The Conquerors Path

Chapter 714 Chapter 713-Powerful Trust.

Chapter 714  Chapter 713-Powerful Trust.

The golden waters shifted here and there as the boat moved through the golden waters, the two of them silently facing each other, the two of them didn't speak it out now but they have understood the fact that they felt closer to each other now, a seemingly silent bond that need not be said having already formed.

The trust within them having deepened into a higher level, the connection that was quickly formed did not feel forced at all, instead, just a light touch of certain beauty was held in it as Carmel looking at the boy in front of her spoke.

"You can call me Carmel from now on."

To her words the boy looked at her silently, slowly nodding his head as Carmel continued to speak.

"I can't come forth to understand what kind of responsibility you might be holding on to but I will try to help you any way I can once we get out of here."

The subtle trust and warmness in her voice made the masked boy look at her, his hidden face being an issue to her as Carmel spoke.

"Why don't you take off the mask after all this time? Is basic trust still not there between us?"

To her words, the boy shook his head as he spoke.

"I have formed my trust in you, I will show to you my face the day we safely escape from here."

A light of joy in his voice, a mark of achievement being kept, something to look forward to for Carmel how marks his words into her heart, silent comfort being between the two was the boat with paddling kept moving forward till the golden waters gradually began to shimmer with a soft, glow.

The boat moved forward with a gentle glide as if the river itself was guiding them toward something important. Carmel felt the air around them grow warmer, a subtle shift in the atmosphere. She glanced at the boy, who sat opposite her, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. His silence spoke volumes, but there was a sense of calmness between them now, an unspoken understanding that didn't need to be forced or articulated.

The river began to narrow slightly, the golden waters taking on a more reflective quality. Carmel could see their images mirrored on the surface, but the reflections seemed more vivid, more alive than simple water should allow. She leaned forward slightly, her curiosity piqued.

"Look," she said softly, nodding toward the water.

The boy followed her gaze, his eyes widening slightly as he took in the sight. Their reflections on the water were not just of their physical forms, but of something deeper. Carmel's reflection showed her as she truly was—strong, and determined, but also carrying the weight of her past and the burdens she had never spoken of. The boy's reflection, though still masked, revealed a shadow of the responsibility he had mentioned, a heavy burden that clung to him like a second skin.

For a moment, they both stared at the water, the reality of their situation settling in. It was as if the river was holding up a mirror to their souls, forcing them to confront the truths they had been carrying with them.

"It shows us as we are," the boy murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of awe.

Carmel nodded, her throat tight, Carmelia inside her screaming, their mix of emotions showing in the image. They had never seen herself so clearly before, never been forced to confront the person they had become. But as they looked closer, they noticed something else. The reflections began to shift, showing their true selves and revealing their strengths and weaknesses.

Carmel's reflection began to waver, and in its place, she saw moments from her past—her victories and failures, the times she had been strong and the times she had faltered. She saw the faces of those she had cared for, which were new. The pain and the joy intertwined, letting her know that there is good mixed between the bad.

The boy's reflection mirrored the same process, showing him the moments that had shaped him. Carmel watched as his hands clenched into fists, the boy trying to hide his emotions.

The boat slowed as if giving them time to absorb what they saw. Carmel felt a lump form in her throat, but she swallowed it down, refusing to let herself be overwhelmed. Instead, she looked at the boy, her voice steady as she spoke.

"We've both been through a lot," she said, her tone gentle but firm. "But we're still here, lost within our fears."

The boy looked at her, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat. For a moment, she thought he might say something, but he simply nodded, acknowledging her words.

Carmel took a deep breath, forcing herself to confront the reflection once more. The river was showing them their weaknesses, the parts of themselves they tried to hide or ignore. But it was also showing them their strengths, the qualities that had kept them going despite everything.

"You have a strong will," the boy said suddenly, his voice breaking the silence. "I can see it. You've faced a lot, but you keep going."

Carmel blinked, surprised by the compliment. She hadn't expected him to say anything, let alone something so perceptive. "Thank you," she replied, her voice softer than she intended. "And you... you're carrying something heavy, but you're strong enough to bear it."

The boy looked down at the water, his reflection staring back at him with a solemn expression. "Sometimes I wonder if I am," he admitted quietly. "But I don't have a choice. I have to be strong."

