The Conquerors Path

Chapter 574-Plans To Break It All Down

Chapter 574-Plans To Break It All Down

"What's the plan?"

Alex asked, his voice low while his face looked impassive, the very signs showing that he is really pissed. Alex might not show it outwardly, but he cares for everyone here like his family. Within all that desire for chaos lies a good heart, and that's the main reason I put up with him because when everything is going to hell, he will have my back.

"The plan is to show everyone that if they mess with my family, then they will live to regret it for the rest of their lives," I spoke my words and presence, earning the blazing eyes of everyone here, especially the girls, who had large smiles, and the love in their eyes twinkled within their irises.

"There are the bastards messing with my sisters and the idiots that want to harm me and this faction. When we make our move, I want to bury all of them with it, such that they won't be able to push any other crap at us."

My words earned a heavy nod from everyone here. Seeing this, I passed on several other documents to the rest of them, detailing my plan. Thus, a few minutes passed until they all turned silent, a heavy atmosphere falling within the room as Alex asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"As sure as I can be," I replied.

"Then we are all with you," Clara spoke, and everyone nodded their heads at me.

"Good, then it's time I deal with all of you one one-on-one," I spoke.


"It's good to see you are well, young leader," Nihil, one of the leaders of the current generation of my people within the Archery Association, spoke. He had blonde hair and red eyes, his voice of the current generation of my people within the Archery Association, spoke. He had blonde hair and red eyes, his voice rough, and he had a handsome look.

Nihil here is one of the new disciples of one of the Quiver Lords, Joshua, a huge-sized man and a powerful member of the association. Nihil himself is a very powerful guy with lots of achievements and experience under his belt. He is also human.

"Indeed, you have us worried here," a woman spoke, her hair black and shining purple eyes focused on me. She had a love-shaped tail swinging on her back. While she looked sensual and beautiful, her provocative eyes were focused on me as she twisted herself quite sensually on her chair.

The succubus sat before me, her raven-black hair cascading like a waterfall down her back. Her skin, the shade of moonlight, seemed to shimmer in the soft candlelight, ethereal and inviting. Her eyes were a mesmerizing shade of purple.

Her full, scarlet lips curled into a subtle, knowing smile, revealing the allure of untold pleasures. Her seductive curves were adorned in silken, blood-red robes that clung to her figure like a lover's caress. Around her neck, an amethyst pendant glistened, a symbol of her otherworldly allure. Right now, the two leaders of the 15 sat in front of me.

'Elysia Nightshade, the charming archer...'

A name given to her because, well, no one can really focus on a fight with her. The moment you blink or lose focus, then you shall be a porcupine for display. She is a very powerful woman who is the disciple of Raven, the werewolf QuiverLord, a person whom Raven treats as her own daughter, whom she raised from her childhood.

'And one aiming to get into my pants...'

I mused as I responded back.

"I'm fine, a week of rest is enough to get me well,"

"That's good. Right now you are the talk of the world, even after a week," Nihil spoke. To which I just smiled. Seeing my response, he quickly got rid of the subject as Elysia spoke.

"So when are you going to take me out to dinner?"

Her question was lax while she gave me a wink.

"Isn't all the beatings I gave you enough to keep you in place?" I asked with a wry smile, to which she just shrugged her shoulders.

"This is me in place. I am not in your lap, am I?" She responded, to which I just shook my head.

"I have no time to deal with this now. For now, I want you all to focus on the tasks I am going to give you. No mistakes can be made here," I spoke with a serious voice, and hearing the seriousness of my voice, the two of them became serious too.

"You tell me what to do, and it shall be done," Nihil spoke, and Elysia supported his words.

"Good. First, I want you to take the other members and begin a challenge. Everyone should take five challenges, and I want you all to dominate those five challenges," I spoke, to which Elysia asked, "Only five?"

"Yes, but make sure you all win them in a dominating manner. Here, I have already chosen everyone's challenges to complete," saying so, I passed some documents to the two of them, who started to read them, their expressions turning relaxed. As Elysia asked, "You really did your research?"

"All the people you've picked have their worth and position, but they aren't too powerful for us not to take. Perfect calculations all around," Nihil complimented with a smile, to which I smiled too.

"They poked at my family, so they will have to bear the price," I replied. Most of the members in that list, all come under Angelina. To show our strength, I need to put one below us, and who better to do that than Angelina? Plus, this will do an early open-up to the arc that should have happened for Angelina. While everything I gave them looks easy, it isn't. Everything is marked with utmost precision: the weaknesses of their challengers, their fighting styles, and more. Above all, the opponents themselves have been picked perfectly for the 15 members of the association, showing an extreme level of work and attention I have. Well, at least that's what they are thinking, as their eyes just turned to ones of pure admiration.

"I will get this done without any mistakes," Nihil said, standing up.

"Me too, but I want a date after this is over..." Elysia joined with a seductive voice, her tail wagging.

"I will think about it," my positive response brought a surprise to Elysia's face. For this is the one time I responded positively, which now brought a fire to her eyes. "They won't know what hit them."

As she said so, she left with Nihil, a playful bounce in her step as she did so. To which I chuckled. The story with her isn't all that complex. Met her at the meeting of the young members, and had a very high arrogance because of her position, power, and beauty. Thus tried to challenge me as I pummeled her to the floor. After that, she tried to challenge and win me over, but she lost every time. Slowly she started to seduce me, and that's still going on. She doesn't love me, but she is very interested in me, and if I am to show some interest back, I am sure that she wouldn't mind being with me at all. 'But now is not the time for that...'

In truth, I do plan on spending some time and making her utterly fall in love with me. Not for some ego, but for power. Her endless love means her endless loyalty towards me, and with her powers, she will live to work with me for a long time. I don't mind falling in love with her, as I plan to do with the others.


"I want you to cut off all the evidence and materials that Angelina is moving," I spoke to Tron, the leader among the young members of the Dark Night that has come.

"I need more details," he replied with a respectful voice, to which I gave him a document. His eyes widened as he read through it. The document contains all the dirty deals, all her movements, her hidden powers here, her backups, Angelina's hidden deals, the places her power flows from, and even the detailed workings of her intelligence network in the academy.

"I can get this done in a week."

"I want it all dismantled in four days," I spoke with a stern voice, unlike the members of the Archery Association. I can't be kind or too loving with these guys. They all deal in the dark, and a delicate balance of stick and carrot is needed to keep them all in line.

"Get it done, and I shall talk about raising the level of your badge." The carrot I provided brought a glow to Tron's eyes, the fire within them dark as he stood up and bowed to me.

"Consider it done," he spoke. "Take all the members, make her bleed..." The response of mine got a nod as he left. Thus I leaned into the chair with a smile. One might think, wouldn't this only make Angelina hate me? Well, that is indeed needed. Just like Olivia, I need to turn this into a hate to love move. But the only change is that Angelina is no masochist, and using pleasure against a succubus princess isn't that good of a move.

'Emotional breaking is the only path here...'

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