos and the purple dinosaur… You should try using your Orb of

Anywhere to find out where they're headed.]

I called on my Orb of Anywhere and let it analyze the space around me. I had never used it to piggyback on someone else's Universal travel before. It was an odd sensation. I was like a master artist trying to interpret the drawing of a toddler. Thanos's method of traveling Univereses was not even close to as efficient as my own. Through my Orb, I could sense that it would take him literal days of traveling through the void to reach Earth Marvel.

[Days that you can spend preparing to give him a very rude welcome. He was way too arrogant to actually tell you where he was going.]

The System's words struck a vindictive cord within me. Personally, I was getting annoyed with all these enemies of mine being left to roam free. It was time to thin the herd a bit. They were deeply going to regret giving me a preemptive warning!

[He caught you off guard, it's only fair that you reciprocate!]

Knowing I wouldn't get any more information in space, I opened a portal back to the hotel Heather and Asia were still at.

[Why didn't you just portal directly into space in the first place?]

I internally scoffed at that question. 'Because flying into space with my wings was obviously cooler!'

[Fair enough.]

Both of the girls were still passed out when I made it back. I woke up a groggy Heather and Asia and gave them a rundown on our current situation. They were both understandably upset that our adventure was cut short, but they obviously didn't want Earth Marvel to suffer an attack without me there. Both of them started getting ready to depart while I checked the phone that Sona gave me earlier.

Sona received the news of what happened from her sister and had been keeping me updated with the phone Rias gave me. The children of Thanos had gone into the underworld and razed an entire hospital to the ground… Patients, doctors, nurses–they killed them all indiscriminately. Apparently, the hospital was barely guarded since no one in the underworld would be insane enough to attack the territory of one of the four Maous.

[That was a very poor decision. Not that human hospitals are ever really guarded either. Although, they definitely should be.]

This specific hospital was where a very important secret patient was being kept, according to Serrafall at least. I took that to mean Ingvild Leviathan was there. I was confused on why they would have even chosen that specific Hospital until Sona gave me the second bit of information. The survivors of the attack claimed that the Children of Thanos weren't the only ones there. The Red Dragon Emperor actually attacked the hospital himself slightly before they arrived. When the two groups met, eyewitness accounts claimed Issei took the still unconscious Ingvild and left with them willingly.

[This has certainly become a mess for you…]

I didn't necessarily see it that way. "I'm not so sure, if anything this made things easier for me. Issei and Thanos will now be coming at me together. That saves me time hunting them down separately." I said.

[That's good. There's also other good news here if you look at this from another perspective.]

"And what's that?"

[At least this Thanos didnt team up with your own Universe's Thanos.]

I shuddered at that thought. Yeah, that would have turned out badly for me. Especially since I believe the Thanos of my home Universe to be Super Class or possibly even stronger. On top of that, he definitely already has one or two Infinity Stones in his possession.

[That would have been a brutal fight. On another topic, what will you do about Heather and Asia?]

"I'm taking them back home with me of course." I replied.

I'm not leaving two super-powered pretty teenage girls alone in ANY version of a DxD universe… Knowing Heather's "Potter luck," some random Devil brat will definitely stumble upon her within the first few hours and try to add her to his peerage. I obviously wasn't going to let that happen.

…A couple hours later. I had arrived back at Kuoh Academy. This time Asia, Heather and Vali were all accompanying me. We were all sitting in the occult club room with Rias and Sona.

Vali and Asia were sitting together on the other side of the room. Vali was looking better after his nap but still not perfect. Asia was doing a good job comforting him. She cried for ten minutes straight and hugged Vali tightly when she found out that he had been killed! He didn't push her away and actually hugged her back. I could tell he was pretty shaken up when he realized that he had truly died. Had I not been here, then that would have been it for him. He was a tough teen, and I'm sure he'd bounce back in a couple of days. He was probably itching for vengeance as well.

Heather and I were sitting across from Rias and Sona. Neither of their peerages were here again. They had all been sent out to start fixing up the heavily damaged forest just outside of town. That was going to be pretty hard to explain to the mundanes unless it was fixed quickly.

