The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 232: moving on

Chapter 232: moving on


After what seemed like an eternity of sleep, Dickson finally woke up groggily. His eyes were fuzzy and unclear, he thought he just had a long dream where he fought against dragons and aliens.

Where am I? He asked while motioning to stand up.

Ouch! He was shocked, as he felt like he just dipped himself into burning hot larva. All his body felt hot, pains suddenly erupted all over his body as sweat quickly covered him.

It took him a while to get used to the pain, as it finally started subsiding a bit. He was horrified by the pain.

What happened? He felt shocked.

After barely stabilizing himself, he did not dare move, instead, he slowly inclined his aching neck down to look at where the pain originated from. He sucked in a breath of cold air immediately on seeing what greeted his eyes.

Both his legs were completely bandaged. From what he was seeing, he easily deciphered that his left leg was cut off while the other was heavily injured.

From the blood that stained the injury, he could see that these were fresh injuries. His eyes widened in horror after taking all these in, as he searched his memory rapidly for what happened.

They originally felt distant to him, but after putting in more effort, he slowly began to recover all his memories.

Major Clark, the earth overturning plan, the alpha Wild Yak, the anti-gravity device, the lion alpha, then the fire

I survived!

He suddenly blurted out in a muffled voice, as he did not want the sound to spread out. As a soldier, he knew that making noise was suicide if he had not confirmed his safety yet.

After piecing all the memories together, he finally remembered everything that transpired. He was pleasantly surprised that he survived, he still felt that it was a dream.

As he came to this realization, this was when he noticed that not only his legs were bandaged.

His right hand was folded and wrapped up by a white cloth to support it, he could easily see that it was dislocated. Other bandages were placed on his abdomen and various parts of his body, including his head.

It seemed that he bashed his head against a rock, as he could now feel the dizziness resulting from it. After seeing all these, he finally turned his head up to survey where he currently was.

This was a cave, no, it was a roughly placed space that was made from the support of some rocks inclining and resting on each other.

It seemed that when the explosion was still rocking the animal territory, the shaking and vibration formed this small cramped shelter and he was lucky enough to land here.

The space was very small, and fairly dark also as the only source of light was from the slight openings in the rock, which was where air also passed through inside.

If I am here, then where is Clark? And the lion alpha also? He suddenly muttered while turning his head to the side.

To his right, there he saw Clark. The Spartan Major was already deep into sleep, probably due to exhaustion which his loud snores could testify.

Seeing Clark, Dickson did not know when teardrops started falling from his eyes involuntarily.

When his antigravity device was destroyed by the alpha Wild Yak, he thought that he was dead, but Clark saved him. When the alpha Lion bit him and he thought he was dead, Clark saved him again against all odds.

He felt confused, shocked, and grateful at the same time. They only met a few days ago, he did not know what he did that warranted so much care from this Spartan stranger.

Clark clearly saved him and suffered more from their fall, which explained why he still survived.

Though Clark was exhausted, he still pointed his dagger at the entrance of their small shelter cave. There was no doubt that if an intruder came, he would wake up and fight immediately.

He also had various injuries all over his body. Dried blood dyed his arms, legs, and abdomen, which were clearly from injuries. Only his head was spared.

Seeing that he didnt bandage himself, Dickson was left puzzled but he quickly understood after connecting the hidden dots. During their escape, he lost his military bag, only Clark was still with his bag.

The bandages used on him were clearly from Clarks bag. He preferred using them on him than to treat his own injuries. Seeing this, he felt more conflicted.

He wanted to stand up, but he could not. He wanted to shout out to Clark and call him foolish for his selfless decisions, but he could not. He felt his throat dry up as all strength left him mysteriously.

What did I do to deserve this? This was what he said last before he fainted again.

Hours later when he woke up again, he felt some activities going on in the small cave, which prompted his eyes to spring open immediately.

Hey, easy, you will exacerbate your injuries, stop acting like a scaredy-cat. Clark quickly called out to him to reveal himself.

F*ck, you scared the hell out of me. Why didnt you wake me up? Dickson yelled back, as he turned his head slightly to hide his blushing face.

Why will I wake you up, so you can start whining in pain? Clark was not polite at all, as he retorted back.

Dickson was speechless, what a jerk. He did not know why, but the benevolent, selfless, and perfect image of Clark that he painstakingly built up yesterday started cracking to pieces.

Clark was surprised why his companion suddenly went silent, so he turned to face him. What is it?

