The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 200: an avalanche

Chapter 200: an avalanche

Roar!! Roar!!!

The bears pursued unrelentingly like hornets that just had their nest poked. Their angry mood could clearly be deduced from their roars, snarls, and climbing speed.

As beasts that already adapted to the terrain of the mountain, their climb was approximately 3 times faster than that of the soldiers.

The soldiers rushed like a bunch of refugees escaping from war. None of them looked back to see the disaster coming at them, that would only give them a heart attack and slow them down.

Only the tip-tapping sounds of their climbing equipment as it rapidly stabbed and pulled out of the mountain rock could be heard, they no longer acted exhausted the way they were a moment ago.

Seeing the vigor that his soldiers were exuding despite acting like dead dogs just moments ago, Clark was completely speechless.

Danger can really stimulate potential. He was happy at this though, as he did not want his squad to suffer casualties just a day into their mission.

Hey, fend for yourself. If you like, let your big butt drag you back again, the bears will help you puncture it. Now, rush up.

He quickly scolded the soldier who still hid in his bosom like a scaredy-cat, before swinging his left hand with force to propel him upwards to meet the other soldiers.

After doing this, he let only his multipurpose boots hold him to the mountain wall while keeping his climbing equipment in his bag, he also kept his last 2-form gun in his bag.

He calmed his heart after this, as his hands emerged with his exotic spear in tow. He quickly took a deep breath shortly after, before jumping horizontally from the mountain wall with his spear raised.

As the first batch of bears aimed to get him, his boots activated their magnetic field, quickly connecting to the metal embedded in the rock as he was dragged back to the mountain wall with his spear descending with speed.

Boom!! A large hole was deeply punctured into the extremely hard rock, while the shockwave pushed the 3 bears at the front back.

Before the other bears could recover and continue the pursuit, the rock above them suddenly loosened from its support inside the rock.

Rocks paired with ice quickly dropped down, hitting the first wave of bears back down. The sound was extremely loud like bombs were being detonated, as the aftereffect of Clarks stab rambled outwards.

More nearby rocks quickly lost their foundation, falling down and hitting any bear that dared to stand in the way. This place now seemed to be a construction rock blasting site.

Hearing these sounds, the soldiers of Squad 6 grew tenser as they strained themselves to increase their speed.

Despite this clever tactic by Clark, only a few of the continuously increasing number of bears were hit. The others were still advancing upwards to meet him, expertly climbing like the George of the Jungle.

The aftereffect of the strike quickly started waning, as he finally pulled his spear from the hard rock joint where he embedded it.

As soon as it left there, just like lightning, his hands were already swiping across as the spear swiftly divided a bear dive-attacking into 2 parts, sprawling blood across the white mountain.

His hands continued moving without stop, as bear after bear was divided into 2 by his extremely fast strikes. Any exobeast that appeared, he just had to improvise a bit to send it back down.

Despite the frequency at which he killed the Himalayan black bears, his face grew grim as dozens of others started leaving him to go after his still escaping soldiers.

Though he saw this, he was helpless as he was already occupied. His escaping from this tight siege was not even guaranteed, he no longer had the luxury to babysit his soldiers.

As his thoughts kept on gearing swiftly to find a solution, he suddenly noticed a soldier from his squad falling back to help him.

What the f*ck? Emily, go back now, thats an order!!

No Major, you need help.

The girl surprisingly showed her stubborn side to her superior for the first time, shocking Clark who had only seen her meek side since he met her.

This lapse in his concentration made one of the exobeast bears paw aggressively at his face, but his armor held strong and resisted the blow. This brought his senses back, as he quickly retaliated.

Ptui!! With swift and force-filled stabs, this daring exobeast bear quickly turned into a badly mangled piece of slaughtered flesh.

As he fought, he used a part of his senses to monitor his Staff Sergeants movements. According to his observation, it seemed that Diana had a feasible plan due to how decisively she approached.

The warrior lady already handed a harpoon lifter to Benny, for him to pull her up if the situation became desperate. The rope loosely dropped, as she followed it down straight to her leaders position.

On arriving, she unsheathed her exotic saber with mind-blowing speed before quickly slicing the nearby bears apart, spreading their blood as the sacrifice for her descent.

She quickly attached the thick rope to her exotic military climbing belt to free her hands, before stabbing her saber inside the mountain rock to stabilize her steps. She finally turned to her leader.

Whats your plan? Clark quickly asked expectantly.

Sir, whats the plan?

Damn, Clark did not expect that this girl dropped down with so much grandeur without having a clear plan. He felt like crying for her, what a decisive subordinate.

His brain quickly went into overdrive, as he looked to cook up any plan that came to his mind. The bear horde was now becoming too much to handle, the visible bears were already over a hundred.

