The Divorced Wife of the Richest Man is Reborn

Chapter 47

After listening for a while longer, Yan Xishan recognized the person - Fan Zhendong, Fan Zhenhua's younger brother and Hu Xiaomei's former step-brother. He worked at the Justice Bureau as a minor official.0

He was actually quite ordinary, but mainly because Fan Xiang had connections and secured good positions for his sons.0

Originally, the Fan brothers had been indifferent towards Hu Xiaomei and Qi Dongmei, the mother-daughter pair. Fan Zhenhua's wife was especially wary of Hu Xiaomei, and even Fan Xiang didn't allow Fan Zhendong to get too close to Hu Xiaomei.0

Yan Xishan had also tried to drive a wedge between them, and Qi Dongmei had even chased Fan Xiang away.0

But now they sat at the dining table, chatting happily like close siblings, discussing how to divide up his assets.0

"What about Chen Meilan?" Hu Xiaomei suddenly asked.0

Fan Zhendong replied, "If she wants money, just give her a little to placate her. The most important thing is the ownership of the coal mines. You have a son now, why bother with that old hag?"0

"My money? I'd rather give it to a dog than Chen Meilan," Hu Xiaomei sneered. Because Chen Meilan wasn't just an ordinary old hag - she held an unshakeable place in Yan Xishan's heart. As long as she lived, Hu Xiaomei would forever be just a concubine in Yan Xishan's eyes.0

"Xishan?" Suddenly, Fan Zhendong cried out in shock.0

Hu Xiaomei was so startled she knocked over a cup on the table and nearly slid off her chair.0

In the unlit living room stood Yan Xishan, bald head gleaming, carrying a large red and blue woven bag. He looked even more robust than before he went to prison. With his thick eyebrows, deep-set eyes, high nose bridge, and thin lips on a handsome face, he exuded a masculine energy.0

Fan Zhendong was also frightened, but quickly regained his composure. "We were just talking about you and here you are! Congratulations on your release. Xiaomei just got pregnant, and since you've been away, I came to look after her a bit."0

On the table were cold dishes Hu Xiaomei had prepared - carrot and vermicelli salad, peanuts, pork head meat, and a bottle of XO cognac that Yan Xishan had treasured, brought from Hong Kong.0

That precious liquor - they had already drunk half the bottle, paired with pork head meat and peanuts.0

The coal mining industry was inherently cutthroat, with no bottom line except murder and arson. Yan Xishan still had five large mines without mining permits. Once he could start operations, he would become the richest man in Xiping City.0

At this moment, Yan Xishan felt as if his heart had plunged into an ice cellar, chilled to the core.0

Chen Meilan may have been harsh, foul-mouthed, and always scolding him, but when she visited him in prison, she would bring 50 yuan worth of chicken leg coupons and cigarettes. Zhaodi may have taken the property rights, but at least he still managed the coal mines himself, with the money in his own hands.0

How many people had Hu Xiaomei colluded with for his assets?0

He felt as if struck by lightning, electrocuted, a mix of joy and fury.0

At this moment, he could only console himself that Xiaomei's child was three months along - it must be his.0

Because back then, he and Hu Xiaomei were in the heat of passion, other men couldn't have gotten a chance.0

Besides, when bitten by a dog, one shouldn't bite back - the best choice is to kill the dog and eat its meat.0

So although he was very angry inside, Yan Xishan still said with a grin, "There wasn't enough evidence, so I was released early."0

Cold sweat broke out on Fan Zhendong's back in waves. Back when Yan Zhao was arresting coal bosses left and right, the whole city was in an uproar. Everyone was saying that Yan Zhao wouldn't rest until he took down all those coal bosses, because he was a man who couldn't tolerate even a speck of sand in his eye.0

Many people at the city bureau had been trying to persuade Yan Zhao to release them, but he never budged.0

No one expected him to suddenly release these coal bosses. Could it be that he couldn't withstand the pressure from the city bureau?0

Could it be as Fan Zhenhua said, that Yan Zhao fellow may look simple and foolish, but actually has no real strategy?0

But Yan Xishan's sudden return caught them completely off guard.0

Since he was back, and a bit earlier than expected while they were still drinking, if Hu Xiaomei didn't fight for the coal mine ownership rights now, when would she?0

