The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 110

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 110

Episode 110 The Wasp Catcher (1)

The world of tastes is diverse.

In particular, tastes in food are more diverse. Some people like mint chocolate. Some people put pineapple on top of pizza. He commits the atrocity of pouring sauce into sweet and sour pork without hesitation.

Also, some people prefer cola with the steam removed on purpose. No, some people even eat rice mixed with cola!

As such, the world of tastes can be said to be of many different dimensions. It’s not just humans that are like this. The same goes for bees, which are social insects. The group of Vesparos rampaging here now was like that too.


The swarm of Vesparos rushing towards the group all stopped. He pricked up his antennae. A strong stimulus was applied to their olfactory centers.

So this is… alcohol!


Vesparus, the leader, turned around. It was towards the direction where Rachiel had just thrown the bottle.

That was the beginning.

The other guys also busily turned around one after another. It started running. There is even one that runs and flaps its wings.

Everyone ran towards where the bottle fell. It was like people running towards the subway doors just before closing during rush hour. Seeing that, Rakiel clenched his fists.


It’s a success.

I felt confident.

The intention was perfect.

‘I was wondering whether this would work or not.’

Suddenly, I remembered the time I was in Korea.

The representative of a business partner who supplied medicinal materials to an oriental medicine clinic. He was a kind old man. We were close friends and occasionally had drinks and meals together.

Then, at a certain meal, it happened. The CEO was bragging about it.

His hobby is beekeeping. He built a farmhouse in Gangwon-do that he only used on weekends and bought beehives in the backyard. However, the wasps kept disturbing the beehive, which was a problem, but you said you solved the problem.

Actually, I wasn’t very interested at first. I just answered yes yes. Then, the moment I heard the solution from the CEO, I remembered an exclamation coming out of my head.

‘That method was very simple yet efficient. The secret was a trap that took advantage of the difference in taste between bees and wasps for alcohol.’

Differences in taste between bees and wasps.

Bees hate the smell of alcohol. On the other hand, what about wasps? If it’s alcohol, it’s crazy. As soon as they smell it, they gather around as if they are possessed.

A simple trap that takes advantage of that taste(?).

That’s it….

‘I said it was a makgeolli trap.’

He said that all you have to do is fill a 2-liter plastic bottle about 1/3 full with makgeolli and hang it anywhere near the beehive.

What if we just do that?

Everything is ok.

It was also said that after two or three days, one could intuitively see the wasps floating around after drowning in makgeolli and dying.

‘I wasn’t sure if that would work here. I was just wondering….’

It worked.

It’s a success.

I was convinced by the sight of the swarm of Vesparos rushing towards the bottle rather than attacking me. Thanks to you, I gained some time. Did the rest of the group also realize what was going on?



Everyone ran in a hurry. It seemed like he thought this was his only chance to escape. However, Rakiel had different thoughts.

“Everyone stop!”


He blocked the path of the knight who was trying to run away. I extended my arms to the guiding soldier. The knight who almost collided with us shouted urgently.

“What are you doing!”

“Military doctor, you should also run away quickly!”

Blood also appeared on the guide soldier’s neck. But Rachiel did not back down. He looked them straight in the eyes and spoke quickly.

“I guarantee it. “If you run away now, you’ll all die.”


“Are you going to run away just because you have a moment? How long will that brief gap be? “How far can we go if we simply run with ignorance?”

“What is that!”

“It’s true. They’re doing this because they were attracted by the smell of alcohol from the canteen I threw. However, the alcohol in alcohol quickly evaporates into the air and disappears. “The less alcohol you have, the faster it will happen.”


“It’s just alcohol in a canteen. What if those big guys lick you? What if it evaporates when exposed to air? How long will the smell of alcohol last? “Do you have the confidence to run away to a safe place while it lasts?”


Everyone realized.

does not exist.

No matter how fast you run, you can’t run far enough to resist the pursuit of those winged creatures. It will catch up soon. And they will be killed.

I got goosebumps.

“Then can I just hide in this gap?”

A knight asked.

Rakiel shook his head.

“no. This is impossible because we have pollen on our bodies. “You will be found out soon.”

“Then how on earth….”

“Let’s start a fire.”


“You all have perches prepared, right? “Take it out.”

There is no time to mess around. Damian seemed to be the first to realize such intentions.

