The Conquerors Path

Chapter 665-Tasty.......

Chapter 665-Tasty.......

As Grace whispered those words, her warm breath brushed against my ear. I met her eyes, and in that moment, the world around us seemed to fade into the background. The soft glow of the chandeliers, the murmur of distant conversations—all of it blurred into insignificance compared to the woman before me.

"It's more than perfect," I replied, a hidden sly smile playing on my lips. Grace's eyes sparkled with a shared sentiment, and we found ourselves momentarily lost in the silent exchange of emotions, though the lust in my mother's eyes still lay stronger than ever.

Aria, in her innocence, noticed the brief pause in the conversation and looked between us with wide-eyed curiosity. "What are you two talking about?" she asked, the remnants of her playful giggles still lingering.

Grace chuckled, reaching over to tousle Aria's hair. "Just how much we love being together as a family," she said, her gaze shifting to me with a huge wave of affection, love, and desire.

Aria beamed at the sentiment, seemingly satisfied with the answer. The waiter returned with our dessert—a trio of decadent delights. Aria's chocolate sundae, adorned with an assortment of colorful sprinkles, took center stage. Grace and I exchanged amused glances as Aria dove into the dessert with unrestrained enthusiasm.

As Aria savored the sweet treat, I leaned slightly closer, and whispered, "You look stunning tonight, Grace. the most beautiful queen of the night."

A soft blush painted Grace's cheeks, and she playfully nudged me. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Charming."

With a twinkle in my eye, I replied, "Everywhere is exactly where I want to be with you and inside you~."

The exchange held a subtle dance of affection, a language of love spoken through glances and whispered words. Aria, absorbed in her chocolate delight, remained blissfully unaware of the currents passing between her 'parents' or did she?

Taking a spoonful of my own dessert—a rich tiramisu—I extended it toward Grace. "Try this. It's divine," I suggested the unspoken invitation lingering in the air.

Grace met my gaze, and with a playful smile, she accepted the bite. The shared sweetness of the tiramisu became a metaphor for the shared sweetness of our life together, which is taboo in every sense of the word. The restaurant, the grandeur, and even the grand ball were eclipsed by the simplicity of love exchanged in a bite of dessert.

As we continued to share bites and savor the delectable treats, the atmosphere became charged with an unspoken connection. Aria, finishing her sundae, gazed at us with an expression that hinted at a mix of confusion and longing. The subtle dance of our affectionate exchange had not gone unnoticed by our observant daughter.

Grace, always attuned to the nuances of our family dynamics, in here I mean both families, one including my sisters too, hence my mother reached over and took Aria's hand. "Sweetheart, would you like to try Daddy's tiramisu?" she offered, her eyes holding a warmth that sought to include.

Aria's eyes brightened, and she eagerly nodded. Grace scooped a small portion onto a spoon and fed it to Aria. The trio of us, connected by this simple act of sharing, created a tableau of familial love.

'Though this will be very ugly later on'

I am already feeling a pang of guilt in my heart but hey what else can I do? everything I do I do to live and in the end what I will be doing will only make things very well between my mother and Aria, opening up to a secret from long lost into the past.

Beneath the surface, a seed of longing began to sprout within Aria, I can tell, a seed from several different things coming together. The shared bites, the whispered exchanges, the intimate connection between her parents—it all formed a mosaic that left her feeling momentarily excluded. The 'innocent' heart of a child, craving undivided attention, started to feel a subtle ache, well that's how others can see it but I can see more.

As Grace continued to share bites between us, I couldn't shake the awareness of this undercurrent. It was a delicate balance, managing the romantic connection between Grace and me while ensuring Aria felt cherished and included. Grace, ever intuitive, sensed the shift in Aria's demeanor.

With a tender smile, Grace directed her attention to Aria. "How about we all share a bite together, like a team?" she suggested, trying to bridge the gap between the romantic intimacy and Aria's need for inclusion.

Aria's face brightened, and she nodded eagerly. Grace's intention to include her in the shared sweetness of the moment was genuine, and the trio, once again, united in the simple act of enjoying dessert.

"Okay, Mommy!" Aria chimed in, her eyes alight with excitement.

With a playful grin, I joined in. "That's the spirit, my little sparkly fairy princess. Family bites are the best bites!"

Though as I said this I placed my hand on Grace's thigh hidden under the table, my hands slowly starting to grope her soft yet firm thigh, my hands sinking into this delicious thick thighs as my mother's body trembled a bit, her eyes turning to look at me in shock, yet this simple action of mine bringing out the lust hidden in her heart.

With simple movements my hand hidden under the table cloth started to rise up my mother's skirt as my hand came in contact with her naked thighs, her womb still filled with my seeds as Aria still looked at us with attention to getting some food together, I could see that my mother wanted to push me away yet she still wanted to have my hands move up and start to play with her already leaking honey lips and that's what I did, my hands shifting her panties to the side as my fingers took a touch.

Grace's body trembled and her legs clenched as she struggled to contain the flood of emotions, a mix of pleasure, shame, and taboo lust. It was a losing battle, and I could sense her resolve crumbling. Her eyes fluttered closed and her breathing quickened as she succumbed to the sensations.