After all, regarding Hu Xiaomei's pregnancy, apart from the fact that there was no actual baby in her belly, everything else was done flawlessly.0

"Xiaomei, where's the ultrasound? Let me see it again," Yan Xishan said with a smile.0

Catching a look from Fan Zhendong, Hu Xiaomei had already composed herself.0

Stroking her belly, she went into the bedroom, saying, "Chen Meilan took the car right in front of me. If you don't get the car back, I'll abort this child immediately."0

"My dear, my lady, I'll take you to Yanguan Village to get the car back," Yan Xishan pleaded with a pitiful expression.0

"I also want the ownership rights to the coal mines. This isn't for me, it's for your son. If you don't give them to me, I'll abort this child too. Chen Meilan has been mistreating me terribly lately," Hu Xiaomei added.0

"I'll give you everything, everything," Yan Xishan said. Hu Xiaomei was playing him like a fool. Once the coal mines were transferred to her name, he'd likely be run over by a car as soon as he stepped outside tomorrow.0

But he had to play dumb while knowing full well what was happening. He needed to take Hu Xiaomei to Yanguan Village.0

First, to placate the Fan family - kill the dog and eat its meat.0

Second, to keep other matters under wraps for now. He finally had a son, he could stand shoulder to shoulder with Yan Zhao now. He needed to go back to Yanguan Village to show off a bit first.0


As they say, it's all about connections between the ladies. The blueprints from Qinchuan Group were carried by Ma Xiaogang in his backpack and given to Little Wang, who then passed them to Chen Meilan, so Teacher Huang could prepare the bid based on the blueprints.0

Qin Yu said she was too busy lately to teach Yuanyuan piano, which suited Chen Meilan fine as she didn't want Qin Yu teaching anymore. Since Song Lin from Dongfang Middle School would be Erniu's vocal music homeroom teacher in the future, Chen Meilan reached out to Song Lin and switched Yuanyuan's teacher.0

Little Wang, considering himself a paid employee, finished his homework early and sat next to Teacher Huang with both elbows on the table, handing him rulers, sharpening pencils, refilling ink, and passing erasers.0

Teacher Huang kept praising Little Wang, saying he was an excellent assistant. After all, whether it was drawing or writing, Little Wang could anticipate what Teacher Huang needed next and have it ready - who else could be so attentive?0

Today was Yuanyuan's last day learning music with Qin Yu.0

Starting tomorrow, she would begin studying with Song Lin.0

The little girl came to Teacher Huang's house carrying a water cup, and as soon as she entered, she said, "Mom, today Teacher Qin played eight wrong notes."0

Chen Meilan was very surprised: "Our Yuanyuan can even hear when the teacher plays wrong notes?"0

"Mom, you're really underestimating me!" Yuanyuan was still carrying her electronic keyboard. She first asked Teacher Huang if it would disturb him, and seeing him smile and say no, she prepared to play a piece for Chen Meilan impromptu.0

The little girl was no longer the timid, hunched-over, lacking-in-confidence child from her past life.0

She sat on the stool, took a deep breath, placed her hands on the electronic keyboard, her posture and demeanor nothing short of graceful.0

Teacher Huang listened to her play a segment of "Two Tigers" and looked up during a break to say, "Our Yuanyuan really plays the electronic keyboard quite well."0

"If it were a piano, I could play even better," Yuanyuan said confidently.0

Little Lang raised his hand and said in a muffled voice, "I can vouch for that."0

For this little rascal's teeth, Chen Meilan had taken a day off from kindergarten today and specifically took him out to have his tooth roots removed. The dentist said he needed something called a space maintainer, otherwise his teeth would become deformed. When his permanent teeth came in, several teeth would fight for space, which would be excruciatingly painful for the child.0

A space maintainer actually cost fifty yuan, but as long as it could correct the child's teeth, it was worth it. So Chen Meilan paid for it without hesitation.0

Having teeth pulled is very painful, but this little rascal didn't make a sound. Now he still had cotton stuffed in his mouth, making his speech muffled.0

Teacher Huang used to be highly educated and knew how to appreciate music. Hearing that Yuanyuan indeed played well, he said, "Yuanyuan, don't let your piano skills go to waste. Meilan, if we really get the Qinchuan Group project, you should buy her a real piano."0