“All right.”

Damian took out the perch without saying anything. When he moved first, the knights followed suit. The guiding soldier was also in tears and reluctantly took out his perch.

set it on fire

The torch is bright.

“Throw it!”

Eight strands of fire fell throughout the forest. There was no reaction at first. Then, the smell of burnt air lingers. Soon….


It caught fire. The fire spread quickly. It wrapped around trees and swallowed up bushes. The forest turned red. Only then did the flock of Vesparos that had flocked to the smell of alcohol react.


But it was late. The price of being briefly distracted by alcohol was high.



A craze that spreads in an instant!

The heat threw the Vesparos flock into confusion. Tannae has taken over the olfactory center of the antennae. The infrared detection organs were all bursting with terrible heat. The Vesparos flock felt an instinctive fear.


They flew up in a hurry.

But that didn’t work out the way I wanted. A fast-spreading forest fire sent more intense heat into the sky than expected. The wings, made up of a thin film, were burned by the heat. Like plastic scorched by flames. Burned and shriveled.

The result was a crash.


The swarm of Vesparos screamed.

I flapped my wings even harder.

However, the wings were shriveled due to exposure to heat in real time and could not rise any higher. Rather, it fell. Before I knew it, I was flapping my wings in vain. crashed.

Kukwaang-! Quang!

Roaring noises rang out everywhere.

The unlucky Vesparus fell into the blazing fire pit. As he struggled and struggled in the flames, his entire body was completely cooked. One fell on a half-pointed stump and got his head pierced.

The rest fell to the bare floor.

Of course, it wasn’t safe.

Kiyi! Kiyiak!

They were very large and very heavy. I suffered a fall of such magnitude. It was broken or crushed in at least one or two places.

The entire forest was covered with the screams and struggles of the Vesparos herd injured by the impact of the fall. But that was only for a moment. The fire spread even wider. It developed to the size of a forest fire. The forest was swallowed up. The herd of Vesparos struggling in the forest was no exception.

Of course, this included Rachiel and the others who were running away.

“run! hurry!”

“Towards the wind!”

“…omg! Heook cool look! “Knock knock!”

The group ran.

I ran to avoid the heat.

Damian shouted.

“young master. Come this way! hurry!”

“Whoa, whoa… cough! Cool look!”

“Take my hand!”

“Whoosh whoosh!”

Rakiel couldn’t come to his senses. It was nice to start a fire. The operation was a huge success and the Vesparos swarm was destroyed.

‘…Now my bronchial tubes look like they’ve been shattered?’

Rachiel gasped.

The fire spread much larger than expected. I never expected this much. In fact, I thought that just a little fire and smoke would be enough. Even that amount would have been enough to confuse Vesparos’ senses.

But the fire became too fierce. The smoke was huge. The surroundings were half-air and half-smoke.

But in the meantime, when I tried to run, I felt like I was going to die from lack of breath. It was true. Every time I took a breath, I coughed violently. Aside from the acrid throat, dizziness hit me in the back of my head in real time.

The five intestines and six departments also made a fuss.

Ding dong!

[The five organs and six organs are shocked by your breathing condition.]

[Heart: Hey? What’s going on? huh? Why are my lungs like this? ]

[Lungs: Huh… Pah… Huh… Hmm… tlqkf….]

[Captain: Brothers, our bodies are about to suffocate and collapse, aren’t we?]

[Soy Saucer: Then today Is the ending popping up?]

[Camouflage: Smoked carbon monoxide mukbang ending hahahaha]

[Ohjangyukbu is feeling a serious crisis.]

[Ohjangyukbu encouraged you and donated 500 HP.]

[HP you currently have: 6000]

“…Cool look! Cough! Sigh! “Scum!”

The message wasn’t even clearly visible. It was so painful to breathe. The sound of a flute in my throat that I haven’t heard in a long time. It was a typical asthma symptom.

‘I don’t have enough oxygen…’

My vision wavered.

The distinction between earth and sky became blurred. I felt dizzy. If Damian hadn’t reached out and held me firmly at the right time, I would have collapsed.


“Come to your senses!”


My cheeks got hot. But that wasn’t enough. I was still dazed. Damian’s expression became serious. An expression as if he had decided on something.

‘I’m sure you’re not trying to abandon me, are you?’

