The Fallen Gamer

chapter 196-200

chapter 196-200

I certainly wasn't expecting this kind of reception. I looked around the amphitheater that I had just portaled inside. There were a lot more gods here than just the Olympian ones.

"See! Do you see! I was right! I told you she would come!" A dark skinned woman dressed in an African tribal outfit shouted excitedly from the stands.

I could feel a small spark of divinity from her. Although, she felt like one of the weakest Goddesses I'd ever laid eyes on.

"Ara, we do see…" A beautiful woman dressed in Chinese robes said from the upper stands. She was looking down at Hela and I curiously.

"Sorry about interrupting…whatever this is, but I'm only here for the Olympians." I said.


A bolt of Divine Lightning streamed down from the top of the amphitheater. It zipped directly towards my head and was laced with anger!

"I don't think so." Before it could hit me, Hela raised her hand and slapped the lighting to the side.

"Oh shit!"


A couple of other gods I didn't recognize dove out of the way to avoid the ricochet lightning.

Hela glared at the man who attacked me.

"Those are some bold words! You come here, to the heart of Olympus and claim that you are going to take US into custody!?" An older man wearing a white toga spat at us angrily. He was also the one who just tried to kill me so I'm assuming that this was Zeus.

[Zues: The King of Olympus - Level 62]

My assumptions were correct.

I decided to take a look at the other most powerful Gods and Goddess in the room. I'm not sure what kind of meeting I just interrupted.

[Poseidon: Ruler of the Seas - Level 57]

[Hades: King of the Underworld - Level 60]

[Nuwa: Mother of the Immortals - Level 67]

[Lugh: Celtic God of the Sun - Level 63]

[Quetzalcoatl: Queen of Serpents - Level 53]

Finally, I checked on the African woman who was shouting at me as soon as I arrived here. I wanted to know who she was and why she didn't like me.

[Bast: Panther Goddess of Wakanda - Level 40]

Bast? What did I do to offend her? I don't think I ever acted against Wakanda. I'd only spoken a few words to their princess so far. I hadn't even taken her offer to meet up with her in private. I had simply been too busy and told her that we'd have to meet up another time in the future.

[Their princess has clearly fallen for your nefarious charms. Bast must have been in love with her and is jealous!]

I could tell that the system was just kidding. Shuri seemed more like a fangirl than anyone romantically interested in me.

[I was just joking. I'm stumped as well. Usually when people hate you, there's a much more obvious reason.]

"You say you've come to take the Olympians in custody?" Nuwa asked me. "Under whose authority? The Christian God?" She asked hesitantly.

I shook my head. "I'm here under the authority of the US government. They've hired me to take the entire pantheon into custody for numerous crimes against humanity!" I waved my hand and a stack of warrants a foot high appeared on the floor next to me. I read through some of these warrants. They're pretty messed up.

The Gods and Goddesses in the room blanched at me.

"Pfff…You're here on behalf of the mortals!? Oh, that's priceless!" Lugh laughed loudly. He pulled out a flask and started knocking it back. When he was done, he casually tossed it aside and wiped his lips. "Who knew the mortals had reached a point where they think they can challenge us?"

"That's right!"

"How dare they!"

"Those stupid humans think they're on our level now?"

Numerous weaker Gods and Goddesses started booing me from around the amphitheater. I just ignored them. A bunch of them were so weak I could kill them with a slap. Most of them weren't even out of the 30s level-wise. They were barely stronger than Voldemort was and here they were talking shit…

"Ara, how amusing. Numerous powerful cultivators in my Palace were once regular mortals themselves. I've never looked down on them." Nuwa said. "That being said…I believe they are overstepping their capabilities here–even if they sent you."

"*Hic* If you're just here for the Greeks then take them! Those assholes deserve what's coming to them! *Hic*!" A drunken woman wearing Arabian clothing yelled out.

[Tenenet: Egyptian Goddess of Alcohol - Level 39]

Her title explained why she was drunk…

"What!? That's absolute bullshit! I've been peacefully living in the Underworld for thousands of years now! What crimes have I committed?" Hades spoke up and tried to defend himself.

"Your son was Hitler…" I deadpanned and crossed my arms.

"...Fuck." Hades muttered.

"Hahaha! Not so smug now are you?" Poseidon laughed at Hades. He turned to me. "You want to arrest me as well? I don't think so! Compared to Hades, I'm a Saint! I've never committed wanton murder like he and his children!" He said proudly.