"How much does a piano cost?" Yuanyuan asked Teacher Huang.0

Teacher Huang thought for a moment: "Probably around 15,000 yuan?"0

Yuanyuan stuck out her tongue: "Never mind, never mind, I'll just keep practicing on the electronic keyboard. This one is already very good."0

Buying a piano was too expensive; Yuanyuan couldn't bear to have her mom spend so much money on her.0

Then Chen Meilan saw Little Wang secretly tug on Yuanyuan's braid, and Yuanyuan glaring at him angrily.0

"What do you think, Little Wang? You're also a member of our project team. Do you think we should buy Yuanyuan a piano? Or after we earn some money, should Mom buy a big air conditioner for our home? Or would you like me to buy you a tape recorder?" Chen Meilan asked Little Wang casually.0

This little rascal had been secretly bullying Yuanyuan lately.0

Yuanyuan, just like in her previous life with Lü Dabao and Erniu, always had a habit of keeping things to herself, unwilling to tell her.0

Yan Zhao was out fishing for law enforcement, and now Chen Meilan was also fishing for law enforcement.0

She wanted to test Little Wang's inner thoughts, to see if he was like Lü Dabao deep down.0

"No need to buy a tape recorder, I'll have one soon," Little Wang said with a wink to Yuanyuan. "You don't need to give me your wages either, use it to buy a piano for our little Yuanyuan. As for air conditioning, forget it. If you feel hot, I'll fan you."0

Chen Meilan immediately smiled, "Alright, let's buy a piano."0

Clearly, Little Wang was just exhibiting typical little boy behavior, enjoying playing pranks on Yuanyuan.0

In his heart, he truly saw her as a little sister.0

The most frightening were children like Lü Dabao, always sweetly calling her "sister" and saying "sister, I love you," but it was Yuanyuan who washed his smelly clothes and shoes, and did all the housework.0

Sister is good, sister is lovely. The sister was willingly coaxed into being his servant.0

"But can we really get that project, Auntie? Should I ask Ma Xiaogang to pester his grandfather?" Little Wang was worried about this, coming up with such a laughable idea.0

"No, you can't. Just take good care of Ma Xiaogang, and whatever you do, don't tell anyone about the relationship between Ma's grandmother and mother, understand?" Chen Meilan said.0

The leadership team of Qinchuan Group had dozens of people, all eyeing that project, wanting to use relatives to make a profit. Though the meat was scarce, there were many wolves, and she was like a foolish donkey among the wolves.0

Chen Meilan was all too familiar with the complexities of the construction industry. As soon as there was a construction project, the factory leaders would fight tooth and nail over who should profit.0

The contractors were now frantically running around giving money, pulling strings, and competing for the project.0

Mrs. Ma hadn't mentioned money or words of thanks, but insisted that Chen Meilan must prepare the "Bid Document" well.0

And Secretary Ma was one of the old leaders who would be retiring in the next few years.0

Chen Meilan analyzed that Secretary Ma probably wanted to rectify Qinchuan Group before retiring, and find someone almost unrelated to himself to take on the project, secretly taking some benefits.0

So even though she was a foolish donkey, her chances of winning the bid were quite high.0

Third Sister-in-law Huang liked children, especially hosting them at her home.0

To prevent these little ones from leaving with Chen Meilan, she kept bringing out sunflower seeds and peanuts, and even dug out all of Little Xiang's old toys for Little Lang and Little Wang to play with.0

Chen Meilan had originally wanted to call Yuanyuan and Little Lang home, but seeing how much Third Sister-in-law Huang liked the two little ones, she couldn't bear to take them away.0

She had just left Third Sister-in-law Huang's house when she felt something was off in the village today.0

After a crackdown, society would have a period of unprecedented stability, during which even the birds flying in the sky would behave themselves, not daring to chirp too loudly.0

But today the village was exceptionally lively. Second Sister Liu, Sister-in-law Mao, and a group of women were all standing opposite the coal yard. Even Qin Yu had come out to watch the commotion, showing just how lively it was.0

"Meilan, Xishan is out of prison," Second Sister Liu called out.0

The coal yard's gate was open, her newly changed lock thrown on the ground. The red Xiali car was parked at the entrance of the coal yard, with Hu Xiaomei, sporting a new perm, standing with her arms crossed, leaning against the car, as if asserting her ownership.0

