The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 269: a single strike

Chapter 269: a single strike

As Clark walked down the spiraling staircase that the Professor showed him, a lot of things went through his mind at the same time, making his thoughts become a jumbled mess.

Though he told the Professor so casually like it meant nothing to him, he felt crushed knowing that he just failed a breakthrough.

What happened? Is it because of the quadrant enhancer? Do I really have an artificially made biological device apart from my implant on my head now? Did Professor Granits son really die to this same fusion?

The questions in his head were too much, having no one to answer him only intensified his frustration.

And the Professor said something about an invasion, what did he mean?

Though thinking of the pain that he was in a moment ago still left a sour taste in his mouth, he tried to forget about it.

The Professor was right in one thing- that everything had a price. Though he could not finalize his breakthrough after waiting for so many months, he knew that his strength increased by a significant margin.

At least, I was the one who got the enhancer in the end. This alleviated his frustration a bit, someone else getting the enhancer would have been the worst outcome of this mission.

Taking another step down, he missed his step and almost fell down.

He placed his hand on his head to curb the severe headache that just hit him out of nowhere. He smiled wryly, he expected this to happen.

No man was a superman, the electric charge that went through his body today did not just leave, they left behind adverse effects.

This once again reinforced his notion that the Professors experiment project was trash, the old man was just an extreme retard.

As he continued walking down the steps, the headache and weakness striking at him grew stronger which made him worried. From what the Professor said, he already deduced that a battle was probably ongoing outside.

If he was like this, his chances of escaping from the rivals outside would only get lower. And how was Dickson? Did he survive the assault from so many soldiers, or was he kept alive?

As these thoughts went through his mind, he rapidly scaled-down the staircase.

A few minutes later, he came before a circular teleportation portal. He did not linger in one place, after prepping himself for battle, he entered the teleportation portal.

Warp! Boom!

As soon as the familiar sound of the air squeezing and shifting sounded, he felt the booming sound of battle battering hard at his fragile ears.

He didnt even think, as soon as he appeared at the front of the dome-shaped structure, he went on the run immediately, going in the direction where the Professor said there was a secret passage.

As the soldiers battled fiercely without a care for the world, one of them suddenly felt the air warping at his side. He dodged immediately, thinking that it was an attack from an enemy.

When a new soldier appeared from nowhere and started running, he could only stare wide-eyed, clueless, and a little confused by what happened.

It took him about a few seconds before he understood what just happened, by this time a lot of other soldiers attention was already drawn there.

There was no way that Clark could have avoided it. As soon as the soldiers realized what just happened, surprise first took over them, then rage, then panic.

The thief is escaping, attack him! No one knew who yelled this, but all the soldiers reacted immediately.

5 soldiers that were closest to Clark quickly dived at him, baring their weapons with savage expressions on their faces.

Despite the weakness that was hitting his bones, Clark surprisingly felt calm and confident when facing this assault. His brain went into overdrive immediately as adrenaline pumped through his body.

He felt like he could see the lines of fate in the air. His brain calculated rapidly at a frightening frequency, he arrived at the right plan to break through this blockade immediately.

He felt pains due to this, but he was more focused on escaping first.


Zig zagging to the left and right like a comic boxer, his body wriggled past like a slippery monster snail as he left all 5 soldiers picking dust before they could even stabilize their interception stances.

In the end, the 5 soldiers were left in awkward stances, pointing their weapons at empty air.

As Clark had none of his weapons with him currently, he could only dodge all the attacks directed at him and focus on escaping. He didnt even have time to look for Dickson, he could not as soldiers were already swarming after him.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

He didnt know what came over him, but he felt like he could predict the future. Even before the bullets were shot at him, his instinct already warned, prompting him to react faster.

It felt like he was performing a step dance as his legs tip tapped across the floor, dodging all the bullets in a shocking effort.

Even Clark was shocked by the feat that he just achieved. The soldiers who were after him were more than shocked, they were gobsmacked.

What the hell? Despite their disbelief, the thief was escaping before their very eyes.

As Clark ran, his eyes sparkled like gems as he felt the unique bean-sized medal that was given to him by the Spartan army resonate.

This represented nearby allies. Spartan soldiers were here!


At the same time that he made this realization, his fellow country soldiers erupted, spreading chaos in the formation of soldiers that were going after him.

Stabbing randomly, shooting randomly, dozens of soldiers died immediately to the unexpected offensive, bringing back the chaos that was temporarily suppressed.

Some of the stronger soldiers noticed the scheme immediately, they mobilized their soldiers with the motive of snuffing these mischievous traitors but commotion erupted from another side.

Bombs dropped like falling autumn leaves, inducing eye-numbing booming sounds as the explosion started roasting the nearby soldiers immediately.

Dozens of soldiers felt their armors rapidly heating up.

King and Dickson arrived on the battlefield with a bang. As soon as they confirmed that this person was Clark, they no longer idled about, revealing their full strength.

Dickson placed his enormous shield at the front to block damage, while King rested his huge muzzle launcher on his soldiers as bomb after bomb dropped with little intervals between them.

The combination of extreme defense and extreme offense could only be described as disgusting.