My fingers continued their slow exploration, gently grazing the sensitive skin. It was a deliberate torture, and I reveled in the power it gave me. Grace was putty in my hands, and we both knew it. With a featherlight touch, I brushed against the moist petals.

Grace inhaled sharply, biting her lip to suppress a moan. The forbidden pleasure was overwhelming, and her senses were heightened. With each touch, a wave of desire crashed over her.

The teasing continued until Grace couldn't take it anymore. With a shuddering breath, she pleaded, "Please..."

Her voice was barely audible, but I heard it loud and clear. It was a moment of surrender, and I knew there was no going back. The floodgates had opened, and the taboo desires would no longer be denied.

I met Grace's eyes, and a silent understanding passed between us. I gave her a reassuring smile, then slowly dipped a finger into the wet depths.

Grace's eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat. The sudden intrusion was a shock, and her body stiffened. But after a moment, she relaxed, allowing the pleasure to wash over her. Her hips began to move, instinctively seeking more.

It was a sight to behold, my mother's beautiful body squirming as my finger was moving in and out, the wetness inside her starting to coat my fingers and dripping down to her seat as I was now fucking her with two fingers, the pace picking up as Aria still watched, her face darkening, the food still not ready and the waiters now moving around her as the show of Grace's face twisting with lust and desire, her legs spread, the chair under her dripping wet as her honey was coating her thighs, her panties soaked through and through and her mind starting to lose control.

My mother, in the haze of lust, was completely unaware of the world around her, and that included the people who might be able to see her face twisted in ecstasy.

Her head was tilted back, and her eyes were squeezed shut as she was getting fucked by my fingers. The sensations were overwhelming, and her body was quickly approaching the brink of release.

With each thrust of my fingers, I could feel her walls tightening. Her breath was ragged, and her hips were bucking wildly. It was clear that she was on the verge of climaxing, and it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge.

"Come for me, Mom~," I whispered, leaning in to graze her ear with my teeth.

That was all it took. Grace's body tensed, and a strangled cry escaped her lips. She shuddered violently, her release crashing over her in waves. It was an incredible sight to behold, my mother, the former Queen of the battlefield, coming apart at the seams, her eyes glazed over, her breath coming in short, quick gasps, and her legs trembling uncontrollably.

The intensity of the orgasm was too much, and Grace collapsed into her seat, her body limp and spent. Her face was flushed, and her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath.

As she basked in the afterglow, her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she turned her head to meet my gaze. There was a vulnerability in her eyes and a hint of fear. But there was also a glimmer of something else—a spark of joy and happiness.


And Aria called out, causing Grace's face to turn deadly pale, the full darkened look of Aria showing how she was feeling but I didn't let that fall, thus I took my hands back, it glistening with my mother's juice as Iicked it off my finger.


I whispered, this normal action making Grace's eyes widen and Aria asked.

"What's that Daddy?"

Her tone is curious though I could see the dark things brewing within her eyes.

"Just an appetizer, my little sweet pea."

I replied with a smile.

[Title Lolicon Corruptor gained!]

'I better not see that in the panel!'

Thus with a very dark atmosphere, we gathered around the remaining portion of tiramisu, the anticipation evident on Aria's face dark. Grace delicately scooped a portion onto a spoon, ensuring it was a combination of cake, creamy mascarpone, and a hint of coffee, though her legs were trembling, all three of us acting as if what happened before didn't this just raising the dark feelings everywhere. Aria opened her mouth, and Grace, with a flourish, fed her the bite, shame all over her and something else all over Aria.

Aria's eyes widened, and a delighted expression spread across her face, the dark atmosphere fully melting away at the taste. "Yummy!" she exclaimed, her joy contagious.

'She really is getting better at hiding everything'

I couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of the moment—a family sharing laughter and bites of dessert. The initial undercurrent of longing that Aria felt seemed to dissipate, replaced by the genuine joy of being together, at least that's what's being seen.

As we continued to share bites, Grace's gaze locked with mine, and an unspoken understanding passed between us. The romantic connection we shared now coexisted harmoniously with the familial love that enveloped us. Grace's eyes sparkled with affection, a silent acknowledgment of the delicate balance we navigated.

Aria, still reveling in the sweetness of the tiramisu, looked between us, her eyes wide with innocence. "Mommy, Daddy, can we do this again? It's fun!"

Her tone hit at something else.

Grace chuckled, her laughter like a melody in the air. "Absolutely, sweetheart. Family bites should be a tradition, don't you think so hubby?"

I grinned, enjoying the lighthearted banter. "Definitely, Love. Our very own family tradition of shared bites."

The waiter, attentive to our table, approached with a smile. "Is everything to your satisfaction?" he inquired.

I nodded graciously. "Everything is perfect, thank you."

The waiter, someone I control and command, having done his work, with a courteous nod, retreated to give us the space to enjoy our dessert. Aria, still buzzing with excitement, spoke up. "Daddy, can we go explore other places after this? I want to see more pretty things!"

The prospect of further exploration delighted Aria, and Grace and I exchanged a knowing glance. "Of course, my love," I replied. "We can take a stroll and discover more wonders together."

'Many wonders of Grace's body'

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