The Conquerors Path

Chapter 678-Dissapointing......

Chapter 678-Dissapointing......

'She is just like the past, both those personalities can fully be extreme to the ones they deem close to themselves and that's disappointing...'

I inwardly shook my head at the weakness blooming within Carmel and Carmelia's hearts, a weakness that was born from that past incident, one that also led to my master Eleanor breaking away and the deep inner darkness Carmel holds within her heart. Until she can't get rid of it, she will never bloom fully into the beautiful moon that will hold and protect both the night and day of the Twilight Empire.

'If it was Marlene or Olivia or any of the others, they would ruthlessly have dealt with this, to question the might of the ruler isn't something any ruler can let be.'

But in this case, Carmel and Carmelia aren't doing anything, and it's actually good for me because it's one of the things that these capture target have to go with the protagonist to finally break through the layer of 'friendzone' that Carmel keeps due to her innate fear of love itself. She has both disgust and aversion to the concept of love, not believing it's true at all due to the very same incident of the past.

'Though going with plan B will be pushing things, there's the higher percentage of things not going according to plan.'

In the plans and actions I take, I need to have 100% control over the manipulation that I am about to dish out. And in that case, I need to control all the variables that will be appearing, and the addition of these two dumbos will lose me a percentage of the output I wish to wield. That's the main reason I make sure that I am alone with the capture targets most of the time when I make my moves.

'Well, beggars can't be choosers, can we?'

While I silently mused, I waited for any big output from Carmel to put down those two. In fact, even the two of them know that they are crossing some lines, but once again Carmelia made a disappointing action as she turned to the two and spoke in a lightly cold tone.

"The two of you are really planning on following me through?"

The lightness made the two of their faces light up a bit, the prospects of them having a special position in Carmel's heart only making them feel a certain sense of chance for their love to bloom, which once again caused me to inwardly shake my head. This is the main reason for these dummies not to give up. When can they, when Carmel keeps giving these mixed signals unconsciously?

"The little princess is also like a sister to me. I can't let go when there's a chance to help her!"

Melvin took a quick chance to win some points, and Nex didn't leave at it as he too chimed in, nodding his head.

"It's the same for me. I can't let go of the chance to make the princess better again!"

The firmness only going forth to make the hesitation in Carmel's and Carmelia's hearts tighter, and I could see it all, this stupid romcom happening in front of me not being something I want to see, especially not when I have extremely beautiful girls already madly in love with me and just waiting for a chance to pounce.

"Sigh...why don't we have a drink first then?"

I asked out of the blue, my calm face being on display though I did send in a disappointed look to Carmelia, who caught onto it and flinched a bit. The now cold-faced Carmelia bit her lips roughly a bit as she responded.

"That might be nice."

Hearing so, I just tapped lightly on the table, and one of the waiters brought out some drinks and sweets to the table, placing them neatly all around. The eyes of Carmelia shone a bit at the dessert as I spoke.

"It's your favorite."

Her head raised to meet mine at my words, the cold face having a very small undetectable smile as with an 'Um' she took up the dessert and started to enjoy it, while the rest of the two stared at their drink, looking at me as if I am some sort of new rival for them to deal with. The two of them seemingly came together to deal with me.

e on, the two of you aren't even on the same playing field as me.'

I mocked them on the sidelines as I took in the gazes of the two. If it was me with all the same closeness as them, I would have long since brought Carmel to my bed a long time ago, though I am starting to feel a little bit bad for them because I feel no happiness or pride in stealing the girl they like. But hey, it's not like they are in a relationship, right? In that case, it's every man for himself.

"The reason that I only asked for you is the place with this antidote, it's a very closed-off place to outsiders. They don't accept people in easily, and they are very, very domesticated people."

I started to speak as I poured some milk into my tea, swirling it with my spoon as I kept the attention of the ones in front of me, my words making Carmelia feel much guilt as I continued.

"I had met with that tribe during one of my travels and quickly got close to them. Their location, places, and movements are very secretive, and even bringing one of you might look like a betrayal of the trust they have in me."

As I said this, the movements of the sweet to Carmelia's mouth stopped, her gaze looking at me but I didn't focus on it as I finished swirling the tea, moving to take two sugar cubes as I dropped them into my tea as I spoke again before Carmelia could.

"Though seeing that this is your sister, Princess Carmel, I will take the three of you with me. But after that, we will have to part ways, meaning that I will have nothing more to do with you anymore."

The firmness in my voice made Carmelia's body tremble a bit, though I could see the faces of the two in the back lighting up at my end condition, more than happy to get me out of their way. Though Carmelia and I am sure Carmel didn't see it both that way as she raised her head, boring her eyes into me asked.

"You said I am family to you when we first met. Then won't family forgive each other's mistakes, accept them, and try to move on as a family?"

The extra degree of coldness showed the betrayal she was feeling inside, her words piping from the very first things I told Carmel to bridge the gap that held between us. I smiled at her words, my eyes still staying on hers as I went to take a sip of the tea, its sweetness and the perfect mix of milk filling my mouth as I gulped it down. Placing the cup back on the table, I smiled at Carmelia as I spoke.

"You are still family to me, Carmel, an amazing senior too. And while what you accused me of did hurt my heart, I was willing to look past it all and be close again. But you just in front of me failed me again..."


Carmelia didn't need to finish her question as I looked at the two sitting beside her, their expressions turning for the worse at the intimacy of mine with Carmelia along with my words. The first to break it up is the unique-looking Nix.

"You, what gives you the right to say such a thing?! What gives you the right to be angry at such a perfect woman that exists?!"

While Nix played out the feelings to make Carmelia feel good, Melvin played another card as he spoke.

"Please don't put this on Carmel. What we did, we did. She had no part in it. She isn't responsible for anything, so if you want anyone to be angry at, shout at, or be disappointed in, take it with me."

'Smoothing play there, boss.'

For the first time, I gave the Melvin guy a thumbs up in my heart. The dude killed it with those words, even Nix played okay as I could see Carmelia biting her lips, her desire battling between either telling me off or her best friends off. It's a tough choice indeed.

'Though once again disappointing.'

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