"Hundreds of ships have gone missing in the bermuda triangle over the centuries. We know that was done by you trying to hide Atlantis. Not to mention, how many Tsunamis that hit coastal towns are natural and how many are caused by you." I said to him.

"…Fuck." Poseidon muttered.


Luke had been more than happy to unload all of his knowledge onto SHIELD. The list of crimes for most Olympian gods was pretty extensive. Surprisingly, there was one Goddess who had never committed a single crime at all. That was Hestia, the Goddess of Home and the Hearth. She wasn't currently in the amphitheater though. From my understanding of Hestia, she usually just stays at home and tends to her hearth.

Zeus stood up from his throne and glared at me. "Even if you could capture us with your meager powers. The mortals could never hold us in their prisons! Mortals will never be able to contend against Gods!" He declared.

"That's right!"

"Get out of here Fallen Angel!"

"Fuck off bitch!"

Hela turned and glared hatefully at that last guy who yelled at me. "Call my beloved that again and I will rip out your tongue!"

Helas aura radiated off of her and everyone in the amphitheater was taken aback. She had grown much stronger and was on the verge of becoming a Super Class being again.

[Hela: Queen of Asgard - Level 74]

"Sorry…" He muttered and slumped down to make himself look as small as possible.

Nuwa eyed Hela warily. "The point still stands. With the new Queen of Asgard behind you, it seems that you do possess the strength to challenge Olympus. How will the mortals be able to hold them though? Only after hundreds of years of cultivating can mortals achieve any decent level of power." She said.

I scoffed. "You're clearly out of touch with modern society. Technology has reached the point where humans are on the verge of space travel. On top of that, I know that Sorceress Supreme could probably take down everyone in this room by herself!"

Nuwa nodded. "Old Yao? She is indeed impressive. But you are misinformed. She couldn't beat even the weakest of us."

What? I'm calling bullshit on that!

"The sorcerers draw their powers from us and the Gods of other dimensions. They cannot use their powers against us." Quetzalcoatl said. "No god would ever allow it."

[That's some interesting information.]

I wasn't aware that was the case. That explained why she never took down the Olympians herself despite the amount of damage they were doing. I'd have to ask her about that later.

There was a flash of thunder and Zeus was standing directly in front of Hela and I. He was now wearing a full set of Olympian armor.

He spoke to Hela. "I wasn't aware that Odin kicked the bucket. We always had an understanding, he and I. I don't meddle in his affairs and he stays out of mine. As his daughter, shouldn't you respect his wishes? Otherwise, you'll be spitting on his memory!"

I knew that was the exact wrong thing to say to Hela! She absolutely hated Odin and would like nothing more than to spit on his memory.

Hela glared at Zeus. "I made a promise to myself that I would tear down Odins's legacy! That includes any useless alliances that he forged." She said coldly. A black sword appeared in her hand and she pointed it at Zeus's throat. "You will come one way or another. If the mortals of midgard can't hold you prisoner, then you will find that Asgard's cells can hold you just fine!"

Zeus held out his hand. In it appeared a sword that sparkled with electricity. It was his spare weapon since his bolt was gone. "You want to fight!? Then let's fight! You'll only be proving my point. Only Gods can judge other Gods! The mortals do not have the qualifications–"


A burst of golden light washed across the skies of Olympus above us. It traveled across the entire realm. As it did, I could feel the realm crying out in pain. The bright sky ended up dimming a small amount. I don't know how I knew this, but I instinctively knew that that brightness would never return.

"That's impossible!"

"It can't be!"

"This has never happened before!"

The gods in the amphitheater started panicking. Zeus looked mortified by what had just happened.

Holy shit!" Lugh proclaimed as he downed another flask. "I guess we are really out of touch!"

"It seems that I have been proven wrong." Nuwa declared. "A god has just been slain by a mortal. This phenomenon has been felt by every God on Earth…"

"An Olympian God just kicked the bucket? Well, I suppose that's the end of this meeting for now. Later bitches." Lugh said before he vanished in a flash of light.

Whoa? Did Natasha's group end up killing a God? Was it Dionysus?

"*Hic* I guess the party is over. Come over to Egypt and have a drink with me if you're ever feeling bored! Bye!" Tenenet disappeared next.

Following her, all the gods started to disappear from the amphitheater. It seemed like none of them wanted to get involved knowing that they could actually be permanently killed.

Nuwa and Bast were the last ones left.

"Ara, you intrigue me Layla of the Fallen. Feel free to visit my Immortal Palace if you're ever in China."

