The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 697 A Birthday

At Hindman Manor, Lock Heart Pack Territory

Time passed, and life in Cordon was firmly settling back into its normal routine. Of course, that meant that things such as leisure were starting to become acceptable again as the immediate threat of the plague slowly erased itself from the populace's mind. 

Of course, that also meant that Jayra was free to start planning a surprise masquerade ball for Bella.

"I'm sure she'll appreciate it," Jayra chuckled to herself as she arranged for each and every occasion that would happen for Bella's surprise ball. "It's been a hectic few days now… what with all of the tension and worry and whatnot…"

It had been a cascade of disasters every step of the way it would seem. Only now were things starting to look up, and Jayra wasn't going to just let it go by without making sure that they managed to celebrate all that was there to celebrate.

"From the plague being cured to everything else being opened up, there's a lot to celebrate about," Jayra hummed to herself in approval. "And I won't let you get away from this Bella, especially since it's your twenty-sixth birthday that I'm planning to celebrate for you…"

It had been interrupted because of Osman's disappearance, after all. Coupled with everything else that had happened, then it was only natural that they should make it count now.

"I won't let you escape," she mischievously giggled to herself. "I refuse to let you get away from enjoying yourself."


Bella didn't know what was going on by the time she arrived. All she knew was that Jayra had all but pushed her to come back home with her and that she should dress her best for some reason. 

Somehow, combined with her sister-in-law's constant giggling, she could only assume that something was off with this whole arrangement.

"Are you sure this is necessary?" Bella awkwardly asked, doing her best not to sound too suspicious about it all. "We're just got home, right?"

"Right, sure," Jayra giggled behind her, her sister-in-law all but pushing her forward towards the manor's great hall. "Just trust me on this. I'm sure you'll like it."

Bella could only sigh as she let herself get carried away by her mage friend's shenanigans. She was just sure that there something would happen the moment those massive doors to the great hall opened up to them. Whatever it was, she didn't know. All that she knew was that she would really just rather be in her room resting after all of the traveling they just did.

"Does it really have to be right now?" she weakly whined. "Can we just rest for a bit first?"

"Rest can wait," Jayra chuckled. "Again, this is something you really want to see."

Sighing once more, Bella resigned herself to her fate as she stood right in front of the great hall. Placing a hand on the door, she could only hope that her friend was right in that she wouldn't regret ever agreeing to this in the first place.

"Alright, let's go inside!"

But just before Bella was ready to push the door open herself, Jayra had done it for her. Closing her eyes, she could only prepare herself for whatever it was that waited for her. She could only hope that it wouldn't be too bad…



Opening her eyes, Bella felt both joy and confusion at the sight before her. Everyone was wearing masks, and she couldn't tell who was who even as she slowly entered the hall. Beside her, Jayra was eagerly giggling as her sister-in-law ushered her inside.

"W-What is this?" Bella couldn't help but ask.

"Why, it's a Masquerade Ball," Jayra announced as she pulled out two masks for the both of them to wear. "It's been a while, right? Besides, we cause for celebration!"

The people around her cheered at Jayra's announcement. From there, Bella could tell that she knew a lot of the people currently around her. Their scents were familiar to her, but the sheer number of people around her made it hard for her to recognize just which scent belonged to whom.

"Right! Let's all celebrate!" Jayra announced as she took the stage. "From the ending of the plague to the general prosperity of the kingdom, I'm sure we all have a lot to be happy about!"

Bella couldn't help but smile at her friend's enthusiasm. Letting out a breath, she stared at the mask in her hands, shrugging before she inevitably placed it over her face. If she was going to be at a party against her will, then she might as well enjoy herself.

"But of course, let's not forget the real reason why we're here!"

Bella raised an eyebrow at Jayra's words. Right then and there, the applause died down as everyone listened to what her sister-in-law had to say.

"While the very nature of this ball makes it customary for us to not know each other at a glance, I'd like to shine the spotlight on one very important person with us today!" Jayra began, her arms splayed to her sides as she theatrically controlled the show. "After all, this very ball was arranged just because it's our dear friend's special day!"

Bella blinked. Somehow, she could tell that everyone was turning their attention to her the longer Jayra continued her speech. She didn't know how to respond as she sank into herself, hoping that the attention would go away.

"A lot of things had happened, and yet she continues forward, being a dear friend to us all without so much as a rest!"

She held her breath as the tension within her started to rise. What was this all about? Why did she feel like this was all done for her sake?

"Happy birthday, Bella!"


Bella was speechless. As one, everyone around her greeted her for her birthday. A birthday that had already passed over weeks ago. 

"W-Why?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Why? Because you're dear to us, Bella!" Jayra cheekily replied. "With everything that happened, we really couldn't celebrate your special day, so what better way to do it than to do it now?!"

Another cheer erupted around her, and Bella couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of her sister-in-law's idea. Truly, leave it to Jayra to have these kinds of crazy plans. Not that she didn't like it. 

In fact, she felt rather annoyed that she didn't see it coming. 

"Haha! I'll get you back for this someday Sis!" she called her friend out in between bouts of laughter. 

"I'd like to see you try!" Jayra cackled back. 

Bella smiled. Perhaps she was wrong. Maybe there was something to be had here after all.

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