The Conquerors Path

Chapter 674-Well Three Mothers Doesn’t Sound Bad.

The question I asked lingered in the atmosphere, Aria's eyes widening from the question itself as she asked.

"You would like for me to be your mother?"

To this, I asked back in a curious tone.

"If not, do you want to be my grandmother?"

This sudden twist of mine made Aria's face look scrunched up, because if you take a full genetic approach, the soul formation, in a sense, means that Grace is the daughter of Aria, thus making Aria my grandmother in a sense. It's a fluctuating constant of Grace being Aria's clone and daughter, a very confusing situation to be in.

My face matched Aria's, who was still filled with confusion as she asked.

"Why do you want me to be your mother?"

Her question was fully legitimate, I mean anyone else in this situation would be panicking or just sitting around like an idiot, not knowing what should be done, yet here I sit already having calmed down my own mother, while now dealing with my second mother. I look to be the more mature and leading one in this situation.

"As confusing as this situation goes, I have been in much more dangerous and even more confusing situations so after a few times, you kinda get the focus to go through it all."

My words caused worry to pass through both of my mother's eyes and I wasn't done. Keeping my eye matching Aria's, I continued to speak.

"Truthfully, I don't really know what the right action here is and truthfully I don't care about that too. All I can tell is that without you, my mother wouldn't be born and in a sense, my mother is from you. Also, no matter how, in the past month, I have somehow come to care for you too, though in a different way of course."

The last subtle smirk on my face, along with the teasing voice, went forth to make Aria blush a bit, to which I continued.

"The beginning of my soul and start all begins with you and the composure of my mother is kind, gentle, and loving, which means you are someone like that too, hence I don't mind taking you as my mother. Though if you want, I don't mind calling upon your presence as my grandmother too."


Aria directly rejected that stance, her face coloring one of pure disdain at the hasty teasing remark of mine, though sadly for me, Aria quickly calmed down, her face going forth to be one of pure calmness, and even I can't tell much of what's going through her mind and even above that, I am sure that she won't be agreeing to everything now.

'Though she will later beg for it when everything has finally sunk into her soul, while she experiences the feeling of loneliness misacting her memories.'

While I evilly schemed on the insides, after a few moments Aria spoke, her voice controlled.

"Sorry, I haven't fully accepted all this yet, I need some time to get my mind in order and get myself used to this world."

Her words made me smile a bit as I nodded my head at her.

"Of course, even if you don't want to, me, my mother, and my sisters, once they hear of this will always consider you part of the family, just like a true mother, I am sure of that."

The words of mine going forth to break through the layer of calmness she kept to burst a very gentle smile similar to that of Grace's to burst open, the smile looking reassuring yet filled with a hint of the unknown as she replied.

"See you."

And with that, Aria disappeared from where she stood, no doubt rushing forth to any of her past places or more to get her mind really in place, well for me, any of that will work, because in the end, things would work out, well, I hope they do, because this time I am messing with a much more dangerous foe here, one of greater mind, strength, and power.

'Though this is a good sign.'

I mused looking at the notification passing through the front of my eyes.

+500 affection.

+500 affection.

+500 affection.

+500 affection.

+500 affection.

+500 affection.

+500 affection.

The thing kept popping up but silencing that, I turned to look at Grace sitting beside me, her eyes being fully gentle as she looked at me as I asked.

"Will she return?"

To my question, without doubt, Grace replied.

"She will."

This only filled me with 'surprise' as I asked.

"Why are you sure?"

"Cause I know her."

Grace immediately replied, a much more experienced smile filling her face, and as told before, I could feel the knowledge of eons filling her mind, a much more mature aura filling Grace's body, to which I strengthened the hold I had over Grace's hand.

"Guess from now on it will be very awkward playing this story out in the house."

Grace chuckled lightly at those words as she replied.

"That's true."

Her gaze lingered toward the city for a moment after which she asked.

"Do you really want her as your mother?"

And me being the very one closest to Grace would expect the hint of jealousy she had tried to hide.

'Oh, come on woman.'

Holding in my true thoughts, lies flowed like water from my mouth, my gaze traveling towards the city that can be seen from this mountain.

"A half of it is true, I really do hold some complex feelings towards her, after all, she was our daughter~"

The end of my words with that mischievous tone going forth to bring a smile to Grace's face, she leaning forth to place a kiss on my neck, sniffing my scent in as she replied.

"That's true, it really was a fun time."

As she said so she lightly patted her stomach and I didn't need any sort of mind-reading power to understand what was going through her mind, so I just gave a small wording.

"All in due time."

To this, Grace too gave a light reply.

"I know."

Thus rushing off those thoughts, she focused back on the main issue.

"So tell me, what else are the other reasons?"

"While I am also indebted to her for making sure that you came to be, it's also my selfish desire to see the Aria Dramoon as my mother, you should know how amazing and powerful that would be."

This time I went forth to add my own true greed into the mix, because it's always true that there is no fully good human being, especially among the ones that hold power. If I go forth to hide these reasons here, I will only go forth to lessen the trust that Grace has on me, especially now that she has succeeded in the wisdom and talent from Aria.

And my words did their wonder as Grace nodded her head without a surprised expression marring her face, she already having expected these words to flow from my mouth. Thus with a hint of her own thought, she spoke.

"Well, it will really go forth to work out in the end, I am sure of that."

"If you say that then it will definitely happen, though who could have thought that the trip we took here would end up like this, fate is really fickle isn't it?"

The last of my words being spoken out with a weary sigh, Grace to mirroring that one as she replied.

"Indeed, who would have thought?"

'Well I did but let's just take that to my grave, shall we?'

Holding that thought I asked once more.

"Are you fully alright?"

To this Grace turned to look at me and for the first time spoke the truth.

"Not really, everything is all confusing and I too feel a sense of hollowness in me."

As she said these words I tightened my hold on her hands, she feeling it leaned her head towards me, sniffing my scent as she spoke.

"But now that I have you here with me and knowing that you will be with me, that fear isn't all that high, instead all I feel is peace towards the future."

To this I kissed Grace's forehead, the two of us gazing into the shining night sky as I spoke.

"You took the words right out of my heart."


'Nope....but here you go with the flow'

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