She was chewing on some seeds, spitting out a shell with each bite.0

Sister-in-law Mao ran over: "Xishan came to your house, even called Yan Zhao from work. He brought Yan Sanye and stormed into your house, fiercely. He's also handing out wedding candy everywhere, saying he's going to have a son. Why don't you hide for a while?"0

An old husband and a new husband.0

Two men meeting at her house, after all, they were all acquaintances, and everyone was worried about Meilan losing face.0

But in fact, Chen Meilan had been waiting for Yan Xishan. She now had a "Coal Mine Transfer Agreement," but it still required Yan Xishan to go with her to the Coal Mining Bureau to complete the transfer before it could truly be in her name.0

What did it matter if the old husband and new husband met? Getting the coal mine in her hands was the most important thing. For this, she was willing to have a fight with Yan Xishan today, then drag Hu Xiaomei to the hospital for an ultrasound, personally fighting for Yuanyuan's property rights.0

The door was locked from the inside, but as soon as she reached the door, Chen Meilan heard Yan Xishan's cheerful voice: "I, Yan Xishan, am about to have an heir. Do you want to see the ultrasound? It's a boy, this time it's a boy."0

Chen Meilan held back a laugh and knocked on the door. When no one answered, she called out loudly: "It's me, Chen Meilan. Open the door."0

In the courtyard were four men: Yan Zhao, Yan Xishan, Yan Xiong, and Yan Sanye.0

To prevent Yan Zhao and Yan Xishan from fighting, Yan Xiong and Yan Sanye sat in the middle, separating them. The four were passing around cigarettes and exchanging pleasantries.0

Hearing Chen Meilan at the door, Yan Zhao stood up first, but Yan Xishan quickly ran over and beat him to opening the door.0

Moreover, with a face full of smiles and an eager expression, seeing Meilan enter, he said, "Walk slowly, walk slowly, be careful not to trip."0

This guy, no matter when, was always so eager to please women, like a lapdog.0

Chen Meilan glared at him: "Get lost."0

"Our Meilan's voice is still so melodious," Yan Xishan immediately said.0

This guy was the type that, even if you angered him to death, you couldn't bring yourself to truly fall out with him.0

Just now, Yan Xishan had already told Yan Xiong and Yan Zhao about how he had given Chen Meilan 100,000 yuan, and how she had run to the detention center and, threatening to provoke Hu Xiaomei into a miscarriage, forced him to sign the "Coal Mine Transfer Agreement".0

He came this time not only to take back the 100,000 yuan but also to make Chen Meilan tear up that "Coal Mine Transfer Agreement".0

He absolutely couldn't let his assets go to Hu Xiaomei, but he also couldn't give them to Meilan, as that would make them Yan Zhao's, wouldn't it? Now that he had a son, most of his assets should go to his son in the future, and that 100,000 yuan was his startup capital to reopen the coal mine.0

He and Yan Sanye had agreed not to persuade Chen Meilan, but to focus on persuading Yan Zhao.0

Yan Xishan offered Yan Zhao a cigarette, and when he refused, lit one for himself. Raising his right hand, he said, "Yan Zhao, you're a man too. Let's be honest, is it right to divide family assets at thirty?"0

Yan Sanye tapped his cane and said, "No one would leave their family fortune to a useless little girl. I've already decided to give Meilan Xishan's house, how can you be so greedy about the mine?"0

Chen Meilan saw an empty stool and was about to sit, but Yan Sanye put his cane on it: "Meilan, we men are talking, go make some tea."0

Recently, Yan Sanye had been coming over every night, causing a ruckus that kept everyone from sleeping, and Yan Zhao had always kept quiet.0

But this time, Yan Zhao wouldn't stand for it. He grabbed Yan Sanye's cane and shoved it away, nearly knocking the old man to the ground. He pulled the stool over and gestured for Chen Meilan to sit beside him.0

Then he said, "Xishan, I have three children: Yan Shengnan, Yan Wangqi, and Yan Minglang. If I die, my property will be divided equally among the three of them."0

Yan Xiong sincerely gave a thumbs up: "Our Yan Zhao is upright and fair in both family and work, no one can find even the slightest fault with him."0

In his heart, Yan Xishan despised Yan Zhao as a despicable person, a hypocrite, a disloyal son-in-law, but on the surface, he still had to smile: "Yan Zhao, we're brothers, you can understand my situation, right? Xiaomei is making a big fuss now, I need to give her an explanation. She's carrying a son!"0