"You are not welcome in Wakanda! Stay away you damn crow!"

Zeus, Poseidon and Hades now stood opposite of me and Hela in an empty amphitheater. My ten wings were out behind me and I was expecting this to turn into a fight. There was no way these three were coming quietly.

Quest Started: Capture the Big Three!

Reward: Level Up for each one captured! & Ownership of Mount Olympus!

'You can just give away Mount Olympus, System?'

[It's pretty much up for grabs without these three guarding it.]


Zeus gripped his sword tightly. "You might be stronger than me, Hela, but this is my domain!" He swung his sword down and a massive bolt of Divine Lighting fell from the sky.

Hela raised her hand and a giant sword formed above her and acted as a makeshift shield/lightning rod. Her sword absorbed his entire attack and was pulsing with electricity. Hela glanced at it and smirked. "You can have this back." She swung her arm forward and her towering blade hurtled itself towards Zeus. His eyes widened in panic.

"Fuck!" Her giant sword smashed into him. He was sent flying and crashed into the stone amphitheater seats and then right through them.

Poseidon and Hades gaped at how Hela just smacked their brother away like he was nothing. "I'll handle Zeus. You can have his two idiotic brothers." Hela said as she dashed forward through the hole she had just made.

My eyes shifted as I activated my Rinnegan. "So…what can you two do?"

Poseidon grimaced. A set of blue armor manifested around his body. "I'll show you what a true God can do!" Jets of water blasted out of his feet as he rushed towards me. The golden Trident of Atlantis appeared in his hand and he stabbed it forward towards me.

I held out my palm towards him. "Almighty Push!"

All of Posiedon's momentum turned against him as he crashed into the invisible force I'd just released. "GAAAHH!" He screamed in pain and spat out globs of golden blood as he was harshly sent careening backwards. He crashed into the stone stands.

I glanced over to where Hades was and my eyes widened when I realized he was gone! An instant later, I felt the air shift behind me! I jumped forwards just in time. A pitch black scythe slashed through the spot where my head was.

It was weird that my instincts didn't warn me of his sneak attack at all…

Hades scowled when he realized he failed to kill me. "It seems that your luck is quite high!" He said with sarcastic praise. He held up his black scythe and caressed the flat blade.

"This is the Scythe of the Underworld! My greatest treasure and weapon. It is a metaphysical blade that doesn't do any actual damage! Instead, it instantly kills whoever it hits! Hahahaha!" He started cackling madly. "Even Zeus fears this weapon! And now it will be your death!"

Oh…that's why my instincts didn't warn me about his sneak attack…

[This poor bastard never had a chance…]

The shadows underneath Hades became much darker and his body sunk down into them. He once again disappeared from my senses. He was very good at hiding!

"Die!" Hades suddenly popped out of the ground, from my own shadow behind me! His arms swung forwards and his scythe came hurtling towards my torso. I didn't bother dodging.

The blade pierced through me and I felt absolutely nothing. He was right, it was a metaphysical weapon.

"Hahahaha! I killed the bitch! That's what you get for being so arrogant!" Hades threw his head back and cackled even louder.

His laughter was cut off when I spoke. "Sorry to disappoint you, but as the Champion of Lady Death, I'm immune to death magics."

His head snapped forwards and we locked eyes. A look of panic and fear came over his face. "No…That's impossible…" He whined.

The cooldown of my Deva Path ended just in time. "Almighty Push!" I spoke again. Hades cried out in pain as he was blasted backwards and crashed into the stands right next to Poseidon. I held onto his scythe as he went flying. I stashed it into my inventory. It radiated death magic and it might make a cute gift for the next time I see Lady Death.

I honestly expected a bit more out of these two. They were both around Level 60 and giving a very poor showing for it.

The rubble shifted as Posiedon stood up first followed by his brother. He raised his hand up and wiped the golden blood that was trailing from his mouth. "It's been a long time since we last clashed with an Angel. I forgot how fierce your kind can be. But you have clearly forgotten how strong we Olympians are!"

"Prepare to witness our true Divine Forms!"

I squinted my eyes because the two of them suddenly became as bright as the Sun. An ordinary Human's eyes would have been burnt out if they stared at these two for more than a few seconds.

When the bright light show ended, they had both considerably grown in size. They were both around 6 feet tall before, but now they were towering around 40 feet.

Poseidon's body had become almost translucent. As if he was now completely made up of water. Hades was similar except he looked like a giant that was made out of numerous shadows stitched together.