Ok, Diana, just help me attack the bears and protect me. Ill do something.

Ok, Major, got it.

With that, she went to work immediately. Pulling out her saber that was stabbed into the mountain, she started a bloody massacre.

Her red hair waving due to the strong wind paired with the constant flying blood, currently made her look like a female envoy of death. The visual effect was so striking, but Clark did not let it affect him.

He quickly climbed upwards a bit, before activating the force field of his spear. The chilly air visibly distorted and evaporated as the heat of the force field impacted the surrounding, making the spear look super sharp.

His current plan was still his first move, but this time on a larger scale. Seeing the unrelenting pursuit of the bears, he deduced that only sending them all downwards was the best solution.

Bam!! Bam!! He quickly went to work, turning himself into a rock blasting machine as his spear repeatedly struck at the extremely hard surface of the mountain.

The effects of his plans immediately started showing, as the rapidly climbing bears started shaking and missing their steps.

The main foundation of their current location and the bears cave underneath was already on the verge of facing destruction, as the rock vibrated intimidatingly.

Diana noticed the effects of her Majors plan the most, as the bears attack in her direction visibly reduced. This brought a smile to her face, as she turned her head upwards to look at her leader.

As soon as her head inclined upwards, she saw the horror of her life.

No!! No!! Stop!! Major!!

Despite her shout, the frequency of the wind mysteriously grew fiercer at this point, preventing her leader who was just above her to barely hear what she was saying.

What did you say?


She did not have the luxury to complete her shout again, as the aftermath of the horror she saw quickly came into effect.

Hearing the bombastically loud noise that was higher than the normal reverberating around him, Clarks face grew shocked as a light bulb finally seemed to lit up in his head.

An Avalanche!!

He finally understood the rationale behind his 2nd in commands shout. Because of his hasty decision-making in the past few minutes, he forgot a piece of crucial information that the Khumbu glacier icefalls were prone to avalanches.

He remembered in the end, but it seemed that it took too long as the domino effects of his actions quickly came into effect.

Just as if there was an ongoing battle between 2 ravaging dragons, the mountain seemed to have woken from its slumber as the deep ice started moving like a rolling tsunami.

The squad 6 soldiers who were still climbing were shocked on seeing this, as they increased the speed at which they climbed exponentially.

Now, it was no longer just escaping from bears, it was now escaping an avalanche which was easily a hundred times more dangerous in this danger-infected region.

As the enormous cluster of ice crashed down intimidatingly, the unlucky group of soldiers who lingered at the back of the rapidly climbing group was swept with it like they were just insignificant insects.

4 soldiers were submerged immediately. Only their shouts of despair, and their still futilely struggling figures could barely be seen.

Seeing this, Clarks eyes quickly narrowed into slits. Like someone on steroids or a super-soldier serum, adrenaline flowed through his body like flooding water as his brain calculated at the speed of a mainframe computer.

In less than a second, his eyes alternated from the raging avalanche to the now frightened bears, to the shocked Diana, then to the harpoon lifter attached to her military belt.

Yes, this is it.

He did not waste time as he leaped to the side while hugging her from behind, at the same time bringing out his most expensive weapon, a new sniper rifle that he bought.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom!!

The muzzles of the large sniper rifle quickly erupted with sparks, spreading rampant blue energy as 3 enormous beams quickly came out before impacting the mountain wall with concussion-inducing force.

Just like a football that was shot out by a Legendary striker like the great CR7, the shockwave from the 3 energy beams shot them backward swiftly from the range of the raging avalanche.

Despite already escaping the range of the disaster, Clark turned his body in mid-air while stretching his right hand outwards to help any of his soldiers that was submerged in the ice.

The air seemed to have grown still, as the first unlucky fellow dropped away without his hand getting nearby. The second and third quickly followed before the last soldier with hopeful eyes started falling.

The soldier could see his outstretched hand, so he also extended out his hand to be saved.

I got it.

Clark felt ecstatic, as his hand finally came into contact with the last soldier among the group of unlucky slowpokes.


Diana sharply called out after this, as Benny quickly set up the harpoon lifter in his position.

The magic of technology was worked as the rope quickly tugged at the 3 of them, pulling them up forcefully from the range of the still ravaging avalanche.

As they started flying up to safety, Clarks expression suddenly darkened on seeing what his hand pulled out of the rampaging ice. Instead of the soldier that he expected to pull out, this?

Just a hand?

[Thank you for reading this chapter, I really appreciate it. Sorry, there was a mistake here before, I just rectified it. If you love this book, please leave your power stones behind to support it. Purchase privilege for The Conspiracy Of The Elites and read a varying amount of chapters ahead of regular readers.]

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