As soon as the commotion started, it soon spiraled into another full-fledged war. Only a push was needed to tip these temporary allies, as soon as the push was done, they turned on themselves again.

The hall was chaos on every part.

Despite this chaos, the soldiers still paid more than proper attention to Clark, bombarding him with ranged gunshots.

The intervention of his friend, ally, and fellow countrymen alleviated his trouble a bit, but Clark was still in a pinch. The more he used his abilities, the more exhausted he got.

He could already see Dickson and Kings figure; they were both too eye-catching to be ignored.

His armor kept on absorbing kinetic and energy damage from the rapid gunshots impacting it, its ulterior appearance was now a bright red due to all the kinetic force and friction.

The direction of the battle was being decided by him as practically every soldier still had him in their sights despite the battle they were fighting.

As the casualty rate kept on climbing, his armor finally succumbed to the fierce firepower that was being directed at it.


As soon as the armor flickered before popping to pieces, he coughed blood as a high-caliber bullet hit his shoulders, throwing him forward like a kicked football.

Despite the pain biting at him, he gritted his teeth and rolled to dodge the follow-up shots that were directed at him.

Panic and despair were now in his eyes again as he saw the hundreds of soldiers lumbering forward in his direction. He survived the damn Professors experiment, is this where he was going to die?

He felt reluctant, but he felt even more reluctant to let his companion die.

Dodging another high-caliber bullet, he formed a group connection between himself, Dickson, and King before transmitting through his implant. Dickson, thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it.

Now, I have one last favor to ask of you. Take the loot that is with you and escape, run back and please help me make sure Diana makes it back to the Spartan republic safely.

Dickson wanted to refute immediately, but King tapped him on the shoulders and nodded at him.

Go, Ill protect him.

Though it felt shady, Dickson could not bring himself to doubt King after everything that he did for them. In the end, he gritted his teeth before turning to escape.

Before turning to escape, he gave King a gun- Clarks 2-form gun.

Protect Clark, please. He transmitted back though his hopes were already dwindling.

Dont worry, I give you my word, nothing will happen to Clark today. King had a solemn expression on his face.

As soon as Dickson started running away, he finally turned to face the soldiers that were swarming at Clark.

They all ignored him like he was air despite the destruction that he had wrath already, only the main mission target was their priority.

He grinned. Youll be regretting that soon.

With a booming sound, his exotic boots suddenly lit up with an extremely bright light before propelling him at a crazy speed above the soldiers.

When he landed, he was beside Clark. Take your gun and lets fight.

Clark felt a complicated feeling on seeing this stranger that kept on helping him, but he did not reject the offer. He took hold of his precious gun again before focusing back on his pursuers.


They both complimented each other while escaping. As Professor Granit said, Clark finally felt it. In all the bullets that he shot out, none of them missed which was frightening.

King started unveiling the special bombs that he collected.

Teleportation exile bombs that sent soldiers through space to random places, space destabilization bombs that turned the very air into grinding machines, bombs that rendered any energy protection useless, King became a king on the battlefield.

Dozens of soldiers died to both of them as they escaped, but so did they also sustain injuries. Clark was the worse, he was practically covered in blood from head to toe.


As soon as another bullet embedded itself into his chest, he stiffened and started convulsing in place like a severely ill patient.

After holding up for so long, the aftereffects of the hour-long torture that the Professor wrath on him finally started acting up.

King panicked immediately on seeing this. Ignoring his own defense, he shielded Clark with his body while trying to shake him awake, but he was slowly losing him.

Turning his head to the skies, he bellowed. Master, he is dying! Arent you tired of watching? When are you coming?

The pursuing soldiers felt weird on hearing this, but that was all. Until they got what they wanted, they were not stopping.

As they got closer to their incapacitated target with only a few meters separating them, the air suddenly rippled and a figure dressed in all-black appeared.

Following the appearance of this strange figure was heavy pressure, the soldiers felt like they were being pressed down by thousands of boulders.

They were shocked, stiffening immediately. What monster is this?

Took you long enough. Seeing this strange figure, King heaved a sigh of relief.

The figure did not answer, he just went closer to examine Clark. By this time, Clark already lost consciousness but his body was still convulsing.

Now, the originally chaotic hall was extremely silent like a grave-yard, gulps escaping from the soldiers throat.

Youve suffered. The figure finally spoke out. Ive observed enough, its time to go.

Before he could take a step, a voice interrupted him. Who do you think you are to decide to take our main mission target away?

Oh boy! King felt like facepalming despite the blood that covered his body.

The figure finally turned to face the scared soldiers. Seeing his appearance, the soldiers did not know why, they felt even more horrified.

You think Before the soldier could continue.


An extremely bright white light suddenly swept through the hall.

When the light faded out, the figure, Clark, and King were gone. Of the about 800 soldiers that were standing originally, only 200 remained standing.

When these survivors looked down, over 600 new corpses laid before them, the heads of the soldiers standing before them a moment ago were cleanly sliced through without resistance.

In just a single strike! All 200 soldiers fainted immediately.

[Slightly exaggerated, but I couldn't think of a better scenario than everyone fainting. I hope you appreciate it though, this chapter took brain cells from me for hours to cook it up. Enjoy!]

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