The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 219: corporal dame dickson the great defender

Chapter 219: corporal dame dickson the great defender

The soldier was sincerely shocked on seeing his helpers face, as he staggered back unsteadily. It was like a bomb just went off in his head, as a storm of emotions was already rolling in his mind.

Damn, no wonder, no wonder you were so strong. I felt it weird to see such a strong 2nd rank high-grade soldier appear from thin air, so it was you?

What else did you think? Did you think I will not recognize you just because you changed your face with a mask, I also have such a mask so just dont bring that nonsense in my front.

Clark replied savagely without mincing words, as he motioned his hands closer to his counterparts face.

Remove it before I do it for you.

Hearing Clarks tone, the soldier laughed awkwardly before removing the mask that was on his face with a slight blush on his cheeks.

Yes, he was the Great defender, the gladiator that fought in the Microsoft Empire team that eliminated Clarks team in the team gladiator tournament about a year ago.

Clark recognized him through his fighting style immediately after fighting with him for some minutes, as this was someone that he had a very clear impression of during the gladiator tournament.

As the vice-Captain of the Microsoft Empire team, he was also someone that his team focused their counter plans on, so he remembered this guy vividly.

After knowing who this was, the Great defender suddenly heaved a huge sigh of relief inwardly.

Words could not describe how bad he felt knowing that another soldier was better than he was. He felt better now, knowing that it was an outrageous soldier like Clark. He still felt apprehensive though.

Magician, that tournament was forced on us, you know that so I hope that you let bygones be bygones. After understanding his situation, he finally spoke out softly to Clark.

What do you take me for? Am I that petty? I took that tournament as a fleeting phase of my life, so I already forgot about most things that happened there. Clark quickly answered.

I dont live in the past; I live in the present. He ended his speech with a style like always.

Oh, thats good then, Im relieved. The Great defender heaved a sigh of relief.

Whats your name, I dont even know it? I mean your real name? Clark suddenly asked.

Ah, oh, Im Dickson.

Dont bullshit me, tell me the truth. Clark suddenly moved closer.

Its the truth, I swear on my shield, ask my soldiers. My name is Dame Dickson. He quickly raised his hands to show innocence.

Ok, thats good Dickson. Your name is a little controversial, but Im Major Clark, remember that.

Umm, Im Corporal Dickson.

I dont care about your rank, Dickson.

As they both walked amidst the corpses of wolves to meet their soldiers, Dickson could not help but speak out again.

Back then, you were not like this.

What do you mean? Clark sharply asked.

Dont misunderstand, I mean you were more reserved then. Like, I thought you were an introvert before, I would have never believed if they told me that you could lead a military squad like this.

Thats your problem. Did you think I remained stagnant since after that messed up tournament? I have been developing myself in every area.

I was a little intimidated at first to be sincere, but I slowly got a hang of it. Reading about other leaders of squads, watching their videos, thats how I got to where I am today Dickson.

By the way, do your name have an abbreviation?


Oh, ok.

As the 2 leaders walked back, their subordinates secretly stole glances at both of them. They were surprised as after just one battle; they were already talking like familiars.

Does the Major know this man before? Diana was surprised.

Major, we are done here. She quickly spoke out after Clark got close to their position.

Ok, build a temporary camp here. Well stay and rest here for a while, you dont have a problem right Dickson?


He felt like crying, why did he tell this man his real name. He always loathed his father for giving him such a controversial name, what a suffering.

After the camp is set up, use the time to convene with your soldiers before converging back to meet me. Dont think that I forgot the terms that I laid out for you just because I know you.

Clark spoke out again before going to the right of their temporary camp, where his soldiers already set up.

Hmm, ok, Ill meet you later. Dickson replied with a helpless smile before going to meet his soldiers.

He felt a little conflicted. When he originally listened to the terms that Clark listed out to save them, he scoffed inwardly while just answering perfunctorily to get his immediate help.