Yan Sanye was almost pleading, his cane constantly tapping the ground: "Although you're beyond five generations of kinship, you're still brothers. You can't fall out over a useless little girl!"0

Yan Zhao suddenly fixed his gaze and asked Yan Xishan: "Xishan, in your eyes, is Shengnan just a useless little girl?"0

Yan Xishan was embarrassed to say his own daughter was useless, but daughters were outsiders who would eventually marry off. He couldn't possibly make Hu Xiaomei miscarry his son for the sake of his daughter. Xiaomei might not be a good person, but it was rare for him to have a son.0

Yan Zhao suddenly got up and went inside.0

He came back out carrying a radio, tested the length of the cord, placed it on the windowsill, turned on the radio, and then inserted a cassette tape.0

The tape was silent for a moment, then music began to play.0

Yan Xishan, apart from enjoying hugging hostesses while singing, didn't like to appreciate music.0

Seeing Yan Zhao standing by the window, he was still inwardly mocking him. Despite Yan Zhao's cold appearance and unapproachable demeanor, he was actually quite the artistic youth in his younger days. He could play the harmonica and accordion, even the drums, and enjoyed reading poetry.0

Yan Xishan looked down on those involved in the arts, and especially despised how Yan Zhao, despite his rough exterior, pretended to be refined.0

He probably wanted to make excuses along with Chen Meilan, and was about to have Yan Sanye say some harsh words on his behalf, when a clear, childish girl's voice came through the speaker: "Gently holding your face, wiping away your tears for you, this heart will always belong to me, tell me you're no longer alone..."0

Yan Xishan didn't appreciate music, but the little girl's voice from the tape recorder made him hold his breath, stopping his breathing.0

Yan Sanye also stroked his beard: "Where did this girl come from? She sings so beautifully."0

It wasn't Chen Meilan's first time hearing this song, but it was the first time Yuanyuan's voice had appeared on the radio.0

The child's voice was so clear and lively, serving as a prelude that made people want to keep listening.0

The male singer was also very good, but Yuanyuan's voice was the most moving version she had ever heard among all the versions of this popular song.0

Without experience, one wouldn't have that kind of feeling.0

Her Yuanyuan, who in her previous life never dared to sing loudly and only hummed quietly, now had her voice flowing clearly through the radio, both crisp and sweet, making people forget to breathe in the moment of listening.0

Yan Zhao walked over and stood beside Chen Meilan: "This is the demo tape of Yuanyuan's song. I just received it today, as luck would have it."0

Then, he looked at Yan Xishan very calmly: "Who says girls are naturally inferior to boys? This is the song recorded by Yan Shengnan and Brother Shou Gufeng. Can your son do this?"0


Turning his head, he looked at Yan Xiong: "My Shengnan has only been in school for three weeks, and she's already the class's arts and literature representative. Can Xishan's son do that?"0

Looking at Yan Sanye again, he said: "My Shengnan is also running for class monitor. Can Yan Xishan's son do that?"0

Yan Xishan's face twitched when he first heard that the song was sung by his daughter: "Yan Zhao, play it again for me to listen."0

Yan Sanye also stroked his beard: "Play it again. If it's really little Zhaodi singing, I'll give the child two White Rabbit candies to eat."0

The father and son who had come to argue had now forgotten everything, listening to the music and continuously praising Yuanyuan.0

Just then, the song stopped, and with a click, the tape ejected from the radio.0

Yan Xishan jumped up and rushed over, flustered and hurried, not even bothering to find a pencil to rewind the tape, using his fingers to hastily turn it.0

As he turned it, Yan Xishan smiled.0

His little Zhaodi was actually singing with a big star?0

How could his little Zhaodi be so capable?0

But just then, suddenly a cry came from outside: "Brother Shan, come out quickly, Brother Shan! The people who bullied me are here!"0

It was Hu Xiaomei outside, crying and whining.0

Probably afraid that Yan Xishan couldn't hear, she was also honking the car horn loudly.0

The door was locked from the inside, and because the music had stopped, Yan Xishan was still frantically turning the tape. Yan Zhao got up and opened the door.0

Yan Bin stood at the door holding a piece of paper, saying: "Meilan, the ultrasound!"0

Had Hu Xiaomei made a fake ultrasound report of another pregnant woman?0

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