"So you two are dating my mom, hmm?" Heather asked while scrutinizing Rias and Sona. I told Heather about Rias and Sona before we got here. Needless to say, Heather was not exactly happy that I now had two girlfriends that were only a few years older than her.

Rias gave Heather a big smile! "You must be Heather Potter! Layla told us so much about you! I heard you're an amazing young witch! The adventures you've been on sound so exciting! And you're so pretty too! Other wizards and witches must have always been so jealous of you!" Rias was blatantly putting on the flattery to get on Heather's good side. One of the easiest ways to win someone over was to dish out compliments after all. Especially for a girl like Heather, who hadn't received a lot of praise in her life until recently.

Heather blushed at all the praise. "Now that you mention it, the other kids at Hogwarts were always jealous of me…" She mumbled cutely with pink cheeks.

Sona caught on and started following Rias's lead. "You are definitely amazing! I would have immediately offered to make you my Queen if I didn't already have one." Sona added.

"Thank you." Heather replied to her as well. My daughter then turned to me. "I still don't like that you're now dating two High School girls…even if they're both 18 and not human. These two seem to be very nice though…" She paused for a moment before her eyes narrowed at me. "You better treat them both right, mom!" Heather scolded me adorably. She didn't notice the subtle high five Rias gave Sona after the two of them won her over.

"What are you going to do now, Layla?" Rias asked me. "Are you going back to your home to fight this Thanos? Who is he anyway?"

I sighed. "That's a long story… One that ends in me using an Asgardian Death Star laser to blow up the Earth." Both Rias and Sona looked at me like I was joking of course. This was one of the adventures I didn't get to when I was talking about myself to them earlier.

"She's not joking," Heather said to them both for me. "Mom did blow up another Earth that was overrun by a zombie apocalypse."

"Ok then." Sona said with a slightly pale face. "...We'll table that story for later. What we want to know is if you'll take us with you when you go back?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What about your school life here? And your peerages. Just so you both know, I'm not taking them. I wouldn't mind Rias's peerage coming to visit my home, but yours, Sona…" I trailed off.

Sona grimaced. "Yes… It has recently been brought to my attention that my peerage is… inadequate compared to Rias's. Other than Tsubaki at least. I don't really know how to fix that though. It's not like I can undo turning them into Devils." Sona said.

"My mom can do that." Heather replied.


I really wasn't trying to blow Rias and Sona's minds every time they discovered another one of my abilities, but that's what had been happening so far at least. I made the offer to Sona to return the majority of her peerage to normal humans and she could then erase their memories of the Supernatural. She would be able to build a better peerage from the ground up in the future. She didn't immediately dismiss my offer, so I figured she was seriously considering it. When she spoke of them all, she didn't sound nearly as close to them as Rias did about her own peerage.

As for Rias and Sona coming with me, I told them that was fine but we were leaving first thing in the morning. Both of them agreed to leave their peerages behind for now. Rias was going to let Grayfia take over managing her peerage and Sona was going to temporarily have one of Serafalls servants look after her own.

One of the main reasons that Rias wanted to come with me was Riser Phenex of course. She told me that he had spies in Kuoh and he definitely knew that she was now my girlfriend. The second I left, he would probably swoop in like a vulture to try and steal Rias back. Was he really that stupid?

Yes, he was.

That would obviously make me furious and I would probably end up killing him and starting a war with his whole Clan when I returned. In order to avoid all that, Rias thought it was better to just come with me back to Earth Marvel for now.

As for the other business I still had here, I sent a message to Azazel to get in contact with the church. I asked him to tell them to keep the members of Diodora's peerage in their custody–whenever they got them back–and I would fix them all when I returned.

Everything was taken care of for now, and we were heading back home first thing in the morning. My first stop would be talking to the Ancient One to see what we could do about Thanos's imminent arrival.

[What about Emma? She's still on Earth DxD in the Grigori.]

"Huh…? Emma? …Oh… Crap…" I muttered to myself. She's been there for days now…

[You forgot about your new secretary didn't you…]

"...I had a lot of things going on, alright!?" I'm sure she won't be too upset with me anyway.


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