The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 267: complications

Chapter 267: complications

Looking at Clarks eerily convulsing body, Professor Granit closed his eyes, a lot of complicated emotions flashing through them.

This was the same bed that his one and only son lied down on, this was the same bed where his only sons life was slowly snuffed out before his own eyes, this was the same process that led to his only sons death.

Magnus, Rose, Im sorry. Tears streaked down his face.

Just a few seconds later, he cleaned the tears from his face, the focused expectant look of a passionate researcher back on them.

Clarks body kept convulsing at a rapid frequency as bloodcurdling screams kept on echoing from his mouth, filling the dome in a tense atmosphere of death like those in an execution ground.

This brought the Professors most frequently asked question again. Is this place really a research lab or is it an execution ground?

He could not think further as Clarks scream interrupted his thought process.

Electricity sparks were now flashing across Clarks body, the sight was horrifying. Only his sturdy physique and tenacious will as a 2nd rank high-grade soldier was helping him to hang on.

All the hairs on his body were already standing like antennas, making him look more like a fried shrimp than a human.

At various intervals, injuries opened up on his body, spilling blood everywhere but fluids were quickly injected into his body from the bed, healing the injuries at a visible speed.

As this happened, the lights in the dome kept on flickering like the energy being supplied to them was on the verge of being exhausted.

This was why the Professor said that the fusion was only available to one last soldier, the energy expenditure of every single fusion was mind-blowing, it was not an easy feat to sustain the process.

A worried expression was on his face as he looked at Clarks still convulsing figure, complicated emotions of guilt, indecisiveness, and even slight confusion flashed through it.

Was I wrong? He sighed. Is it impossible to liberate a soldiers brains?

I hope you can make it, Major Clark. Youre my last and only hope.

He pulled a chair from the side and sat down; all his attention was now on his possibly last test subject.

At times, he felt compelled to reveal his research details to the current Aragan Empire, but he didnt dare.

Just the record alone that a 4th rank high-grade soldier died to his experiments was enough to make them ban it, there were no hopes of his research living to see the light of day if it left here.

That was why he was anxious. An experiment that his only son died on, he could not bring himself to let it die down without coming to light.

Even though he existed just as a barely functioning brain now, he could still see his sons trust-filled eyes as life was slowly drained away from him by his vampiric project.

He still remembered vividly when his wife cried and divorced him before committing suicide the next day because of losing her only child.

Ah! Im a mad scientist, Im a bad father, Im a vampiric husband, Im a He punched the virtual wall that was before him.

He buried his head in his arms as tears flowed freely. Clark, please liberate my research project.

Please, so I can die knowing that it was not all in vain.

Back in the main hall where the dome-like structures towered above everyone else and the main mission target was stored, the fierce battle was still raging as the soldiers viciously bit at each other with their weapons.

Hundreds of deaths were already recorded after an hour went past, but the battle hardly stopped as all the squads tried to gain access to the biggest dome-like structure that held the bean quadrant enhancer.

Blood flowed like a river across the floor of the hall.

The leaders of the squads that got here were already devising lots of measures, but none of them had succeeded yet in breaking inside the dome.

They were frustrated. Which bastard created this damn dome?

Even as the battle raged on, dozens of technical soldiers already surrounded the dome from every corner, trying various methods to bar it open but none seemed to be working.

The bean quadrant enhancer was not the only target though, the hall as a whole was lots of loot already.

The main battle for the enhancer was not the only battle ongoing, other battles raged on at the sides as soldiers rushed enthusiastically to take the loot lying around for themselves.

In the face of loot worth trillions of credits, no soldier could hold themselves back. They jumped at each other like barbarians, tearing anyone that tried to bar their path to pieces.

Even as deaths continued, so did the loot in the hall reduced at a visible speed, the efficiency of the soldiers was mind-blowing.

Another notable fact was that as the first group of soldier squads who arrived fought against themselves, other squads that were late joined at a steady rate, increasing the magnitude of the brawl.

The king of demolition already blended into the chaotic battlefield since the battle first kickstarted.

