The Conquerors Path

Chapter 655-Manly Seduction.

Chapter 655-Manly Seduction.

"This is all that you need from me?"

Angelina asked with a raised tone, her voice hinting at a bit of disbelief, but I kept my smile at her skepticism as I responded.

"Not fully, it's a start."

My words made Angelina thoughtful as she responded.

"He won't die here, will he? 'Cause then it would be problematic for me."

Her question made my smile widen a bit as I responded.

"You don't have to worry about any of that, I have no use for killing him. For now, just do this, and after he returns, depending on the situation, I will tell you how to play it."

My words didn't convince her too much, but in the end, things are in my control, so she is going with the flow. Hence she spoke with a pouty face, her tail wagging a bit sexily as she pushed her breast up a bit.

"Fine, I will do it, but I need something."

"Me keeping your faction running isn't enough?"

I shot back, my words not affecting her mood at all, as she leaned forward a bit, a slight cleavage of hers peeking out. She shuffled a bit on the sofa, while her boobs jiggled a bit. Not to mention that she bit her lips in quite the seductive way as she responded.

"It's nothing much, what I want will not even cost you to move from here."

Her words made me 'intrigued' as I leaned onto the chair, my eyes scanning her up and down as I spoke.

"Oh? Then what is it that you need?"

My acceptance to go with the flow made Angelina's seductive smile longer, but I could see the hesitation still passing through her eyes. But in the end, her mind seemed to have won her over as she asked with a seductive jump.

"Can I sit next to you?"

Now, this question made me raise my eyebrow at her, giving her a look as I asked.

"Now why do you want to sit close to me?"

This was quickly countered by Angelina with another logic.

"Why don't you want a beautiful woman to sit next to you?"

Her answer made me chuckle as I looked right into her eyes, and I spoke.

"You aren't just some beautiful woman. While a rose is beautiful and smells nice, it doesn't mean I like to play with its thorns."

This answer of mine made Angelina bite her lips, seemingly running through several things in her mind to get the activation conditions for her to enter my dreams. Among the ones she got, the easiest would be to rise up my desires and get my scent inside her. That is the easiest one to go through, but I am in no hurry to make things easy for her.

"Tell me, Princess Angelina, if you were in my position, would you agree to this sudden request of yours, especially from a woman of seduction like you?"

This question made Angelina bite her lips, her goals not being very clear for her yet she has to try to get to me. Thus, she leaned herself to the chair, her eyes twinkling as she placed her leg above her other leg, making sure to flash me some skin as she spoke.

"Ara~is the mighty Austin Lionheart, now dominating this entire generation, afraid of some thorns from a beautiful flower? I thought men like you have more backbone and liked challenges"

Angelina made sure to cover her mouth with her hands and narrow her eyes a bit at the end of her sentence, looking like she couldn't believe the outcome, nicely trying to stroke my ego. Thus, I too placed my leg above my other leg, a little haughty look coming over my face as I spoke.

"I already have some longstanding calls from excellent beauties out there, many just willing to have me bed them, and what makes you think this little ego-stroking would move me? It's not me who wants to sit next to a handsome man, is it?"

I didn't simply finish my words. With light movements, I started to unbutton my shirt. While doing so, I made sure to keep my eyes focused fully on Sabrina, a light sensual smile hitting the edges of my lips as soon as my entire well-sculpted chest, which would put the worlds 'best sculpture' to shame, appeared into the fresh air.


Angelina swallowed a bit, and I think I also heard Aria swallowing up too, but for my mental health, I will make it such that I didn't hear it.

'Not just women can seduce, you know.'

I mused as I took a bit of the water on the table, 'accidentally' spilling a bit of water on my shirt as I 'drank' the water.


I spoke as I opened up the bottoms of my entire shirt, my eyes holding Angelina's body to mine, and I could see her eyes widen as she came to gaze at my entire upper body. The ones she can see, my center-focused body through the shirt, a sculpted body enough to make a married woman go into heat and forget all her chastity.

'It pays to be good-looking and well-built.'

Musing so, I widened the shirt a bit to give a full-body look to Angelina, who seemed to be lost in the world of daze as her eyes kept looking through my upper body, my hands going to run through my hair a bit as I stretched, giving off the well-defined looks of mine.


Once again, Angelina swallowed herself. I could even feel her heart start to beat faster from sitting here, her legs lightly rubbing against themselves as I spoke.

"Um? Is there a problem here?"

This sudden questioning of mine brought Angelina back from her daze, her eyes meeting mine, with a lovely blush covering her cheeks, one that now added a certain addictive charm to her as she replied.

"Humph! There is no problem."

She responded back in a quick manner, but her eyes didn't come to match her words as she kept moving her gaze up and down through my body, gulping a bit hard, while the light blush on her cheeks got even brighter, to which I chuckled. This seemingly made her give me a hardful gaze as I spoke.

"What? My body got your tongue?"

These words hit her pride, her eyes flaring up, but she seemed to want to participate in this game, the flaring incense doing its job as she leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs and resting one hand on her thigh, the other playing with a loose strand of her olive-colored hair. Her peach fox-like eyes shimmered with a mixture of curiosity and desire as she replied, "Maybe your body isn't as impressive as you think."

I chuckled, enjoying the banter as I leaned forward slightly, allowing the fabric of my open shirt to reveal more of my chest. "Oh? And what would impress you, Princess Angelina?"

Her gaze flickered down to my exposed skin before she lifted her chin defiantly. "Actions speak louder than words, Austin. Show me what you've got."

Challenge accepted. I leaned back in my chair, folding my arms across my chest as I regarded her with a playful smirk. "Very well, Princess. But remember, you asked for this."

With deliberate slowness, I reached for the glass of water on the table, letting my fingers brush against the cool condensation. I brought the glass to my lips, taking a slow sip, all the while maintaining eye contact with Angelina. As if on cue, a droplet of water trickled down the curve of my jaw, tracing a tantalizing path down my neck and disappearing beneath the fabric of my shirt.

Angelina's breath hitched audibly as she watched the droplet's descent, her lips parting ever so slightly. Her black tail swayed behind her, betraying her arousal despite her attempt to maintain composure.

I set the glass down with a soft clink, my movements deliberate and unhurried. "Is something the matter, Princess?" I inquired innocently, though the smoldering look in my eyes betrayed my true intentions.

She shook her head slightly, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "N-nothing," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Good," I purred, my voice low and husky. "Because we're just getting started."

With a languid motion, I rose from my seat, allowing the shirt to fall from my shoulders and pool at my feet. The air between us crackled with tension as I took a step closer to her, closing the distance until I could feel the heat radiating from her body.

Angelina's eyes widened as she took in the sight before her, her breath catching in her throat. I reached out a hand, tracing a feather-light touch along the curve of her jaw, relishing the way her skin flushed under my fingertips.

"You're trembling, Princess," I murmured, my voice a velvet caress. "Are you cold?"

She shook her head, her breath coming in shallow gasps. "N-no," she managed to choke out, her eyes locked on mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Then what is it?" I pressed, my lips hovering dangerously close to hers. "What do you desire, Angelina?"

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