The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 689 Black Rose

At Midnight Pack


Lena gasped as she listened to the report her brother had for her and her family. She was also surprised by Jayra's sudden arrival in their Pack. She watched as the mage gave out quick instructions about isolating everyone who got in contact with Seth's mother. 

"We need to contain this here since we're still unsure about the mode of transmission…" Jayra explained.

"Is it that bad already?" Master Kasper asked, seemingly popping out of nowhere. 

Jayra simply nodded. "Aurelia is still analyzing things. As from my end, I can only tell that this disease usually manifests within a week before showing symptoms…" she explained. "It's so frustrating. This is the first time I encountered something like this on werewolves. It seems like this disease only targets pure-blooded werewolves…"

"The only disease that I know of that can kill a werewolf is the Moon Plague, but this one isn't showing the same symptoms," Jayra continued with a frown. "This one works by slowly killing the body. And its spread from one werewolf to the next is too fast for it to be Moon Plague."

Lena frowned. She could sense how weary her friend was. "How is our Queen?" she worriedly asked despite just hearing from Jayra about how the disease was spreading only to pureblood werewolves.

"The Queen is fine, Lena," Jayra reassured her. "For now, I will need your help since you're not a werewolf, meaning that you're immune to this. You too, Master Kasper…"

"I'll do the best that I can…" Lena readily nodded. 

From there, she quickly took over the pack her brother left her, immediately instructing the non-purebloods to be more proactive in helping out with contact tracing that all started from Seth's mother and her coachman.


Time passed, and at that point, the epidemic had already affected the whole kingdom in terms of economy. Many people in the isolated areas had to stop working to be isolated, and most trade between territories ground to a halt. Thankfully, it was still limited, but it could change if they couldn't manage to stop the spread of infection. They also had to call for help from the Kingdom of Ebodia as well as from their other allied kingdoms such as Valcrez and the others. They sent healers and supplies, as well as all the other help that they might need in show of support. 

All things considered, Lena thought that things were going well enough. Unfortunately, three days later, this illusion she had was firmly shattered.

"Lena, fetch for Seth," Master Kasper sighed just as he emerged from the isolation room. "Tell him his mother is infected."

She couldn't help but gasp. Still, she firmly nodded, no words escaping her mouth as she did what she was asked. They didn't have the luxury of being surprised. Not anymore, at least. Luckily Seth did not meet her mother yet when she arrived from Tornado Pack so he was not infected.

"Lena?" Seth greeted her as she approached him.

"Lord Seth, it's your mother," Lena weakly muttered. "She's showing symptoms."

"What?!" Seth exclaimed. "Take me to her."

"Not without you adding more protection for yourself," she quickly added before handing him a cloth mask to layer on top of his already existing mask. "And make sure to stay as far away as possible. We can't have you getting infected as well."

Grimly nodding, Seth took the mask and wore it over his mask before trailing behind Lena. The walk to the isolation room was silent, their footfalls only barely masked by the faint moans of the diseased and infirm. It was bleak, but Lena liked to believe that they were still doing good in fighting off this disease.

"H-How is she?" Seth couldn't help but ask just as they reached the isolation room. 

"She has rashes over parts of her skin, but thankfully, it's still limited to that stage of the infection," Master Kasper informed him. "She's still awake. Tired, but awake."

Seth let out a sigh of relief, and Lena couldn't help but join in with him as she let off a smile. In truth, she hadn't really seen a patient up close yet, with her having been relegated to running the Pack with Seth in order to preserve order within their Territory. It fell to Jayra and Master Kasper to care for the sick, and she could only shudder at the stories of how these black rashes would suddenly spread across the body before the patient just died one day.

"That's good, at least," Seth nodded in relief. "Can I see her?"

"I'd advise against that," Master Kasper seriously replied. "You might get infected. We're still not sure if masks even work in slowing the spread of infection."

"I just want a word with her," Seth sighed. 

"If you want, I can go in with and give her your message," Lena offered since Jayra also forbid any telepathic communication with an infected.

Seth gratefully smiled at her. "I'd… I'd appreciate that. Tell her that I'm doing fine and that she should be strong. We'll find a cure for this soon, I'm sure."

"I'll try my best," Lena nodded before turning to Master Kasper. "Can you take me to her?"

"Of course."

Disappearing into the isolation room, Lena held her breath as she took in the sight of the patients. Some were in various states of sickness, some worse off than others as they laid motionless on their beds. 

"We're here," Master Kasper motioned to a sectioned off part of the room. 

Giving him a nod of acknowledgment, Lena carefully walked in, only to be greeted by a sleeping woman on the bed. It would seem that she came in at a bad time, which meant that she wouldn't be able to give her Seth's message.

"She's tired, unfortunately," Master Kasper sighed. "Would you like me to deliver Seth's message for you?"

Lena would've answered if her eyes weren't distracted by the sight before her. The black rashes… the state of exhaustion… It felt familiar to her somehow…

"I… I think I know what this is…" she uttered in disbelief.

Master Kasper's eyes widened at her. "You do?"

"This… This is Black Rose…" Lena weakly whispered. "And…"


"It's… It's incurable…"

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