Carmel reached out, placing her hand on his. The gesture was simple, but it conveyed more than words ever could. "You're not alone," she said. "We might be strangers, but we're in this together. We'll help each other."

The boy looked up at her, and though she couldn't see his face, she could feel the gratitude in his gaze. "Thank you," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

The moment stretched on, the silence between them now filled with a sense of camaraderie. The reflections in the water began to fade, leaving only their physical forms mirrored on the surface. The boat started to move again, the current picking up speed as the river carried them forward.

The golden waters began to shift once more, the shimmering glow intensifying as the boat approached the center of the lake. Carmel could feel the air growing warmer, a subtle tension building in the atmosphere. The boy remained silent, his focus on the path ahead, but she could sense his resolve matching her own.

The missing voice of that golden lips creates a certain tension.

The boat slowed as they reached the center of the lake, the golden waters swirling around them in a mesmerizing pattern. Carmel felt a shiver run down her spine as the boat came to a stop, the water now perfectly still. The reflection of the sky above seemed to merge with the surface of the lake, creating an illusion of infinite depth.

Carmel glanced at the boy, who was looking around with a cautious expression. "What's happening?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The boy shook his head, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "I'm not sure, but I think we're about to face another challenge."

As if in response to his words, the water around them began to ripple, the surface breaking apart as a figure emerged from the depths. Carmel gasped, her hand instinctively reaching for the boy's as a woman, clad in flowing robes of gold, rose from the lake. Her hair cascaded down her back like liquid sunlight, and her eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Welcome, travelers," the woman said, her voice echoing in the stillness. "You have come far, and your journey has tested you in ways you could not have imagined. But now, you must face the final trial."

Carmel's heart pounded in her chest as the woman floated closer, her gaze piercing through them. "This lake reflects not only your true selves but also the bond you have formed. To continue, you must prove the strength of that bond."

The boy tightened his grip on Carmel's hand, his voice steady as he spoke. "What do we need to do?"

The woman smiled a serene expression that did little to ease Carmel's nerves. "You must trust each other completely," she said. "You will each be given a choice, and the outcome will depend on the trust you place in one another. Choose wisely, for the wrong decision will have consequences."

Carmel exchanged a worried glance with the boy, her mind racing with possibilities. "What kind of choice?" she asked.

The woman raised her hand, and two small, glowing orbs appeared in the air between them. "Each of you must take one of these orbs," she explained. "They represent two paths—one of light and one of shadow. You must decide which path you will take, but know this: the path you choose will reveal the depths of your trust in each other."

Carmel hesitated, her gaze flicking between the orbs. "How do we know which one is the right choice?"

The woman shook her head, her expression enigmatic. "That is for you to discover. Trust in each other, and trust in your instincts."

The boy nodded, his grip on Carmel's hand tightening as he reached for one of the orbs. Carmel felt a surge of anxiety as she watched him, her mind filled with doubts. With a deep breath, Carmel reached for the other orb, her fingers closing around it as she looked at the boy. "No matter what happens, we face it together."

The boy nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Together."

As they each held their orbs, the golden woman began to fade, her form dissolving into the shimmering light. "Your choice will reveal the truth of your bond," her voice echoed as she disappeared.

The lake began to swirl around them once more, the golden waters rising in waves as the boat rocked back and forth. Carmel clutched the orb in her hand, her heart pounding in her chest as the water rose higher and higher, threatening to engulf them.

"Hold on!" the boy shouted, his voice barely audible over the roar of the water.

Carmel tightened her grip on his hand, her eyes squeezed shut as the water crashed over them. For a moment, she felt as if they were being pulled under, the weight of the water dragging them down into the depths. But then, just as suddenly, the waves receded, and the boat stilled.

Carmel opened her eyes, gasping for breath as she looked around. The lake was calm once more, the golden waters smooth and reflective as before. She glanced at the boy, who was looking at her with a relieved expression.

"We made it," he said, his voice filled with awe.

Carmel nodded, her heart still racing as she looked down at the orb in her hand. It glowed with a soft, warm light, a symbol of the trust they had placed in each other.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for trusting me."

The boy smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "And thank you for trusting me."

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