The Conquerors Path

Chapter 568-Nyla Fallen.....

Chapter 568-Nyla Fallen.....

'So who should I deal with first?' I mused as I walked through the busy street with the heavy atmosphere filling the entire place. There are some pressing issues I have to deal with, the main ones being the guilty Carmel, who seems to be getting more and more worried as the days go by.

Then there is the engagement deal of Olivia who shall soon be coming to the Babylon Academy. Lora shall arrive one of these days here to propose marriage to my mother, which I can guess how it might go, but that's not the main problem here. The main problem will be Lora.

The one who has been in love with me for a long time and who by no doubt is rearing to get filled by my cum. And I do plan on doing that, but I want to give her a good time before I do so, so there is that plan I have to deal with for Lora.

And the main problem to deal with here is Zelda, the girl now interested in me with the ancient mindset filling her mind, who no doubt is just waiting for me to come to her and introduce her to my family. In her custom mind, that will be the next step by the man who shows interest in her when she has shown interest back at me.

And if that moves forward, it will be a very dangerous conversion that will put an end to my family in my dangerous ways, so I have to sink that ship before it hits the iceberg it shouldn't and makes cracks it never should.

There are even other girls following that I should deal with. Even above that is the current situation of my faction, the enemies, the allies, and the crooks. I have to separate them and elevate my faction while at the same time showing off my strength that shall shut up all the other idiots rearing to make their own name.

'So much to do, but so little time to do it in....' Cursing at my fate, my disguise trembled a bit between the large amount of traffic as my image turned pale and disjointed, making me look like a vampire with this. It didn't take me long to reach the very mansion of Nyla. Right now she is the most important one I want to deal with, otherwise, there might be a marauder that will take place soon.

Within minutes, I was in front of her mansion, and as I stood in front of it, bearing the hungry looks of the guards at the gate, the very woman who first led me to Nyla soon appeared in front of me. With her practiced decorum, she bowed, making the guards' eyes widen.

"Please follow me," she spoke, to which I nodded my head. Of course, I didn't give out any early information that I was coming, yet Nyla could easily tell I was outside her mansion, the bond formed between the two of us doing its magic as she directly led me access to her place. Well, she wouldn't have any choice, as her body wouldn't be able to survive much longer without my blood in her body.

Though as I kept walking, I could see the woman in front of me giving me some hard eyes, anger within them, but above that, I could feel her desire to just jump on me and start sucking my blood. With light steps, the two of us stood in front of a door, to which the woman just gave me a path forward, giving a nod at it. I entered inside the room.

The room itself was very lavish, with the color red being the most prominent in the place. But my eyes didn't stick to the place long as I turned to look towards Nyla, sitting on one of the couches, looking at me with loving obsession and desirable eyes, yet she seemed to be holding herself back.

More than that, what I noticed is the black marks under her eyes, her haggard look, seemingly looking like a beggar that has yet to get a good drink, her lips looked parched, while her eyes kept glinting with a weird glint.

'Looks like she has fully fallen,' I mused as the two of our eyes met. With her not drinking my blood for all this time, her body has fallen a bit while her mind has now succumbed to the call of my blood. In other sense, the current Nyla's body, soul, and mind are mine to command.

'This happened faster than I thought....' Unlike the powerful Farah or the half Sonia, the effect of my blood on Nyla is weaker than me, and being a full-blooded vampire is very powerful. In a sense, the vampires were born from a sub-division of the Blood Elves, making their rightful place and servitude back to me.

"Who am I to you?" I asked.

"My everything," Nyla replied in a very obsessive and servitude voice, making me smile. As such, I just moved toward the couch and sat on it. Yet Nyla sat beside me like a trained puppy. Even with all her hunger in her, she still needs my permission to take action. As such, I spoke.

"You can drink from me."

As soon as I finished speaking, Nyla jumped on me, her body on my lap as her fangs sank into my neck, a subtle pain after which pleasure started to fill me.

"You can drink for me"

As soon as I finished speaking, Nyla jumped on me, her body on my lap as her fangs sank into my neck. A subtle pain followed by pleasure started to fill me. This went on for a few seconds, after which Nyla took her lips back, her instincts licking my wound as she marked me as her mate and master. Now, I am everything to her.

Though just as that finished, Nyla fell into a deep slumber, her body on my lap. As her beauty soon shined back, the energetic body of Nyla came back to life as I held her lightly in a loving touch. This ritual hasn't taken away the mind of Nyla; her true essence still remains. It's just when she awakens again, my presence will be something she will always yearn for.

The reason she seemed so out of it now is due to her mind being dried out and locked. These past times robbed away her presence. But with my blood once again in her, she will get better and be back as that annoying bundle of love. The only difference is that now I am her mate, but above that, I am her master, which gives me a lot of leeway and power in how I deal with her.

'Master, I want to tame her,' Farah suddenly spoke into my mind.

'Do you want to establish your presence within my life?' I asked.

'Yes,' she replied, her voice filled with her love for me. Right now, among the ones who can wield blood, the greatest authority will go to Farah, and with her presence, she can take command of all those who wield blood. And now, since Nyla is in my life, Farah would want to set the ranking between the two of them.

'Just don't go too hard on her...' I replied, to which Farah stayed silent. Though I knew that she had accepted my request, seeing so, I leaned onto the couch while slowly patting Nyla's hair, my mind now planning different ways to deal with the attacks that Isabella would be giving me.

She will try her best to get me to fall in love with her, but if I show no improvement after she gives 200% of her efforts, then she will dump me and move on. She has her pride, after all. But if she were to fall in love with me within that time frame, then the game might change.

'The tightrope is getting even smaller...' The more girls I get or go after, the more the chances of everything going to shit rise. One unforeseen situation anywhere, and everything shall be like a tower made out of cards.

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