The Conquerors Path

Chapter 671-Why Is This Happening?

Chapter 671-Why Is This Happening?

Aria's mind was a complete mess, she did not know what the right decision was in the current situation, the whole situation itself was messed up and even she with all her knowledge and abilities had no clue for what should be done or what actions should take from here.

Aria has three kids, and she has a family but she doesn't have the emotional bond pertaining to that family, only the soul and body like lay, and for even a moment the thought of killing her clone Grace and taking up and living the life of a mother to these three children passed through Aria's mind but those thoughts didn't last for long.

Cause in the end, in the long term it would only have caused problems for her, truly no one can know what the right actions would be in this situation, all Aria can think of is to go with the flow, the only thing retaining her sanity is the fact that as time ticks by the restraints on her keep getting looser, thus opening her to more and more chances of finally getting her body back.

'The time is close'

With those thoughts, the days went by but the unnatural feeling within Aria's mind didn't, her gaze catching between Austin and Grace, while her sharp and better mind seemed to gaze at certain indications of things that smells fishy.

'That's not possible....right?'

Aria asked herself and soon she was proven wrong.



Is the scream that blasted out from within Aria's mind as she first gazed at what the hell happened in front of her, the scene of Austin and Grace kissing in front of her, going forth to break all levels so sanity she had placed in her mind, even from the past era she lived in such relations between mother and son were well heavy taboo.


Is all that kept playing through Aria's mind after she saw the scene in front of her, not even being able to believe that such a relationship exists between Austin and Grace, the thought that the mother and son are in such a taboo relationship taking some time to register in her mind, especially the fact that Grace is her clone, thus in a way making she herself having an incestuous relationship with her son.

'This is disgusting!'

Aria roasted in her mind, not being able to accept the sight in front of her, she could see it, the taboo love brimming between the two of them, their raunchy talk and attacks, she could see that this wasn't some sort of sexual release or lust, its pure adult like the love between the two of them and this only went froth to fully bring down all the respect and pride she had built up for Austin.

'But doesn't that mean I am also like this?'

Just as those thoughts Bloomed in her mind Aria did everything in her power to just store that question away in a vault that she would never open in her life but even then the scene in front of her didn't go away, the scene itself forth to provide different scenes and a certain disgusting feeling in her heart grew, though that faded away a little when she gazed at the expression of Grace, the happy, content smile on her face that Aria had never seen with the time spent with Garce blooming bright.

The smile itself goes forth to the past wishes, with Aria herslef asking to herself the question.

'Have I ever laughed like that?'

It didn't take a genius to find out the fact that, this was pure love, an extremely happy love between the two, while digesting Aria could still see the strong love holding between them, the mother and son didn't take their taboo love and value, no they were trying to love that love, however, they can.

'Can I only find true love with my own son?'

Aria's questioned here, this question bringing a great amount of embarrassment to the herself.

'Should I kill this whole family when I get out?'

With Grace's flow in front of her, it didn't take long for Aria to connect the dots between the sister states she was pushing away.

'Just how is this a happy family?'

Aria questioned herself, the happy scene she saw before breaking away.

'Can a family be only happy if there is such taboo in between?'

The question itself was very stupid yet Aria couldn't let it flow away from her mind, though for now, she focused back on the scene in front of her, something within her not being able to let go of the scene in front of her, the scene of Austin taking Grace out on a date with Aria, their movement towards the house and more.

The loving family scene with Aria in the middle is something that the tue Aria kept being drawn to, the smiles, the calls, the lovey-dovey play in between, everything being the sweet family that Aria ever dreamed of, well it would have been if it weren't for the fact that the husband is a son, the wife the mother and the daughter itself being another mother.

'Can anything be more messed up than this?'

Aria questioned, even then she fell into the gentle laughs and happiness of the cries of Grace.

'Well at least I am gentle and shy'

She mused though once again Aria was proved wrong.



All Aria dreams of right now is to just have her sight cut out from her and her memories drilled into such that she will be able to forget everything that she is seeing right now.

'Am I such a slut?'

An unmarkable level of embarrassment filled Aria's entire being as she kept seeing all the slutty whore like things her clone is doing, that too in public, hiding under everyone's eyes!

'Wh-What is all this?!'

She screamed in her mind again, feeling like she just wanted to die again, the body of Grace being fully equal to hers, such that in a way Aria is seeing in clear and dirty view of how her 'son' is extremely and very skilfully pumping 'her' full of his white seeds.

'This is not right.....'

Though it didn't take long for Aria to fully act into the problem at hand, Aria had spent her time with Grace, and above that she knows her own attitude, she isn't such a big slut.

And after that, it also did not take long for Aria to understand and feel the change taking place in her own body too, she could feel something connecting and targeting the soul connection between her and her close, not to mention the sudden change in Grace's behavior and with that Aria looked back and it didn't take long for her to find the porbelm at hand.

'That lollipop!'

She easily sniffed in on the reason that everything happened, it was the lollipop that both Aria and Grace had eaten, the very ones that Austin ate too.

'That means he is also under this influence but what and how did this?'

A sense of urgency and fear bloomed within Aria's heart, not towards herself but towards her 'son' she felt as if his life might be in danger, but no matter what Aria kept telling her own heart, in the end, she couldn't help but let certain things of the maternal bond fill her up.

'Who is doing this?"

While she asked herself this question, all she got to see was the increasing debauchery between the mother and son, leaving idly the little Air to watch at all this, the situation itself going forth to bring her down and loosen the chains holding Aria away from getting proper control of her own body.

Aria beamed, already ecstatic, because if she could get out of this soon, then she would be able to help out and get rid of the problem at hand. Thus, Aria started to try even harder while gazing at the scene's she never thought would be possible, those deep, erotic scenes going forth to imprint in Aria's 'innocent' mind several dirty ideas.

And thus the scene followed, everything reaching up to the last scene where Austin shouted out in anger and hatred, that being the last call that Aria couldn't handle as she burst forth with her power, finally gaining complete control. But it was at that time, before she could deal with the things flowing through her soul, that a deep light blasted from within Grace's body, the same thing happening to Aria.

And thus, once again, bringing her to another darkness.

'Oh, not again!'

Aria cursed as this unknown power acted up and soon she fell into another darkness, but this time Aria knew what was happening.

'We are fully connecting...'

Just as she whispered this, a huge wave hit her, memories, emotions, pasts, everything started to flow deep into her and quickly join and confine upon her soul.


Aria, stunned, could only take all this in, she was being blasted in before she could have used her powers to deal with the thing that was flowing in her soul.

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