Both of their levels also went up by 10. Poseidon was not at Level 67 and Hades was at Level 70.


"Do you feel regret provoking us now! You now face two of the strongest gods in the world at once!" Poseidon bellowed loudly. The skies overhead turned dark and cloudy. Rain drops started to fall from the sky all around us

"It's too late for her to have regrets! She stole my precious scythe! She must die!" Hades added. "Now tremble before my might. Arise my Legion!" Hades held up his arms.

Thousands of shadows coalesced all around the empty stands around me. From those shadows, figures started to manifest and take shape. Hades had summoned a legion of undead soldiers.

[Zombies round two!]

"My loyal undead slaves! I command you to kill this wretched Fallen Angel!" Hades arrogantly pointed at me with his currently giant finger.

His army of zombies leapt from the stands in a frenzy and started swarming towards me. Maybe his plan was to try and wear me down with numbers before he and Poseidon teamed up to finish me off.

There were literally thousands of them charging me from every direction at once. Each zombie was wielding a celestial bronze weapon.

Unfortunately for Hades, numbers worked to my advantage. Especially when it was a swarm of low level zombies like this that were perfect for refilling my MP!

"MANA BURST!" I shouted out as my body erupted with power!


Vigor +500!

Strength +500!

Intelligence +500!

I threw both of my hands out to my sides! "Almighty Push!" A powerful wave of force blasted out from me in all directions at once. Every single zombie in a 50 meter radius was turned to pulp!

You have slain greek zombies x 752

You have gained 10,456MP!

I immediately gained back all the MP I'd just used for my Burst and then some! I was overflowing with power!


The familiar giant purple skeleton manifested around me. This time though, I wanted to go even further. I fed even more power into the construct surrounding me.


I didn't care about the massive amounts of MP I was using. There were still a few thousands zombies left that were nothing more than batteries for me at this point.

My Susanoo started to form translucent purple muscles, then flesh and finally armor. 10 purple wings appeared on her back. My construct took the form of a beautiful Angel of War.

Another wave of zombies reached my Susanoo's feet and tried to stab them. They were wasting their time though. They weren't even close to strong enough to damage a fully manifested Perfect Susanoo. A giant purple foot was raised up before I slammed it downwards. Massive shockwave was released and the entire amphitheater started to crumble around us as cracks appeared in the stone foundations everywhere.

+6467 MP

Safely within my ultimate defense, I smirked at Poseidon and Hades. They were looking at me with shock and fear in their giant eyes. "Are we going to stand around all day, or are we going to fight?" I asked.

The first to make a move was Poseidon. When he had grown bigger, so had his Trident. He pointed the towering weapon at me and a tsunami of ocean water burst forth! "Drown, you bitch!" The wave swept forward and it was at least twice as tall as my Susanoo was.

The air around me exploded as my Susanoo's ten gigantic wings flapped hard. I rocketed into the sky right over the massive torrent of water. It smashed through what was left of the amphitheater and proceeded to wash its way through the streets of Olympus. With a single attack, Poseidon had just destroyed around a quarter of the divine city.

I could feel divine lives being snuffed out all around us. A bunch of lower Gods and Goddesses died from that attack. I could even hear the screams of the survivors from all around. Not that either Poseidon or Hades seemed to care.

[Those gods will all just reform in Tartarus, anyway.]

I raised my arm high and my Susanoo mirrored my actions perfectly. A giant purple spear started to form in her hand. It was dozens of meters long.

-1000 MP

I hurled it with all of my strength towards Poseidon. The air around us ignited from the force of my throw! Poseidon held up his giant trident to block my attack and meet it head on!


Posiedon grit his teeth as he tried to hold off my attack. I could see his watery muscles actually bursting from the strain as he held onto his trident for his life!

I grinned. It was too much for him. His Trident was ripped out of his hands and went flying across Olympus. It ended up crashing on the other side of the city and demolishing a few more buildings. That wasn't the only thing the God of the Seas lost though. Both of his hands had been ripped off as well from the force of my spear.

The wound was also caused by my Light Energy, he wouldn't be able to immediately heal it.

"AAAAArrrrrgghh!" He screamed in pain while holding up his two arm stumps. "Hades, help me!"

The shadowy form of Hades glanced at me momentarily and then glanced at his brother's miserable condition. "I'm sorry brother. Our triumvirate ends here!" Hades quickly grabbed Poseidon. My eyes widened when he heaved his own brother upwards and threw him directly at me!


The flailing giant form of Poseidon came hurtling upwards directly at me!