Umm, nothing. Dickson lied.

If you say so. Clark shrugged before turning back to continue what he was doing.

After Dickson finally made his burning face turn back to normal, he turned to face Clark again. Clark was already at work, as he gathered and arranged the small gadgets that survived the explosion with his bag.

After taking some time to survey the small cave more carefully, he finally spoke out.

Clark, yesterday, what happened?

You mean after the alpha lion bit your leg? Cant you see, I saved you of course.

Ahem, I mean the details. He coughed while cursing inwardly, as he politely asked again. By this point, the perfect image was already crushed to pieces.

What a troublesome fellow. What other details do you want? Clark sighed before finally leaning at a nearby rock to rest.

Ok. After the lion bit you, I punched it in the face. It cried out in pain, then we all started falling down. As my armor still had some energy remaining, I used myself as a shield to protect you.

Then the rest is this. The lion fell somewhere, while we both fell here. Luckily for us, the stones did not crush us but formed this instead.

Not hearing anything else for a minute, Dickson asked. Thats it?

Thats it, what else do you want to hear?

Dickson suppressed his irritation before pointing at himself. What of all these?

Oh, those. You lost your bag, so I used all my bandages to wrap you. Thats why I said that I saved you, or do you think that you would have survived without those?

Oh Then what of yourself? Dickson asked again.

Your questions are too much, why are you asking? Wait, you felt cushy and all that right? Haha, I cant believe it, were you feeling emotional?

Dickson was speechless again.

Remove those thoughts bro. I used them on you only because I can survive without them, my injuries are not as serious. If my injuries were as serious as your own, I will definitely choose myself over you, so delete those emotions.

I still cant believe it; the Great defender of those days could feel emotional too. Haha, so it was just a coverup, youre a f*cking fragile girl also. Clark chuckled, before returning to work.

After Clark turned away, Dickson was left feeling annoyed, irritated, and surprisingly, grateful at the same time.

Though Clark downplayed his benevolence, he was not a fool. Even if he made fun of him over it, he would still remember this favor. Clark was true, he felt cushy all over like a newborn baby.



Thank you.

Are you sure that you can stand? Clark asked skeptically.

Yes, just help me up bastard. I can walk, lingering here will do us no good. Dickson argued back.

If you say so. Clark shrugged carefreely before motioning forward to raise him.

After their small bickering and the unexpected thank you, they both kept quiet and did their own thing. After some minutes, Clark finished arranging everything before breaching an opening in the cave that led up.

They both already discussed and argued over it for the past minutes about what to do next. They concluded that leaving was the best decision.

Luckily, among the supplies left in Clarks bag, there was a mechanical prosthetic leg. So, he just attached it to Dicksons leg, which made up for his inability to walk.

F*ck, thats painful, I said slowly. Dickson suddenly yelled.

Im already doing it slowly; you are just being a kid. Clark sharply retorted.

Dickson ignored him as he gritted his teeth to endure the pain of standing up. His injuries were really serious. Despite having a prosthetic limb now, the other injuries did not have a substitute, the pain was real.

It took more effort from both of them, but he finally succeeded in standing on both legs again. This alone already left him sweating bullets.

This move on their part was dangerous as they already lost most of their weapons, but they were determined to leave.

Clark already lost all his weapons, only his pair of daggers that were originally kept in his bag was still intact. Dickson lost his bag and everything, only his sword was left.

After they both finally got ready, Clark led the way forward as they started forging a pathway upward to leave the cave.

As they slowly climbed upwards, the destruction wrath by the bombs started becoming apparent to them. Most of the rocks already melted to flowing magma, only a few were left intact.

They both shuddered in fear when they imagined themselves falling into these. The brain was really a massive shit-stirrer.

Despite all the horrifying scenarios that their brain cooked up, they still finally reached the surface territory of the once animal kingdom which suffered the most.

Surprisingly, on the way as they climbed up, they found the battered and scorched corpse of the lion alpha. This scene left them feeling proud for a moment, as this lion was a real predator powerhouse.

This did not stop them though. After they came to the surface of the ground, they admired and took pictures of the destruction wrath by their bombs before turning to leave. Their story here was over.

Clark, do you think our soldiers made it to safety? Dickson suddenly asked as they left.

Clark thought for a moment before answering. I dont know. All I know is that we did our best for them, the rest is up to them. I believe in Diana though, so I think that they made it.

I hope so. Dickson sighed.

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