He didnt use his trade-mark bombs, instead, he fought like regular soldiers, which gave him the perfect disguise to blend into the chaotic battlefield.

Though this hall was mostly filled with biological and mechanical goods, he was still able to find a sizeable stockpile of rare bombs after fishing cleverly in the chaos.

His only source of worry was that he could not still see neither Clark nor Dickson. Where are these guys?

As he looted, he devoted some of his attention to looking around but his methods proved to be fruitless.

Well, he would just wait it out. He was sure that Clark was still alive as he secretly placed a detection gadget on him the last time that they met, this alleviated his concern a bit.

Back in the hole that Dickson tucked himself in, he was extremely quiet since the battle began, only watching the proceedings while planning his next moves like a thief in the dark.

Just a few moments after King revealed himself on the battlefield, he recognized him. Despite this, he didnt reveal himself yet, he deduced that this was safer.

Complicated emotions flashed through his eyes when he saw one of the Daland squads that came for the mission on the battlefield.

Despite witnessing his fellow country soldiers dying, he still refused to reveal himself. If the soldiers here knew that he came here before everyone else, he would become the number 1 scapegoat.

To him, this battle was brainless and without purpose.

Without the A. I appearing these brutes had no chance of entering the large dome-like structure. He could only lament to himself at their ignorance.

This temporary stalemate continued for a few more minutes before a change happened. The sun hanging above the hall suddenly flickered before being extinguished, it lit up the next moment but kept on flickering like a candle.

What is happening? The battling soldiers were alarmed.

The bean quadrant enhancer, its gone! One of the soldiers suddenly exclaimed in a shocked tone, temporarily bringing the battle to a halt.

All the soldiers stopped in tandem and inclined their heads upwards. They were stunned, it was indeed gone. While they were fighting here, one of them actually already got the price.

That person shall not survive!

Their eyes blazed with fury after coming to this realization, pushing their originally controlled enmity to the limits. The battle entered another level immediately.

Even the leaders that originally wanted to minimize losses no longer cared.

If one of them already got the prize, then there was no need to hold back again. Let us all die here, then well see who will get the prize in the end.


The battle erupted again, this time with much more bloodshed and effort being put in as more soldiers died to the unrelenting assault.

Unlike the other soldiers, when Dickson saw the disappeared bean quadrant enhancer, he felt joy fill his heart. His excitement climbed to a crescendo immediately.

Clark did it!

He didnt know how, he didnt know the process, he didnt even know Clarks current status, but he was happy nonetheless as this meant that Clark was progressing.

He turned his head to look at the loot beside him, his eyes glittering like the stars of the night sky.

The battle was now chaotic enough for him to try squeezing in and not drawing attention. If he could regroup with King, he could do a lot more and get more loot than he currently had.

Taking his time to get the perfect timing, he was finally able to leave his hole and join the ongoing battle without drawing unwanted attention.

A lot of people had multiple bags to collect more loot, so seeing him with 2 bags was not a sight that would attract attention.

When the nearest soldier attacked him, he didnt even bother to retaliate. With his enormous shield, he blocked all the damage and started lumbering his way forward to Kings position.

When the bomb lover saw him, he recognized him at a glance.

King could not forget the oversized shield at all. With just a glance, he recognized that this was Dickson.

Feeling excited, he also bulldozed his way closer to meet him. In just a little more than a minute, they quickly regrouped.

What happened? King sent directly through his implant. Though it was energy-intensive, this was the best communication source in this chaotic battlefield.

Dickson did not waste time as he quickly filled him on everything that happened.

Hearing that it was Clark that probably retrieved the bean quadrant enhancer, his eyes glowed.

He is really the chosen one! His worries were alleviated immediately.

Follow me, lets get more loot. I have a pouch that can house as many as we can get. His eyes gleamed, he could already see himself shooting bombs to submerge this place in a few minutes.

Of course, Dickson was also excited.

[It's looting time. This current minor arc, I've been planning it since January, so I'm a little excited to finally write it down.]

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