It was a moment when such a thought occurred to me.

“I’ll carry you.”

The guy quickly turned around. He bowed down, showing his back. I stretched my arm back and pulled it towards me. My body leaned towards the guy’s back. No, I fell.


A strong back supported my entire body. Immediately, my whole body floated. No, I was carried by Damian.

“Hold on tight.”

The guy’s words were almost gone.



The world has become faster. Damian was running. A forest full of flames whizzed past, a hot wind scratching my cheek.

It was hot.

Damian’s back was like that too.

Suddenly, in my dazed consciousness, the guy’s identity came to mind. That’s dangerous.

‘It shouldn’t be like this… Damian becomes more dangerous.’

Then something really big happens.

Please don’t do that.

‘First of all, we have to get out of here safely…’

Fortunately, there seemed to be no one left behind in the group. Even the knights and guide soldiers that the princess gave them. Everyone was out of breath and running smoothly. I felt relieved when I saw that.

If only everyone kept running like this.

If only I could run away like this.

‘Everyone will be safe.’


That’s enough.

Let’s be satisfied with that for now.

I was in the middle of thinking that.


The sky suddenly became noisy. Even in my daze, my eardrums were hurting.

…what is it?

no way.

It was that moment.

“Maybe we’re done here.”

Damian’s voice was heard. For some reason, the tail of the horse was trembling slightly.



Was he this nervous?

I quickly realized why.


A roar that shakes the earth. The tension felt like a twitch running down Damien’s back. Soon, I saw something over Damien’s shoulder. A silhouette that reigns between the blazing flames and heat. It was the silhouette of Vesparus.

But it was huge. It was much bigger than the Vesparus I saw earlier. What if the average Vesparus was the size of a rhino? Now that guy looked at least bigger than an elephant.


Is this an illusion seen due to dazed consciousness? It wasn’t. The roar that followed clearly shattered those hopes.



It was the first time I felt pain all over my body from being hit by a sound. Are the rest of the group also filled with similar fears?

“Hee hee hee… Queen Vesparos!”

The guide soldier muttered and sat down. The knights stepped back with pale faces. Damian’s entire body muscles were also tense with tension.

I could clearly feel the stiffness of my tense muscles as I was being carried by him. At the same time, a sense of crisis took over.

‘It can’t be like this.’

My dazed consciousness suddenly awoke. It was said that even if you are bitten by a tiger, you will survive as long as you come to your senses. He said that even if the stock you own is at its peak and slides to the left, you can see the angle of survival as long as you do not impulsively panic sell your losses.

So don’t be consumed by fear now. Everyone in the group is like that. This is especially true for Damien.

‘I don’t know about anyone else, but if even Damien gets nervous and intimidated… it’s absolutely not possible.’

Damian is the most reliable sword in the group. It is the strongest shield in the party. But what if he gets scared? Everything is over. So, we need to relieve him of his tension first.

The moment I realized that.

‘Acupoint scanning!’

I will understand Damian’s energy and blood movements. I will stab the acupuncture points that relieve his tension with the most efficient, minimal, and simple acupuncture technique. I made a promise and strengthened my eyes.

Ding dong!

[Exclusive option for pulse skill ①: Acupuncture point scanning is activated.]

[Search for the lock-on target.]

[Search for the lock-on target is completed.]


The text appeared in one corner of my vision. A green arrow also appeared below it. But the object the arrow is pointing to…

‘Queen Vesparos?’

Rakiel opened his eyes wide.

This person turned on the option to scan Damian. But suddenly, Queen Vesparus was caught as a lock-on target. He soon realized the reason.

‘Because I’m being carried by Damian… Because he’s the first object in front of my field of vision?’

It seemed like that. This made it even more surprising. Because it was an unexpected result.

‘But… do bugs also have acupuncture points?’

When I thought about it, it seemed like an extremely natural thing to say. Because it is truly a living, breathing creature. But it was a fact I had never thought about.

‘This could be…’

A glimmer of possibility that shines like a flash in the midst of all the dark despair. Rakiel clenched his fists without realizing it. If you can see all of Queen Vesparus’ energy and blood flow. If Damian moves according to our wishes.

If only that could come true.

‘Survival is not the issue… If you do well, I will make wasp wine with Queen Vesparus today, right?’

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