The Conquerors Path

Chapter 637-A New Sector.

Chapter 637-A New Sector.

'She needs to work on her poker face a bit...'

I mused as both Trisa and I started to eat at the dining table. The servants around us were bustling while I made myself at home with the tasteful food. The two of us ate in blissful silence, and things would have been better if not for the fact that Trisa couldn't seem to meet my eyes at all. After that light teasing I gave her, along with her waking up all wet, it was hard for her to even look me in the eye.

And then there is the fact that the head maid's eye is boring itself onto me. I could feel the subtle suspicious eyes of the head maid, a dear friend of Trisa, bearing on me at times. Even the other servants are giving the two of us an odd gaze, with Trisa being so focused with her food that she can't seem to find the time to look me face to face.

"The food was delicious, please give my regards to the chef."

I spoke out as I started to lightly tap on my lips with the napkin on the table. The head maid herself nodded her head at my words as I looked at Trisa, so intensely focused on her food that barely two bites had been taken by her.


I called out to Trisa.


She suddenly called out, startled, as her eyes met mine, still filled with her shyness and shame.

"I will be leaving now, and I really appreciate your hospitality. It means a lot, the place is beautiful and well-kept."

The meaning of my words made the servants smile, while I could see the smug grin filling the face of the head maid. Without any fanfare, I started to head out of the mansion, my steps light and breezy as I kept walking through the heavenly beautiful area. Just like always, the beasts seemed to come around me to spend whatever time they could with me.

"Not this time, guys, I have things to do."

I muttered with a smile, to which the beasts seemed to have hit with painful news.

'Never thought I would see a lion bring out its puppy eyes to me.'

I thought, looking at the humongous lion, the size of a one-story building, looking down at me with blinking eyes, making me smile as I responded.

"Fine, I can give you guys half an hour."




All the different beasts started to show their celebration at these words of mine, making me chuckle a bit as I paraded down at their celebrations.

"Though I won't be able to spend all the half-hour cuddling you all, so who should I spoil today?"

At this sudden question of mine, the surroundings turned silent, the smell of gunpowder in the air as the beasts started to look at each other with killing intent filling the surroundings. The sheer impact of these beasts bringing their power forth causing ripples in the atmosphere, and I stood in the middle of it all.

"Now why don't you all decide and call me back later?"

Leaving those words, I slipped away from the situation at hand. The moment I reached a good distance, I heard the powerful roars from them all as the mana around the situation started to waver around. No doubt an epic fight on their way to see who shall be able to cuddle against me.

'Ha... somehow it feels good to leave other people some problems and walk away with a free mind.'

The battle itself I left behind would have to be dealt with by the more powerful residents of this area. In a one-on-one battle, beasts normally have a more open advantage due to their powerful physique and more. Not to mention, these beasts themselves have the blood of certain mystical beasts from the past.

And now their owners would have to deal with the shitshow that is happening. Trust me, that ain't going to be a pretty picture. Did I do this with any hidden agenda in mind? The answer is no. I just did it to annoy and give some problems to the other living members here. And why did I do it?

No reason much. It somehow feels a little tingly in me to cause a little problem inside this peaceful place. Plus, it also satisfies my feelings that it won't just be my day that shall be bad.

'Looks like I am awakening to something not that nice.'

Enjoying myself with the thought, I walked out of the much more secure gate and I entered the more open area. As always, all the eyes focused deeply on me. The news of me staying in their dream place does not make them feel all that good. But then again, to whom would they all complain?

The dean? Yeah, that's my aunt and lover, not that the world knows the latter part.

The teachers? Nah... I have more power than them here anyway.

The other students rallying around? I am literally said to be the most powerful one walking around here. After the display of my own power and my faction, there isn't anybody with the balls to go against me.

In truth, there is no need for the challenge to decide who will be the King/Queen of Babylon because I am a mini-king here. The only thing driving everyone crazy here is the one wish, one with a lot of restrictions yet power.

Smiling to others, I walked through the area ever so beautiful. As I soon reached the teleportation center, it didn't take long for the queue itself to break apart for me as I easily traveled through it to reach another checkpoint, the spatial waves settling down around me as I came upon another section of the Academy, the hospital.

Or more accurately to say, a small section of the health department area, the whole place itself is a mix here, with lots of people walking around, especially ones focused on healing and health. The ones being a mix of different healing techniques all around. After all, in this mixed-up world of magic and power, there are a lot of different styles of health and cures.

There is the light healing using light magic, a very cliché exciting one that heals but also brings pain with the healing. Then there is the much rarer dsrkness healing of Clara that brings pleasure and satisfaction when the healing takes place. Even above that is the healing of life magic, a very rare one that is only applicable to the Saintess of Life Hera and my sister, who seems to be once again gaining another batch of loyal admirers, gotta purge those soon.

Even different from that, there are certain special healing paths, dependent on species', special passed-on legacies and even bloodlines. Heck, even Lanora with her music has a special sort of healing she can do with her music. Each and everyone is special yet different, but they all come up here to share their ideas.

Even the branch of healing and cure is a small one. Not many exist, but even the small members are very special within the academy and very high in demand all over the world. The teaching and growth they go through here make them the most important ones in healing and curing in every region around the globe.

Hence, the students and even the teachers here are more well-guarded and secure. If anyone aims their nasty hands into this section, then they are aiming their weapons at the world, not something I would recommend in this crazy world, filled with crazy shit.

Thus, with light steps, I kept walking through this more well-polished area that seemed to scream humility yet grow as a whole section. Just with a look, I can tell that all of them seem close to each other and only a little sense of difference exists between them all, though even then there is competition here and there.

With a lot of different healing paths and young egos together, there would always be the question of whose healing is better. Thus, in this section, there is always healthy competition all around, with several different young students competing with each other. Of course, that is always done with the attention of a teacher.

Not all challenges take place with a real patient, it's mostly illusion and several other things in play. Still, from time to time, real caring abilities are shined here. In this cutthroat place where getting better and stronger is the only way to survive, it's not hard to find patients. Even above that, it's not harder to find desperate lower-ranked students in need of academy points too.

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