"Damn you, Hades!" Poseidon shouted angrily!

My Susanoo punched downwards and slammed Poseidon back towards the ground. Another massive crater was added to the scenery when he hit the ground.

Hades had used Poseidon as a distraction and chose that moment to escape. I couldn't sense him anywhere nearby. He was gone…

"Fuck…" I cursed out loud. I let one of the Big Three escape! I just knew that he was going to cause all kinds of problems for me later if he wasn't caught quickly!

I didn't want another one to get away so I rapidly dove downwards towards where Poseidon crashed. He was in the middle of groggily standing up when my Susanoo crashed on top of him, feet first! Both feet landed on his giant head and slammed him back into the ground!

"You stay down!" I yelled and proceeded to violently stomp on his head a few more times for good measure. What was left of the city trembled with every impact.


A few more hits to his head and Poseidon completely stilled. His Divine Form–which wasn't that impressive all things considered–ended up disappearing and he was reduced back to regular human size.

I let out a giggle and my Susanoo faded away. Who knew curb stomping a God into unconsciousness could be so fun? Maybe some of Hela's sadistic tendencies were rubbing off on me…

I quickly conjured a black metal collar and placed it around his neck. I then opened a portal towards one of SHIELD's holding cells and tossed the unconscious god directly inside.

With Hades in the wind and Poseidon taken care of, I headed towards Hela. I could feel her clashing with Zeus off in the distance. They were fighting outside the city itself.

I saw a battlefield covered in scorch marks and thousands upon thousands of black swords. A giant wreathed in Golden Lighting was currently facing off against a woman that he dwarfed comparatively.

Despite that, it was the giant that was grievously wounded. Zeus's Divine Form was covered in cuts and gouges while Hela only looked winded.

"You push me too far, Hela! Do you want to invoke a war between our Pantheons!?" Zeus bellowed loudly. He was holding his side which was bleeding golden blood profusely.

Hela scoffed and held her hand high in the air. A black sword the size of a skyscraper manifested above the ruined battlefield. "You are a fool of a king. This was the war, you oaf! Your side just lost!"

The towering blade crashed directly on top of Zues. Thunder blasted off of his form as he held up his arms and tried to hold back her attack. He was far too wounded to stop it though. The gigantic black sword smashed into Zeus and crushed him into the ground!


Another wave of power swept across the skies of olympus. The skies overhead dimmed much more than when the first God was slain earlier.

Quest Failed!

Wait...What!? I failed the quest!? 'What do you mean Quest failed!'

[You were supposed to capture the Big Three. Hades escaped and Hela just killed Zues. You only captured Poseidon. For that, you can have one Level Up… Out of pity.]

You have Leveled Up!

I pouted… I had never failed a quest before. Losing out on two levels wasn't a massive deal though.

I flew down towards Hela and landed next to her. She was breathing heavily from all the power she just used putting down Zues.

"You look hot covered in all that sweat." I said.

Hela grinned at me. "Do I?"

"You do." I said. "Too bad we can't have our after battle celebration just yet." I whined. We still had the rest of Olympus to clean up…


The majority of the city was destroyed and I would bet that most of the Gods probably fled as soon as they felt Zues die. I hadn't seen any Gods like Apollo, Athena or even Hera since we had gotten here. I wondered where they were?

There were suddenly two flashes of golden light in front of Hela and I. Two women appeared before us. One of them was a very beautiful regal woman and the other was a very cute shorter girl.

Hela stiffened up next to me when they appeared. She casually put herself in front of me as if to protect me.

[Hera: Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth - Level 55]

[Hestia: Goddess of Home and Hearth - Level 83]

What. The. Fuck!?

Hestia is level 83!? That means her Divine Form would be Level 93! She would wipe the floor with us!

"There is no need to be alarmed." Hestia said with a small smile. "I don't like fighting. In my whole existence, the amount of times I had to fight can be counted on a single hand. I only came to speak with our two conquerors."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Hera turned her head towards the towering sword that had taken Zeus's life. "Is my husband truly dead? Am I truly free of him at last…" She muttered.

"He is very dead." I said. "Hela is the Queen of Asgard and its Goddess of Death. Zues's soul is already with Lady Death herself no doubt." I answered.

"I see…" Hera trailed off. "And what is to become of us now?" She said while looking off towards the ruined city.

"Well, nothing is going to happen to Hestia. As for you…um…you're under arrest." I held out a black collar towards her.

Hera's eyes widened at my statement.


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