Never, not even in his wildest dreams would he have expected that he would meet such a troublesome acquaintance in this mission.

When he saw Clark, he immediately terminated all his ridiculous plans. He was still young, he still wanted to live some more, so he directly canceled all his plans to rebel and escape.

When he got back inside the military tents that his soldiers made, he suddenly felt 10 years older.

Though they received help from Clarks squad, there was no way that they would trust each other so easily, they still employed means to prevent their side from eavesdropping or spying on them.

As soon as he entered the tent that was made for him, his 2nd in command entered the room also.

Corporal, are you ok? Do you need treatment? The female soldier asked softly, as she came closer to hug him affectionately from behind.

Its ok, Crown, the others need them more. We are already almost low on our supplies; I can still bear it.

Ok, just dont push yourself too far. The lady added before leading him to sit down inside the hot water bathtub that was erected at the side.



Who was that soldier exactly? He seems to be very strong; do you know him before? The lady asked softly as she gently massaged his sore muscles.

That guy, that guy is a monster. Yes, I met him before.

Let me tell you his story, remember when I was taken by the Microsoft Empire organization and forced to be a gladiator?

Yes, you met him there?

Yes, I met him there. Let me tell you his legend, he

Back in the mechanical tent erected for Clark, as soon as he entered the tent, he heard a knock from outside.

Come in. He already knew who was knocking.

His speculation came true, as his 2 seconds in commands came in with awkward expressions on their faces. Not getting any reaction from him, they steeled their minds before sitting beside him.

Diana stealthily tapped Benny on the lap before pinching ruthlessly as the silence became too long, making the poor boy flinch.

Though Clarks words the other day came out like a joke, sometimes jokes were what sealed bonds that can never be broken.

Through that small joke, these 2 soldiers were now in a secret relationship. The saying that loyal friends are gotten during the period of wars was being proven again by these 2.

Benny had a helpless expression on his face, what could he do? He was the man; he could only smile wryly as he finally opened his mouth to speak.


You want to ask about that soldier, right? Clark quickly interjected as he was already getting tired of the silence in the air.

Umm, yeah.

That guy, I met him during my days in the Mediterranean Sea. I already told you and Leo about most of my encounters, he was part of the team that knocked my team out of the gladiator tournament.

Oh, I think I can connect it now. Your opponents consisted of the World dominator, the Blind crocodile, the Great defender, yes, he is the Great defender, right?

The one who loved shields like they were his children.

Yeah. Clark responded with a slight smile this time, as distant memories started flooding his brain.

That guy really gave us real problems then with his shamelessly thick shield, what a shameless bastard. Thinking back, I even think he was one of the main catalysts for our defeat.

You said the World dominator was why you guys lost.

Yeah, but this guy was the 2nd bastard in their team.

How strong is he exactly compared to you?

Hmmm, compared to me, he is still a toddler. But compared to you guys, Im sorry to say that he can trash the both of you countless times over.

Hmm, youre the shameless bastard, not him.

Sir, Im still here. Maybe he can beat me, but he surely cannot trash me. Ok, please, before you guys continue, can you also tell me the gladiator stuff that you guys are talking about.

The neglected Diana finally spoke out again, after seeing that these 2 friends were ready to blabber on without bothering to tell her any of the details.

Benny, tell her, I want to rest. By the way, I already know about your secret relationship, congrats. Clark suddenly spoke out again.

Youve been spying on us? Diana immediately grew red.

Technically, yes.

A few hours later, after both soldier squads finally got a hang of themselves and rested enough, Dickson finally located Clark with his second in command in tow.

It was time for negotiations.

2 soldiers led them inside, as they quickly located the tent that was designated for Clark. Inside, Clark and his second in commands were already waiting calmly.

Entering the small tent, they both nodded at their counterparts at the other side as a form of greeting before seating at the mechanical chairs that were placed at the side.

Ok, you are ready right? Clark did not beat around the bush as he directly asked.

Yes. Dickson answered calmly.

Ok, lets begin.

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